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hey guys it's Marcus here from blog , profit you can check out , blog profit for all your , blogging needs to learn how to make , money with blogs put plugins all that , stuff check it out opt-in get webinars , and everything but right now today I'd , like to show you how affiliate blogging , works because I know alto of people get , hung up on all the ins and outs like how , do I make money how do I set up a blog , who's going to pay me and things like , that so what I'going to do and you can , see here that obviously the kids are in , the office because they thought you , would like occur me and some kind of , weird dancing lady so we'll get rid of , these and we'll show you all the in sand , outs of online blogging for profit , okay and I want to give you Little , overview because think the biggest , hang-up that people have is you know how , do I get traffic what kind of traffic do , I get you know everything like that now , what I want to do is I want to kind of , give you like aglow chart okay I'm very , nice sound there right alright so we'll , do a flow chart here and hopefully we , are nice and dry all the white boards we , get it , weird-looking alright there we go so or , the flow char there and up here what , we're gonna have is traffic okay this is , all your traffic okay this is this is , every bit of traffic all the things that , you'vie heard from Google to Facebook , right so we'll do like Google Facebook , links MSN you know everything basically , every way you could think of to get , traffic is under this traffic area okay , now what happens is now you're taking , this traffic and'll draw like a nice , little arrow here and the dog is barking , but please pardon her sheds't mean , to be annoying right so her ewe have all , our traffic coming in and all our , traffic is everything that we do it , could be YouTube traffic social media , traffic article marketing whatever right , and everything here this traffic right , it is now coming to our blog so you , remember in the beginning of this video , where I said you know check out blog , profit Network calm which that would now , be my blog because you'rechecking out , the blog so this is the blog here , so the traffic is all based on what you , want like who you want right you don't , want to just go for Google or Facebook , because somebody told you that that's , the best way to get traffic you want , traffic that fits where your people are , right so if you find out the people that , like cooking it like to watch videos , then you'probably use YouTube as a , traffic method or if you find out that , you know everyone'changing out on , Facebook checking out Bible verses and , your blogs about Bible verses and that's , going to be the best way for you so , don't choose a traffic method based on , what you think is best based on what , other people say choose one based on , where your target market is it's kind of , like if I was going to go and sell snow , cones right Olden't want to sell , those in Alaska where there's tons of , snowier would want to sell those in like , Arizona or here Evansville or , something like that right so here's our , blog okay and we got people to our blog , so here's the people but these people , here people with messed up heads right , put all these people here and all these , people are now coming to our blog which , is great it'slake cool all these people , are now on our blog so now what what do , we do with them right how do we turn , this into money and'll get my green , pen so we can write little money signs , over here right because what we want to , do is we want to turn these people into , money all right we got to get them to , click on things that pay us we got to , get them to do things that pay us right , so now in order to do that these people , came here for a reason so if they came , here for Bible verses or recipes or , cooking videos or whatever we need to , now give that to them right so they come , to our site and whatever you use to get , them to your site if it's YouTube , video if it's Google ad whatever it is , you need to be congruent right you need , to take them and say okay well you came , to my site because you clicked on the , word you know recipe video so now on , your blog you need to have a recipe , video right now trying to draw a little , video there right so you gotta have that , recipe video okay now the job of this , recipe video is number one it'sot in , four , your visitors so you want to tell these , people hey check it out here's how to do , this here's how to set this up here's , how to build this here's how to make , cake here's how to make steak here's how , to break write whatever it is you must , tell them what it is and they must be , able to see the reason you ha veto , reiterate the reason they're on your , site and they have to see that right , away okay now once they are there the , idea the job of the content right , content is to be consumed right the job , of the content is to be consumed like , TV show or a newspaper article you want , the user to consume it and learn about , it now also just like I'm doing in this , video right is you want to take them , from the video to the blog right or from , your you want to take your traffic to , your blog they consume your content and , your content gets them to do something , that pays you alright there's several , ways that we could do this Indeed a , different color here right and we can do , this several different ways you might , have heard of Absences so one of the , ways that you can make money is using , Absences now the way Ad sense works , is basically Google gives you a code , write a little code weird-looking code , and you can put that on your blog you , can put it in the straitens right , or you could put it below your video and , the idea obtuseness is to get them to , click on ad sand now you are paid just , when they click so you get paid if they , click now the issue with that sense is , it's not always that targeted and you , don't always make that much money right , because if I'm gonna teach cooking , alright it's probably just gonna go to , recipe ads or something and I'll make , like a dollar every nine bazillion , people who come to my site okay now it , is a good way to supplement your income , that's all fine that's all good another , way one of my favorite ways is to use , CPA marketing , nightcap marketing and what you do with , CPA marketing is now in my video just , like i'm doing on this video is you say , hey check it out here is how you make , the best noodles ever , alright you show them how to make the , noodles you show them the noodles okay , and you say by the way at the end of the , video you say by the way the way that , make my noodles I don't use one of those , colanders I use the chef's basket right , click below to have the chef's basket , right so put the chef's basket link , right here under our video okay we can , put our video our chef's basket up here , as well now the cool thing about CPA , marketing especially with these as seen , on TV things is they are after customer , acquisition which means we get paid more , okay so you might sell ached basket for , nineteen dollars or something like that , and you might actually get paid twenty , one twenty two or twenty five dollars to , sell that right so you're actually , getting paid more than the thing cost , now obviously if you're selling this and , you get twenty-five bucks every time , someone gets this you're gonna make a , lot more than with Ad sense usually okay , another way to get different color , here is through likeClickbank or , something right so you could have , Click bank now a lot of people , misunderstand the way that Click bank , works now with Click bank what you're , doing is you'reselling a digital , product okay so if my video right the , traffic comes in they watch my video if , my video is about how to make Olive , Garden sauce right then what Could do , is I could go to kickbacks if , there's like AA recipe offer that , teaches you know restaurant secret , recipes or something and Icahn put that , here as well right so the idea is to get , the content consumed now the way you're , getting paid with Absence are , getting paid by Google your check comes , from Google you get it from Google they , handle everything the CPA marketing what , you do is you sign up for what we call a , CPA Network right this is a like a house , where they have all these offers so , they'll have like as-seen-on-TV they'll , have like a recipe toolbar right that's , one of my favorites I'vie made a lot of , money with a recipe toolbar and say hey , if you like my recipe videos or my , recipe articles or my rest , he's on my site then you should check , out the recipe toolbar now the recipe , toolbar is awesome because it's free for , the user so give it away you say hey get , the free recipe toolbar and I get paid , like three dollars every time someone , downloads it there's no funny business , going on they just basically want to , give away recipes and run advertisements , and things like that so it's really cool , right and you can put that toolbar , wherever you want you could put like , little drop-down box that says you know , find your recipe and you should put meat , chicken fish or whatever and the job of , this content the job of your blog is to , get people to click to the things that , make you money because the more clicks , you get the more money you are going to , make if you have the right offer right , so that's why I'm not big on , auto-generated blog content and stuff , like that because want my content to , lead the stuff that makes money don't , just want content for content sake right , so this is BASIC overview of affiliate , blogging you get your traffic whatever , you do Facebook Google you know ads , whatever you have paid traffic okay you , get those people to your blog you get , them to consume your content and then , you link them to what makes you money , now check it out go to blog profit , click the link below if , you're watching this YouTube check it , out tons of webinars tools tricks , plugins and everything to help you make , money online blogging thanks again for , watching I'm Marcus visit the site and , I'll see you in the next video