Make Money With Affiliate Marketing On Instagram In 2019


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hey what'seagoing on my friend Ramon , Cadiz here coming to you with this new , video today we're gonna be touching on , is how to start affiliate marketing in , W on Instagram and remind you that , this video is based on affiliate , marketing but I want you to know if , you're looking to make money on , Instagram you don't have to be super , business oriented right to be making , money on Instagram you don't need to you , know uh you don'Dover complicate it you , know if you're in hip-hop right and you , and you're growing file and you want , to make more money or you're into you , know you know selling candles what at , whatever it is I want you to know that , this is gonna be a step-by-step tutorial , on how to start monetizing your , Instagram your Instagram following in , your account right and building a , business cash-heavy profitable , business leveraging internet Instagram , right and being able to you know learn , how to start generating traffic and , learn how to start converting that , traffic into you know into paying , customer sand not and when I say right , make money on Instagram and convert , people into buyers right on the other , side of the spectrum you can leverage , this and learn how to turn people on to , you right because if your product is , free then you are the product and , sometimes in different niches different , industries you want to sell someone on , you right right now so later Onion the , game you could sell them on something , whether you know it's it's a products of , course it's a system it's you know it's , an album whatever it is this is this is , the step by step process to do that so , before we ho pinto this awesome content , I'm gonna ask you if you're new to me , and you're and you're into making money , online internet entrepreneurship right , leveraging social meaning the internet , to grow an income Andean influence that , I invite you to smash the subscribe , button take the little bell this will , keep in the loop without when I when I , drop on new videos like this one on a , regular basis to help you guys start , crushing it online and on social media I , invite you to subscribe and if you get , some value out of this video also , invite you to click the like button , because it helps the video out and I , appreciate that too so let's ho pinto , this guy's you want to start making , money in as affiliate on Instagram right , you want to start you know crushing it , and making money , you know leveraging entrant , platform quick little side know , Instagram was how I first got my foot in , the door to making money online , really when I was in college you know , three years ago you know I was you know , dabbling with my friend right my friend , came tome one day he was like yo bro , got this Instagram account has like , W,W followers do you think you can , figure out how to make money wit hit and , at the time right when I thought W,W , followers was super crazy because , wan'really ever super into social , media and he came to me with that and I , was like wow that'awesome yeah heck , yeah shoot I'll figure it out so when , googling annotating how to make money , in Instagram you know one thing led to , another right and and figured out , and this whole process and that's kind , of what put me on the path of , entrepreneurship as an internet , entrepreneur so Instagram is cool and , you're definitely talking to you know , I'm not like the ultimate Instagram guru , right am aura or guru at all honestly but , I'm someone that's gotten in the , trenches and has you know a good , understanding of the Instagram platform , and I'vie made you know money on , Instagram right so guys firs toff when , you look into affiliate marketing on , Instagram right and quickly what , affiliate marketing is right for those , who of you who don'really understand , it affiliate marketing is selling other , people's products for a commission for a , portion of the sale for a percentage of , the sale and that'serially what you can , do but you could also leverage this to , sell your own stuff for a you know W , percent of the profit you could you know , do whatever the heck you want with the , traffic that you're gonna be monetizing , but this is like Is aid it's geared , towards affiliate marketing but first , off you want to build your influence you , want to build your following right , because that's where it all starts you , want to build your tribe right you want , to leverage let me get asp of water , real quick because yeah you want to , leverage social media right to attract , you know a tribe of fans followers , supporters right your viable at tractor , tribe you area unique person you area , unique brand you are a unique business , but you have to take social media , aka Instagram right take that and use , that to be able to attract on a mass , scale the people that want to work with , you the people that want to buy from you , the people that are like you right that , you want following you you want , supporting you that'serially what you , want to do , also with with market and Instagram with , with internet entrepreneurship in , general Right lot of people and this , is something that I you know some I , sold so dearly to me because this is , just how Think right I think of right , now what do Have to do right now to , make money what do I have to do right , now to grow my influence to you know to , impact more people right but I also and , when I look at anything do online , look at anything I do my business , always think long term what's your end , goal what do you want you know it's okay , if you don'TKO