BEST Ways to START Affiliate Marketing for Beginners!


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in this video I'going to share with , you the absolute best ways to get , started with affiliate marketing no , matter what budget you're at so whether , you have zero dollars and you want to , get started for free'll teach you the , best way to do that today whether you , have $W I'll teach you the best way to , invest that Benjamin to get the most , bang for the buck and if you have up to , a thousand dollars I will teach you the , best way to invest that money so that , you have the right tools to get started , with affiliate marketing stay tuned , hey what is up guys , ODI productions here I am back it's been , over a week and Want to just let you , guys know why I took very short hiatus , and where I'vie been life has been crazy , lately'vie been super busy and there's , two big major life updates that's , happened tome that wanted to share , with you guys today so the first life , update is just my surroundings if you , guys look around let me just do a quick , pain just moved into a brand new , apartment'm the first person to ever , live in this unit and it is as you guys , can see a corner unit still living in , Chicago best city in the world I'm from , San Diego originally for you guys who , don't know my background or my story , was born and raised in San Diego and I , went to UCLA for a few years actually , until I was Fourth year where I Hadar , 3 5 GPA my senior year dropped out of , UCLA to pursue online business and , entrepreneurship and it's been about two , or three years since then and honestly , can't complain so basically my channel , if you guys are brand new if you're a , new visitor or subscriber basically I'm , awfully-time entrepreneur I'm W years , old my name is OD go by ODI productions , and this channel is all about teaching , people how to get into online business , entrepreneurship and make passive income , through affiliate marketing so if you , guys don't know what affiliate marketing , is watch all my other videos because you , know I'm gonna get more in depth with , this video however if you're brand new , you never heard about it , basically affiliate marketing is just , referrals you refer people to products , and service sand you get Commission if , they purchase through your links so , that's as simple AIs can make it , but basically if two gallon with this , video that first life update is the , apartment and I'll give you guys a quick , quick tour because you guys deserve one , but the second life update which I'm so , happy so proud to share with you guys is , this guy right he recheck him out taco , hi hi say hi this guy right here his , name is taco he'S's weeks old he ISS , French Bulldog also known as a French , he is cream-colored and he is absolutely , adorable and he is just so amazing , honestly you know aside from the new , apartment and everything he's brought me , so much joy in such a short period of , time he's so great but he'still a , puppy so you know still learn alto of , things but you'll see hi min the few of , my future videos from now Ono'll , probably make guest appearances but he's , officially gonna be the mascot for my , channel but to give you guys that quick , quick apartment tour if you guys wanna , check this out we'll start her ewe'll , start with the front door and then we'll , move in so you know walking into the , apartment you know I go tall my stuff , right now it's a little messy but we , take a quick left right here gotta check , out this bathroom I got some of tacos , stuff right here but basically you got , this white marble on the shower this , mirror you know I'm not trying to flex , on you guys but this mirror is a couple , racks right here , no joke this like literally this mirror , ISO don'TKO how much it cost but , it's pretty pretty pricey but it is the , nexus mirror'vie ever seen am a mess , right now because Just move din today , I literally just moved into my place , today it's been so crazy if I wanted to , make this video for you guys and I'm , dedicated and I want to share this with , you guys because honestly you guys are , you know a lot of my success comes from , you know helping other people and , basically I would't be here if it , wan't for all the customers and the , people who I'vie helped so anyways as you , guys can see pretty epic view right , there , I mean corner unit floors ceiling , windows that , where here's the kitchen super dope I , mean you got the Gordon Ramsaystovetop , right here with the range meanie'm no , chef but you know looking pretty , official right now here's the balcony , I'm a step out real quick it's getting a , little chilly here as we head into , winter but actually it'snot too bad , it's about W degrees so this is my , balcony look out below , check it out it'since to get some fresh , air especially because never really got , too much fresh air in my whole place but , let'sago back in here so yeah this is , the living room pretty large it's a lot , bigger than my old place if you guys , have seen my other videos now the view , the view is amazing but my view at my , old place is the best thing I'll go in , my humble opinion I'vie toured over a , dozen of these apartment complexes but , here is where the magic happens , just kidding here's the bedroom got my , queen bag at the bed frame waking up to , that it's gonna be pretty nice lots of , sunlight and here is my closet which is , way bigger than way bigger than my old , closet oh this one'actually walking my , old closet wan't but you got so much , room