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you ever see that Marcus Campbell guy , out there sitting on his porch smoking , cigars and making that money with , affiliate marketing hey guys I'm Marcus , and today what I want to do is I want to , talk to you about something we went over , yesterday in my live broadcast but I , want to make it Little different what , we're going to do is we're going to talk , to you about why people fail at , affiliate marketing why arena't you , getting the goals you want hear it all , the time people say I'vie tried , everything I'retried blogging as tried , setting up to YouTube but tried this , I'vie tried Facebook ads and nothing , seems to work and today is your day , because we're going to talk about how , you can get started and actually do , something that's going to produce , results coming up in just a minute you , know it's always- ask me the part of , this internet marketing teaching job , that I hate the mos tit has to be hands , down convincing people that affiliate , marketing actually works you sea lot , of people out there are worried that , this works into internet marketing is a , scam tried this I tried that how do I , know it's going to work and sometimes I , get a little light at the end of the , tunnel like our comments are thereto , sue something right she said hey I got , these sites I set them up and making , like two to four hundred bucks each it's , got like four or five of them right and , just out there when we're talking about , smoking cigars and making money there's , people that actually do reviews about , cigar sand send you tithe affiliate , link for a cigar shop to buy them and , they get paid there's people out there , like Gary Anarchic made an entire , community around dinghies videos on , YouTube and he built this company from , like 3 million to W million just by , doing that there are countless stories , of people making money on YouTube the , amount of dressmaking over six , figures a year has more than doubled in , the last year since they reported it , last and as we could see this stuff , works guys my job USN'tot convince you , if you need convincing that affiliate , marketing works , that internet marketing works think , you need more help than I can actually , give you but if you're here to actually , learn how it works and see how it works , you're going to see in a really cool way , how to do this business because you see , so many people think it's difficult just , this morning I was talking to someone on , live chat on one of my sites where they , can come on and talk to me live like , to goon there for like an hour a day to , see what you guys are up to and help you , out and I was on there to talk to this , person he says you know the Google tools , not working and this USN'twerking and , it's so hard it'SOS difficult feel , like giving up I feel like quitting it's , so hard I'Webern doing this for four , hours right , first of all four horsing't that much , but if you're spending four hour son a , tap that should take two minutes then , you know you need to reconsider , something but at any rate first of all , the four hours USN'that bad and , secondly it's not that hard you're , sitting there with a mouse clicking , buttons looking at a screen you do it , for free on Facebook all day anyway you , do it for free on your email all day , anyway you're doing this stuff anyway , it's not difficult the only difficult , thing is your mindset , it's your mindset telling you it'snot , working it'snot going to happen it's , hard whatever because you see it's the , same exact thing you're on Facebook , you're enjoying post you're enjoying , content you're on YouTube you're , enjoying content you're enjoying post , your quicken things you're learning , stuff , same thing with internet marketing , you're doing the same damn thing only we , get paid for it if we do it right now , the problem is is in the mindset you see , when you try this business your mindset , is going to kick your ass and the key , about that mindset that I was trying to , get to yesterday in the live training , which we have a live training every , Wednesday At:W p.m.Eastern Time you , want to make sure that you subscribe to , my YouTube and click the little bell so , that you get notified when I'm live so , you can come hang out and ask questions , but I was trying to get to it yesterday , what about the mindset right you have , people who who do some things and they , know they should do things but they , don'Tod them and people who struggle , and people who succeed what's the deal , why can't it be you why can't it be your , time it's because you'remaking a , mountain , out of a molehill what do Oman by that , what I mean is you're looking at someone , with success as something of a big deal , that guy has a lot of money now , successful people don't really care , they're like that guy's got a lot of , money just like someone would say well , you'vie got four cartons of mil kin is , his fridge right you don't care about it , but when we get money involved , everything gets all fuzzy and funny , because of the way we'Webern trained , but you see you can rise above this , training by thinking outside the box you , Giotto think about outside the box of , saying well this is the normal way , people make money they go to school they , get a job they do this stuff they Giotto , work hard they got to do this stuff , maybe maybe when they retire their house , will be worth more than they paid an , interest concede and all this crap and , they'll be able to sell it and get few , bucks and maybe go Ina trip Ina cruise , or something and hopefully don't get , sick and this is what society has taught , us it teaches us that work is hard work , USN'really that hard in the old days , you know waiting got food and you tilled , the land and you did all this stuff and , they did't think anything of it they , were like this is what we do we got to , eat we got to do it but somehow in , American culture and in the way the what , century were in culture right I don't , know what they call it but tens or teens , or whatever but in our day and age how , we we look at work as something very , difficult it's not that difficult it's , not that difficult , right sometimes I'm like want to make , some extra money I know I can get on the , phone calls of people cells and stuff at , the drop of a hat you know you can , create video create some content get , some traffic you know you can do it it's , easy it's so simple you can buy a domain , name for nine bucks or you can go to go , hub site comm and start your hub site , and get a free domain when you get web , hosting and free traffic and everything , guys Otis so easy to make money online , right now it's not even funny , I'm sitting here got a camera got an , air conditioner'm in at en by fourteen , office in my back yard where I'remade , hundreds of thousands of dollars over , the last few months just doing the same , thing it'snot that hard to do the path , has been paved everything is lined up , for you to get started you just need to , get over the thought that is difficult , you need to get over the thought that Oh , mark , just trying to teach us so he can make , money you're damn right I am , this is how we make business and in , the process you're going to learn , something well Marcus you're just trying , to sell your simple sites course you're , damn right I am because I know it's , going to work for you and I know if you , get it and I know if you do the things , that it says going to show you how to , build a site