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seriously guys if you're not utilizing , this method in your affiliate marketing , business model and you're doing , something wrong , what's going on YouTube Matt Johnston , coming at you guys with a quick video on , how was able to make an extra eight , thousand eight hundred and seventy five , dollars in single week on a Click bank , and this was just with one product guys , okay but before we get into this video , please make sure you guys like comment , and subscribe and hit the notification , bell below because I'gonna be , providing so much value to you guys on , each one of my videos so yeah guys let's , get right into it the reason why I'm , making this video is pretty much just , want to show you guys my progress with , promoting Click bank product scan pretty , much show you guys my journey on how I'm , able to generate income with my business , model this was the product started , promoting one week ago and I'm going to , show you guys the results here so as you , can see this in my Click bank ID and , we're just going to refresh this to last , week as you can see so scroll through , here and this is my total earnings and , sales from one Click bank product alone , so as you guys can seethe total comes , out to be eight thousand eight hundred , seventy five dollars and forty five cent , and I did this all through using an , affiliate site that was already gaining , so much traffic pretty much at the right , time so the website I used to do this , was actually similar web if you guys , arena't familiar with similar web it's , pretty much website that pretty much , shows the exact traffic sources that are , going to the affiliate offer that are , going to the affiliate site and the this , shows all the analytic point out well , each website is performing and it gives , you pretty much some good insight on you , know what website to look out for what , website that you can use to promote your , affiliate offer so I'm gonna give you , guys quick example on how this , actually works so we're just gonna go to , the Click bank marketplace and we're just , gonna go find a quick product we'll just , go under gravity and then we'll just do , something quick so I'm just going to do , lean belly breakthrough just because I , already promoted this offer already so , we'll just let's see so in order to do , this what you're going to want , do is just copy this domain name right , here and then boom and then you're going , to want to paste it into similar web so , paste it right there and I'm going to , show you guys how exactly this works , step-by-step so this just gives brief , you know in-depth introduction on the , rankings of the website but we're not , going to be focusing on that today we're , just going to look at the referrals so , this is the most important part of the , website and this is what you're going to , want to look out for when you're , choosing an affiliate site to promote , your affiliate offer okay so as you guys , can see that top referring sites were , strong and fit get fit younger young and , healthier strong and whole and then fat , girls away so the site that you want to , pick is the one obviously that is , performing the best out of the five but , you know this is what's so powerful , about this website is it shows you know , kind of what websites to avoid what , websites have great potential to help , your affiliate product convert and you , guys can see here that the young and , healthy is obviously performing very , well it's increased alto in percentage , and you know the good thing about this , is if you catch it when there's a lot of , traffic going to that website you can , potentially earn a lot of sales for your , Click bank product so we're just going to , go to this website for an example and , you guys can see that this a niche , specific website based on health and you , know like weight loss so we're just , gonna scroll down'm not gonna really , loo kin-depth wit hit but I'just gonna , give you brief overview so you guys , can see she has a bunch of you know , articles she probably has a bunch of you , know different kinds of ads that are on , here so the thing that did to actually , get my affiliate link on the website was , I used what is called banner ads you , guys can use native ads as well the , reason why Use banner ads was because , you knickknack already provides you , with a banner ad for your affiliate , product , so you guys can see it here so you can , see affiliate links banners and all you , want to do is post your affiliate link , right here , mine's obviously and Johnston as you saw , earlier and just personalize your , affiliate code and then scroll down a , little further and you're gonna see that , my affiliate ID is already attached to , each of these banners so all you all you , really have to do is just copy that so a , good banner ad would be one like this , one so all you have to do is highlight , all that and copy it and then what , you're gonna want to do is email or you , know contact the person that runs this , website so she has her contact , information right here you know you can , either send Hera email you could you , know call her and you could just give , them a brief intro on you know how you , can to promote your affiliate offer on , their website you give them a sheet of a , quick email and usually you know they , can respond pretty fast or they might , not respond at all but the thing you can , do is you know keep asking bunch of , different people what their rates are to , you know possibly put a banner ad on , their website and you can just send them , the link and you know see if they can , fit your ad some whereon their website , if not just you know find a different , offer to promote and just pretty much , rinse and repeat the process until you , find a winning site to use so it's , pretty simple guys obviously it's not , gonna work for every single site you , know with affiliate sites it's pretty , much a numbers game when it comes to , your earning potential but you're really , not limited yeah soar similar web is , definitely a powerful tool to you know , find out which site to promote your , affiliate offer you don't necessarily , have to always build your own website , that's only if you want to start your , business from the ground up but another , way is you know this is just one , strategy you can utilize for yourself , obviously you know there's a lot of , traffic that goes to these websites so I , hope you guys learned lot from this , video please make sure you like tom and , subscribe for more future videos yeah , guys take care