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hi this is a daily overpass my name is , Eric and Image apps , now today Want to talk about affiliate , marketing and building your newsletter , from within your app okay so today I'm , back in the office now first thing I , want to do is thank everybody for all , the great comments you left last Friday , on my you and I got the Mustang and , you know I showed you guys all that , nothing to do with apps and I really , appreciate all the congratulations and , everything like that right and I was , Scott you know I drove that thing around , all weekend and I was so tempted to like , do the today's video from within the car , all right not even you know just like , still do the same topic but just sitting , therewith a laptop all scrunched up , doing it from within the car just , because it's so nice to be in but anyway , so but I promise you today when you talk , about something app related so today I , want to talk about J I want to talk , about something that always been very , interested in from the beginning so like , if you read anything if you read any of , those spammer money online articles , or books I'veered these books or or , anything about you know content , marketing sou get a lot of the times , with the news I'll talk about affiliate , marketing and affiliate marketing for , those of you who don'TKO and I'd be , surprised if there'anybody out there , wooden't know an affiliate marketing , is where you can subscribe to different , services or different website sand , become an affiliate of those websites so , let's say if you have a blog about magic , right you might be an affiliate account , with a magic shop right and they would , give you a special link and then as you , mentioned pulling a rabbit out of a hat , I don't know where I go I don'TKO why , I chose this one don't know nothing , about magi call right so let's say you , do the magic rings thing and then you , can include link to buy your own magic , rings here and something clicks on that , link it would have a special code in it , so when they go to the magic shop and , buy those rings you would get a , percentage of that purchase because you , helped sell that those magic rings right , so so that's what an affiliate link is , and early Onion apps right we make so , most of my revenue comes Friedman each , month so you know it's pennies per , impression really so yeah or you know , more for clicks and everything like that , but so we have to have a lot of , impression , downloads but early Ono mean I'vie been , very tempted by those affiliate , marketing programs and there's a whole , new industry around this there'slake , you know there'slink share there's , Click bank there's you know Amazon , affiliates there's loads of things out , there and you could go and subscribe to , all these different things and and , apparently people make a lot of money , this way or they tell you they do so , they could sell books I'm not quite sure , but I you know I think a lot of people , are making lot of money through , affiliate marketing especially through , high ticket items right so if you're , gonna sell like Think it's selling a , stereo would be better than selling a , toothbrush for example right so so I'vie , been really interested in the synapse , and I played around with iota little bit , early on by creating house ads in house , ad is Ana/d you can you know basically , put into your own apps you do have to , pay for because you're using your own ad , space so I would create you know house , ads an Ad Mob and try to use some of , theseclickbank affiliate links right , and I found that you know Ad Mob was , disabling these almost you know within a , couple hours because they were just so , so spam my and everything and if you look , atClickbank I mean ma nit's like lot , of the stuff in there is really bad , right so but you know later Ono read , you know well you read a lot also from , content marketers and affiliate , marketers that building up your email , list is is really important and in fact , for the first three years of with ear , spy you know you know all the the , millions of downloads we were getting , you know people are asking me are you , getting everybody's email address are , you getting their personal information , everything is it no I'm not getting any , of that right so because you can't just , you can't just you could ask for it but , you know if you have an app it's called , ear spy nobody'seagoing to give you the , personal information I mean I would't , right so but you could have say a , newsletter registration so like on our , website we have the overpass newsletter , you know you can subscribe to that but I , wanted to have something that was that , would entice people on on ear spy so the , idea was rather than just do something , that says subscribe to our newsletter we , say let's create content like a course , so we came up with a spy training , newsletter so have look over here on , my screen , show you kind of what I mean here so , here's my Mail Chimp account right if I , go over to lists you see we have , different lists that people subscribe to , but only one of them really has any , significant number sin it which is spy , training all right so it'just got like , 3,W people in it so which is Nita , huge amount that the email open rate , W.4%you know.7% actually click on , something right so you know I'Mont sure , if that's good or bad but it is what it , is if I go into automation over here so , basically what happens if somebody goes , into our app and then you know , subscribes to this news to the spy , training'll show you this in a minute , they'll get they'll go into this , automation loop so spy training , automation the nice thing about , Mail Chimp is you can set all this kind , of stuff off the transponders so so , let's say let's say we got a new user in , today so we get like we get about W or , W Ada all right so somebody comes in , and they they you know they click on , that they put in their email address , they'll get they'll immediately get the , welcome email right which has a little , article in it about how to become a spy , or something like that right and in the , next 1 week later so we have a trigger , so a week from now they would get the , second on ea week later they get the , third one and I think we only go up to , W weeks yeah so we got W week course , so you know every week we do something , different if Just show you kind of , what these look like here's a new email , as an example you know spy training , number six