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hey guys it'Marcus here and you can , see by my robe that it actually does get , cold herein Florida it's been pretty , cold lately and today what we're going , to be doing is going through one of the , high-ticket niches that I setup for a , customer the same one we went through in , our keyword video the business cash flow , problem snow when you get your done for , you set up site there's a few things , that you want to look at because what we , do is we do our best effort to get this , thing ready Togo however you're gonna , need to add some affiliate offers you're , gonna want to add videos or whatever it , is that makes this sell and the first , most important thing when looking At , site like this is of course to follow , along with the idea of the intent right , what is the users intent what do they , want by typing in business cash flow , problems right they're probably looking , for different ways to get out of the , problem they're probably looking for , ideas to help cash flow and things like , that so we always want to keep that in , mind when editing this and of course the , second most important thing next to the , search intent is the traffic method , you'll be going for now I have a , separate way that I set up sites based , on free traffic like SEO and things like , that or based on paid traffic it's a , completely different process you never , want to use the same site for both or , the same methods and the same site for , both paid traffic and free you ha veto , have them separate okay so what we're , gonna do is we're gonna take a look at , this word now when you get high-ticket , niche from me over at high ticket niches , com we're going to tell you the traffic , method and the way that I determine the , traffic mess of it is usually by going , to Google and taking a look at what the , competition is like right so her ewe are , in Binge competition here we got a , couple of paid ads here interstate , billing interstate capital we also have , about calm for cash flow worksheet we , have interstate capital understate , billing again and then on the second , page it looks like it'just kind of , redoing the same exact ads we could do , the same exact search in Google and see , what's going inhere now what that means , is because it's showing the same exact , ads over and over and , it's cheap right it's not going to be an , expensive word you could see , he's a blanket bidder that means he's , bidding on everything he's not a , specific site which mean sit's also , inexpensive here on Google as well now , we could also see that the average , regular competition here this is for the , the free result sis like seven million , okay so it looks like what we're going , to be doing here after I isolate this to , get the real competition,W it looks , like we're gonna go paid traffic on this , one okay so we'll use paid traffic we'll , use words like business cash flow , problems we can do business cash flow , worksheets and things like that there we , go business cash flow statement , projection and Alyce's so a lot of , these words we can use so this is , primarily going to be a paid traffic , niche we're gonna go we're gonna bi don , the search engines and we're gonna get , traffic okay so that's important to look , at when when dealing with this stuff , because that's going to determine how we , set these things up what our pages look , like how we monetize and everything like , that now you'll notice that I'm on , business cash flow problems comm which , is the main route domain name nine times , out of ten the root domain name is going , to be your landing page what's a landing , page it's the page that your visitors , land on after clicking on you rad or , looking at the search engine ranking or , watching your video or whatever right , it's a place they land on it's the first , thing they see you when they come to , your site and as you know if you'vie , watched any of training's you have , about three seconds or less to get their , attention and show them why they need to , stay on your site otherwise they're , gonna click the back button they're , gonna begone forever you're not gonna , make any money yeah it's not good right , so let's take look at this we have , business cash flow problems the five , main causes of cash flow problems , business okay now that'skint of funny , so first of all I'm gonna edit this up a , little bit and we're gonna say okay , let's go into our Word Press dashboard we , are gonna go into settings general okay , this is where you edit your title we're , gonna go inhere and we are going to , change the slogan tagline so we're gonna , do businesscashflow problems , question mark question mark question , mark okay instead of five main causes , we're gonna do locate the cause fix the , problem now okay now that'just going , to go ahead and edit this here it's , gonna put it on our site so we'll go , ahead and you can see here if we go back , tithe site you will see that business , cash flow problems question question , question locate the cause fix the , problem now okay next what we want to do , is we want to take a look at these links , here , okay now I'm kind of picky about the way , these links look and Alike them to all , be on one line the reason is is because , it looks too much like content and , they're gonna click on this stuff it , unless they you know read something else , so what we want to do is we want to lead , them into the message of the site is , fast as possible okay the quicker we get , them to start consuming relevant content , the better off our chances of making , money and of course we want to look at , this and say well you know who are we , speaking to and how can we speak their , language okay so first of all what we're , gonna do is we're gonna go dashboard , again and I'gonna go over to pages all , pages okay and we're gonna see these , pages here and you can see why they're , getting jumbled up here right the reason , they're getting