here it's crazy like someone could , literally sleep here honestly if they , want to anyways , that's that's the quick apartment tour , I'm sure I'll get in some more of the , apartment late rand you know future , videos maybe I'll do an official tour , once all furniture's set up I mean , everything's a mess right now , I literally just moved in this morning , so anyways that'sit as you know as far , as life updates goes I just wanted to , keep you guys informed CZ a lot of , people you know if you're interested in , my personal life and you want to know , what'seagoing on you want see more life , style this is it right here you guys and , you know W% funded by affiliate , marketing which is all I DI don't do , any sort of other online business other , than you know affiliate marketing I , don't do drop shipping or Amazon FBA or , stocks or anything like that , I really just chose one thing and , stuck to it and honestly if you just you , know focus on one thing you specialize , you become a master you become an expert , then stuff like this you know can happen , to you , with time so anyways let's move on to , the actual advice , move on tithe mean potatoes of this , video which is was the best way to get , started with the field of marketing , alright guys so I get this question , literally every day every day everyday , it's every day bro get this question , people messaging me hey man you know I , like your videos blah blah what's I just , want to know what'st he best way to get , started with affiliate marketing well , first of all you know sarcastically what , I want to say is like if you'vie watched , any of my videos give you so many ways , to get start with affiliate marketing , and I literally have videos where I , teach people how they get started with , affiliate marketing however you know , this video had to be made because the , questions gonna keep coming up so this , will be my definitive answer for anyone , who asks me was the best way to get , started with fill marketing'll tell , you right now and I'm gonna tell you , guys three ways actually because I'm a , generous guy now I'just kidding , I'm gonna tell you three ways because , people have different budgets and people , come to me all the time and they have , different budgets the most common ones , probably people who are broke or they , say they're broke and you know they , don'they either don'thieve a job , they're a college student they don't , have much money and they want to get , started though and the good news for you , is unlike a lot of other online business , models such as drop shipping such as , Amazon FBA where you do need to invest , upfront you know to get some product to , you know get your Spiffy website up or , whatever you can get start with the , field of marketing for free free$0 W , it dozen't get better than that there's , no other online business model where you , can get started completely free as in , nothingness so yeah there's that so I'm , gonna tell you guys the best way to get , started with that and then after that , I'll teach you the best way if you have , about bucks if you have a Benjamin , I'll teach you the best way to invest , that and if you have up Tao thousand , dollars so let's say W to thousand , dollars I will give you the absolute , best way to get started if I were to get , started literally today all right let's , get it all right method number one for , people who are dead broke you have zero , dollars or you don't want to spend , anything this is how you get start with , affiliate marketing step one start a , YouTube channel , there you go step to upload videos on , that channel that are related to , affiliate products and content so this , can be reviews it can be comparison sit , can be tutorials but basically you want , to create content that is going to , promote these products whether directly , or indirectly and then you're gonna , promote them through your YouTube , channel because YouTube is completely , free to start now or the benefits of , starring YouTube channel alright so , you know people ask me what's the best , way this is the best way guys this is , the best way you need to start YouTube , channel because you know the other , methods'm using stuff like click , funnels which does cost $W a month , after your free trial runs out you can , get start with YouTube for free today , you have no excuse sand you know for , people who are like oh you know I'm shy , I don't wanna make videos suck it up , because you're asking the best way to , get started with affiliate marketing'm , telling you the best way it's YouTube , why one it's free -it's a video , advertising which is the most effective , form of marketing these days an dis the , future of advertising it's video guys so , everything is headed this way YouTube's , completely free and on top of that , number three for YouTube the thing is , you can sell people some seizures , through video and YouTube will actually , get you views for free depending on you , know the quality of your video but , YouTube will actually drive people and , get traffic to your videos so you know , if you do videos you do like a review on , an Apple Mac Book Pro you could have zero , subscribers but if your video happens to , be good they could you know make it a , suggested video and over time you can , gain some organic traffic and start , getting views over time if you keep , making this good content promoting it , through whatever free methods you want , to or paid and basically overtime , you're gonna be getting views for every , single video for free because you'll get , subscribers