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hey guys it's your boy yo today we have , a very special guest with me for those , you guys that don'TKO who he is his , name is Ezra Firestone so my intro is , not going to DOA big injustice but I'm , going to give it a try a shot so Ezra , Firestone is one of top influences , e-commerce , so everyone exquisitely is he's , behind smart marketer and on top of that , he has several eight figures brands , what's your most famous bringing up , first of all was just say this guy's new , nickname is length drag because dude you , just with them he just grabs your legs , grabs onto it like I got octopus , attachment yes so my most high by the , way thanks for watching there is a dog , here you can't see that it'slake , licking my toes who really like that , yeah most famous brand is that the , mechanism it's on track to do around , million in revenue this year which , sounds like kind of fancy and cool but , you know'vie been working on that brand , for seven or eight years which i think , is one of the things that we'll talk , about you know I think it's worth , talking about is that what you don't see , behind the scenes of like oh man I'm , like you know maybe you want maybe in , like the PGA world hey you want to quit , campaign it does super well Ire member , those days , limited data Caps bang you launch , campaign it does really well but like , when you're looking at the potential of , building business that is sustainable , for the long term a brand a community , like the one you have here as a group of , people who follow you and listen to you , and buy in would you suggest to them , because they have , relationship review that takes a while , to build think lot of people in my , space so most of the people here recap , murderers and one of the big problem sis , the I used to make a lot of cash but , there's no access to an old long term , play so I definitely want to keep their , rate on that and on top of everything we , talked about is also the fast so there's , little products you have so I have a app , company for shop effects we have 2,W , active paying members been added for , about a year , software the services folder with the , name it clubs if Indeed to buy again , the IP is blank and we do know , everything that we do in e-commerce is , direct-response Focus which is sort of , relate well to CPA world like landing , page psychology and optimization and , up sells in sales on all the stuff that , you leverage to sell other people's , stuff you could also use to sell your , own stuff human X so that'st he first , question Have for you is let'stalk , about e-commerce there's a lot of my , audience are making the switch to new , commerce is just this way that are , coming so when it comes to physical , products did you go to Ali express or you , go to can't on carry there are fifty , hundred thousand products that you could , promote , and a lot of people has this analysis , paralysis part of what to promote so can , you give some tips on you know in terms , of just pure arbitrage something that , people can buy and flip around with paid , traffic you know some days you're , looking for select watch their wives , price-wise yeah think that when you're , just getting into the game impulse buys , are easier to sell than higher ticket , items so I would stay under$W , Congress average order value just , because like that's easier for someone , to pause their car and make pretend , you're talking about from the consumer , perspective not from our yeah yeah we , would probably buy that for five lines , up you know whatever it is and the other , thing is like if you're going to make , direct response for physical products , work I think you need at least abut for , oneself or for , ideally abut for oneself Revive buy , for once over six that's even better to , make advertising work for physical front , what do you mean by for what it's sold , so I mean like for example if you buy a , product for five dollars they'll have , the minimum seller performing oh that's , right it's probable you Giotto , have now the minimum that we do in our , business and five four one cell for , three so I have certain products out of , five or ten sell for thirty two texts , because I have community of several , hundred thousand cash buyers , I'm not going to direct cold traffic , with those offers but offers that I'm , going to call traffic with or by for , oneself or five by four ones over six , divides myself a little bit more of that , margin so I can test with advertising , and I want to talk about strategy with , regard to any product Ora market , because here's the interesting thing you , were talking about this niche , communities right like we belong to the , niche you do to community you belong to , the niche CJ and maybe Ogre up sell at , the flea market that's like a weird , little sub community so everyone belongs , to these sub communities and there's all , these different sort of shared shared , experience that you can sort of create , product offerings around and so the one , thing want to say is when you're going , to do that I think the overarching , strategy that you use when you're , getting started is more importantly , individual product and so what I think , that strategy is early speed with my , students I'm fortunate enough to have , you know one hundred and fifty thousand , folks in my community several of them , seven finger eight figured e-commerce , business owners a lot of people who are , getting started drop shipping and I look , specifically at the folks who are just , starting to drop ship businesses the , model that is most prevalent is W to W , seconds problem solution style video , which I heard you're talking ab outright , now like for example there's this thing , that you that you like when you're , sitting in your car and you drop your , phone it goes in between the seats and , it's like you're looking for it you know , so it'slake it's a little weather case , that sits in between the seats that you , drop the phone and catches it and it's a , little video it's like hey look you drop , this thin gas a payment button stick , this in there you drop it and now there , it is it just shows the problem solution , and it goes straight to across long-form , left right sort of traditional product , offers , and that sort of model of short-form , problem solution video to traditional , arm form website well optimized product , author page is the model to launch these , quick new you know detect to termite , product cause at the end of the day , you're going to do the test manage AIs , see enough it does a couple different , product operations though i think that , an initial model now of course you know , i think eventually you want to have a , more robust sort of loading to a brand , yeah and you want to have content and , you want to have more of a store in one , i have a blog you want to build a brand , well a lot of those things that we'vie , just trying to launch you probably want , to start with a quick little problem , solution video on Facebook beautiful , thing about videos but someone watches , eighty percent of that video you can tag , them on a pickled lips and re target them , and with powered brand we're noticing is , that the old serious what happened Fred , what happened was when I got into the , game that can go five people were still , sitting at desktops still sitting at , laptops consuming digital medium in long , periods of time so you could make a sale , you could search it was search fine bay , background with people using you know , Google error Delta fight but you could , make a sale an initial contact first , contact because there were other desktop , computers then what happened was over , the last let's say ten years obviously , the consumption of digital medium has , gone global people are using cellphones , and so what happened was people are , consuming in much shorter periods of , time it's everywhere they much shorter , size but longer more times throughout , the day so the actual time of , consumption instead of thirty minute sat , a ti meat once at a desktop is now more , now we're two hours three hours a day , but in both of us some time so here's , what's happening , just a little tip for people to get , started is people are starting on mobile , right and then they're saving products , they like and they're moving to tablet , and desktop to make a purchase , SO% of purchases start on one device , and continue on another and% of , mobile ads that are viewed when the , purchase is completed is completed on a , desktop computer so if you're just , getting started you run your fear , awareness ads on mobile you run your , targeting tablet and desktop , cosmetic the user behavior and , when I taught this to my sort of folks , who are just getting in the game like it , significantly increased their conversion , rate because it was a mimicking of the , user behavior now actually for guys like , you and I we want to be running , advertising on mobile and desktop , awareness running everything mean you , want to do everything but like as a , strategy for lowering your cost per , acquisition mimicking that user behavior , of having your initial advertising on , mobile device which is where people , start and then targeting only to , folks who Arron tablet and desktop will , give you that sort of ability to have a , cheaper constant position when you and a , lot of this happens because you'll find , the product are mobile but you're not , going to pull your credit card you may , be Ina subway whereas on the desktop , mean there's so many times before where , I'm searching for something on Amazon , and it boom yeah I'm on Facebook there , Otis and I can happen password app so , I can just once an purchase so that's a , very strong strategy for lowering your , cost , yeah excellent and one other thing you , brought up that was very interesting , about the passionate clubs were part of , so me and Ezra we love Brazilian kids do , so we are just ripping my legs off man , because let me have this we ha veto , inherent advantage but the point is , every single one of you if you're into , yoga or if you are survivalist then , you're going to know these products so , why not speak to what you know , rather than like dude don'tames with , beauty products Have beautiful skin , you do a beautiful scan you know here's , the other things that we all belong to , like ethnic groups we all belong to , religious communities or some of us do , like there'everyone in the park , these little group ceiling to realize , you're a part out here I'm like'm , through my wife I'm a part of the circus , community so I know a whole bunch of our , gift to me yeah she was a like a circus , performer for a while they're like she's , really ended she went from you know , they're like you know she sounds like , the most interesting woman was amazing , surprisingly I accept that anyway the , circus community is really bit like a , tote the way that yoga was fringe , community like W year sago circus in , America anyway snot in Canada's very , prevalent in Canada but in America it's , now the prince community we're starting , to see like at the yoga studio grab yoga , with the silks right that yeah it is , that is laid out there's a lot of like , opportunity and if for anyone who's , looking for a market check out the , circus industry in America