Cheapest Way To Start Affiliate Marketing In 2019


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what is going on guys my name is Anthony , Villa welcoming you back to yet another , video here on the channel work today , guys'm gonna be talking to you about , how to get started with affiliate , marketing for as cheap as possible , noway lot of you out there guys don't , have a huge budget to start affiliate , marketing you should have Little bit , of money saved up and you want to get , started and you want to know how can you , get started for us cheap as you possibly , can , I'm gonna tell you exactly how in this , video guys we're gonna start it off in , just minute by diving into my computer , but before we do that guys this is the , first time you're watching one of my , videos the first time you'vie seen my , channel but I'd appreciate it right now , if you guys go ahead and please , subscribe right now for brand new videos , every single day and with that stuff all , set guys we're gonna dive into my , computer right now and start this video , of fall right guys we're now in my , computer as you can see on my whiteboard , start affiliate marketing on a low , budget of course the headline topic of , this video then you guys are gonna see , our four individual black boxes on my , whiteboard I'm gonna pull them each away , individually explain what they mean it's , kind of going into detail on this , subject and tell you guys exactly how , you can get started for as cheap as , possible with that being said I'Mont , gonna waste anymore time guys we pull , the first box away right now get it all , the way out here , of course guys the first thing want to , cover is the things that you're actually , gonna need if you want to start a Philly , marketing on allow budget , so of course guys he's goat numbered 1 , to 3 of course you're gonna need maybe a , few more things here and the rebut I , broke it down into the three most core , things you're definitely gonna need for , your affiliate marketing business course , those things being number one affiliate , offer sand course doing affiliate , marketing you're gonna need some sort of , offers I'smelling something to sell , accordions obvious guys number two , though , traffic slash people of course are the , same thing you're gonna need to be able , to get traffic generate traffic to your , offers to your landing pages to your , wherever you're gonna need people to , actually buy the products that way you , can actually make sales again a little , bit obvious guys this is just the basics , after I throw guys the third thing , you're gonna need is an email , autoresponderbecause the reason you're , gonna need this is because you're gonna , need some way to actually collect email , addresses will simonize a list of , customer emails potential leads people , who will potentially buy things from you , because you're gonna need these guys , because , email is by far the greatest way to , actually get into'm like a one-on-one , direct contact with a potential lead , with a potential customer and it's , definitely one of the best ways to be , able to generate sale shaving a big , email list full of a full of lead sand , then potential customer sis definitely , helped you guys out a ton and actually , making sales earning some commissions , you guys are definitely got a W% need , an ultrasound with that being , said though guys those are the three , things you're absolutely gonna need I'm , gonna show you how to get each of them , individually now of course three boxes , three things you're gonna need you guys , do the math'm not gonna waste any time , pull the first box away number one you , guys to get affiliate offers fishing you , gonna need to do is I always obviously , sign up for some affiliate networks'm , gonna top ones that I work with , personally we're gonna be click bank , amazon associate sand then I have , spelled that wrong and thanks of , course these are all affiliate programs , of course the majority of you probably , W% have you already have heard of , Amazon so I put Amazon Associates that's , just pretty much Amazon's of flavor , program if you'vie never heard her before , and then click Bank in kazoo or just , also our two affiliate networks I think , you're pretty good completely free to , sign up for all three these guy stakes , like W W minute sign up for all of , them individually so guys definitely , sign up for Click bank or if he has a I , want to go like the Amazon route and , actually promote Amazon products then I , would definitely say go Amazon , Associates for those like my to pt , networks that I work with the most so , after you guys go ahead and sign up for , some affiliate networks one two or all , thereof them wholly up to you guys why , don't you go ahead and do that and , actually get the first thing you need , your affiliate offers done the next , thing you guys are gonna nee dis gonna , be traffic and then people same thing , like I said before guys you pull the , second box away they go guys boxes away , so obviously I was number two , you don't need traffic or people you , want me to do that is to do it yourself , you're gonna need to generate traffic , I put generated free traffic because , like Is aid guys we're doing this on a , budget we're not trying to spend any , money on paid advertising we're trying , to keep it as low as possible so to do , that we're gonna want to generate free , traffic then in parentheses I gave you , guys little hint of how to do that I , have an entire video on how to generate , free traffic go ahead and check that out , if you want what we're staying on this , video put in parenthesis leverage , social media because that is definitely , by far the most powerful way actually , generate free traffic , with that being said of course I put a , few examples Instagram Facebook YouTube , Twitter we all know these we all know , that we all know their social media , platforms