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hey Ben Martin here aka the king of , email and welcome to my touchingly , profits and paradise now recently I was , on a trip to Orlando Florida where I sat , down for a W minute interview with a , friend of mine who drove three hours , from Miami and in that interview I gave , five affiliate marketing tips that made , me close to half a million dollars in , SO in this video today you're going , to get the exclusive you're gonna get to , see this interview for the very first , time so hope you enjoy let's go inside , and get to that interview now , ciao so what's going on guys your main , table here Amaru. Byron Ashley here , with Martin king of email how much did , you make last year roughly close to half , a mil half a million dollars so so , here's what we're gonna do we're gonna , give value to you guys but just ask him , Mr. Ben dude what are some of the if you , could name the top five things that , contributed to you successful the , David's getting targeted leads on a list , number one making sure you'vie got people , to email you know having a steady , traffic source so picking one traffic , source two traffic sources Facebook , YouTube Instagram would say don'tube a , jack-of-all-trades and try and do too , many things you know pick literally one , of those traffic sources , learn how to tell stories learn learn , that you know making making money , especially female is not complicated , it's not really about sending spam my , nonsense it's just about talking about , everyday life you know to talk about , your life talk about you know you could , write an email about how you found some , guy wandering around the hotel lobby and , then you know you know I mean it could , be anything and you tie it in to , promoting whatever product you're , promoting be consistent with doing it's , like do do that do it Dale if it's , working for you do it daily if you if , it'snot working for you what do you , know it'working for others then find , out what they'redoing that you're not , doing yeah what would you do like tell , them Little bit about your story like , you struggled what would you do , differently if you have to start from , scratch in terms of like your mindset , and your belief systems like what's the , difference between people who fail and , people who succeed and what how did you , have to change in order to become , successful the iPhone the difference , between people who fail on people six , who succeed is first off it's nothing to , do with motivation because I think we , all have the same amount of motivation , and what mean by that is let's say , you're let'SSA you're a guy who comes , over every night from work on what she's , cable TV for ten hours nigh tor you're , a guy comes home from work everyday and , works on creating a side income ten , hour sand ice both of those people are , motivated but they're motivated by , different thing sand what makes the one , successful and the other one who's just , gonna stay there you know watched cable , TV and never do anything is the habits , it's the habits one is in the habit of , coming home home and China do stuff , that'gonna best themselves , the other one is in the habit of coming , home and just watching crap on TV that's , not gonna bear so it's all about your , daily habits so if Could go back and , do things differently'd very quickly , want to try and establish well what are , my habits right now what are the things , I'm doing every day right now got to , keeping me stuck and how Cain change my , daily habit sand replace the bad ones , with habits of success you know sim , simple things you know so that'SWAT I , find tell them Little bit of action , struggle where did you come from an dhow , things changed W W I was , completely broke I was living in the , back bedroom of a friend's house I was , literally overlooking a drug den people , are dealing heroin outside of my window , and from W up until this day because , Change my habits'vie been traveling , and living in the Caribbean and just you , know making full time income online , Tami I just want to start I said it'San , internet lifestyle is real well yeah I , mean so how so how watch this how how , long is your work be or how long can you , work maybe or how short ca nit be if you , wanted it to be if I want to just send , out purely emails and work on nothing , else I send off each email send will , take me ten minutes or less to create , and Atypically send three emails day , so if I really wanted to be super lazy I , could do my word day In's minutes , and then I can go to the beach and I can , go and do what I want to do you know , typically I do some other stuff but if I , really did Id on't have to if I really , wanted to now my daily work could be , thirty minutes half a million dollars a , year thirty minutes Ada you know it , takes like I said yesterday when you , realize you're ten many email away from , really changing everything you know I , said yesterday your light your light , you'vie got to see your life as a movie , right your life is a movie every hour of , your , as a brand new a brand new scene and a , movie and within those hours emails are , happening all around you and all you'vie , Giotto do is write it and hit Send , that's what you'vie Giotto do that'sit , Wow , you know where can they find if they , want to connect with you or um where , will they find me YouTube right okay you , know where will it where'st he best , place to use a finally probably Facebook , actually probably come and lock me up on , Facebook or I just started a blog not , long ago that's kind of under , development where you could go to , prophets and Paradise cal mum yeah , that's pretty much the best places to , find me so well you heard the man , so yeah hopefully you enjoyed the , interview Jermaine Taylor mystify , hopefully you got massive massive , amounts massive massive amounts of if , you actually wondering where we're at , right downstairs in the hotel which , happens to be connected to a mall and , this is life you know I just decided , that I'just gonna go to Orlando , you know just drove my Mercedes-Benz up , here you know three hours , nothing just picked up my bag my laptop , and just left now what really I'm , demonstrating for you it's freedom you , can be free you don'thieve to be tied , down Tao nine-to-five you can make your , own rules you can literally live life on , your terms all day every day and do , exactly what you want so if you're , interested in you know becoming wealthy , and successful follow banner click the , link below for all the instructions on , this page and I understand that it's , possible people really when was the last , time you had a job you know my god that , is a great question I'm W now probably , the last time another job I's years , ago you know it's funny the opposite of , W I's I just turned but I would , tell you guys haven'Thad a job since , November Th of W it's W at the , current time it is recording or the , video so just letting you know it's , possible these could change your life , you can change your life he did it with , emails I still don't understand how W , minutes