there's a lot , of opportunity you start selling those , silks today in homeland you could , probably pretty well with that I should , probably do that usually buddy do that , okay but you're you know through your , friends my point the greater point that , I wanted to make it like through your , friends you also get to see little sub , community like I just acting people well , what do you do for fun or what is your , book you know like what our little mute , your partner what tip I have for you , guy sis most about just looking at dates , from product to product focus on the , subcultures itself yet for instance , obviously the survivalist you know any , issues very very hot has been very hot , but you're not just going to promote one , product and then you're done you have to , understand so that we can start up , selling you know if Ross know like , emailing them product so you know one of , the things that the sort of lingo term , that I use for this is collective , experience what are the collective , experiences that quick little yellow , having smile yeah like that , one of my big strategies is to most , months of read this somewhere but one of , the things that you do when you are , attempting to bring a community together , is you create lingo terms for that , community is sort of old standards kind , of stretch like you'restarting a club , yeah so like this window terms are not , developed for my community at smart , marketers collective experience like a , look for the collective because it's , you know interesting so I want to keep , your brain on some more Facebook stuff , so one thing that smart marketer is very , good at is the behavioral targeting so , for us that our CPA markers we don't do , a lot of people targeting because it's , one shot we ought to make the money or , we don'buy the e-commerce space , obviously you're looking at things fora , much longer perspective or we collect , our email list plus you know we can , target them base don how much of the , video they consume so can you explain , what behavioral targeting is you know , how people get sure so essentially the , fundamental idea is that you know if you , if you're the owner oaf product and , you're attempting to get someone's , attention , show them the product and then get them , to buy it right that it's going to take , multipletouchpoints another lingo term , is multi-touch point marketing have a , whole course on this subject so I think , that like basically it's just a , description of the way things are it's , not even a strategy that came up with , it's just how people are consuming is , you're going to need multiple touch , points before you generate conversion , so we do is we start with avid and , then based on how much of that video ad , you consume they like the average person , needs to see something said info and , sometimes less sometimes mo rebut just , check this out for saying so our sales , funnel is video ad - article - you guys , are familiar with those what I mean with , the lingo term and CJ is the articles , pare-salt AG I have a pare sale page you , know it dozen't have to be great so does , that bitch long to be like a real you , know someone's story you know but , anyways add article offer page you know , shopping cart checkout so like basically , if you watch our video and you don't , click through tithe free sale article , based on how much of the video you watch , you might not you might be a re targeting , after there-thought accord if I say , re targeting ads right for the , result you make it to the pretty cell , article and you don't click through , we're going tore target you back to the , article you click through to the store , page we're going to re target you back to , the store page you make it to a product , so at every level we're sort of looking , at what you did or did't do and then , running ad - re targeting them can take , my most powerful my most powerful and , profitable ad campaign actually comes I , break things down into three categories , awareness re targeting loyalty most , people only know about a learner and , they don't worry about loyalty so we , know that re targeting and oil to make , when oil Tina seconds where most of the , conversions come from the question is , what's the best awareness campaign to , generate the most visibility so that we , can re target people that's the most , effectively and that's obviously a , native video because you can ha veto go , to your website to get them Ina ticket , list so we know that most of our , conversions are coming from re targeting , and loyalty right redacting it's , pretty standard practice but here's , where people don't really put much time , and where we make most of our money make , diffused our money in the oil , civility so basically if you buy from us , and you immediately you're going to , start seeing ads fora product you , did't buy you're going to see a video , for it now let's say you watch% of , that video for the product you did't , buy and then you leave we're going to , re targeting with an image ad because we , know you watched% about so if we DOB , plots naught y + 2 y and energetic not , another a different video because we , want to specifically use different , mediums to try to get your attention so , a video about the product and then an , image about that same product CZ we , know you want certain percentage our , video I spent $W in a week or , something like that'm one of those ads , to make like ten thousand dollars like , that the the Orion the loyalty ads for , pox and , why and this is back to your point of , why you want to have multiple offerings , is once someone is a customer and you're , using behavioral automation to target , them based on stuff they haven'tb ought , from you yet they know about your brand , they like you and the ROI on that , loyalty pillar is Mathis from an , advertising and email perspective , obviously we're all those emailing these , people offers we're sending them content , but the loyalty pillar is an under served , pillar of advertising people who bought , from you once in the past immediately , within the first W days we're trying to , get a second or third sale because , here's the interesting thing about it if , I know this is kind of like where it , gets a little more advanced for folks , who are been in the game a while if , you're not in the game you might not yet , be doing this but eventually you will so , if I know that on average if someone , buys from anyone within W days can , get two or three more purchases then I'm , going Togo out and lose money on this , first sale because I know I'm going to , make it up back jacket yeah and so this , has allowed me to miss is the , interesting thing so I did these um kind , of changed the way I looked at , advertising in my business was stuck , at like five seven million dollars a , year for years got that is that's a , good problem at night silent plateaus , you know and I was like trying to figure , out like what am I missing , with regard to scaling my company and , started doing these audits'vie been , kind of known as the growth guy in , e-commerce fora while and so companies , like big like million dollar , commerce companies I meanie signed , contracts and even stuff I can't mention , my name's but like they bring in they , pay a good chunk of money to like look , at their stuff and give them a growth , plan I looked at it was two years they , send me beginning their analytic they , show me their sales formal date they , give me access everything and what I , realized was that they were looking at , marketing in a way that I was not , looking at marketing anything when I , switched how I was looking at things my , whole business when I went to a bigger , set just as one change of how I was , looking at things was responsible for it , so what they'redoing is they're looking , at one channel of visibility like let's , say Facebook or their email list right , the way I looked at it was if Facebook , campaign wan'profitable turn it off , that Google wan't working , turn it off so it was like an ad , campaign was a very sort of sort of , linear specific thing and either worked , or it did'dwell they look at all their , campaigns together and they're like all , right well we're super profitable on , Facebook we lose money on Google we lose , money on YouTube lose money on Pinter est , we make money on email so they're , looking at dollar in dollar out across , the whole business rather than kind of , make each generalizableyeah and so one , channel support another channel and in , the end they grow their customer base , much bigger so then when they run sales , campaigns their sales and much bigger , sort of profits are much bigger it's , kind of like a weird thing but basically , I'm not losing money Ina couple channel , but I'm profitable on email marketing , I'm super profitable on organic I'm , super profitable on Facebook have , several channels where I'm buying , customers that alto but in the , aggregate my company is growing much , faster so it was like this mean I open , anything worth it no one said this to me , I just looked at all their data and I , was like wait a minute , all these channels arena't profitable as , to why is that as well the way we look , at Otis our overall marketing budget , overall dollar and dollar out is , profitable so we want to acquire as many , customers began on as many channels as , we canto grow our customer bases into , some camps that we run sales campaign , they're bigger and outlets like this , it's only strategy for later in the , game but oh my god does it change , everything , my boys move online and it's why I , could't get to be figures because and , it's why why I will get to nine Buggers , now because I understand this more of , like a with a marketing ecosystem yeah , every channel support every other , channel and and then also I realized , that they were looking at their ad , campaign in terms of this way I'vie , learned but really learned about loyalty , they haven't labeled this for me but , like they were looking at the Royal T , pillar was only looking at awareness , traffic and conversion righto was under , looking at that wan't looking at oil , T as a pillar that could really invest , in from an advertising marketing , perspective this is this is very , important because most CP marketers we , are just we promote the product that , either makes money or it dozen't and the , whole concept of we'vie got their email , or hey let's start building a brand yeah , it's just so this all like the video , monitor and it's a longer play it's a , longer play but the interesting thing , about it but someone who came to see the , world very much respected CPA world I , thin kit's an awesome business control , but I was interested in was an aspect , that I could sell a later date I wanted , to build a snowball that we grow over , time one to spend three or four years , developing something that was worth , something that has a tangible access , because I spent alto of time making , cash and that was my right jet and but , now I was building on single brand so , I really wanted to invest in something , that could care about over the long , term that has been more fulfilling and , more fun and more profitable but it does , take that little bit longer of prior , example so one thing little bit more , smaller and more tactical let's say you , know you're