How To Earn Money From YouTube With Affiliate Marketing


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well the biggest mistakes you tubers make , is not generating a passive income from , the YouTube videos today you'll learn , how to earn money from YouTube with , affiliate marketing so you can get , support while growing your channel my , name is Herman driest from , if you want to grow , your audience on YouTube and generate , traffic leads and sale son autopilot hit , the subscribe button and click the bell , notification icon so be notified , whenever I upload a new video here are , several reasons to promote an affiliate , product using YouTube videos number one , YouTube is the second largest search , engine on the net after Google this , means if you create a video that , promotes an affiliate product and it , gets ranked in the search engine sit , could generate revenue year after year , more than W million hours are watched , every day on YouTube so as a good chance , that people will find your videos number , two viewers retain% of your message , if they watch your video compared to W% , if they read it using text means your , video content has a greater impact than , people reading text number 3 make sales , on autopilot if your videos rank on the , first page of YouTube and/or Google then , you'll earn a commission hours a day , seven days week for years to come I , have a few videos that I created several , years ago on my channel that still earn , affiliate Commission's on autopilot , number four you don't have to create a , product the beauty of promoting an , affiliate product is that you don'thieve , to create the product sales page or even , the marketing materials all you ha veto , do is to promote the product using the , affiliate link and you earn a commission , number five , no need to worry about customer service , if there's a problem with product you , don't have to worry because you did't , create it number six , you don't have to rel yon Adsenseincome , YouTube now requires subscribers in , 4,W hours at watch time to join the , YouTube Partner Program and get your , channel monetize if you promote an , affiliate product you don't have to , worry about joining YouTube Partner , Program and you make more money than you , do with Absences your revenue , increases from promoting the affiliate , products on YouTube you may be able to , forward a new camera , or attend a conference in your niche , number seven there's an affiliate , program for almost every product on the , net and he's a very fine an affiliate , program for specific product is just , enter product plus affiliate program in , the Google search box here are the ten , steps to earn money from YouTube with , affiliate marketing number one choose an , affiliate product to promote some of the , big affiliate companies include Amazon , ClickbankJV zoo another great place to , find affiliate offers is off a vault , you just enter a search term in the , search box to find in compare offers , then click search number to create a , short video this could be a review video , giving your opinion on how the product , works it could be ah ow-to tutorial or , you can just demonstrate how the , software or product works number three , give a strong call to action after , you'reviewed or demonstrated the , software product make sure you give a , strong call to action we're offering a , free download Andean end screen while , telling people to click the link in , description below the video number four , optimize your video after you'vie edited , it and uploaded your video to YouTube , make sure you optimize the title , description and tags your title should , include the name of the product for , instance if I did a review of two buddy , I'd cal lit - buddy review or review of , tube a number five place your affiliate , link and the first three lines of your , video description where people watch , your video they'll only be able to see , the first three lines in your video , description so make sure you put the , full URL of your affiliate link in the , first three lines number six include a , summary of your video content the first , three lines in your video description , should also include summary of your , video content , it's a motivate people not only to watch , your video but to click on your , affiliate link to check out the product , number seven add a disclaimer edit , disclaimer at the bottom of your video , description it could be something like , some of the links above may contain , affiliate links from which are you in a , small commission if you purchase from , them number eight check the content , declaration box click on advanced , setting sunder your video check the box , it says content declaration this video , contains paid promotions such as paid , product placementsponsorships or , endorsement if I click on this icon that , says creators may choose to include paid , promotion in their content all pay , promotion will need to conform , to our ad policies and all applicable , laws so make sure you familiar with , YouTube's ad policies that refers to , paid product placement sand endorsements , I'll place link to this document in , the description below this video , number nine include meta tags , transcription and a thumbnail your meta , tags should include the product name and , any other keywords associated with your , product uploading a transcript of your , video will also help your rankings in , the google search each have also help , people who can't listen to your video to , be able to read the captions and even , you make sure the design of your , thumbnail reflects the content in your , video so it wins the click if your , thumbnail dozen't standout in the , search engines you're not going to get , much traffic to your video number , promote your video make sure you promote , your video on social media sites your , email list and also embed it on your own , website , this will help jump-start the number of , views you get to your video within the , first W-W hours here's a bonus tip , repeat these W steps for other , affiliate products that you wish to , promote and NOW'd like to give you , free access to a six-part video course , call it how to sell affiliate products , it's A step formula that reveals how , to get traffic to any affiliate offer , click the link below to download your , free video course now if you want to , grow your audience on YouTube and , generate traffic leads and sale son , autopilot , click the round subscribe button below , and check out the related videos thanks , for watching and I'll see you in the , next video .

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