a day can produce half a million , dollars so people have this this , misconception that you have to work , yourself into the ground , you gotta work smart less is less is , More met I spoke to Annie figure in a , while Ashe's made close to million , dollars and I wanted to ask him what do , you do to go from where I am to like , even you Knowles's than third of where , you are would be great and I thought he , would say a lot of things and he , basically said all I'vie been doing for , the last W years is generating leads , everyday and emailing those leads that , is all I do i generate,W leads a day , and email those leads two to three , ti mesa day that's all he's been doing , for years , nothing nothing else he's not doing , anything else he's not trying to figure , out Instagram and YouTube or buying this , shiny piece of software he just found , the traffic source he gets three , thousand leads a day and he mails those , leaves every day and you know what he's , what he spends Justin Facebook's most , people don't even make him five years so , it's kind of crazy but obviously he's , making a lot of money he's like doubling , tripling his money so it can be very , very simple if you make it simple there , you go guys so you know I'm just gonna , keep putting out high quality interviews , and chasing successful people down and , just talking about doing this by the way , you know and I encourage you look you , want to be successful you know what let , me let me do something for thymine's , actually changed my life few different , times Ire member when I was um I was , doing well first of all just how I met , him he released a product on the , internet called mailing for money so you , might want to check that out if you want , to learn his mastered skill set this , thing that he knows best look you know , lookup bend look up mailing for money , you could probably find it on kazoo or , something great product and at the time , I'Mont sure what the price is now but , at the time you know he was being very , very generous and recognized power and , skill sets when I see it it changed my , life , now I think in copy writing I think , anymore even when I'm not see you do , it on email do it on Facebook on my , Facebook wall remember at $4,Day yes , because well it was , the story but used the same skills , remember those you know hook opening and , then the tie-in so let's go get the , course if you want to know we're talking , about so that's how I connected with Ben , and I found out he was a genius but the , second time he changed my life it was , company a three-letter company and I'm , not gonna say and I was just like it he , the basically come at him he's like dude , just do this and I took about two three , six because I was it sure and I have my , own brand and different things that , wanted to do but listened I was just , like all right whatever actually ended , up well I I look I look at the direct , and indirect so at my peak it was five , thousand dollars a week in that company , but obviously that was sustained by yeah , I'll say eighty percent of my six , figures came in less than four months , then from there coaching pushes me over , that six-figure barrier and if I did't , listen to that I would have missed out , and so his his the moral of the story , connect with successful people and do , what they say tell us about one with him , before we go tell us about time where , you had to step out on faith and shell , outta ridiculous amount of money follow , successful person how much was it , twenty thousand paid somebody twenty , thousand dollars to coach me this was , only for twelve weeks basically was he , scared no not really because at the end , of the dates and me spending that twenty , thousand dollars was little almost as , good as getting cash in the bank because , I knew what the guy could bring tithe , table so you know spending that twenty , thousand dollars then helps me to , probably more than tripled my income it , took me from like a hundred plus care to , just shy of half a million so he's more , than quadrupled my income so how about , that for a return on investment K , turned into nearly half a million not , one investment that'directly because , of that invest , so people are like people like so like , they come up with reasons don'thieve , the money Bela Bela Bela Bela blab la but if , you if you feel like you don'thieve the , money then you'll never have the money , does that make sense yeah so if you find , a coach and it's $1,W $2,W and , they're a legit coach pull out your , money and invest in them yeah and then , don'tube the idiot ooh it was like while , I'vie invested in this person but I know , better because my mentality is I invest , in somebody if they say jump I say how , high don't ask them why well I just , say how high how many times just you , know whatever you want me to do I'm , gonna do because this is why I paid you , you know I'm saying so this is the mind , of successful people so I'm gonna cut , this short because know he has to go , his time is valuable so um are you but , here's what I'll say chase she dreams , you know follow instructions follow , successful people don't be afraid to , invest in yourself and you know watch , this interview few times because it , was it was kind of loaded there's more , than enough keys and don't feel like , someone's keeping success from you just , because we create products and we chart , like at the end of the day you know is , it's atolls Royce free is a Lamborghini , free why do you ever see Rolls Royce or , Lamborghini commercials no because the , people watch TV can't afford them , success is not eluding new success is , not out there so my successes yeah the , clues are all around you now here's the , thing you can try to piece them together , and it takes a longtime or you could , just ask yeah pay somebody how's the , fastest thing to do stand on the , shoulders of giants as Isaac Newton says , if you want to see further Buster find a , Giants in other words somebody who's , already doing it and say hey let me , stand on your shoulders and see what , you're seeing , I saw you gotta do don't reinvent the , wheel find somebody's already donates , and then come up with the money and , invest in them so they can show you how , to do , what you wanna do remember this there's , no such thing as something for nothing , everything has a price and it dozen't , have to cost a Lot did not know that , ten dollar product was gonna go so far , it turned into relationship a skill , set and just infinite amounts of whites , not ideas not it dozen't always have to , be like thousands of dollars like , Jermaine said it could be ten bucks it , could Be's bucks it could be W grand , or you know just anyone can do this , guy'anybody can do this success , remember success USN't out there , successes here and here by the way this , is gonna Be now I'll probably put , this out for free but yeah so hopefully , you guys got massive amounts of value , stay tuned keep following pay attention , to successful people chase your dreams , as I change that'd be great and I'll see , you guys hopefully not from the top but , at the top peace .