you'll get you know people , who watch the suggested video who are , just browsing on YouTube so many ways , but basically you get lot of organic , traffic so it's pretty crazy , and honestly YouTube for me has been , such huge component of affiliate , marketing because video sells people so , much easier than , sending them to an advertisement and to , a landing page so I'm a big proponent of , YouTube and if you're getting start , today start YouTube channel you can do , so many different ways so I really , mentioned that you can do reviews you , can do comparisons you can do tutorials , now another way you can do Otis through , personal brands NOW'm seeing lot of , these channels pop up lately but they're , very effective basically if you are an , entrepreneur and you know you're getting , into this to basically you know go , full-time into entrepreneurship and , online business you can start a personal , brand YouTube now this is YouTube , where you actually showcase your you , know your highlights your failures on , your journey and your successes with , entrepreneurship and online business and , through this you can actually become an , affiliate marketer from many different , entrepreneurship tools such as you know , click funnels Spiffy all sorts of , different things you know jungle Scout , is an example for anyone who's familiar , with Amazon Bayou can promote any of , these tools as an affiliate through your , YouTube channel so that right there , great great great way honestly um you , could't honestly take this to so many , heights and you can earn so much this , way if you do it the right way if you , invest and you make quality videos like , this and you know you invest in your , camera you you know you practice you , practice your video editing you make it , better then you can really really earn , the full-time income with affiliate , marketing you know if if you work hard , so anyways that's number one so start , YouTube channel if you have no money you , have no money you know for anyone who's , complaining that they don't wanna make , videos or whatever suck it up beggars , can't be choosers you asked for the best , way if you're broke YouTube , done let'move on number two so number , two if you have $W now I already made , a video on this and what I'gonna do , right now is I'm going to direct you to , that video ball give you a quick , synopsis right here so number two is , you're gonna start an affiliate , marketing website and the type of , website that we're going to create is , called a niche Authority website now , these days it's possible to make , website for less than $W much less , probably closer to$W you can , have a full functional custom website , that looks good it's ran on Word Press , and it'basically ass custom domain so , you know it dozen't say dot , word or dot or dot , teachable comm or anything like that it , literally just says blah blah blah com , that you choose so this right here is , the best way to get started if you have , some money because when you have a , website it opens up so many door sin the , world of affiliate marketing when you , have a website you can get approved into , the affiliate networks much easier when , you have an actual legit website now if , you only have a YouTube channel chances , are you might not get into certain , affiliate networks so that's something , that you have to watch out for so that , is my advice now the video actually , have a video on my channel you guys are , so lucky just made a video think two , uploads ago where I walked a college , student walked her step by step my , friend Sam how to start an affiliate , marketing website and the field of , marketing business for less than , hundred dollars I actually show that , step by step by step so I'll link it , right here you guys can watch that if , you know you want to invest a little bit , and I I honestly recommend that you do , if you have at least you know seventy , dollars to spend create an affiliate , marketing website create YouTube combine , them boom honestly that is a great great , method right there and that is the best , way to get started today if you have you , know little to no money whether you have , no money at all you have zero dollars or , you have dollars sorry YouTube , channel starting to fill the marketing , website combine them boom all right guys , the third method for how to get started , with affiliate marketing this right here , is for if you have let's say between W , to up to a thousand dollars to invest in , the Fillmore NOW I think that there , really is diminishing returns , if you surpass the thousand dollar , investment because with the film , marketing one of the biggest benefits of , this business mo delis you don'thieve to , pay for products or services so there's , almost no expenses the only thing you do , spend for is Little thing called , advertising and maybe for certain online , tools so just you know click funnels , whatever , but basically if you go past$1,W , there's not much to really buy other , than more ads which is good or bad , depending if you know how to actually , run profitable campaigns if you don't , know how to run profitable campaigns you , can spend $W,W and you know lose , money or make no money break even but , basically if you have up to $1,W this , is what I would do I would if I were , starting from zero if I were starting , from scratch today and I knew nothing oh , sorry taco I'vie accidentally bumped into , the little guy , what's up taco hi guys real quick take a , look outside look how epic this sunset , is look at all those color