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hey guys biggie here with part of the , 4 part video series now if you haven't , watched the first video yet there should , be a link somewhere above this video , where you can go watch that first video , please do so before continuing with this , video now in this video I'm going to , show you how you can set up your own , online business using email marketing , and affiliate marketing now the nice , thing about this is that you don't have , to worry about any sort of product , creation you can simply just get an , affiliate link promote someone else's , product and for every sale you make you , get commission and pretty much well , I'vie edited out some parts for the video , to make it easier for viewing but pretty , much the length of this video that , you're about to watch is how quickly you , can go about setting up your own email , marketing funnel with affiliate products , and a delivery then ready to go to start , making money so let's jump straight into , it enjoy okay so in this video I'm going , to attempt real quick to setup an , affiliate marketing funnel so we're , going to select an offer we're going to , create thank You page that's going to , redirect to the offer and we're going to , create some follow ups just give you an , idea how you can do this in real time , and that it's actually really pretty , simple to do and all you need to do is , take action and from there you need to , test and tweak and overtime you can , build out your proper funnel but to , actually get a funnel like this up and , running you can do it within a few hours , within your first day so all you need to , do is very import antis just take action , put it together and start running some , traffic to it and see what happens so , for the purposes of this video I'm going , to use Click bank and I'm going to use , the survival niche and I'm going to use , this because'vie test edit in the past , and I have been able to make money with , it which for this video purpose allows , me to skip the section of niche research , and trying to find out which product , works what not and that'salsa a good , industry that you can go into so feel , free if you want you can use this , example and you can copy it and you can , try and make money with it I mean maybe , it'll work for you maybe it won't we'll , see so we go to the Click bank , marketplace and two offers that I'vie run , in the past that are still running , it's basically physical survival knife , so you get a free credit card knife it , looks like this let's click on it so , this is a , credit card knife it's Little little , knife that folds up into accredit card , size that you can put into your wallet , and it's very cool for like all sorts of , little things I don't know if it's for , protection but basically it's always , nice to have little knife with you you , can cut open boxes you know especially , in the survival industry and you know , you'begot a whole lot of stuff here , about why it'SA cool quick and simple , conversion ultra slim protective hand , guard etc it fits into your wallet very , coo land the thing why this offer works , so well is because it's free okay , they're literally giving this away for , free all you need to do is pay for , shipping and handling so as a consumer , you can come to the side you can get a , free credit card knife worth W bucks , for free all you need to do is pay for , your shipping okay that's it the same , they have another offer like this it's , called the ever strike waterproof match , so basically that'st he same kind of , deal so you get it for free okay it's , like this waterproof little thing you , can add it to your key chain it dozen't , matter if it gets wet and you'll be able , to strike that and create a fire you'll , be able to create a spark create a fire , so if you ever get lost in the , wilderness and you don't have lighter , with you and you need to make a fire to , stay warm you know you take out your , ever strike match and you just start , fire there right there and then so again , it also works very well you can see it's , got the the fake proof so it's the , countdown timer it's a free offer it's a , $W offer and basically you get this , thing absolutely free all you need to do , is enter your shipping details then you , need to pay for shipping you can see , it's a whole bunch of cool things like , features that it has long lasting easy , to use ultimate survival tool , blah-blah-blah-blah-blah all right so , these two for a fact know they work , and we're going to use these as our , offers to at hank you page okay now what , we can go and do is when we're creating , a squeeze page we can create this as , just an individual offer like for , example I can gonad create a squeeze , page saying get a free ever strike match , get opt-ins and use this as thank You , page and give people what they want the , problem with that is then they're just , opting in to get the ever strike match , and maybe not for other survival type , things so what prefer to do is to get , a kind of more general survival niche , kind of person who's interested in , anything survival related and then give , this to the mas , free gift on the thank you page which , means can send them all sorts of , survival related stuff right I mean , again those are just my thoughts you'd , have to split test whatever works best , and to be able to get results so what , we're going to do now is we're going to , head over to Ladoga's mean use , whatever you want to use but I'm using , lead pages in this example to create , squeeze page so we're over in lead pages , we're going to go to a template so we're , just going to go weened an opt-in so , where were they opt-ins let me see , opt-in there we go so we're going to , choose an opt-in we're going to check by , the highest converting and basically , we're going to choose a squeeze page , basically to get some people on our , email list okay so we're just going to , use a very simple landing page we're , going to click on use this template and , then we're going to go and create the , page let's call it survival okay then , start building okay so I'just skipped , the part where I actually type this , stuff in just to make iota little bit , faster for the video purposes but you , can see Took the template so I typed , in her eat the top dear survivalist , because we're targeting people in the , survival niche and I