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what is going on guys my name is Anthony , Villa welcoming you back to a brand new , video here on the channel where today , guys I'gonna be going over how to use , Facebook groups to promote your , affiliate offers to make some sales to , make some money online with your , affiliate marketing business because , guys Facebook is probably one of the , best free traffic sources for your , affiliate marketing because guys , Facebook has literally million sand , millions of people on their site every , single day using their platform and of , course guys that's millions of people , you guys can actually market to because , there are so many people on the website , guys that's a ton of traffic you guys , can drive to your landing pages to your , failings to make some affiliate sales , and'm gonna tell you exactly how to do , that in this video guys but before I get , into that guys if you're brand new to , the channel this is the first time , you'rechecking out one of my videos I , encourage you right now to go down below , hit that subscribe button and hit that , Bell icon turn on those post , notifications your brand new videos just , like this one every single day and on , top of that guys if you'vie not checked , out my free affiliate marketing training , course yet Indefinitely want you guys to , go ahead and do that as well , link at the top of the description and , with all that stuff being said guys , we're gonna start this video off right , now by diving into my computer alright , guys we were now my computer as you can , see Facebook group promoting in , affiliate marketing because that is , exactly what we're gonna be covering in , this video guys we are here on my , whiteboard of course you guys see on the , left over here I have my three main , points'm gonna cover in this video try , to actually promote affiliate offers in , Facebook groups effectively with that , being said guys I'm not gonna waste any , time so pull the first box where I know , me just get rid of that I got so the , first thing you're gonna need to do is , to join relevant Facebook group so guys , what that really means is join these , specific groups so of course guys there , were millions of niches in affiliate , marketing so all you guys have to do is , pick whatever niche you're actually in , and then join Facebook groups that are , directly gonna be relevant to that so , for example guys if you're in the weight , loss niche then you go ahead and join , Facebook groups with other people who , are actively trying to lose weight and , diet exercise again the best shape they , can but if you're in another niche like , fishing for example then you'd obviously , go ahead and join bunch of fishing , groups not dine away low scoop so guys , that's the first step of course that , one's pretty easy but I had to get out , of the way guys you want to join super , specific groups guys the more relevant , the group is the better guys because of , course we're gonna make sure that that , grouping , your target demographic whatever that is , guys whatever nice you're in you should , have a good understanding of what your , target demographic is and some more , specifics about them are they , male/female how old are they how much , income do they usually they have , year-to-year where do they live things , like that guy just very basic , characteristics of your target , demographic and you make sure that those , are the kind of people that are actually , in these Facebook groups because of , course guys these Facebook groups can , also get very very niche specific , because for example guys they might have , fishing group for people that are , retired so obviously people that are , retired are gonna be a little bit older , they're not really gonna fit that young , demographic but if you're looking for , more of an older demographic that's your , target demographic and that's gonna be , absolutely perfect for you guys do you , want to get as specific as you can and , just make sure the people in those , groups fit your target demographic very , nicely and once you do that guys are , gonna have a very good start so again , guys just join as many groups as you can , don'tog overboard and join like , groups but definitely try to join at , least like me W W group sand you guys , can obviously work from the rebut with , that being said that'st he first tip I'm , gonna go over to the second tip now by , deleting this box so guys the second , thing I have to talk to you guys about , is you have to interact heavily in these , groups so what does that really mean , guys that means reaching out to people , adding people as friends mentioning , people on top of that guys what you want , to do once you're in these groups of , course mostly these people can be pretty , active there gonna Beau lot of people , posting pretty much every single day so , what you want to do is you want to go , into these Facebook groups , anyway I just want to answer people's , questions and why you're interesting the , questions guys make sure you're , providing value so has the reason you're , doing this is because you're trying get , your name you're trying to establish , yourself as an authority in that group , out of somebody who really understands , the information and knows what they're , talking about because guys when you're , in the group answering a bunch of , questions all the time people are gonna , see that people are gonna see their , start recognizing your name as an , authority in that specific niche or , market or whatever Otis guys they're , gonna start seeing you as somebody who , really knows their stuff and really know , if they're talking about and that is , fantastic because that is essentially , all you guys want to do you want to , establish yourself as an authority in , these Facebook groups so with that being , said guys you want to answer as many , people's questions as you possibly can , in the questions guys when you're , actually answering them I mean , definitely provide as much value as you , can now I'm not saying for every single , question you have to like an entire , essay , maybe just a quick paragraph though guys , and make sure you provide some real , value them stuff that'actually gonna , help the person out guy sand in your , actual comment you met you , be able to slip in an affiliate