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hey guys it's Marcus here and today what , I'm going to do is show you how to set , IPA simple lead page with Word Press , this is super simple and I'vie used Otto , make lots of money the plug-in that , we're going to show you is going to help , you monetize your blog and put different , sidebar elements where you want them , because a lot of times people try to , just put stuff in the sidebar widgets , and you Knudsen's on every page , mailing lists on every page not only is , that unsteadiness ad senses TOS but , it also is like totally making your blog , not profitable and not convert and not , get lead sand everything like that so , I'm going to show you a very simple way , to get started building a list with your , Word Press site so what I have here is I , have the video hacks com website and I , have a fresh install of Word Press so , what we're going to do is we're going to , navigate to WP dash admin coxcomb slash , WP dash admin this will be whatever your , site is will Bethe same thing as well , we're going to shrink this up so you , guys can see it all so whatever your , site comm slash WP dash admin we're , going to go ahead and put our admin , stuff here alright like that okay we're , going to go ahead and log in I'm going , to save the password because I have a , habit of forgetting all my password all , right now welcome to the regular , Word Press admin panel now you're going , to notice here you have your dashboard , you ha veto customize your site , everything like that what we're most , interested in is this stuff here right , there okay this is like our main , settings column alright so what we're , going to do fir stand foremost this is , the first thing I do whenever I have a , brand new blog firs toff what I want to , do is I want to go to settings okay , we're going Togo to settings it's going , to drop down the little tab here okay we , have general we want to make sure that , our keyword is our site title and our , secondary keywords are our tagline now I , set this up when I actually installed , Wardress you have a different , install or maybe you're using this , tutorial on an older blog you can you , know tweak it as you find keywords and , everything okay Procedures video , hacks comm video hex comm excellent , email address okay membership yeah , anyone , register that's fine default role is , subscriber now we're going to go through , excuse me we have the date and , everything like that okay everything , looks good here , we're going to go ahead and save it next , we're going to go to writing okay , Categorized standard okay excuse Meir , need some coffee , right like this okay everything looks , good if you want to post via email you , can do that never do that though go , ahead and save that next we're going to , go down to reading okay now this is the , important one what I want to do is I , want to take a look at my latest posts , here okay and I want French page to , displays static page now if you're , doing this on a new blog you can just go , ahead and click right here and you can , choose the sample page okay if you're , doing this on an old blog choose , whatever you want your welcome page to , be when people come to your main site , otherwise what it's going to do is just , show all the posts which kind of , redundant I mean sometimes people use , that if people are just visiting the , blog all the time but for US marketers , and people who want to build a list , we're going to do it a little different , so we're going to do sample page okay , next we're going Togo ahead and we , always want to make sure search engine , visibility make sure this is not checked , okay we want search engines to find us , so don't check that all right so we're , going to hit Save Changes there next we , have discussion that's all about your , comments media okay good , Malinowski we're going to do custom , structure'm just going to do post name , here okay that way it's a shorter URL , and it has the keywords in the title , when I structure my blog post sand pages , and we're going to hit save now what , that did is it should have brought the , home page to be the sample page okay so , see how this is sample page right when , they go to video hacks calm very , important that we do that okay so now , what we want to do now that we have all , the stuff in the settings set is we're , going Togo up to pages right like that , okay I'm going to go all pages now again , if you're doing this on an older blog , you can just choose whatever you want , your home page to be or leave it the , same if you already have it so what'm , going to do is I'm going to click Edit , and I'm gonna put welcome to video hacks , or whatever okay if you're going after , search engine traffic which this one's , not because the domain video hacks , don'think I'm going to rank for video , hacks I might but Id on't think that , many people search for it just yet so , I'just going to put welcome to video , hacks which also has the keyword so you , can do like welcome to you know diabetes , solutions or something whatever your , site is okay so we have welcome to video , hacks'm going to go ahead and delete , all this stuff here okay the reason'm , going to delete it is because I am going , to put a if I can actually delete it , let's say there we go I don't know why , it's not letting me delete being funny , okay we're going to have to do it the , old-fashioned way which is just hit the , backspace all the way and while we do , this what I'm going to be doing is I'm , putting a video here because the way , that want my blog to look is I wan tit , to be avid and an opt-in box and , that's it right that way the videos like , hey