with millions and millions of , people on every single one of them and , guys that'shy there's such fantastic , places actually generate free traffic , leveraging these platforms that already , have millions and millions of people on , them is a great way to actually start , generating traffic to your affiliate , offers to your landing pages and then in , turn to start collecting email addresses , you guys are definitely gonna want to , leverage these social media platforms , guys I'm going through this video kind , of fa stand going do all this stuff , pretty fast and talking pretty fast , I apologize'm going Little bit too , quickly if you guys have any questions , or comments feel free to drop them in , the comments section'll answer every , single question or comment I get , actually out there guys the next thing , you guys are definitely gonna need it's , gonna be an ultrasound then , pull the third box away explain this now , guys hopefully you can see all that , alright guys so the other thing you , needs to do is actually set up an email , autoresponderbut those who do not know , what an outspends an email , transponder is essentially a software , program that allows you to collect email , addresses and then once you have those , email address on your big list it allows , you just send a send out email to all of , them in mass you can presenter like W , W email sat once , alter your list all promoting an , affiliate offer or programmers wherever , you guys want you guys thinking on that , whatever you want but you guys are , definitely gonna need an email , autoresponderbecause it'definitely , one of the greatest ways to actually , stay in contact with your list and then , to close sales after that guys , underneath I put the get response , transponder because that is the exact , one that use because I use it I , recommend it to you guys as well , of course there are a ton of reasons I , think that get response is the best , email autoresponderout there right now , I will get into that though guys but , straight off the bat if you want , actually sign upper get response put , right there-day free trial you guys , can actually get that by clicking the , link in the description there we link in , the description somewhere on the top you , guys to click and actually sign up for , get response if you use that link you'll , actually get A's day free trial again , guys we're trying to start on allow , budget and you guys this is fantastic , way to get started completely for free , use the W day free trial and you guys , can start your own affiliate marketing , business there's pretty much zero , dollars you guys guys even after the W , day free trial is over one of the , reasons I think get response is so great , is because like they're month their , monthly most basic plains like $W a , month pay a little bit more than that , just because I have a bigger list but , for you as a beginning their most basic , plans like $W a month with hi swishes , nothing guys honestly especially , compared to other email transponder , services like arbor and Mail Chimp and , things like that where they're at a , higher price point that responds , definitely gives you the most value but , like the cheapest price in my opinion , that's why I use it that's why I , recommended to you guys as well , of course as I mentioned before some of , the other features that get response , actually has IPO it there a landing , page creator the guy's a landing page , creator is extremely important because , actually building a landing page and , actually having one is the way you're , actually going to be able to collect , email addresses we're trying to be doing , in this process make it as simple AIs , can you need to be sending traffic most , likely from some one of these social , media platforms over to your landing , page but then you're gonna be able to , collect that person's email address get , them on your list be able to email them , in the future , without you know future offers future , promotions wherever you're throwing at , that time and then after they actually , opt-in to your landing page actually , give you their email address actually , you're gonna send them over to your , affiliate offer to whatever you're , promoting now you can actually have the , potential to make sale shake off the , bat shade up front but guys definitely , check out get response as an email , transponder definitely the best one in , my opinion as a landing page is another , thing you're definitely gonna need for , your affiliate marketing business of , course you guys can pay for some other , landing page creators or software's , listen of course even more money that's , gonna cost you even more money monthly , like I said guys we're trying to do this , for a cheap as you possibly can we're , getting get response to get the email , autoresponderand the landing page , created in one service for $W a month , is of course fantastic definitely the , most value we're so I recommend it and , with all that said guys those are the , top three things you're definitely W% , gonna need if you want to start your own , affiliate marketing business online like , I said guys number one thing affiliate , offers then you gonna need some traffic , or some people and then last thing is , gonna be an email outspend guess , I guys check all those outwith all that , being said guys hopefully you enjoyed , the video got a little bit of value out , of it if you guys have anymore comments , or questions about affiliate marketing , Iris online business in general good , for you to drop a comment like I said , guys'm gonna answer every single , comment I get on this video and with , that being said if you guys enjoyed , Apple like and if you really enjoyed , definitely make sure you subscribe for , brand new videos every single , and with that being said guys my name is , Anthony Villa I am out yes .

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