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on this video'm gonna show you exactly , how I was able to get paid over $7,W , in single Dayan online passive income , from affiliate marketing , what's up guys Nick and Rappel is here , and as Just made mention I had a , pretty successful day today so I figured , I'd share that with my loyal subscribers , here on YouTube now if you have not , subscribed make sure to do that , right now because we have a mission to , help over a hundred thousand people , achieve the dream of living that laptop , lifestyle okay so if you want to be part , of this family go ahead and subscribe , and hit that Bell notification so be , updated each and every time we come out , content like this okay so as I made , mention had a pretty good day today , and I wanted to show you it actually , came in two forms so I went tithe , mailbox as I probably just showed you , and Just want to you know give you , some proof first and foremost that I'm , actually doing this and I'Mont the only , one okay that's the biggest things like , I'm not the only one there's tons of , people doing this type of stuff I'm just , one of them so I'm gonna block off my , information you can see Nicholas or , Nicholas wrap this and say then mount , this one is for a little over twenty six , hundred dollars so that is just part of , what I made today so I want to jump on , over to my computer screen and I'll show , you you the rest on how Aim the rest of , what I made and then after that I'm , going to show you exactly how did it , alright ladies and gents here we are on , my computer screen sand then my email , and here's an email that got today , letting me know that a bank transfer , from my e-wallet which is just the , payment processor that one of my , affiliate networks pays me in and then , from there I can transfer my from my , e-wallet to my bank account and you can , see right here dear Nicholas Ra pp glass , and a wall-e wallet to bank transfer has , been requested from your e-wallet from , account blah blah blah to account Wells , Fargo checking so I went to my checking , account in the amount of four thousand , seven , so if we add that up let's do a quick , W plus W this round out you know , seventy three hundred little over , seventy three hundred dollars I got paid , in a single day so I'm gonna show you , exactly how I'm doing that on this video , okay but with that said I do have a more , in-depth detailed training on this type , of stuff and if you would like to get , access to that training all you got to , do is simply like this video share it , and then comment I'm ink very simple , just do that do that down in the , comment sand then I will send you the , link to this more advanced detailed , training OK but let's come over to , sketch pad and draw this out because , it's it'snot complicated it really , is simple and I Talked about this type , of stuff all the time but the only , difference here ISO'm actually you know , showing that I'm having proof and I this , video is probably gonna get a decent , amount of attention just from the from , the simple fact that I show proof but on , this channel I'm always sharing this , type of stuff and Just want to share , that proof and that that proof so that , you guys understand that this stuff , really is real and I really want you , guys to do this start implementing this , stuff don't just listen to these videos , don't just consume these videos take the , information out here and go apply Ito , it'Avery simple and not say it's easy , by any stretch of the imagination but , you can do it and I certainly belie vein , Yoko so you can do this just take this , information and go apply it now the cool , part is that you can really do this in a , lot of different niches the 3 biggest , ones are gonna be health wealth and , relationships so the one I focus one on , is wealth I'm in the internet , marketing affiliate marketing realm and , again this is what I did this with , affiliate marketing and more so high , ticket affiliate marketing and we'll get , into all the details about thicko but I , really want to draw this out and put it , on like Little you know little diagram , here so that it makes little bit more , sense because when I explain things like , this to people it seem to just make more , sense that's what people tell me all the , time so , first and foremost you have to set up , what'scaled a capture page alright so , this is a page that requires someone to , put their email address in to get more , information okay so let's talk about , like the health niche let's say weight , loss let's go away , so here you would setup this page and , these pages are very simple to set up , you can set the min places like , lead pages net click funnels there's , others out the rebut those are the tool , that I Asoka so if we're in the health , niche what we're gonna do is we're gonna , we're gonna build out one of these and , they're very simple there's just a , one-page website they have a little bit , of copy on here and copy just means like , terminology or you know wording and then , it has a little spot for them to put , their email address and then it has , usually a little submit but that's them , no can make this a really cool little , page looking so they put their email , address in and then what happens is they , are added to an email database your , email database and what's what it , says on on pages like this is like free , video or free training or free something , to that'll show you how to get result so , when the health and wellness niche like , in the weight loss niche we'd be like , hey free video that shows you how to , lose weigh tin the next three days or , something like that how to gain how to , gain