How to Make Passive Income with Affiliate Marketing - Make Money with Affiliate Programs


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hey this is Aaron Jim how you doing , welcome to this video if you're watching , this right now then you're probably on , YouTube you're doing a you know little , search how to make passive income with , affiliate marketing okay so you , obviously know what affiliate marketing , is right but you don't really understand , how to create it step-by-step so that , you can start to drive some passive , income inside of your business instead , of your life okay so just a little bit , of background on me I'Webern online for , the last eight years I'vie marketed every , type of product that you can think of , out there whether it's a digital product , a physical good you know I'vie done live , webinars I'vie tried different business , models like push-button software you , know commerce Icon if it's out there , I'vie tried it okay but what I can see is , that affiliate marketing is probably the , best way for you to get started if , you're trying to create some passive , income for yourself and I still advocate , that because it's still one of my main , income sources right now okay in fact , last year was able to generate over , W sales in my business through , affiliate marketing okay , but seven years you know prior to that I , was basically failing every single month , every single week for the last seven , years could'really figure it out , because did't understand how to , really structure my business in order , for me to drive sales to my affiliate , products okay and to drive that passive , income alright so in this video right , now over the next couple of minutes I'm , going to share with you what you need to , do in your business so that you don't , have those same problems cool alright so , let's get started now I'vie actually , drawn Little chart here think this , is the easiest way to kind of show you , exactly what you have to do okay so the , first thing that you need to understand , is if you want to be successful you know , creating and passive income with , affiliate marketing is step number one , you have to understand how the whole , thing works right so the first thing you , need to do is you need to find an , affiliate offer right the easiest thing , that you can do to find an affiliate , offer is to go to places lockjaw's Rite , eclectic there's these are some of , the biggest websites , well basically affiliate marketplaces on , the Internet okay so if you believe in , places like Click bank you're going to be , able to find hundreds and thousands of , products , any niche market that you want so if , you're thinking about you know marketing , marketing products like Facebook , marketing Facebook traffic YouTube , marketing YouTube traffic or maybe , you're interested in gardening products , and maybe you're interested in dog , training or maybe you want to show , someone how to get as ix pack or six , pack abs right then you go to click bank , and find one of those product snow once , you have that product though it's it's , really about understanding how to create , number TWA marketing machine around , that product okay so if you market that , directly to that offer you're not going , to be successful at all this is what , did number one for seven years okay and , that's the reason why I failed because , basically drove traffic directly to the , offer and you don't want to do that , because everybody online is doing that , okay and if you do that you look like , every other internet marketer out there , and you're not going to gain any , traction in your business okay so what , you want to do is you want to create a , marketing machine that actually builds a , lot of value and Trust and it gets your , prospects to know like and trust you and , then once they're ready in their prime , to buy you know your particular offer , that you're marketing then you actually , show them that particular offer okay now , once you'vie figured out how to do that , you need to drive obviously lots of , traffic lots of eyeballs towards your , marketing machine okay so that's the , trick that's the small little tweak that , you need to have in your business do not , drive traffic to your offer don't do , that okay you're you're not going to , sell anything mean you might sell like , one product out of every hundred people , it said that you sent to your website , but if you drive your traffic you'vie , targeted traffic to your marketing , machine that's how you'll start to , convert at you know% W% W%or more , okay so that's how you get started and , if you're you know wondering you know , where do you actually get traffic from , with lots of websites like YouTube , Facebook you know Sisal traffic and , all that other stuff okay now I hope you , enjoyed that information if you want to , get a little bit more spend a bit more , time with me I'm actually holding , holding live web class you can click , on the link right below this video okay , to get access to that class show you , my sales funnel show you my marketing , machine and I show you my funnel exactly , step by step on how I do this if you , want to check it out then I welcome you , to register at the link right below and , I hope to see you on that training and I , hope you enjoyed this information all , the best in your business and take care .

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