welcome here's what you're going to , get for signing up for my newsletter or , putting your name and email in the box , you're going to get X Y and V and you , know then they'll opt in and I can take , them Tao Thank You page now it'Avery , important that you do it this way and , I'm going to show you why because when , we use the plug-in it's actually going , to let you create thank-you page in , your blog which is cool so we want to , want to remember one thing , pages are to put our opt-ins on good got , it okay you can also sell stuff on them , too all right , posts are where we put our Thank You , page an dour comments I know it's a , little confusing because why would you , call Page 'post and everything just , remember pages are static there for , visitors that we want to come into our , site so we want them to opt-in or buy , something or whatever okay so static , stuff , posts are like all your content and , everything like that okay we're going to , show you how this works , because what you want to do is get in , the habit of sending all your traffic to , your posts after they'vie opted in , through your pages and we're going to , show you how that loop works it's really , cool if you're generating YouTube , traffic and everything it's a really , cool way to boost your subscribers get , lot more traffic make your site really , popular and get a lot of people back to , it so they see your sales message and , buy , stuff okay so now we have deleted this , here now what I what I'm going to do is , I'm going to put avid so I'll show , you how that works I'm just going to go , to YouTube , let'just go to YouTube here and I'm , going to fin done of my videos later , I'll replace it with the actual video , that I record for this so I'm going to , go ahead and go to affiliate marketing , and dude right like this okay and I'm , going to grab some kind of video for my , channel just to show you how it works so , we'll do this one here okay so we're , going to take this video now what I'm , going to do is I'going to size it what , Usually do for my blogs ISO sized , them and'll show you why in just a , minute so we're going to go embed and , we're going to go like this we're going , to tick no suggested no player controls , no video title okay and we're going to , go here and I can do custom size W , okay it'll automatically populate the , other'm going to copy this stuff up , here okay right there I'm going to copy , this and for those that did't see that , there there we go all right you have all , that stuff here which is what I picked , off so make sure there's checkbox , checked though okay , did't know I was in your way okay so , we're going to copy this here now , another trick you can do if you want , this video to auto play when they come to , your site is I can actually go here now , when you're posting video go to text , okay so what I'm going to do is I'm , going to post this here and I'll try to , lean down so you can see it I'm going to , post this here we got everything in text , make sure it's text can go in and I , can do and right after Ore-l equals I , could do underplay equals one okay , and I think that's it actually I'm just , going to do question mark auto play , equals one and then gonna put the and , after it okay so right like that and , I'll put some stuff below to show you , how to do this as well but basically , after the question mark and autopilot , I'm sorry after the question mark , auto play equals one Mandrell okay , that should make it play automatically , so we'll go like this and we'll see how , it looks we should be able to reload and , below our stupid cactus we have welcome , to video hacks , and the video plays automatically cool , looking pretty Goodall right now we can , touch up the sizing of the video a , little bit later because it looks kind , of funny but we want to make sure it , works wit hour theme okay so that's our , next thing first of all we want to do , this video blah blah blah , second now that we have that first the , second thing I'm going to do is I'm , going to make post go to all posts and , you go to hello world if you're on a new , blog if you'Reno an old one you can , make new one or you know make a , different post or something like that so , we're going to go edit and I'm just , going to call this thank you post okay , I'm going to change it later that'just , the title for now we can change it to , thank you right like this okay that way , it's video hacks comm flush thank you , okay just going to save it as is we're , going to edit this baby later so don't , worry about it we'll get that fixed up , in just a little bit okay so we're going , to go right like that , and let me see if I could see here , unfortunately the camera has to be like , right in my way so there we go now we , have that okay now we can go view the , post here and we can see see ho wit , looks different there's a different , header and stuff this is the difference , between pages and posts now normally , your thank you post and all your posts , are going to have all this sidebar junk , her ewe don't want to do that okay , so we're going to show you how to get , rid of that as well okay page post very , simple next what Want to do is I want , to go to plugins add new okay we're , going to add a new plug-in and the new , plug-in we are going to add we're going , to hit upload okay there's a custom , plug-in that I actually developed it , spent thousands of dollars developing , this over the years to make it do what I , want which is going to make these work , that works for launches it works for , opt-ins building your list videos , everything OK so we're going to go , browse and we're going Togo to the , desktop , and I think call