pounds of muscle in the next W , days or or whatever it ISO it'just , it's you know giving them promising them , a result in exchange for their email , address that's basically how it goes and , then what happens is they put their , email address in there and then they're , Putin your database so that way you , can continue to follow up with them but , what's really cool here is that , immediately after they are they are they , put their email address in the retaken , to another page where this is an , affiliate offered and usually it has a , video recommend that you actually do , it Thank You page but you can send them , directly to an affiliate offer , okay and then they have an opportunity , to buy so this free video that we were , promising them we send that to them by , email and then this is a related offer , so if we're saying hey here's how to , lose weight here's a free video that , teaches you how to lose weight and then , on this video on this page it says hey , your video will be sent to your email , email database , sent to your email inbox here in the , next few minute sin the meantime check , out this video and then this video it , gives them you know some you know some , information and then it sells them on , something whether that is like an e-book , Ora video training course or something , like that that's what we do within an , affiliate marketing is we usually are , selling informational products okay , informational products because there's , no overhead we have to deal with any of , that type of stuff and what's cool is , that when someone makes that purchase , right here then you earn a commission , and I'll show you a place where you can , actually find these type of affiliate , offers so what's the okay that that all , makes sense right and if it dozen't like , put it put it down in the comments that , it dozen't let me know and we'll kind of , I'll help you out in there but you know , obviously we have to get people to this , page right we have to get people to this , page so how do we get people to this , page well I like to use social media and , even further what's called content or , ads like an or both okay so this could , be YouTube videos this could be , Instagram post this could be Facebook ad , it really dozen't matter just as long as , you are constantly putting up content , you're constantly putting up ad or , you're constantly putting up full I put , up alto of content on this page on this , YouTube channel'm always putting up , content every single day now it's it's , really fun I can't believe I'modding it , now it's it's a lot of work but I'm , really glad that we're doing it because , it's helping a lot of people so I'm , constantly putting up content on this , YouTube channel and then I'driving it , to capture Page lot of you notice on , a lot of my videos I told you go to one , of my websites and it's it's the exact , same process here okay exact same , process I have Little capture page , it's a free video that teaches you all , about affiliate marketing once you enter , your email you , on to my email database and then right , after that you see another video of me , saying hey you're gonna your free video , is on your way to your email inbox in , the meantime check out this offer okay , and it's really cool offer and that's , kind of what I want to get into Little , bit more now is what's called high , ticket affiliate marketing so you have , an opportunity to purchase what I'm , offering and this was one of my , affiliate offers okay and it's it'just , like a low introductory price right , around W bucks or so like that but then , once you do get involved there's other , things to purchase and they certainly , and the products that i promote are only , good products okay and that'SWAT I , certainly recommend for you as Welland , sometimes some of these products are you , know in the thousand sand that's how I , can make these big level commissions , that's how I can get paid like $1,W a , day even more as I'vie shown already in , this video but want to show you a , place where you can actually find some , of these affiliate offers in any niche , okay , is a really good spot to gonad I made , mention lot about this in my in these , video sand these YouTube channels so , there's actually another training that I , have that's a little bit more specific , Anglican if you click the button , with a little card in the top right , corner it'll take you over to that video , and you can watch that feel free to , watch that okay but what you do is you , come in to this affiliate marketplace , and right here you come to any of these , categories so let's come in let's stay , with the health and wellness with health , and fitness , we'll come down here and that'just , health in general but there's even , subcategories here okay let's go with , diets and weight loss we'll come down , and and we'll do it by gravity gravity , just means it'basically what'selling , the best the best seller on the whole no , platform so what you do and you , obviously need to get an account here , it's free to sign up but basically what , you do is once you get an account you , just click this promote button you put , in your account nickname oops , supposed to put my account nickname um , just put my account nickname in , and then they give me this link and , that's the link that send people after , they opt-Inonu my capture page right the , Thank You page so I put him right there , so I mean that's really it guys and then , what you can do is your building up that , email list and then you can continue to , send people to different offers you can , come in and check out you can send , people to this red tea detox diet first , and then you can test out this fat , decimate