very familiar with different , commerce brains obviously make up and , survive with so I Ian't curious it's , someone were to pick a product and let's , just say they take the serviceability , for Terran's flashlight you knock , today if you have the right offers W to , girl men you know targeting because , there's not much competition and you're , making money and now there's behavior , carbonate flex targeting and what , different targeting so what are you , looking for like what schools are using , what demographic uses how are you , targeting to mission see I mean I kind , of live in Facebook audience love , Facebook audience insights tool I'll go , and you know Google the top TV shows , I'll go in google the top magazine like , audience and maybe I'll find again I'll , find those niche audiences of like , survival magazines and now I know that , New York California Texas speech on , Pennsylvania and Florida high schools , so is going to be to my best face so I , might start there I might start just , using text I'm looking to see where can , I buy a conversion and then obviously , I'going to expand to marry one of , Geo-targeting I'm into the niche , behavioral targeting'm in that age , range targeting like I also know that , like for me W to W is way more , comfortable in W to W W which is , where you're the daughter of men versus , women , I like I personally enjoy brands that , are targeting women in particular was , raised by a number of women have I , just find that more comfortable but I , also think that there's alto of lot of , them money to be made and you know value , to be added targeting men as well John , my other be not the stereotype but , finalist email campaign sir that's a , political crisis short like they're more , likely to do that so that'sup think , about the beard oil thing my all the , lumberjack dudes Justin for prime $9 be , to use it and then I got Irish I draw , the line at like I'm not going to be , rubbing some from , shear on my face'm out of that self , print cream use my cream but like , there's just a wait how do you mean like , Oman for sure myself I love that , somebody not right now look man listen , your skin is an organ is , listen breeds you want to feed it and , listen this is not to down talk anyone , to self beard oil obviously it's a great , market a lot of trending beard oil , market but I just like I'm already , classified as a hipster which Id on't , necessarily agree with that , classification but like I don'TKO man , he lives right next to a barge but , that's like don't think I'm sort of , ironic or sardonic enough condenser butt , or like anyway let's not get into Mr. , conversation no offense hipsters because , a lot of my friends are in your audience , sisters I have some yeah I thin kit's , your school Mani'm all about it but , meaning the way that I present myself in , the world has now become sort of , classified as what a hipster looks like , you know I did not sort of identify with , that community whatever it's just , philosophy of mental and you know I mean , come on so you're telling me you did it , first apprentice or saying well I will , tell you that yes I had this hairstyle , and stuff you know before it became , super popular and then all of sudden , it was like the thing to do and not that , I did anything to bring it into in the , play but it's just how Presented , myself in the world and then it became a , thing and and then why don't wear the , flannel do stuff so I'm not like that I , haven't made it quite in the lumberjack , culture I'm a fashion act we see nothing , Sebastian acting up okay it's like an , action where profession just Imagined , good so that's a good market so all , right one more question before to wrap , it UPI want to switch gears okay , because you know you're obviously your , life even though marketing consumes you , you're a lot more than your work and , something that has really impressed me , about you we haven't known each other , that long but what I noticed you're good , at you're an expert at making for , instance people don't know this but he's , a black belt in judo obviously you'vie , mastered personal branding with smart , marketer you'vie mastered Facebook , traffic you'vie mastered commerce , so what I'm trying to get to here an don , top of all this , don't let the beard fool you but he , jumped he'S's come from , W I know I am W my 3 out there , digitally and already buy yeah good to , be in your third I'm happy'm curious , on what you're what are your thoughts on , mastery discipline how does the want , accelerated learning it because I notice , everyone has big dreams but they'll , actually making it to reality yeah well , I mean I think that first of Allie love , this concept I love this ideology and I , love that word mastering I think really , the skill set that you wan ta human , being that always guilt that that you , want in the skills of mastery which is , simply the willingness to put your , attention in one place consistently over , time you pick up an instrument for W , minutes a day you're going to get better , at it and that's actually what it takes , to excel it at you know to get good at , Facebook Ads good at product selection , to get goody-jots it's really the , only skills that they need the problem , with it and what people that sort of the , issue that people face is that it takes , an eternal vigilance it takes a daily , grind and it's not fun and it's , uncomfortable and you'vie got to work , through scar tissue and you'vie got to , come up against plateaus and you'vie got , to fail or like really just that , willingness to sit down consume content , implement that look at what happens like , that if you have that