said something like , we're giving away free survival gear , tips and strategies to help you stay , protected when shafts in the survival , needs basically that's a big term when , hits the fan , so basically everyone's like when , hits but then when things go wrong when , everything goes soft you want to be , protected you want to make sure you have , the gear and the strategies to stay , alive okay so that's kind of talking in , their language so any kind of , survivalist you know maybe this is kind , of reaching out to them so the opt-in , button says join here free and receive , free gear so you can see with this angle , of this squeeze Page'm not , specifically giving away a every strike , match or a credit card knife because , then you only get people interested in , that thing okay now I'm going for , survivalist people who want the pare , survival gear the tips the strategies , you know people in the whole industry , and they want to buy all sorts of stuff , and that allows me to split this the , whole bunch of stuff so receive free , gear Icahn split test on the thank you , page between this ever strike match and , between this credit card knife okay I , can rotate that automatically I'm still , giving away free gear even though I'm , getting paid every time someone enters , their shipping details , okay so you can see here in the , Click bank marketplace every time someone , enters their shipping details and orders , one of these free credit cards Get , paid $3 W cents for the knife and I , get paid four dollars and W cents for , the waterproof match so basically if I'm , converting people all right so let's , just go back here for a second let's , just say fora second that if I'm , converting people I'm converting a W% , of people who land on my thank-you page , okay let's put that in there ten percent , and that percent on average it was , 3.W W and W so what let's just say , on average make like$3 W cents per , conversion and this is immediately on , the thank you page so let's just do some , quick math where we say let's just say I , send a hundred people to the squeeze , page over here forty percent give me , their opt-in which is pretty decent for , an opt-in page them and you can get , opt-in pages to get that for forty , percent of the traffic opt-in gives me , the email address and goes to the thank , you page okay so that'S's people of , those forty people ten people by so of , those forty percent of people who land , inhere so forty people land on the , Thank You page ten percent of those , forty people are going to take me up on , that offer for that free page okay so , that means that of those people that , I sent Tommy squeeze Page end up with , four people buying my offer and make$3 , eighty per sale so that means and make , fifteen dollars and twenty cents right , off the bat of those W clicks okay so , if I'm sending clicks that means I , can pay fifteen cents per click and , break even while building a list all , right , and again that's kind of the math behind , these whole funnels so if I can increase , the opt-in rate if I can increase the , conversion rate here of people buying , related to opt-ins so I can increase the , average sale amount I can increase the , dollar amount can increase the amount , that'm spending so for example if I'm , spending W cents click and breaking , even but what if I can get clicks for , cheaper than that or what if I'm making , $W here I can make clicks for cents , each and double my profit right off the , bat okay so these are all kind of the , maps behind these thing sand that you , can keep in mind and that's why you have , to split has so many things that's why , you split test your opt-in pages to get , the conversion rates higher that's why , split-test your offers to get the , conversion rates of people buying higher , that's why you split test everything you , can to be able to get this dollar value , higher all right so let's go back to , lead pages real quick and we'recreated , this opt-in page and all that we need to , do now is maybe create a different , background so let'Sgt that fixed up so , you can see over here now I'vie made it , kind of relevant it setup tin page we , could try okay I have no idea if this is , going to work and that's why when we , create this obviously we're going to , create split test and we're going to , test different pages against each other , to find the winning one so now what I'm , going to do is I'going to integrate , this with my email transponder so I'm , able to collect leads so I'm going to go , to drip because I'musing drip you can , use whatever transponder you want , I do recommend drip personally because I , like it I'm using it so we're going to , go I'vie created anew campaign called , survival just create a form it dozen't , really matter too much you just go , through the process here and follow , everything mean confirmation settings , we don't need confirmation email , that's my choice here so I can gonad , click on activate now so this is , basically activated and the settings you , can go over here and you can see do they , send a confirmation email I'm going to , kick that off I'going to click on save , I'm going to click on activate let's , activate this I haven't created , follow-up sequence yet so right now I'vie , activated the survival campaign okay you , can see that literally took me not even , like two minutes to do okay so I'll go , back to lead pages and I'm going to , connect this so basically there's , different ways that you can do this at , the moment this can allow me to connect , to allude page or a lead box it can , allow me to connect to an external URL , and what can also go and do for , examples can just add it differently I , can instead of that button which is , going to pop up to something I can add , this for example the form and Icahn , integrate this with my lead pages so this , is a little bit easier let me just do , this real quick so I'm going to copy the , text here , I'm going to delete this I'm going to , change this I'm going to make it yellow , actually I'm going to make it orange , because why not there we go so there , we'vie created this that's pretty simple , now all we need to do is an integration , okay so we just call it survival maybe , survival one what , where it is where do we want the form , data to go okay we don't want it to , notify Wei want to integrate it with , drip so we go here I'vie already , integrated