going to show you how to , put IPA blog post it'll show you how to , make little reviews and maybe sell some , cigars or books or whatever else it is , people buy think about it people are , spending so much money on the internet , right now and it's only your mindset , that's stopping you are you going to let , it stop you at all man is hard got to , click I Giotto do this I'Mont I'going , to sit down and I'm gonna do a video but , Marcus what if no one likes your video , well tough crap , but Marcus did't you see all those , hater son your video well for every one , hater there's W people making a , difference in their life that are , getting value out of it so let them do , their thing right , let them talk their because it's , about us it's not about them and your , family is going to come in say you need , to get a real job you need to do that , they're still telling me this seven , million dollars later soon you got to , get a real job you got to do it I had a , real Job just don't go to work and , this is the way that planned it so if , you're ready to get past all the junk if , you're ready to stop just consuming , content you're ready to learn exactly , how this work sand start to make a , difference in your life as so many , people have is it guaranteed no it'snot , guaranteed you're probably going to buy , my product and do nothing with it that's , what most people do they do absolutely , nothing or worse they set up one blog , and it's titled money and they don't , rank number one on Google for the word , money so they think outdoes't work they , don't try new things they don't forge , ahead the problem in life is we look at , work as hard and then we look at , internet work and we think it's supposed , to be easy , well it is kind of easy but you do have , to do it right that's the thing so many , people think that they can buy success , you can't buy success you could buy , books and learn but you can't buy , success even if you buy a franchise , right all you're getting is some , that might work probably will you , probably make some money but who's got , the money for franchise sand if you're , in that business you're watching the , wrong video if you want to star ta site , and make$W a month a thousand a month , a hundred thousand a month whatever you , want to do it's right there in front of , you you just have to reach out and get , it but markets two hundred ninety seven , dollars for your product is a lot of , money well how much is it going to cost , you not getting it how much is it going , to cost you not getting the help that , you nee dhow mu chis it going to cost , you in hours trying to figure this stuff , out guys I have made it so easy for you , it's not even funny that's why our , product is non-refundable because I know , the only reason it's not going to work , is if you don'Tod it and you don't ask , questions all you got to do is get in , there same markets built this site , what should I do , mark the site's not ranking or market , I'm getting traffic what DI do , and we're going to show you what to do , next but you have to do the work of not , burning yourself you ha veto do the work , of getting in there and getting past , your fear of failure how do you get past , your fear affair bit how do you get past , your fear of failure you stop caring who , cares no one's going to care if your , first site dozen't make money no one's , going to care if you sign up for my , product and you don'Tues it for a year , and then you use it right , they're only going to care when you make , money which you know you got different , problems when you're dealing with that , but the fact of the matter is is you can , make a change in your life starting , right now you don't ha veto read , hundreds of thousands of self-help books , all you ha veto do is change your , mindset and look at things for what they , are , stop putting all this weight and all , this crap behind the idea of money money , is just a measurement you want more be , more you want better finances be better , provide more value to the marketplace be , smarter learn more things someone this , morning was talking about I'm not as , smart as you and I'm not that smart just , sometimes in a shed who found , something that works that's it how Dido , find something that works , I tried things won , out there and I said I'm going to set , this side UPI did't get traffic there , is tumbleweeds and birds chirping and , where's the traffic wising't anyone , showing UPI said well maybe I'll tweak , it this way right maybe I'll do this , maybe'll try this test a lot of stuff , don't give up don't think that the , system dozen'twerk because you don't , work in guys it works there are people , out there making living and if you're , sitting there and you're complaining , about your lot in life and you want more , go get more it's very simple you set it , up you say I'm going to go for this , market and I'm going to do it good , whether I do YouTube Twitter whatever , I'm going to do it good like the cigar , guy there's people looking up cigars and , they want to know hey which one tastes , like Cubans hey which ones are sweet are , those you know sweet ones any goo dis a , cinnamon one bad whatever and they're , obsessed with it and it's like cult , and they're crazy not like me I only buy , like two a month but any right they're , crazy about it and they spend lots of , money Used to spend all kinds of money , on cigars my dad spent money my brother , spends money my uncle spends money on , cigars they love cigar sand someone's , making money right now they can go do a , video there's videos out there people , making six and seven figures smoke in , their cigar talking about it that's all , they're doing you do that free , anyway right you do it free anyway so a , lot of people say well Marcus where are , you going to find content well it's easy , you smoke the cigar and talk about how , it tastes you get the product and you , open up and you try it out you read , books and you get ideas and you talk , about your experience and you write , lists and you provide value to the , marketplace it is not rocket science but , you'vie got to have someone to hold your , hand so if you liked my rambling video , that took me six hours to finally sit , down and shoot only took me about five , minutes to make it it took me six hours , to do it see that the mindset it's going , to tell you don't do it don't do it , don't do it , people are thinking you're stupid people , think you're crazy you just freaking do , it you justest it up you set up your , blog you say Marcus what do you think of , Ito might tell you that it's terrible , and I'm going to tell you it's terrible , because I want you to do well right or I , might say it's good hopefully you follow , the directions and it's good but at any , rate you have , get start edit's not that you have to , change your entire life you just need to , get started somewhere and if you're , willing to take this chance if you're , willing to get past that thought that , says it'll probably never work nothing , ever works the entire internet is a scam , all news is fake news and Donald Trump's , a good president you haven't figured out , I'm being totally sarcastic with that so , if you like this stuff go over to simple , sites bonus com make sure you subscribe , to my YouTube channel and we're going to , give you all kinds of cool stuff to help , you make money online but you'vie got to , get past that mindset that says you , can't do it because believe you can  

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