jumbled up is because , they're too long okay so if we shorten , these up Little bit while maintaining , the keywords and everything will be okay , so first of all let's do something like , common causes of cash flow problems , let's just do common cash flow problems , or we could do cash flow problems like , this update okay , next we're going to go in we'll do the , next one view the pages again okay and , you can always refresh and kind of , toggle and see how that's going to look , so now we got common causes of taken out , of there so it should update let's see , what it's not updating here yeah there , we go cash flow problems okay how to , find the business that makes you rich , not really that relevant , so let's do something like find hidden , cash in your business okay there we go , update let's see how this looks so now , do you see how that kind of changes like , okay how to find the business that makes , you rich obviously they're not really , looking for that or will edit that , content and everything it's good to have , we just want to edit it to where it's , kind of making sense for them and to , where these are all on one line , okay so cash flow problems we will let's , see if it's reloaded yet okay fine , hidden cash in your business okay , resolving cash flow issues I'm gonna , take that one and Will do all pages we , will do resolving business cash flow , issues like this okay and we'll do , common cash flow issues like this okay , wait for it to update , and let's see here finding hidden cash , come in cash flow solutions to common , business cash flow problems okay now , we'll go ahead and do all pages and we , will do and at this one and we'll do fix , cash flow issues okay now this should , take them and put them all on one page , which is good okay alright like no wait , a little bit okay there we go and it , should have it all set up there we go , now we have see how that leads them into , the content better it's like business , cash flow problems question question , locate the cause fix the problem now , cash flow problems common cash flow , issues find hidden cash in your business , and fix cash flow issues good pretty , cool right that step number one is , making your pages the titles of your , pages flow and be part of the content , righto don'twat to have things that , are gonna lead people away from the , message always want to have things , that draw them into the message and if , they do click on these we want them to , lead to something that makes us more , money right so if they're coming in for , like business cash flow problems which , is an inexpensive easy word we can take , them out to like business loans or , something right so like if I do fixed , cash flow issues can title this like , business loan sand then if they click on , it right now I know hey you know that's , an obvious way business loans that way , if they click it then they're gonna go , to the expensive high paying ads and , everything like that and of course you , know I can track and see our people , clicking on it and if they are know , what that that's what my market wants , okay so first step is to change the , title sand make them flow with your , message make them make sense with what , you're trying to say and focus on the , intent of your visitor right why are , they here what's going to get there , there , their attention okay next we have our , page sand everything like this you'll , notice that there'st he little content , and things like that okay so what we're , gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and , take all the links out of the content , okay we're gonna take these out and , we're gonna add them in something else , okay so we're gonna go ahead and go into , our plugins right like this okay we're , gonna go into plugins we're gonna go , plugins add new okay you'll notice you , also wait you already have the squeezed , blogs Pro plugin that's the one that , does your opt-in and your sidebar , widget snow what we're gonna do is we're , going Togo ahead and upload plug-in , and we're gonna upload the content , plug-in it's and plugins here and we're , gonna do monetized content okay install , and what this is going to do is once , this plug-in is installed it's going to , take certain keywords on your site and , it's gonna link them to other pages you , want now this is really cool because , what's gonna hap penis it's gonna take , words like business loans or cash flow , plugins or whatever and it's going to , it'seagoing to you know make them , monetized is gonna send them to , something that makes money okay little , technical difficulties just got this , plugin hot off the press from my , developer so how did it edit it Little , bit but when you get this plug-in it's , going to look like this and what you're , going to do is you're going to click on , manage and what it allows you to do is , take any content on your site right so , if we use the word cash flow and we want , to take that content and put it as a , keyword we can actually put the word , cash flow here and then we could replace , it with whatever we wan tor we could , create a link as well right so pretty , cool we could go in and put like cash , flow and we can make it bold we can make , it red so they want to click on it let's , see here if it's got that little thing , where we can make it red yeah Ion't , make it red later but anyway we'll make , it bold like that and then we could link , it to whatever we want so in this , instance , and let's say Have a site called let's , say business loans or something , like that right , that's gonna trigger much more expensive , click so we could actually take that and , send all the people who click on the , word cash flow to a different site with , Ad sense that'seagoing to make us a lot of , money so pretty cool right we're gonna , go ahead and click on open link in a new , tab we're gonna click update and then , submit now if everything is working , properly with the plug-in what should , happen is the word cash flow