drip you can do that in your , settings you can refresh it and it's , going to come up with the campaign that , we just created the survival one so you , can see here now I'm connecting the form , with my survival campaign and drip , that's why I prefer using drip because , it is by the same owners and lead pages , it's very easy to integrate lead pages , with drip , all right so I'just going to click on , done over here'm going to delete the , notify I don't need to be notified when , I get anew subscriber very easy just , like that we click on next the field , we're only collecting emails in this tab , so we're going to click on next and then , what we can do here is we can send users , to either a default page so you can , preview that this is the default page , okay I highly recommend you don'Tues , this default page and you make your own , because we want to add the offer we want , to give them some incentive we want to , send them tithe offer so that we're , going to be able to monetize it okay so , don't use the generic one so what we're , going to do here so basically we're , going to send them to another URL so if , you have website or a domain you can , put in your own website or domain in , this case I'm just going to use , lead pages to create at hank-you page , alright so I'm going to go ahead and I'm , going to create a thank-you page , basically here's a simple thank-you page , we're going to use this on ewe cal lit , survival thank you for example click on , start building and we're just going to , edit this real quick so I don't want to , logo I mean if you have a logo you can , go and do this again I'm just doing this , pretty quickly just to be able to show , you how to do this if you'redoing this , for your own funnel take it a bit slower , take sometime to get all the thing sin , there get your logo in there make it , look all nice etc but basically I'm just , showing you the process how you can do , this basically the bare bones skeleton , process okay so we're going to create a , thank-you page it says thank you you're , subscribed so if you we reusing double , opt-in basically you want to say please , go and check your email confirm your , email something like that bu tin this , case we're using single opt-in so this , is good enough thank you you're , subscribed so basically let's just try , something very simple - thank you you're , subscribed to get you started we want to , offer you free piece of essential , survival gear that could come in very , handy , it'sprocket-sized so you can carry it , with you at all time sand then I'm going , to make this button , so basically claim your free gear here , so I'm going to make this a button okay , and this button I'm going to send to , either one of the two offers so I can , split test the link there sou can go , and create click magic link for , example or use volume or CPV lab , basically that will allow me to split , test between offers so whenever someone , clicks here you know maybe% of the , time they get taken to one off for W% I , get taken to the other offer and Icahn , see which one converts better so I can , optimize and maximize my fun all right , okay so let me go to click magic and , create a link so I'm going to go there , I'm going to create a new link don't , really want to use marketing Inc for , this but I guess it'just an example , and that link USN't really relevant , ideally if I'm going for the survival , industry I'll probably register domain , something like survival gear calm or , free survival gear best survival offers , calm and use that as at racking link , rather than marketing in TV but this is , again just for example purposes so link , name let's just call it survival we're , going to go to click bank and we're going , to get our link okay so we're going to , click on promote and we're going to get , our one link okay so this is survival , ever strike let's just call it ever , strike and the primary URL is our , Click bank link okay we're going to go , and create link so now if we click for , survival that we have survival every , strike we need to create new link also , so survival you click on knife and we go , and create link also for our credit , card knife so there is our knife there , is our affiliate link we get W%of the , sale and for survival net life we go , back to click magic we put the primary , URL in there and we create the link okay , so now we have our two offers that we , can test we can track the clicks on it , we can see where those clicks are coming , from etc etc that's the beauty of click , magic now we need to go and create , rota torso that we can split it evenly , between those two so we create a new , rota tor we call it survival and survival , and what it can be is it can be , fulfillment's or it can be sequential , actually it can be sequential because , sequential mean sit fill slink one and , then you link to link one link to link , one link to so it's going to split it , evenly between that so the backup URL is , basically going to be a different offer , like wherever you want to send them so , let's just say for example we search for , survival keyword relevance we just , create survive anything so let's just , get a link for that and we use that as a , backup URL just in case something , happens it's totally irrelevant okay so , we click on create rota tor and there we , have our survival rota tor so we're going , to add URLs to that we want to add knife , for example we go back we get our click , magic link survival knife we're going to , copy that we're going to put that in , there and we're going to click on add , URL and we're going to add another URL , which is basically going to be the ever , strike and we're going to go to click , magic and get our link for the ever , strike so over here and we're going to , go and put that in the URL and then , we're going to click on add Europe okay , so now we have a rotatory the survival , niche this is a rota tor link that we're , going to use on our thank-you page so , when we test this out you can see the , link takes us to the credit card knife , okay and when we test it out again it , takes us to the other strike see so you , can see how it's split testing these two , offers that's very nice and we'll be , able to get the data and you can see , when I go to to click magic now Think , it should if i refresh this you can see , we'vie ha done click on each of those and , that's me clicking on it