dogged , determination you listen what is every , Olympic coach every Olympic athlete have , in common they have a coach they train , they are adding up a data grid and have , grit and it's like if you listen to all , these success stories in the , entrepreneurial world which is you know , sort of the world that we're talking to , right now , everyone comes back to I stayed with it , the W-year overnight success and really , Olive anything special on to some dude , off his couch in New York City who , happen to be interested in e-commerce at , an early age there had no special gifts , or talents other than that I was willing , to put in , work overtime and I think that anyone , can do that really anyone can really if , you're moon to go forth and it dozen't , mean it's going to be easy okay you , might get lucky kind of think that my , first store I got lucky right I got in , the e-commerce at a really young age , picked are ally good market it leads , into search engine optimization like , feel like a lot of cards fell and I kept , thinking mini and super lucky because , this thing worked out for me this thing , work I always bottle up and I be like , wait a minute no there's a reason my , stuff keeps going well and other people , stuff USN'necessarily we're trying to , pimp inverted by spread equipment look , one thing Realized is this is why the , New York City because you can control , your luck for instance Move to New , York City I'vie always been here for six , weeks but the other Day would advise , Hatsheput mastermind and because I , was in New York City already would go , there now and because you're in the , article might argue well here these two , dudes are sitting on their high horse , they made known the dollars each of them , to talk about , I was the poorest person that I knew , pretty much as a kid I ate the school , lunches hand-me-down clothing we have , any money look I did't star tout with , anything as I was working job i , moonlighted my business I was working W , hours a week managing the yoga studio , when I built my first e-commerce , business so I only had two or three , hours night after working a full W , our day at home At's Ethan was my now , wife at W:W and then I'reworked the , 3-4 hours like you can do this even if , you're grinding even if you're hustling , and like that's how I created did't , come you did'Tacoma from any kind of , special crazy background that allowed at , your school yeah you know Oman so it's , like yes we have made it in this , industry now but it wan'tollways this , way and like this sort of the viewpoints , that content is actually coming from our , experience of having done this and so it , is possible for you if you feel like you , don'thieve a lot of time or you don't , have lot of money or you don'thieve , sort of maybe access to the network that , you'd like it just goes , about their one thing and like I said , back to manufacture luck because I'm in , New York you're in New York and so now , when we Elinor Strum out the target so , one more thing want to comment on is , you know there's this thing I'vie heard , that I really like but never compare , your chapter with someone else's , chapter W for instance with Ezra , know of as well for a few years and as , right now you have roughly let's stay , close to employees , I'll not anywhere near that I'm not , around less than W employees hopefully , Icahn get to W employees but I'm not , being myself up because you'vie been , doing this long as I have and I'just , realizing just one step at a time and , you leave it is like and we talked about , a little different if you see someone , can have something celebrate it because , you know what it's profitable Wow look , at that and then go ask and they have to , do that that's been my strategy I'vie , never been too egotistical to ask for , help and in fact I can look back at , pretty much every major leap forward and , because I went to someone who I thought , was good at something and I said hey , could you help me with this like'm , interested like you you're always a , student you always are learning there's , always opportunity to grow and like once , you think you're like hot and you , made it in your dough and'm not saying , don'thieve self-confidence and I'm not , saying don'recognize your own value , and'm not saying don't have swag and , walk through the world like you're men , or you're the woman because you are but , also know that like there's there's more , that there's value to be had from , recognizing other people special talents , like I'm learning lot just hanging out , he's looking at how do you look at your , brand looking at your brand and talking , about sup like there's always you can , always be a student if you're going to , be you know and that'st hat's something , very important as not just like for me , I'Mont just looking at people who make , more money than me but I'm open minded , where I'm costly buying the works or , even that that waiter at the restaurant , can teach you something about people , skills so I'm always just having this , radar every single person can teach you , something in life , so Wow so that's a great great way to , end this conversation so I just want to , thank as rabbi or so and first time from , my audience that people want to know , more about you where can they GIGO to , smart porcupine XCOM I'vie , got you know horses restraining blogs , I'm sure will be in you know hopefully , I'll have you on my podcast my blog in , fact you are already interviewed you for , one episode they become about so if you , want to be Charles Bell in about aw eek , or two on one your closest but'll be , no one that I oh cool all right all , right thanks again