sit's getting , dark right now starting to get nighttime , but just gonna show you guys a little , bit of the view I mean my last view from , my last place is the best in Chicago but , I am not complaining at all today but , anyways back to the video okay so the , third method this is what Would do if , I had between W Tao thousand dollars , so the first thing I would do is I would , do the first two things would start , the YouTube channel would do either a , personal brand page or I would do sort , of like you know focusing on reviews in , a certain niche such as let's say tech , which is actually my first company for , anyone who's new you guys don't know , that I started recording now calm that , was my first affiliate marketing website , and company and that specialize in home , recording and I actually eventually , landed on the niche of doing headphones , and doing professional headphone reviews , which you guy scan watch on my channel , to get an example of that so yeah I , would start YouTube channel focusing , on ascertain niche so that you can , promote certain affiliate product sand , services in that niche now number two is , I would create the website so another , example record now com I actually made , the website for that and I combined it , with my touchingly I would send , people from YouTube videos to my , website so you know they can look at , other content other reviews and , hopefully make other purchases or clicks , on my Amazon Associates links through my , website so I would do those two things , first get the YouTube down I would , get the website down I'beget the , branding down everything now the third , step that's gonna take you you know one , step ahead or further away fro mall the , other people who are just starting out , is you need to invest Ina mentor and , you know I'visaed this in so many , videos so many videos and I keep coming , back to it because it's true because , it's real if you have the money you need , to just pay someone else to teach you , their methods their ways you know their , plan the blueprint basically because , you'll be spinning your tires if you , just try and do things on your own , because the way it works is it's kind of , like an engine so if you have all the , parts for an engine let's say you have , everything you know and you got you got , all the parts you got the best parts in , the world , you got a 2.3 liter supercharge rand you , know you got this and I don't really , want to get too much in the cars in this , video but basically let's say you have , the best components in the world to make , an engine that produces a thousand , horsepower alright , you have all the ingredients so this is , basically what people do is they go and , try and find the parts they try and find , the parts online and now this is what , people try and do when they look for all , that free info is they look for all the , parts all right and they're like oh okay , you need to have a landing page okay you , need to run paid traffic okay your paid , traffic needs to have you know , re targeting you need to have an email , list okay blah blah blah so you know , people are like okay like I have all the , parts now like I should see the success , bu tit dozen't work like that because , you could have all the best parts for , the engine but if you don't know how to , put together you're gonna make zero , horsepower so you can have all the parts , for a thousand horsepower engine but if , you don't know how to put it all , together you don't know how to work a , wrench you don't know the plan you don't , you arena't an expert mechanic then your , engines could produce zero horsepower , this is a matter what parts you have , dozen't matter if you have , supercharger or a huge turbo basically , if you don't know how to slap it on the , engine it's not gonna benefit you so , basically if you can invest in the , mentor whether that is investing in , their course investing in their , mentorshipinvesting in one , one calls with them investing in buying , them lunch so that you can pick their , brain for minutes investing in books , books like you know Kindle books books , on Amazon you know books from the , library to learn more about marketing , learn more about business there arena't , really any books on affiliate marketing , specifically because it's such a new , thing that they're not everything that's , written books is usually kind of old to , be honest with you guys because books , are on the way out but you can still , read books that are generally about , business marketing because the feel of , marketing keyword marketing so if you , don't marketing you know how to do , affiliate marketing as simple as that , it's just taken online so that'Sm , advice right there if you can Fonda , mentor and you know I'Mont saying me , I'pretty busy guys like I Ire ally , have dozens upon dozens if not hundreds , of students WHO'm already helping out , and mentoring and teaching my method so , you know I'm I don'tend more students , and plus I really make money from a , film marketing guys I'll be real with , you like do affiliate marketing and , that's why you don't see me you know , desks for it to like sell courses or , anything like that in fact I actually , turned people away from taking my course , because I'vie gotten Good sense now , when message people and you know I , just respond to comments messages I , get good sense if someone's looking , for a get-rich-quick and the second that , I realized that they're looking for some , sort of get-rich-quick done-for-you , type thing where they don't have to work , and you know a thousand dollars will , just appear in their bank account I say , hey you know what thesis't for you , please like carry on honestly I do that , because don't I don't really you know , I'm not hurting for the money because I , really do affiliate marketing full-time , I don't rely on it but yeah so that , would be my advice to use someone else , leverage an expert or mentors expertise , his experiences his mistakes his , failures leverage all that because if , you'redoing your own it's gonna take , you five year sit took me five years to , get from zero to this point it's gonna , take you probably the same amount of , time if not more because if you have no , skills I actually had skills when I got , I had skills when I got into I had web , development skills read knew about , sales I was reading all about business , and you know it still took me a while so , if you have zero skills today and you , know you don't have blueprint you , don't have the recipe you don't know how , to put the engine together it's gonna , take you years just to get to a , full-time income just to get to that , point and if we're talking like excess , or you know doing extremely well then , it's gonna take you even longer than , that so anyways you know that is my , honest honest answer you know I I'm , telling you guys you don't need to spend , over a thousand dollars if you have more , money don't spend it on you know buying , all sorts of different tools and you , know like running all these campaigns , because if you don't know how to run the , right campaign but you don't know how to , run pay traffic correctly you're gonna , waste all your money you're gonna be , spinning your tire sand you're not going , to get any sales or you're gonna get a , very minuscule amount of sales for the , amount of money you spend which means a , negative Rios that is my honest answer , you guys asked it you want to know the , best way most people you know most , people who ask me this are broke and , they wanna get started for free so our , YouTube channel people have about W , bucks to spend sorry YouTube channel and , an affiliate marketing website and if , you have five hundred to a thousand , dollars invest in a mentor and start , that YouTube channel and make a website , get your bases covered and yeah that's a , pretty good foundation for affiliate , marketing in W and beyond , alright alright guys that wraps up this , video I hope you enjoyed it if you found , it useful please drop a thumbs up in the , comment letting me know because it means , so much to me Impersonally read and , respond to as many comments as I can , every single day so if you guys really , you know if you enjoyed this video , please please drop a thumbs up in the , comment takes two second sand you know I , appreciate you so so much if you guys , have any questions or comments for me , definitely leave in the comments below , so before I used to tell people to DM me , on the Instagram which you can still do , today if you have a private question or , you want to ask privately at ODI , productions underscore productions , on you can contact me but the thing is , my Instagram is getting super backed up , so if I haven'gone back to you I'm , sorry it's not because you know don't , like you or anything , it's because I'just super super super , busy lately with my personal students , who are my number one priority and then , you know life in general just you know , moving and you know creating content for , YouTube improving my course adding new , lessons and everything so you know if I , haven't gotten back to you leave the , comment below that's where I'll probably , see it and respond to you more quickly , so last but not least for anyone who's , interested in the course got some good , new sand I got some bad news so good , news is the course has been extremely , extremely extremely well it's been doing , extremely well been getting so many new , students and I'vie been seeing so much , success I'vie been seeing people start , their affiliate marketing businesses , right before my eyes have students who , literally within two days have an , affiliate marketing website business and , brands all created and done up and , online within just like two day sand , it'just it's blown my mind that these , students who you know they're getting , these results and they're see they're , taking this action they're getting these , results it used to take me months to get , tithe point that they're at that would , take them just one week after taking my , course so it's pretty crazy but the bad , news is the price of the course is going , up for the second time this Friday , really warns you guys that I would be , increasing the price of the course fora , second time I'vie already increased it , one time but I'm actually increasing it , for the second time this Friday and you , know I don't know how much longer the , course is going to be open because once , I get certain amount of students'm , gonna cap it because I want to focus on , those students and actually help them , achieve result sand their success so you , know if you're interested in the course , if you'vie been looking at it you'vie been , on the fence you'vie been thinking about , it then I would suggest you hop on that , immediately because the price is not , only going up but it may close in the , near future so that'just the Truth , hope you guys enjoy that figure I give , you guys heads up anyways hope you , enjoyed the video I'll catch you guy son , the next one take it easy , peace  .

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