will now be , replaced by the cash flow links right so , see how that works really cool you can , use this to send them Tao different , page on your site anything you want it's , really easy to use , we could do the same exact thing with , the word credit or perhaps we want to , replace these cash flow ones here right , like this and the cool thing if you want , to be totally lazy you could actually , just replace these with your affiliate , link right so if we go here and we want , to make this link out to our affiliate , program we can actually go through get a , link from our affiliate program let's , say we're using let's get that other one , here this one here we can actually take , them and put them to this link which , would be an affiliate program and now , every time they click on the word , cash flow they're gonna get that link , so really cool we'll hit submit and now , our Mac's bounty link is going to , replace the workflow OK and you , could do this we'll wait for it to load , though let's see here , here we go cool so no wit links to our , Max bounty link right like that we can , make it open in a new ta band of course , if they sign up for something which is , very relative to what we're doing it's , going to make iota lot easier for us to , deal with so really really really cool , okay so next up what we want to do is , focus on the flow okay what I mean by , the flow know we're kind of cash flow , site and saying the word flow is kind of , confusing but this has nothing to do , with cash flow what this has to do with , is the fact that we want them to flow , through our site in a certain way and to , reach a certain goal which is to make us , money right now there are several things , we could do we could take a look at this , business cash flow and say well you know , this guy's a business owner think it'd , be valuable to have a mailing list of a , bunch of business owners that have cash , flow problems so maybe I can make this , to where I can get them to opt in okay , now the way you would want to do that is , you'd want to take a look at this site , and perhaps create a teaser copy okay so , what we could do is we could say well , you know our goal should be to have them , opt in okay and what you could do is you , could go here click on edit the page , okay and when you edit the page here , we're gonna go ahead and go in and take , look at what we want to add so when we , when they come to our site like this we , want to say what do we want them to do , okay and what we wanted them to do is , opt in so now what I would do in this , instance is I would create a little , teaser video okay you put a little video , here which would also double to get , Chisholm traffic from YouTube which is , pretty cool , and you could talk about the main cash , flow problems of course at the end of , the video you tell them put your name , and email in the boxes so that you can , get my cash flow report okay so that's a , really good way to do this and say hey , let's dangle it'll carrot in front of , them and say you know do you want the , cash flow report to find the hidden cash , flow guides plus you can get this this , and this so what we're going to do is , we're gonna we're going to focus on that , so let's say that this hereon YouTube , is your video showing people how to you , know , two different cash flow thing it's your , teaser video with the thing that says go , ahead and hopped in what we would do is , we'll go here we click on share go to , embed show more and then we're gonna go , ahead and choose our size I usually use , W by make sure none of these are , checked and then once that'Stone just , go ahead and click up he recopy this big , code here now we could just paste that , right on top of the page the first thing , they see is going to be our video okay , which is cool right and you can , outsource this video you could go to , Overwrite up Little script that , says the five business cash flow , problems are X Y Z and whatever all , right and in order to get my report on , how to solve these put your name and , email in the box , very very simple don't overthink it just , get it done Fiver you could have , someone create a video for like five , bucks or something like that or if you , want abettor conversion do it yourself , okay what we're gonna do also is we're , going to add something to this line of , code here so aftercare equals and , we're gonna go ahead and do underplay , equals one what that's going to do is , it'seagoing outplay it as soon as , they come to our site this will increase , your conversions because they don't have , to hit play and the video will always be , playing okay so we're gonna go ahead and , wait for this to load and hit refresh , okay so now when they come here boom the , video is gonna play automatically and , then it's gonna go ahead and lead them , into this content here now I'gonna go , ahead and edit this because I want this , to be lined up so it'snot smashed into , it the way I'm gonna do that is by edit , visual and then we should be able to , shrink it up a little by doing like , or something like that and let'SSA , view page OK cool that looks little , bit better now we're gonna go ahead and , edit thirstily thing like this , ma she went underplay equals , that should do it hopefully let's see , okay and then when we load it yes now , it's loading automatically cool so , they're gonna come here they're gonna , see this video this video needs to be , designed to give them some content give , him a little bit of teaser stuff and , then get them to opt-in now what you're , gonna want to do next is go into your , squeeze blog's Pro plugin and reiterate , the stuff that you mentioned in the , video okay so we're gonna go to squeeze , blog's Pro here and all these plugins , you can get at blog profit Network com , slash plugins we have a special Club , where you can get all the plugins , downloadable and everything like that , you can check that out there but what , we're gonna do is we're gonna go here , first to opt-in one and we are going to , change these things here okay so first , and foremost you want to put your list , name in here and you want to have , thank you URL okay so what we'll do is , we'll go ahead and go to business cash , flow problems right like this okay and , we are going to go dashboard and we're , going to do a new post okay so do add , new and you know wait for it to load , here and we're gonna do thank you thank , ya alright like this hit publish okay , and you're gonna edit this Thank You , page this is basically the page that , they see after they put their name and , email in the box okay so it'gonna be , slash thank you now on this Thank You , page you will want to put some of your , affiliate offers like thank you watch , for my emails and things like that , you can see how I do that at simple , sites big profits calm slash thanks I , believe it is Tharp USN't it yeah so , on this one right they come in and it's , like okay hey thanks for signing up , you're gonna get this stuff check it out , here's some frequently asked questions , here's some videos right so the idea of , your Thank You page is to welcome them , hey thanks for opting in check your , email in a little bit for whatever at , whatever dot comments me , you're gonna get your PDF that you , requested and a whole bunch of other , cool stuff but right now checkout this , offer okay , that's the key that'show you want to , make your money back or make money while , building list is by having that offer , there right so we could do something , like thanks for signing up be be sure to , watch your email fora message from , Marcus at business cash flow problems , dot-com that's me ya wonderful happy , right we will also send you some cool , tools on managing your cash flow while , you wait , check out these killer links right boom , okay you can say killer links you could , say offers or whatever you want and then , all you got to do is post some of your , banner offers here we'll take nice , good one let's do by W that'll be , a goo done , okay we'll copy this this is from our , affiliate network at Beck's bounty , excuse Meir'm gonna go ahead and post , that here it update and now we have a , wonderful little thank-you page excuse , me you can view it right here and boom , there we go over.9 provided two more , businesses right so they click this and , boom we're gonna make some money which , is pretty cool all right you can also , have some sidebar stuff here all kinds , of things and this is all controlled , with your squeeze blocks so first of all , what we want to do is put our thank-you , URL here okay that'snot that one this , one okay we're gonna put our thank-you , URL here that way after they enter their , name and email boom they're gonna go to , that page our list name this is the list , name that's found , a Weber so you need to have an Weber , account you need to set IPA list name , very simple and then you plug in your , transponder with message sand you make , money and the world's happy right so , let's say we called our list name simple , Marcus okay next we're going to do , improving cash flow problems cash flow , problems at solutions okay now these , again want to reiterate what you , mentioned in the video so if you , mentioned in the video free cash flow , audit software or whatever or , spreadsheet okay six ways to find hidden , cash in your business plus tools to make , even more or to add more to your bottom , line dot dot dot okay there we go , cool privacy policies automatic you , could choose how you want Otto look , right so if we'Reno our main page here , because that's where our opt-in is we , could say well you know maybe we wan tit , to breed or green or whatever okay so , we can do download now if you want to do , download very simple we hit update and , now boom we have we wait pardon me I'm , still getting over this cough which is , being pain in the butt okay there we , go so now we have cash flow problem sand , a business guide we can even change that , title there so we could do where'd we go , visual free cash flow , guide helps you locate hidden cash in , your business and again you want this to , be something that's based on their , intent and also flows with your video , okay so I'll hit update go like this , reload there we go okay cool and again , you know go through and you could change , the way that it looks just by kind of , doing this here alright so your video , will be there , and then we'll do a reload okay now what , you want to do when you'redoing this , stuff is make it look nice make it easy , make it focus on the user intent and , then you want to track everything right , so if I get like a hundred visitor sand , I pay you know ten bucks for a hundred , visitors to my site want to know out , of those hundred how many did I get to , opt-in right if I gotten , yeah and we're doing okay if I got , thirty we're doing really good if I got , one then hey they don't care about my , message right same kind of thing with , the other stuff you're gonna notice that , we'vie set up for you right when you go , to your dashboard and you use the , plugins and tools that we'vie created , over at blog profit Network comm slash , plugins these are all designed to help , you do this right so when you go to , monetize content not only is it going to , set up these links in a cool way but , it's also going to show you how many , people are clicking on what lengths , right another plugin that you're gonna , want to use is plugins add new our smart , affiliate ads plugin , okay the smart affiliate ads plug-in is , the one that you'll see here let's see , smart affiliate that's here okay install , now let's see what's going on here , here we go install , activate okay this is the one that , you'll see like over on my talk sober , comm site where it creates the little , video ads okay so here you'll see we got , the same kind of thing right my sights , are setup the exact same way we got the , video the video gets them to opt-in or , fill