right so very , cool we can keep track of all the stats , very very important to be able to keep , track of that Use click magic you can , use volume lab whatever tool Otis , that you want and basically this is a , very easy way to do it so now we're , going to go back to the Thank You page , for depressant we're going to make , this button an external URL we're going , to add in that rota tor link from click , magic okay that's it very easy you can , use it a new window or the same window , leave it here that's dink and , we're going to basically click publish , for this Thank You page and this is now , the link fora Thank You page so we can , copy this link and we can create iotas , the Thank You page over here so when , people opt-in they're going to go to , this Thank You page we click on save and , close we click on publish over here and , that is basically our whole funnel set , up and ready to go okay all that we need , to do now is add in the transponder , email list and of course more split , tests for the registration page extra , so this is not our opt-in page that we , can send traffic to very simple very , quick okay so you can see this is now , our lead page our opt-in page if you , want you can put this on your own domain , let's still on lead pages at the moment , so of course we know those are all the , extra steps that you can take to be able , to to improve how it looks Oman if , this was an example like best survival , offers calm or something maybe it looks , a bit nicer okay but basically this is , our squeeze page ready to collect emails , and ready Togo very basic very very , easy let'just put in an email and see , what happens so I put in my email , click on join and here we go to our , Thank You page it says thank you your , subscribe to get you started we want to , offer you free piece of essential , survival gear that could come in very , handy , it's pocket-sized so you can carry it , with you at all times click you're free , claim your free gear here that's a , rota tor link so when we click on this , look at this here we go we're giving it , away a free piece of gear hundred , percent free like we promised and you , know if they buy it there's going to be , percentage of the traffic that you , send and that is going to buy and then , you can see because we're split testing , the knife risk they ever strike you'll , be able to see in your sales account you , know you can go to click magic and you , can see how many people landed on each , offer and how many people ended up , buying as a percentage of this and as a , percentage of of the knife and then you , can choose whichever offer works better , maybe people buy W times more ever , strikes their knives and then you know , you should only promote the other strap , so another thing that you need to do of , course is split test your landing pages , because this is just random page I , created I have no idea if this is going , to do well or not I think you have to , split test it against other versions , with other texts to be able to find the , winning landing page that's going to , convert , the highest for your traffic so , basically in largest's very simple , you can go to lead pages you can click on , the drop-down and you can click on , create splutters with the thank-you , page you can drop down and create split , test and then you can either make a copy , of this page with different text on it , or you can split test it against another , lead page template in there and it's , going to give you the analytic and , everything like that so that's pretty , much how easy it is to create funnel , and get going then you need to go to , your campaign so in this case it's in , drip and you need to create your , follow-up email so you can gonad create , and first follow-up email that gets sent , immediately so you can say something , like congratulations you'rein claim of , free gear and then you put a little , email you explain a little bit about who , you are what they're going to be getting , when they join the service and then , again you want to send them tithe Thank , You page again so in case they did't , take you up on this offer they get the , welcome email that's explaining little , bit about them and you give the ma link , just to remind them that they ha veto go , and claim the free gift so that's going , to help increase your conversions as , well so not everyone is going to buy , straightaway but maybe later when they , get home or whatever the situation is , they check your email they get your , email and they're you remind them go get , your free grok then you get that and , then you gonad create a whole sequence , of follow up emails using different , products giving value sending them to , different things so if you have a , website or a blog you can send them to , reviews etc etc and that'serially how , simple it is to create an entire , affiliate marketing funnel it's , almost done just needed to create a , few follow-up emails and I can start , sending traffic to this so I did rush , this a bit I mean it's not as perfect as , it should be but basically within a few , hours you can set up this whole funnel , and you can start driving traffic to it , you can start sending Facebook absurd , you can put it on your blog YouTube ads , whatever it is that you want to send , them to solo ads it dozen't matter too , much you can start sending traffic to , this and you can start making sales OK , the way this is setup right now if I , start driving opt-ins to this can , already start making sales anyone who's , going to land on the Thank You page and , claim those those survival things I'm , going to be able to make money right off , the bat so that'just what I wanted to , show you as an example of course you , know think of it outside the box you can , do this in your own way you can do this , in different industries like said the , more layers you add to your funnel the , more chance that , as of being profitable and the more you , split tests the more you're going to be , able to optimize and maximize your ROII , hope you enjoyed this video that you got , some value fr omit I would lo veto hear , your feedback and if you have any , questions or just want to tell me what , you thought of the video please leave a , comment below the video promise I'll , reply to your comment personally thanks , for watching please stay tuned for the , next video as I have a lot mo revalue to , share with you