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hey guys it's Marcus here and today what , I'm gonna do is I'm going to show you , how to run simple banner ad using buy , sell ads now if you are running this , using blog profit network or any one of , my products what you want to do is first , and foremost download the banner pack , below this video okay there's a banner , pack below this video and what it'll do , when it's unzipped is it's gonna have , all these different banners in it , so that you could choose a size that , fits what you want to do next once we , have that we want to go ahead and choose , an ad okay so we can go through and we , can look at these ads base don different , categories and things so if you had a , recipe site you'd go for food and drink , if you have a finance site or business , site you would go on your business so , what we're gonna do is we're gonna find , one that looks good that has the , audience that we want okay so if Iowas , doing something for like Word Press I , might use something like this if Iowas , doing regular web tools I might do , something like this okay so what we want , to do is we want Togo to view all or , just add it or what's hot or something , like that and find out what looks good , okay so we have investing hit stats , black hat world search engine watch The , Next We band all these different things , here and what we want to do is try to , find something that is very very similar , to the ad that we want to run so we just , kind of go through the list here we'll , go to page two here there's SEO tools , that looked kind of cool all right we , got web rank and SEO tools webmaster , forum SEO stats and valuation wicked , fire that's a popular forum and let's , see what else we have here what happens , on ad ops , ready to be rich we can take a look at , this one and you'll see that they give , you kind of estimates and what'seagoing , on so this one has a waiting list so we , don't want Togo for that we want to go , for something we can get instant no , passive income let's see what this is , blogging an SEO marketing okay so this , looks really good , and Otis available so we could do a top , sidebar ad for buck sand that's a , by , two-fifty so that looks pretty good , let'story this one so basically all we , got to do is go here featured under , content ads let's let's take a look at , his site and see where these are where , these are showing up and what is Alex , ranking is the Alex ranking tells us a , lot so W that's pretty good okay so it , looks like there's an ad up here and we , can just kind of hover over it and , notice in the bottom left corner it says , buy sell ads so that's one of the spots , that he has and then we have another , spot here another spot here let's see if , there's content one it looks like a , content one somewhere which leads me to , believe it'probably in the content of , the site which is good does usually work , pretty well , okay we'll scroll down a little bit , dozen't look like anything here sou'm , guessing that the ads actually gonna , show up here somewhere okay so it'll , probably be like this one this one this , one so one of the sponsors so it looks , like it's hundred and forty dollars , per month that is roughly it's about , five dollars a day and the goal let's , see yours we'vie got top middle featured , under content ad ninety five bucks okay , so look at the impressions here let's , let'sago ahead and go for this top , sidebar and we're gonna go by now and , now that it'sin our cart what we're , gonna do is we're going to go ahead and , go to our cart here you can see the , hundred and forty shows up here okay now , what we're going to do very important is , we're going to upload a creative so we , know that it's W by W so we're gonna , try to get creative that matches the , W by okay and what I'm gonna do is , I'going to use this one here oops , let's say I hit the back button , okay we're gonna use that one there now , what we want to do is use at racking , link you never want to use your raw , Click bank link so we're going to go , ahead and paste in at racking link from , our opt-in tracker okay you can see we , have tracking links like this what I'm , gonna do is I'm going to go ahead and do , a new campaign okay so I'm going to base , it on this campaign here and I'm gonna , go new campaign right like this okay I'm , gonna go ahead and put in Magellanic , URL here okay so this is my Click bank , URL with my affiliate link and , everything like that so we're gonna call , this BSA for buy sell ads and then we , will put no passive incomes no , passive and then we're gonna go ahead , and put the URL inhere which is our , Click bank URL okay we're gonna put the , click spot I'm just gonna put it like a , hundred in here and then we put campaign , cost at hundred and forty dollars and , then our lead page URL is going to be , this one okay now this only work son my , tracking system so you're going to need , to create your own tracker or you could , use Butler URL shorten er or something , like that and you would put that as your , your link okay because obviously you , don't have tracking on the back end and , things like that if you're going through , your own redirection so we're gonna have , tools and everything that you can use , below that'll show how to do the , tracking we'll have some different , options as well for now I'm gonna go , ahead and add the campaign and what this , is gonna do is it'seagoing to give me a , tracking code okay so I'm gonna get my , opt-in tracker tracking code you can see , here BSA no passive and I'm just gonna , copy this link here copy link location , okay and I'm gonna paste that in our ad , so this is gonna Bethe link and then , I'll just do an alt text like free blog , blog the software , right like this okay and then what'll , do it is give you Little preview here , and it's gonna save it and we wait , and then it gives you a little preview , that you can see and then it'll say go , ahead and check out and billing info and , what we're gonna do is we're going to go , ahead and checkout using PayPal or , credit card or whatever it is we're , gonna hit complete my order then when , you'redone check it out and everything , your ad will be in the queue you can go , to your regular dashboard here and you , can see the ads that are running and all , that has to hap penis they have to , approve the ad and then you are off to , the races ready to go and run it so , that's basically how you run an ad check , out affiliate marketing dude calm for , more info if you want info on the ad , coop if you want more info on the ad , co-op where we pool all our money , together to get cheap ads using your , click bank ID use the links below and , I'll see you in the next video thanks , again for watching