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Free Training: " How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online " |
hey guys it's Marcus here and today what , I want to do is talk to you about how to , make full-time living using internet , marketing now the majority of the people , in the United States according to the , census in W it's made approximately , fifty five thousand dollars seven , hundred and seventy five so W W was , the average amount that people made , throughout the entire year for W , alright spout W here so this is the , goal that we want to reach some people , made more some people made less but , let's talk about how to make a real , income of one hundred dollars per day or , more right I think the greater than , signs like that right something like , that so we want to make more than that , now if you break this down the average , person works Think approximately like , two hundred and twenty days year or , something like that which turns out to , be about two hundred and eighteen , dollars per day , all right so two hundred and eighteen , dollar sis the average pay for an , American worker to actually go to work , and work right so that means for eight , hours of work not including your commute , not including the time you get ready and , everything like that you're making an , average of two hundred and eighteen , dollars per day or approximately think , if you did the math to be about bucks , an hour or something like that W is , about right okay so we look at this and , we say okay so dollars an hour , not including commute time everything , like that now the cool thing about , having website sin affiliate marketing , is the fact that your website goes to , work days a year , right so my YouTube videos my websites , my listings on Google my pay-per-click , stuff everything is always working W , days per year okay now in order to match , this income that means all you need to , do is Think I have the number here is , make one hundred and fifty-two dollars a , day now again remember we were talking , in our last video about working hard , versus working smart this guy's working , hard yes to go to work and he's got to , go there , hours a day put in his time and he gets , us W dollars or is$W an hour now the , cool thing is is these like I don't have , to go to work to get my to a day , right now all I ha veto do is break this , down because again our sites are working , W days aye W hours per day , all right so W hours a day so now we , take this one W and we divide it by W , which would be if I do my math correct , about 6 right Think my math is correct , here so all I need to do is focus on a , website or videos or whatever Otis I'm , doing to drive people to an affiliate , offer that makes ME bucks an hour all , day every day now a lot of you guys , might be saying well $6 an hour this has , got to be difficult making $W,W a , year online it's got to be difficult but , check this out there's a lot of things , you can do let's say you are promoting a , mortgage offer okay mortgage offer , probably pays you somewhere like $W per , leave okay what that means is that if , you get traffic let's say you make a , video about mortgages right and it's , like okay here's how to qualify for a , mortgage you take that video you send , people to an affiliate offer or a , website okay your website says hey go , fill out the mortgage thing and you get , $W when they fill it outright there's , a little form on the page and that's how , it works or instead of a video you could , also do like an article or you could do , a search engine listing okay or you , could do a paid ad right if you do paid , ads you could get traffic for like , cents a click okay this is something I , teach in my trigger word video if you're , not familiar with the trigger words , highly recommend that you go to , affiliate marketing dude calm put your , name and email in the box get our free , toolbar get the trigger word tool it's , awesome they'll teach you how to find , these niches where you can get traffic , extremely inexpensive right and then you , take them you send them to your site , once they're under your site they go to , the mortgage form right they put their , name their email how much mortgage they , want , where they live blah blah blah whatever , it acts for as soon as they fill that , outright what you're doing is you're , using an affiliate link okay now always , cloak your affiliate links use a , redirect don't directly link but the way , that an affiliate link works is it has , these cookies Inuit right my wife makes , cookies last week they're pretty Good , had like eight of them or something like , that , right so they have these cookie sand , what happens is when you use the , affiliate link the right way it drops a , cookie okay then on the other side once , they fill out the form it's dry it takes , look at that cookie and says wow that , came from Marcus's traffic let'skive , him the W bucks okay pretty cool all , right so all we got to do is focus on , six dollars an hour so that means if I , get one of these every six hours boom , I'm good right how hard is it to get one , guy to fill out a mortgage form every , six hours it's not that hard to do right , all you got to do is get some targeted , traffic now you might be saying well , Marcus what about mortgages I mean , mortgage sit's competitive , well what about recipes okay gotta be , lots of people looking at recipes you go , on Pinter est you go on YouTube there's , people cook it and there's people make , them food there's people doing recipes , everywhere there just so happens to be , eat and they spell it right okay there , just so happens to be an affiliate , program that promotes recipe download , right so these people go here they say I , want recipes they get a download okay , and you get when you get them to , download again same thing , only instead of mortgages we are now , doing recipes and instead of W bucks , we're getting like three to four dollars , per download now you might say three to , four bucks Marcus up nothing that's so , stupid right but the cool thing about , this is how many people out there look , at recipes all right now this is an , offer that I have personally made three , to four hundred dollars a day on just , this recipe toolbar alone right and I , get paid big-time when this works right , three to four hundred dollars a day on , this one offer it's pretty cool now , again to make your six dollars a day all , you need to do is get two people two , people out of the hole in , Guarantee you could put stupid , picture of recipe on Pinterestdrive , some traffic to your site and probably , get one of these dudes every hour to , download this thing or two of them every , hour right you get two of them every , hour and so instead of six hours to , every hour and boom you're making , $W,W a year that's the same kind of , money that people sit in traffic for put , on little