investigate the investigative , techniques series on how to interview , people or interrogate a subject so we'vie , got you know Sandy's been putting all , these designs in there and we'begot , like just like nice little thing right , and we an dour a few of these we have , affiliate links but they don't do too , well I'll go into that here in minute , so it should be really easy to put these , into your app so and the benefits of , having newsletter as opposed to just , having just a link like like I was , trying to do what the house has before , is that if you get enough people on your , newsletter subscription you could , theoretically market more to them later , so like you could you know if they don't , buy on the first newsletter you get to , try and sell it again on the second one , you know made and even after that goes , the twelve emails I could send I could , continue sending thanks to those W , people because they agreed to receive , those email snow I haven'done that , very much yet actually haven't done it , at all except for these these twelve but , it's still something that it's a , possible revenue stream if I can make it , work right so so it should be easy to , put this in your email now if now , Android and Ind sorry Android and ISO , both have components that use you know , the AI the ISO that use the Mail Chimp , API right so it so you can put a form in , there and have it communicate with the , API and everything kicks off from , Mail Chimp and mil chips just one of the , subscribers zoom in just a whimper , there's Think Infusionsoftthere's , there's other email providers out there , you know we use MailChimpjust because I , kind of like the look of it so but you , know I have Thea team in India that , we're working on the ear spy Android , version and this was like two year sago , and I said you know I want to put this , newsletter thing in there and I have , them you know I'wept everything , together start writing you know , started writing some of the content , right and these can Think took ages on , it they just could not get it to work , right they would they would give it so , you subscribe tithe email but they , would't get the the responses back and , everything like that I mean it was so , you know even though when I look at I , can't believe it Wasted so much money , on it because when I looked at it , thought dude that's easy so in the end , what we did just yeah and this is I mean , this is not because yeah Id on't know if , the plug-in or the the component is , difficult but I just you know sometimes , you just you just have these kind of , issues right so so in the end what I did , was I just wrote to cut in there , myself just a you know you click on a , button it opens up a web page so let me , just show you over here in the iPhone , version here I got the simulator up over , here like so so you you're in the your , an ISO app and then just go into , settings right and then you'll see I had , features you know the in-app purchase , and stuff like that and then down here , you can see spy training newsletter and , if you click on that basically all it , does is take you to a web page and which , is on wardress site and then that way , I mean you know you'vie got a few , components like a few API components and , everything out there which are you know , fiddly to get into your app easy and , it'gonna take age of the test and all , of minute you know opening web page , there's a lot of , skip components that do that so this is , much easier just Togo in and say okay I , go in here and then I could have my , sign up form here I can test it over and , over again in a browser just to make , sure everything works and you know and , it's just us Eddie because it's a web , page and not just in the app I could put , this on the ear spy Facebook page I , could put it on the overpass Facebook , page all this kind of stuff and try to , spread that a little bit more alright so , and that'st hat's where you're pretty , well we're At,W subscribers which is , you know it's it'actually getting , pretty expensive see my copy writing , skills are not what they should be it's , either affiliate marketing is over hyped , and it dozen't pay as much as people say , it does or I'Mont doing it right , because we're getting the subscribers , through we're putting the affiliate , links in there and we just not making , not making a lot of revenue from it but , it's kind of thing where it's kind of , thing where I have confidence that it , can work I'just not doing it right and , there's alto of things like that you , think either you know I can't discount , it completely because I might not be the , right person doing this and in actually , getting out there and doing stuff so , like lot of the ads that I'm selecting , or the affiliate companies that I'm , selecting might not be the bestir use a , lot of like Click bank stuff at first and , as soon as you do that Mail Chimp will , shut you down they'll suspend the email , like immediately because they'll say you , know they don'twat to be you know , caught up for spam and everything like , that which makes sense you know they , don't want all their other emails going , straight into spam filter because some , idiot Putin some some sleazy Click bank , thing anyway just really simple that's , kind of one of the ways we're doing it , we talked before about the ways that you , can make money with apps you'vie got you , know you'vie got your an app sales you , got in app purchases you got advertising , you got promotion sand then this is , another way you could start building , your newsletter and start reaching out , to your audience that way especially if , you if you can find something that would , entice them to come in and do that I , mean you could give something away like , you know say you have some locked , content and you just say you know you , can unlock it by subscribing to our , newsletter and then you give the ma code , on that first you know email or , something like that that's something , we're not doing yet bu tit was something , that we thought about doing early on so , anyway I hope that's been helpful you , know if you guys had had better success , for this and there's anybody out there , oh you know really you know smart app , developers out there if you'Webern , using you know affiliate link sand email , newsletters and everything and your apps , and it's really working for you let us , know about it you knocks I'd be really , really interested in knowing that anyway , that's it for today I will talk to you , guys tomorrow