specifically your end , goal which you want crepe but you want , to have an idea of what you want to do , right so you want to identify what is , your end goal and and work backwards , from that right if you uh if you want to , make ten thousand dollars a month if you , want to have a brand new Maserati right , or maybe you just want to pay off your , bills or or just spend time with your , family right you want to identify what , you rend goal is and work backwards from , that or identify what your perfect , business looks like right once you can , picture it and imagine it right there's , you can then manifest that into physical , reality but first you have to identify , where you want to go move backwards from , that that's gonna you know work and , tangent with building your Instagram , profile and your influence because , essentially your Instagram profile is , gonna be you know the forefront of your , social media presence and that's what's , really gonna attract the Calla the , caliber of person that you're trying to , attract and you know then that's gonna , eventually hopefully by for me or or , move into a you know giving you money , somehow some way some form through your , magnetization's Just want you guys to , keep that in mind so what is your end , goal when building on Instagram I'm , gonna give you guys quick little , run-through and really everything you , need to know about building an Instagram , right this is my personal Instagram , account well I want you to know when , you'rebuilding on Instagram there's , really a couple avenues you can go I'm , gonna be real with you I'm gonna be , transparent with you I'm gonna let you , know what's up all right so you're gonna , know what's up you could either do it , yourself and there's a few ways you , could do it yourself you could um , manually go in you can you know go , through the hashtags right so let's say , for instance I'm an internet , entrepreneur shape let's just say for , instance I want you know I looked up , entrepreneur right as a hashed , let me put Little hashtag in there , real quick right I look up hashtag , entrepreneur you know this is a broad , hashtag so maybe the broad onscreen't , always the best one to go into but let's , just say entrepreneur life you know , seven million people right this is a , pool of seven million people that are , into the entrepreneur life so us as , entrepreneurs whatever niche that you , fall into whether it's affiliate , marketing network marketing direct sales , you know you're a rapper you'Rae singer , you're someone that you know jumps , through hoops that are on fire right or , you just you know dance whatever your , your niches whatever your Avenue is you , want to identify what hashtags your , target audience is using and this is all , falling into the first step which is , building your account and to build your , account you obviously ha veto know where , Togo to network so let's say if you , were in high school or whatever and you , want to you know build your friend base , right you want to go to where your your , potential you know friends you're , hanging out so if your until like , football right then you go hang out the , people are into football if you're into , basketball you'll hang out on the , basketball court you know what I mean so , in Sarah so hashtags is basically pools , and people that are into a specific , topic so entrepreneurial life obviously , anyone that you know is used this , hashtag more or less would be into into , what I'm about right like Leon Musk for , instance right is Leon Musk post right , Leon Musk is awesome that dude is you , know is a boss you know I personally , follow him as a you know business you , know entrepreneur but you know these are , you know everyone that posts here right , everyone that uses right the hashtag you , know internet entrepreneur life right , these are you know like Is aid people , that are into the entrepreneur life so , that usually the top couple posts here , are the ones that are the most popular , right so if let'SSA I click this one , right here right this has you know,W , people potentially that are all into the , entrepreneur life so you can go start , following people start going on their , profile like in some photos leaving a , meaningful comment and this is a , day-by-day thing guys in this particular , way of building your 'its room account , i'ma touch on you know a couple quickly , right but this is you know you just go , out you know to build you know lay a , brick every single day right turn people , on if you start , connecting and then I know you know one , month may pass and you might not see a , lot of traction but W months passes , months passes you're gonna build your , following you're gonna build people that , are gonna follow you you know till the , end and that'serially what it'Sally , about so guys that's that's the hashtag , strategy right you can go on them you , know influence rs in your space let's say , you know one that just comes to the top , of my mind quick quickly right Russell , Bronson let's say Rattlebrains right , this dude is you know internet , entrepreneur Mani'm sure a bunch you , guys know who he is and if you don't you , know then you will eventually but right , this dude you can gonad hit his profile , right this is you know just my , particular niche for instance but you , know this is a bunch of people right , that are commenting liking all on his , post this is traffic that I want coming , to me so I can go in here and you know , kind of how Alike to say you can go in , here and eat his traffic right you know , which kind of sounds weird but you know , that's just one way to go about it so , you know you can manually build