link , here or there of course don'Tet don't , go overboard again don't get too spam my , with this don't pita link in every , single common you post but if it's a , very relevant affiliate link then you , can go ahead and do that if it's a , really relevant offering or product- , really that's actually really gonna help , that person out then that would be a , good time to actually go ahead and slip , that affiliate offer in but if not guys , again don't go overboard you know don't , just start spamming affiliate links all , these phase four groups guys that's , we're gonna one probably you could doubt , or two is probably not gonna really , convert to that many sales anyway with , that being so the guys the best way to , actually answer these question sand make , sure you're one of the first people , change them every single time is to , actually turn on group notifications for , the groups you actually want to see a , post in that way you'll always be the , first person to see a post you'll be the , first person to see a question popup , and you'll be the first person to answer , it which is of course again great guys , because that allows further build you up , as an authority in your desired market , with that being so guys that is pretty , much the second tip right there you just , want to interact very heavily in these , groups guys reach out to people have , conversations with people guys mess , achievable thinking guys don't just mini , master people don't do it start selling , selling selling immediately but just , come off as somebody who just also in , the same niche as they are just looking , to make connections just trying to make , some more friends you just want to come , off ass more of a friendly person , you're trying to help out or just kind , of give your advice here and there stuff , like that guys you don'twat to come , across as somebody who's immediately , trying to sell a product or sell an , offer because Gotta turn a lot of , people off very very quickly with that , being so the guys that is the second tip , no tone one two the third and final tip , for this video which is going to be the , actual selling part of it which is , actually promote your affiliate offers , because you guys of course in order to , make money online it's like marketing , you'vie gotta be pushing your affiliate , link sand your float offers somewhere , and of course in this video we're , talking about pushing them Facebook , groups where that being say guys you , want to promote your foot offers but you , want to do it as subtly as you possibly , can and do not spam guys like I already , mentioned guys you do not want to be the , person in the group were just constantly , spamming , now they're foiling spamming their foot , offers because one guys again that , probably won't convert that well guys , name is not really the greatest thing , you guys can actually do to improve your , conversion when you gonna get very low , conversion of you guys again guys people , don't buy off spam people buy fro mother , people people they trust guys and trust , is the exact thing you're actually , building up when you're actually , building yourself up as an authority in , the space preview up you're actually , answering people's questions that's , building up trust between you and the , other person , because they're seeing that as another , person in their st. mark you're just , kind of helping them out giving them , advice and that's gonna make them trust , you so when you eventually go ahead and , actually push your foot of for push your , affiliate link there's gonna be a lot , higher of a chance there actually go , ahead and purchase it just because you , already built up that trust relationship , between you and your new potential lead , or potential customer even with that , being said guys you also want to direct , sell to people you're in contact with so , like I mentioned in the second tip , interacting heavily with these groups , message people guys have full long , conversation sand you guys can introduce , some Direct Selling in those , conversations guys now of course keep it , subtle again , don't make it too too direct where , you're just saying I'm just straight , if a link and saying saying hey buy this , thing because it'SOS great and it made , me this much amount of money or just , help me lose this much weight or , whatever it is guys you just wanted to , have fun conversation to them and , somewhere in the conversation you can , just subtly bring up the affiliate , product whether you're full offer but , don't directly just link them out to a , guys let's bring it up subtly and if , they're interested then you can go ahead , and send them a link but doughnuts go , sending a link to every single person , you message on Facebook again guys let's , just spam and that's not gonna work with , that being so the guys you actually um , provide proof or value posts that you , can use to promote your foot offering so , if you guys are in the weight loss niche , you guys can definitely show me some , proof pics or some example picks up some , people who have used that specific a , flavor product to lose like pounds in , three weeks or like W pound sin like , three months whatever it is guys you , guys can use proof pics and then also , value post so posted is giving away a , ton of value and then at the bottom of , them you guys can insert your feelings , there and kind of just say hey here's , awesome product it did this down the , other thing for me and this is why it's , really great and that's a great way to , actually promote your foot links without , coming off super super Sopwith that , being said guys those are my top three , tips for actually promoting your , affiliate link sin subgroups guys , hopefully that helped you out a little , bit if you enjoyed the video guys , definitely drop a like on it and if you , guys really enjoyed and definite make , sure to subscribe for brand new videos , just like this one every single day and , on top of that guys my free affiliate , marketing training course is still out , right NOW'm not sure'm going to , close that off so of course you guys it , will be the first link at the top of the , description and with all that stuff , being said that pretty much wraps up , this video guys my name is Anthony Villa , I will see you in the next one and am , out peace , you .