edit live plug and , we're going to use what's called squeeze , blogs Pro okay squeeze blogs Pro is a , plug-in it comes with the most of my , products including simple sights big , profits so you know if you get that at , simple sites bonus com , you'll get all my plugin sand everything , as well okay activate plug-in after , we'vie installed it okay and then once we , activate it you're going to notice it , here okay and then you're also going to , notice it over here it shows upright , there there we go right there right okay , cool so there we have that and you'll , notice when you click on it it actually , has like Little drop-down and , everything like that so here it ISO , need to update the ads because there's a , brand new version but you'll notice you , have squeezed blogs Pro custom search , drop-down etc so what I'going to do , first and foremost is go to squeeze , blogs Pro okay so what we want to do is , want to make an opt-in box on this page , but not on the post okay very important , so what I'going to do is going to go , ahead and go here we have title if you , want to have a title'm going to have , homepage right like this I'm going to , check that on okay I'm gonna put just , for a teaser copy get let's see enter , your name and email to get Marcus's , killer killer videotex okay yeah I can , fancy this up a bit can go in here , can do visual okay fancy it up Center it , I could make it bold can make it red , if I want to make it red that usually , attracts the attention okay next what I , want to do after get my title or my , little content thing here want to , enter in my a Weber listening now if you , don't have a Weber would recommend , getting a Weber and using it with this , if you don't have it just use one of , these other tab sand use the HTML code , okay very simple so we'll show you how , that work sand we get to thank you.thank , okay so homepage content got that a , Weber let's name let's say it's called , simple markets okay i'll probably make a , video one but i know this one's active , now , thank you URL right here video hacks , comm slash thank you or whatever you , created for yours , there we go bullet one two three these , are like what you're giving them free , video ranking PDF killer free plugins , and video hacking tips or whatever video , profit tips okay , okay and we could go through and , finalize these later privacy policy is , automatic so I'm not going to enter , anything in here I'm just going to use , the automatic one okay then I'm going to , choose my theme which is going to make , the color different right so if I choose , white like this I can edit it and then I , hit update okay so now once we update it , should show up we have to do one more , thing to make it show up and that is , we're going to go to appearance widgets , okay under widgets'm going to take all , these sidebar things okay we don'twat , these in our sidebar anymore because , squeeze blogs Pro is going to handle , that okay so we're going to take them , all out then I'm going to find squeezed , blogs Pro right here right there , pew pew all right and we're going to , drag this up here okay so we put it , right over there go tit , save now assuming the default theme , works with it we should be able to , reload and see some kind of opt-in it , might be weird looking but it should be , on there it would kind of leave if it's , going here and okay and sometimes it's a , little odd with the way that the themes , work let's see if it does it this way , okay , might Beau same issue look up let's see , okay might be a theme issue so let's try , different theme and see what happens , here okay activate and see if that does , the trick , area okay so notice how here with this , theme we actually have the opt-inbox , let's get out of your way here the , opt-inbox right there okay so it's , there what we're going to do is we're , going to edit our theme and make it , better so if you don't get it working , it's usually at heme issue okay so what , we're going to do is we're going to , change it up now you'll notice there's , two here that's because I have this , checked twice okay so what I'm going to , do is I'm just going to check off , homepage , okay so that'll just put it on all the , page snow if I create anew page it will , also show on the new pages but it will , not show anywhere but pages okay which , is really cool and I'll show you why , alright so there's how we have that next , what I want to do is show you how , create a simple theme okay now when I , create my Word Press themes obviously I , don't want Word Press to look like this , because this people arena't going to , opt-in that great so what I'm going to , do is I'going to use this program , called artists dear artists here is a , wonderful program if you go to my site , simple sites big profits com you can , learn how to use this simple sites bonus , com also has detailed tutorials about , how to use it as well , so what we're going to do is it's , basically likely , what-you-see-is-what-you-get theme , editor okay so we're going to go ahead , and do file new and let's see let's see , about I'm just going to use this WP , leads now again in simple sites bonus , dot-com once you get my software we , actually have these template'add out , for you so you get this so like you , don't have to go through all the stuff , and learn this whole program you can , just go boom delete the image insert a , new image right like this'm going to , put my video hacks logo let's the image , and we'll do from file okay now I get to , remember where I put this I thin kit's , in I hope righto have aha bit of , making everything everywhere which is a , pain , and then we're going to go video hex , there it