your , Instagram profile or you can you know , automate it right there's different , automation software's I'm not going to , go into that super in-depth in this , video but I'm just planting the seat and , I'm giving you an idea to take right and , go you know do your own research , implement right you know email me if you , know if you ever have any questions or , you know anything like that right but , I'm sure you know with Google YouTube , and the world wide web you know , it's it's no tit's not that hard so , there's no automating but you could also , pay an agency to build your Instagram , account for you but whatever it is you , want to be building your following of , people that are interested in what you , got going on so that's the first step so , let's let's revert back to the the word , doc here so build what's your end goal , what business do you want to build build , that quickly now engage what does the , content needed to engage that audience , to keep them interested in you and to , turn them fro ma follower to a loyal and , raving fan and guys this is all leading , up to selling them and making money , leveraging Instagram but you have to get , the core fundamentals down first before , you move right you got to yeah woo the , girl before you try to ho pinto bed with , her if you try to ho pinto the better , fit on the first nigh tit may or may not , work but chances are W% of the time , won't work , or OR depending on on you know you , know results on typical so don't be , typical but you know depending on you , but you know you want to engage right so , let me give you a little gist of , engaging right um like I said internet , entrepreneurship right I'm gonna start , posting more videos of me right but what , you want to do you want to post posts , that will you know that are attractive , to your target audience like I post some , quotes here different things you know , whenever I post something right and this , is going into the engaging part right , because now you know you understand you , have to build your profile you have to , build your they're following but you , also have to engage with your new , follower sand also engaging with your , new followers right it's like when you , think about it like when you're in , college or in high school and you're , engaging with you know certain people , you know that's gonna attract other , people to you and that's kind of you , know it's just big snowball effect so , alright let's say take this post for , instance right right when I post it like , okay let me let me let me show you guys , real quick and give you guys an idea , what I do personally when I post okay , let's just scroll up I you know I I have , my little caption right you know start , stopping and consumer start being a , creator let W be the year you flip , the switch alright this is a copy and , paste thing I have in my notepad , whatever I go to post a new post Just , you know copy it and paste it on here , give iota couple cold actions like , comment taiga friend you can copy this , if you want to feel free you know follow , it's it's Ramon T's form or turn on post , notifications basically giving the ma , couple call to actions that'gonna help , me build my page every time post , something throw you know some some , hash tags put hash tags like I said the , hash tag that you post here are the hash , tags where your target audience is , hanging out so you want to post you know , let's say you know hash tag you know , laptop lifestyle if I click that hash , tag right my goal is with my posit want , it to reach the top you know the top you , know top posts right so when it reaches , the top post the people that are you , know the 1 million people are into this , are gonna be able to see that and , therefore attract for people to me but , you know like I , you know when you're posting something , when you're building your your wall of , content right you want to like I said , post things that you know that that , serves your target audience that your , target audience is going to be , interacted to and start engaging them , because this is what'gonna you know , get them emotionally ready to make a , sale with you or move forward in , business with you so remember you know , when you'rebuilding you want to engage , right let's say you're in hip hop right , if your music right you're building your , audience you want to engage your , audience with content and if you don't , then you know what are you doing we're , in a digital age where you have to be , content creating you know you know , content creation you know stay in the , face of your customer right even you , know year sago with a traditional , advertising billboard advertising you , know commercials rights always stay in , the face of your customer because some , people say you know takes like five to , seven five to seven touches before , someone buys right you know you can kind , of put that into you know internet you , know terms right so now that you're , building your in your building your your , Instagram profile you're building your , followers you're engaging you're , following what the content needed that , they're gonna like right you want to , move to selling write build engage sell , now that you're ready to sell what is , your USP and when USP stands for is what , is your unique selling position what , puts you aside from everyone in the , marketplace what's puts your offer , aside from everyone the marketplace so , let me show you an example with mine , like I put here right I try not to make , income claims brunch but this is a , legitimate you start making five hundred , to three thousand dollars per day right , leveraging social media and the internet , being an internet entrepreneur right , living the laptop lifestyle that's my , unique selling position right you click , my link and it's how to start earning , five hundred three thousand dollars per , day starting today FYI anyone here , looking to start actually making money , leveraging social media internet i'ma , leave you know a link in the description , below this video my number one , recommendation which is this to make , money online go click that go check that , if you're if you're really serious about , making money online but you know you , just want to come up with a unique , selling position whatever your niche is , you want to become different you don't , want to be the same old you know drop , shipper selling you know , the same thin gas everyone else you , don'twat to be that that just that you , know just fizzle away into the into the , to the marketplace you want to be , someone unique you want to bring , something that'completely and totally , different then no one has seen right or , even if Otis something that everyone , has seen before you want to you know , mold it in a way that that that that is , attractive to your target customer in a , way of you know that's gonna make them , wanna buy so like I'm into affiliate , marketing internet entrepreneurship and , stuff like that but Ital about you , know personal development spirituality , stuff that you know I'm personally into , because my vibe is gonna retract my , tribe USN't it and when Attract my , tribe right they want to move on with , what I'm offering them and whatever it , is but you want to have that unique , selling position right instead of being , the same old you know for me friends , it's all the same old laptop lifestyle , person right there USN'ta million of , those right you know make money online , you want to be different right if you're , you know let's say if you're like , hip-hop rap right right you don't want , to be the same old rappers everyone else , you want to be actually having message , then when you have message that's real , right people are gonna follow you and , that's really what it'sabot and that's , that'serially what you want to be , looking for when when your affiliate , marketing on Facebook I mean on , Instagram right in W also a cool , little thing you want to be leveraging a , sales funnel right this is gonna bring , people through through through because , when you want to make money online it's , not you know an affiliate marketing for , instance it's not bringing someone , quickly to your checkout page and then , hoping that they buy no you want it's , the process that you take them through , and that'SWAT's anything right even , going back to the girl of instance it's , the process you take her through that , can potentially get you you know where , you want to gonad I you know and it , works for anything like you know quickly , with affiliate marketing and a sales , funnel you want to have your landing , page right here you want to collect , their email right then you bring them , over to a Thank You page right and we're , you know I introduced myself I warm , them up to where they're going on the , next page right and then you know they , can watch a video and to see what Igor , to offer them but guys build engage sell , start leveraging this three-step process , to start becoming a successful internet , you know Instagram influence know , affiliate marketer here in W guys , start leveraging the internet to build a , widely successful business start , creating a following creating and you , know creating an impact while making , that income that you desire it's , possible you don't need a million people , following you to make money you just , need hundred people that are that are , crazy about you that will buy from you , again again and again people you know , that that you know that love you that , know like and trust you and you can do , that by building day by day taking it a , step at a time connecting with people , people that comment on your Instagram , stuff reply to the people that DM you , reply to them and don'just like shove , them away you know don't be all about G , be real with them have connections , that's human being you're speaking to , a lot of people get caught upright they , think you know internet is just you know , people you know numbers and all that , it's people these are real people and , you can create a real movement if you do , it the right way so guys this is , basically it if you guys got some value , in this video like I said leave a thumbs , up how you appreciate it if you want to , start making money online and partner , with me you know making money on the , internet living that laptop lifestyle , I'll leave a link in the description , below if you have any questions comments , concerns leave them below in the comment , box I read all the comments I look , forward to seeing what you guys have to , say about this and really at this point , all you have to do is go out and take , massive actions once you do go out , and take massive action you're gonna see , that the lifestyle that you're after , that the business that you're after that , you know the Instagram account that , you're after the following that you want , is there you just have to go and grab it , you just have to go out there and do , what what you need to do right go out , there and grind and when you see that , you go out there and rind the universe , will repay you you know for your actions , and for your for your efforts so guys , got there , crush it start making money as an , affiliate marketer in in and this , Callas wrap so I will catch you guys , the next video bye for now .

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