system by wees virgin you can , send people to that one on the next time , and each time like you have the , potential to earn up to twenty four , dollars on each sale now is that a ton , of money you know for one sale like it's , alright but you know you'remaking money , and this this type of stuff is just the , beginning , just the beginning okay I do recommend , that you eventually get into high ticket , affiliate marketing and again I'll talk , about more about that on my on the free , video training that I have so again if , you're interested in that type of stuff , definitely comment I'm in and make sure , and like and share this video as well , okay but that is really the process it's , not hard it's not hard why I should't , say it's not hard it's simple okay it's , not complex okay you have to stay , consistent with it sometimes winning , you're putting up content you're putting , up YouTube videos you're putting up , Instagram post sometimes that takes time , to build up it really does and talk , all about that talk about content , marketing'll actually'll direct Tao , another video if you click the little , button in the top right corner talk , all about content marketing how it takes , a little bit time to build up but it , really can be exponential and like I , talked about beginning this video this , is passive online income because I make , YouTube videos a lot of time but then I , don'thieve to talk to people right I , don'thieve to like get on the phone and , talk to people and say hey you should go , buy this affiliate offer I don't do any , of that I just make YouTube videos , have everything set up and then people , continue Togo my website they continue , to opt-in and they continue to buy my , stuff over and over and over and over , again and then I can send quick email , and I'll get a bunch of more sales and , then I can make Facebook post and then , I send people to another offer like but , once you have that list once you have , that audience once you build up that , audience you know you have once once you , finally have YouTube subscribers and , Facebook fans , and you know Instagram followers once , you have that audience in a specific , niche that are interested Ina specific , topic that need help with a certain , thing you can promote all sorts of , affiliate offers that are going to not , only help them but you get paid , commission as well like how cool is that , so that's really the rundown guy sand , again talk a lot about content , marketing like I said but I also talk , about advertising on this channel , actually just made a video yesterday on , YouTube advertise that you can actually , just pay for exposure to your YouTube , videos and that's a really a fast and , effective way to go if you'redoing it , right and show you the three steps , okay there's three actually three , different ways you can advertise the , people so make sure and watch that video , I'll pita card in the top right corner , and then all the links'vie been talking , about on this video they are in the , video description as well okay guys so , again just to recap you got to start , posting enough content on this in a , specific niche okay specific niche , that's helping people with a problem if , they're you know want to build muscle , make them make a YouTube video YouTube , channel on building muscle if that's , something you're interested in if you're , interested in cooking make a make a , YouTube channel about that or an , Instagram page or whatever your passion , about whatever interested or if you just , want to get into the big ones go with , health wealth or relationships okay and , if you have questions about this type of , stuff type them down in the comments , down below and let me know what what's , your question is what you what's going , on guys'm here for you and know reach , out to me on my other social media , platforms I'll put all those links down , below as well but again it'Sally about , you know creating content creating ads , driving them to a landing page so that , you can build your list and then send , people to different affiliate offers , okay simple alright guys well thank you , for watching this video I do appreciate , your time think that's all I meanie am , Ur this type of stuff down over and over , again but Just really want to grab , your attention and show you what's , possible on this video so that's why I , kind of showed off the income proof here , and had a pretty good day so you know I , want to want to celebrate that and , continue to raise the standard and you , know continue to build up this family , Hicks we have a big vision here I can't , talk about all the time but we have a , big vision overs hundred thousand , people who want a hunter overs hundred , thousand people live in that laptop , lifestyle we're gonna get there and I , love for you to be part of that that , group in that journey , okay so again subscribe to this channel , hit that Bell notification so you'll be , notified when we come out with new , video sand then again if you like to get , more advanced with this stuff you like , the more advanced training please just , comment'm in after you like and share , this video okay but really help out we , get the message out about this Little , bit more and help a lot more people okay , guys so thanks for watching this video , do appreciate your time and then yeah if , you need mentoring or coaching , one-on-one type of stuff or you just , want to talk tome or whatever it is you , have questions please hit me up put them , down in the comments or just hit me up , on one of my other social media , platforms all the links are down in the , video description guys thanks for , watching and we'll talk to you on the , next video .