is there okay , put our video hex logo we can Center it , we can put it off tithe side okay I , liked it centered better so it's insert , it again so it centers it okay I like , that okay good , now what we want to do is we want to , edit our colors we got red here for the , title of our page I like that this looks , pretty good okay we can edit the links , later alright let's see about our menu , because do want to have menu okay , which is where like all the pages are , okay so we're going to do that below , this I think should look good yeah below , solo should be good okay so we're going , to do that'm also going to take my , menu okay and I'm going to try to Center , it if I remember how to do it , align Center okay that's going to put , them in the center now what I also want , to do is I want to change up the font , okay so active'm going to do all these , the same so I'm going to do active blue , okay'm going to do passive blue okay , that way they always look like slinks , because we want people to click on our , staff right and blue underline still , gets like the best click-through rate , possible okay so cool that's how it , works if you have sub pages it'll do , that as well alright so those are blue , they're small Alike that because want , all my page son one line Id on't want , them to be like stacked up so we don't , want more than like three or four pages , sometimes five depending on what you , have but that'usually about it okay , next we're going Togo to sheet okay , under sheet we're going to edit the , width now I'm going to go see what the , width is here looks like I have one , thousand now remember how I said like I , like my videos to Be that's because , this part here okay where the content is , is about and then where the where , the sidebar is this V menu thing over , here the sidebar over there that way , right is , usually about okay so we're going to , do this okay , then I'm going to do what's it called if , you do sheet margin padding okay , I think it's under lighter menu vertical , menu layout there-there's under layout , okay so we're gonna go cheat with we , have that At columns we're going to , go like this and then I'm going to do , column width and I'm going to cut them , and we're going to do W okay that way , there's Little buffer between the two , okay , so W there and now once we have it the , way we like which I'm kind of like in , this right it's pretty cool that I made , it like two seconds little bit longer , than that , we're going to export this as a , word press theme now this is how you , create Word Press name it's really cool , like lot of people spend their whole , life looking for a word press theme when , you can create them in seconds with this , program or you could download the ones , in simplifications com if you area , simple sites member okay so we're going , to go filename I'just going to call , this video hacks right like this and , export make sure you have zip archive , okay , now if you want to be able to edit it , later you can also include the AR TX , file which is an option as well okay so , there's our export done that's it that's , all we do in artists here now we're , going to go back to our blog we're going , to go to the dashboard here okay I'm , going to go to appearance fees and let's , see where that exported export okay it's , exporting to documents okay that's fine , documents are just a template okay so , we're going to go here we're going to go , add new upload theme browse document , artists to your template sand video , hacks super simple installed , activate now watch what happens instead , of having that cactus looking thing now , we're going to have our really cool , video hacks thing right welcome to video , hex welcome there now I'm noticing that , this video is Little skewed so we , might want to either make our theme , bigger or we might want to make the , video smaller so in this case I'm just , going to make the video little bit , smaller okay and I'm going to do that , same kind of a weird day by hell kind of , a customer problem here and the employee , problem right there yeah we should be , able to pause it okay so we're going to , go there and we're going to do moves , down a wheelie W big customer problem , and the one problem got to be fun when , you hear yourself over and over , okay so we'll try bye-bye W see , how that looks cool looks good to me , now remember when you're doing this now , I'm also going to I'going to make the , W a little bit more because'm , getting those black things on the , sidebar but remember when your viewer , sees this they're not going to see the , Edit so it'seagoing to be all nice and , tight against the welcome to video hack , so we're going to edit like this and I'm , going to do , let's try okay this , it'getting better all right we can , probably tighten it up a little and go , like or something like that see how , that looks and you can just kind of play , with it until until it's done okay so , there we have that and good enough okay , we'll tighten it up a little bit that's , fine right we got our logo we got , everything and then they'll opt in and , of course the Edit is going to be gone , once we log out so it'll be all nice and , tight up against the thing now you have , a basic squeeze page right , congratulations really easy that a , squeeze page done deal now when they , opt-in of course since you have your , theme it's going to change on your posts , and everything right everything , Word Press is going to change now we have , this now notice that we don'thieve any , sidebar widgets yet on the thank you , post okay again that's going to be , controlled by your squeeze blogs Pro , here okay so when you go inhere you're , going to notice that this allows you to , put everything everywhere okay so like , if I want to put thank you post stuff , like let's say I have a banner ad or , something like that right I would go get , the banner ad I would put the code here , okay right like that code would be there , and then I'd hit update and then it , would show upon hopeful it'll show up , let me see if I update it yep not pages , posts there we go okay so when I have it , on the post we're going to update it and , now we have see how that DPs so if you , had banners or Ad sense or whatever now , don't putrescence on your thank-you post , ever or your thank-you pages or anything , like that because they don'talkie that , so what you want to do is you want to , just put it for banners and maybe other , videos like to use other videos and , stuff like that as well like you'll , notice on my blogs if I was to go to , simplified big profit big profits com , this is exactly how I line up my blogs , right so I have a simple theme here , video opt-in box okay not a whole lotto , do here except check out a couple pages , and opt-in right then once they opt-in , they're going to go to my other posts , okay and'll go to Google so you could , see these now the cool thing about this , too is they can't find your post unless , they opt in so if someone comes here , fro ma video or from something right , they can't find all my glorious and , wonderful content unless they opt in , okay are like a super genius that doing , this stuff which most people arena'Tokay , so we're going to go site : just to find , my other stuff so I could show you what , it looks like now let's see so like this , right on this one you'll see have , paused this have my video I have , comments I have recent posts I have , other opt-in sand I have my live chat , right so different stuff based on , whether they're on a page Ora post or , whatever Otis so it's really easy to do , it makes it absolutely killer squeeze , pages which will help you in any niche , right you can use this in any niche to , make your stuff really really work then , when you'redoing your thank-you post , you just do something like thank you , welcome my name's Bob watch for my email , Bob at Bob whatever dot-com by the way , while you wait check out these things so , that I can make some money obviously , affiliate link sand your sales stuff on , that and links to other things as well , but once they're in your mailing list , now I can send them to all my other , stuff right like I can send people from , my mailing list to any of the posts like , if I want to send them to how to , generate leads online with YouTube I , could just go copy link boom send them , here they're back to my stuff it's like , a big cycle it works wonderful this is a , great way to start from ground zero , build up your reputation in a market , start to interact start to put content , out start to get search engine rankings , boost your video sand everything like , that you always want to even if you're , just doing YouTube or just doing , Facebook or whatever you always want to , create your own mailing list because you , want the power to be able to send people , where you want and very important now , you'll also notice we allow you to have , four different opt-ins so like if I find , out that this how to generate leads with , online video gets a ton of traffic right , I could go copy the post number here , okay or whatever the post number is here , you'll see it if you'reusing planks , or whatever right you're going to use , that and then you can actually go and , say well you know I want this opt-in to , only show on page OR whatever okay , or post W or whatnot okay and you , could switch it up now you can also do , comma , another one comma another one comma , whatever and you can have it wherever , you want which is really cool the same , thing works for the Thank You the , affiliates the sales right like widgets , for sales pages recent posts very , important always put this only on , posts okay just like I did here where , they show here so the search engines see , them but when people are on my homepage , they don't see them right that'st he , beauty of this it works for everything , that's why I was so specific of not , using one of those free plugins I , actually wanted to pay money to get this , thing built for me so I could use it , with pay-per-click with video ads and , everything like that so very simple , Ad sense if you want to Dodson's you , can post your code right in here in text , and then you can show where you want it , to very simple to do okay awesome stuff , very easy right that's how you make a , simple little video squeeze page with a , custom WordPress theme and you're off to , the races so now instead of people just , go into a site or subscribing to my , YouTube or whatever I could say , subscribe to YouTube and checkout , our site for more stuff or whatever , right they go here they watch the video , it says welcome you're going to get this , this and this put your name and email in , the box , boom they join my list I send them back , Tommy posit make lots of money the rest , is history thanks again for watching , hope you enjoyed this video hope , you're enjoying the simple sites course , at simple sites bonus com it teaches all , this stuff gives you all the tutorials , gives you all the tools and everything , like that and yeah so awesome stuff , thanks again for watching subscribe if , you're watching this on YouTube and I'll , see you in the next video thanks again , Marcus from video hacks com over and out , go to video hacks and put your name and , email and so you can get my cool stuff , thanks again for watching and I'll see , you in the next video