out the the thing here we go tour , Ad sense and we have our little video , images okay now these little video , images when we go through you're gonna , see who is clicking on what right now , this is gold a lot of people start they , get traffic and they said well I did't , make money or I did't break even Orin , only got one sale okay that's not really , what I'm looking for what I'm really , looking for is the data of what they , click on because if I know what these , people are clicking on right I know , what's most important like right here I , could see that by a landslide , are you a functioning alcoholic is , getting the most clicks next to that is , alcohol detox dangers right so I know , that these are generating the traffic , once I know that boom I'm ready to go I , can also take look and say you know , like here I'm not doing the opt-in so , much but we're doing the quiz results , and the quiz results could see hey I , got you know W quizzes that people , took on my site OR or whatever so , we're getting lot of people , interacting with the site the , interaction is what is going to show you , where the money is right everything you , do online ISS test that's all it is , that's why people hate internet , marketing they don't want to test they , want something where they go beep money , flies outlay wonderful they don't want , to do the job of testing now the job of , testings't that difficult all you got , to do is use these plugins test it out , see where the traffic goes once you know , where the traffic goes then you go in , there and you start to set things up , based on what they're doing right very , very very important now you'll start to , see this stuff come together with the , cash flow problems a video we got the , opt-in right so we're going to test that , we could also go through and set up , little ads with our monetized content or , I'sorry the smart affiliate ad Pro and , we can set up different things like , perhaps we would go in and setup a , group let's call it , cash flow okay and that will go in will , do like video ads homepage will just do , all these , let's do pages yes post yes submit okay , that's just showing it where it's gonna , gonad then we can go through and we can , do things that are going to jog their , attention and create new ads like maybe , will let's see here , wrong link okay squeeze box Pro and , we'll go in here like this smart , affiliate ads I meanie'm tired today my , brain is not working , all right smart affiliate ads I guess , that's good because it makes me go a , little slower , alright so smart affiliate ad swill go , in here like this we're gonna do go into , this group we're gonna click this button , to manage the ad sand what I could do is , I could you know I can make all these go , to the affiliate offer so if we take our , affiliate link like this okay put this , inhere as our URL we could do something , like need,W okay upload image go in , here select a file and we'll go to , pictures find some kind of picture of , money or something like that let's see , how we'll just do this guy right we're , just doing this as a test but at any , rate what you could do is you can see , okay here we got this need fifty , thousand dollars submit okay and then , what's gonna hap penis it's going to , create those ads on our site let's see , if we have to drag it over there widgets , looks like'm going too fast for the , all hosting company all right so we'll , go here and we're gonna go to smart , affiliate ads Pro will drag this up into , our widget area and if I'm going too , fast for you don't worry just save this , video opt-in to my stuff and we'll make , some other videos for you but watch it , slow watch it again okay so now we have , that there and what it'll do is it's , going to put those ads here right like , this right click to play or whatever , let's see all right like this and we can , put you know need fifty thousand dollars , or whatever okay very easy then of , course once you'redone with that you , can make one for like need fifty , thousand need a hundred thousand ten , thousand million and see which one , people click on most now there's also a , little code where you could put the , these little ads under here if you want , as well okay so really cool but what I , want you to focus on mostly is getting , the flow ready to test right we want to , get this ready to where we know that if , we bid on some word sand get some , traffic people are gonna fill out these , forms they're gonna click on our stuff , they're gonna watch the video they're , gonna consume our content okay so what I , want you to do in this next task once , you have your site is do this stuff , right put a video put some ads on there , you know take look at the other links , make some ads on there also make sure , that the flow is working properly when , they put their name and email inhere , okay make sure the flow goes properly , and they go to the Thank You page make , sure that your thank-you page has offers , on it so that when they you know opt-in , they're actually going to offers so that , you can make some money and get it ready , to go okay very important that you get , it ready Togo and then once you have it , to where it looks pretty good if you're , one of my customers right you can see , the ads are here as well submit it to me , for a review and we'll take look at it , right the goal here just get you ready , get you going and get it working so I , hope you like this video about how to , set up the flow we're gonna go through , this more detailed with some other , videos and everything like that if you , want to get high-ticket niche and work , with me on it , and get it ready to make money then go , to high ticket niches calm if you want , any of the plugins that were mentioned , in this video go to blog profit Network , calm and slash plugins , alright thanks again here's to testing , and making money with your site , I have Marcus from high ticket Mitch's , calm I'll see you in the next video , you