suits for and go to work for , two hundred and twenty times every year , eight hours a day and my site does it , while I'm asleep just last night I woke , up this morning Made like 2,bucks , using this stuff are my results typical , are you going to be able to do this , have no idea Id on't know who you are , but we're going to show you how to do , this the best way possible because what , I see is usually what I'm doing a tool , bar or a download like the recipe , could usually get out of every , visitors to download it right so that , means every hour all I got to do is get , people is there people online , looking for recipes every hour yes , there's probably a million looking for , recipes so this is how this works if you , want to make$W a day right if you , want to make - a day which is this , example if you want to make a hundred , thousand a year this is how it works it , all breaks down to one traffic and two , money okay the traffic is monetized by , teaching them something all right so I'm , not going to go out there and just be , like hey recipes go to my site get the , tool bar no one's going to come what I'm , going to do is I'm going to be like , chili recipes or spicy chili recipes or , chili recipes with no meat chili recipes , with no beans right these kind of things , where we're focusing'm not going to go , for mortgage I'm going to go for FHA , loan qualifications FHA income loan , qualifications these kind of words have , very little competition and I can get , them all day and I can make a little , pay-per-click ad I can make an article , do SEOI can do avid anything and , everything guys don't , over complicate this the reason this , seems complicated is because people go , to work eight hours Day ti mesa , yea rand get this money so it can't , possibly Bess easy AIs'm telling you , right that's programming that's how we , are program or program to be worker sand , that's all fine and good workers are , great personally I like to stay home , don't like to go to work right so if you , don't like to go to work and you want to , make hundred dollars a day hundreds of , $W day or more all you got to do is , follow the path if you want some free , tools we got free tools go to affiliate , marketing and put your name and , email get the free tools if you're , serious about this and you say dude , Marcus this is cool I want to do this , for a living , then what you want to do is go to simple , sites bonus comm and sign up now a lot , of people watching this are going to say , Marcus you mean I have to pay for your , full software USN'tit supposed to be , free well right now you're going and , going to work eight hours Day , ti mesa year for this amount of money , and you probably spent a lot of time or , money trying to get that job like , college or something like that what , we're offering is it alternative we're , offering something that you can learn to , do this yourself so ask yourself what is , it worth to have someone who'gotten , the results that you want take you by , the hand and show you how to get them , then once you comeback and you realize , the value then you'll say yeah Marcus of , course I'll buy your product for W , bucks it's going to show me step-by-step , how to do it and then you're going to go , to simplify bonus comm and you're going , to sign up they're going to get the , program you can say Marcus take a look , at what I'm doing and we'll help you , make this work it's very very simple , if you do it the right way this is how , affiliate marketing work sand this is , really how easy it is now go to , affiliate marketing dude calm down load , your free tools when you're ready , upgrade or if you're ready now go to , simplify bonus calm and I want you to , take a look at the affiliate offers , section what you're going to notice is , that there'stones of companies willing , to pay you for leads for clicks for , downloads for sales for phone calls for , you'd formed everything now you might be , saying well Marcus why would a company , pay me to get download well it's , exactly what I'modding here know that , if you go to affiliate marketing , and you download my tool bar it just , adds on to your google chrome if you're , not a chrome user you should be a chrome , user because chrome is awesome right and , it downloads to your chrome we also have , some Firefox and some other ones for , those stubborn people who like to make , it hard on themselves right and I know , that once you download that toolbar , you're gonna be like to market your , stuff is awesome , Cain buy your other stuff okay and I , know that out of every hundred people , who downloads my toolbar'm probably , going to get 5 OR people to buy OK , cool so I'm like 5 to 6 people are , going to buy out of W probably more , but that's on the front end so 5 to , people buy that is $1,Right pretty , cool you take you divide it by , and you get one dollar zero ten dollars , and cents Think it I's dollars , and W cents right that means the , average toolbar user is worth W dollars , and W cents to me pretty cool now that , I know that would someone with a company , like me be willing to pay you three , dollars to get someone to download the , tool of course they would that'show , this recipe thing works that's how all , the downloads work that's how the , companies afford to pay because they , know their numbers so now that they know , their numbers you figure out your , number sand boom let's make some money , online hope you guys enjoyed this , video checkout affiliate marketing dude , comm get that toolbar you know and buy , my other stuff because it work sand then , check out all the videos checkout all , the stuff we have for you have some , over-the-shoulder screen capture videos , that show you this every Wednesday we , have a live free webinar here on my , channel you can get that with your tool , bar and at affiliate marketing dude calm , slash alive that's Wednesday at 4 , o'clock Eastern so enjoy the content , focus on your hundred bucks a day it's , not that hard focus on however much you , want to make it's not that hard to do , all you have to do is focus again the , results are not typical most people take , my , and put Ito don't know where they put , it but they don't really go through it , but if you're willing to go through it , and you're willing to put into work like , you know you probably are if you're , watching this video that's far then , what's let'smoke it work thanks again , for watching here's to a hundred dollars , a day two hundred dollars a day and , beyond thanks again for watching and , I'll see you in the next video , that's affiliate marketing dude comm get , your toolbar stop watching me go get the , toolbar like seriously , Philly at marketing dude comm get the , toolbar put your name and email we'll , send you our webinar links and , everything like that and you'll get lots , of cool tools thanks again for watching , and I'll see you in the next video