Marcus' Mid Life Crisis, And Mini Goal Setting - Affiliate Marketing


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hey guy sit's Marcus here and I got to , tell you this funny story you see this , weekend I went to the hardware store and , I came back with all kinds of SASE , tools and all kinds of things like that , and decided that when we get our new , office built in the backyard instead of , ordering desks I'd like to try to build , them myself so I came home with all this , stuff I loaded it into the garage and my , oldest daughter comes out and she says , dad are you having some kind of midlife , crisis or something and it's kind of , funny because you know if anyone knows , me they know that I'm not really the , Handy type person i'm kind of a unhandy , man of the family but nevertheless as a , personal goal to myself and try to learn , a new skill decided that I would , actually try to build these things on my , own and that's where I'm heading back , from NOW just ha veto pick up an extra , bit of wood and things like that to , finish , build all these things so it's gonna be , pretty cool we get the shed built , tomorrow and we're going to have , electric and she rocked and everything , so that we can get better videos for you , and what I want you guys to notice is , that you know you can set personal goals , for yourself as well like Here I am the , guy who failed out a wood shop every , other class for that matter right I'm , not really an expert in any field but I , was able to put together some ideas test , some things out that ended up making a , lot of money online over the last few , year sand if I can do that kind of thing , if Could build something out of wood , and make it look kind of good I think , you could probably do internet marketing , and often times like when I was there , and I was trying to think of how to , build this stuff you know you get , overwhelmed with things like I was , looking things up and all of sudden , there's this blog about people who hurt , themselves with saws and all this stuff , and it'seas to get overwhelmed and , it'seas to get worried about things , but you just got to get in there learn , what you got to do from people who have , done it before and do the best you can , and that's what we're doing with the new , simple sites that plan on filming , simple sites W then we're going to be , filming in the new office and hopefully , we'll be able to get that office , finished this week because i plan on , making brand new videos for , each week and updates and new webinars , and everything like that so if you have , not yet upgraded to simple sites W we , have a pare-order special going on right , now while we're filming it and as you , guys know the simple sites W course , is going to have a lot more info a lot , more tools and a lot of stuff to help , you start making money online fast so , even if you'vie never done this before , and even if you're more challenged with , internet marketing that i am with wood , and nails and things like that want , you to know that this is going to be , designed for you to be able to use this , is designed for the person who just , turned on their computer the person , who's never tried this kind of thing , before someone who wan't born with a , computer in their lab and someone who's , struggling right so if you feel info , overload and everything like that you , definitely want to upgrade to simple , sites W before we build it because , you are going to be part of the process , right we're going to get your input , we're going to get what you struggle on , we're going to get all the things that , that are stopping you from making this , business work and we're going to build , it together so that you get the info me , and as if that'snot good enough what , we're actually going to be doing is , we're going to be taking this course and , obviously since we're doing a lot of , things to it this course is going to be , a thousand dollars it's gonna be W and , that's going to be a great deal but , right now if you want to reorder it we , still have some spots left we're taking , about W , in the pare-order and I apologize if I'm , talking really fast when i turn the air , conditioner on you can't hear me on , camera and it's like a million degrees , of yourself try to serve all the energy , I can but at any rate you can get in , right now for the pare order special of , just two hundred ninety-seven bucks that , means you are saving seven hundred , dollars by joining today so it's , something you're going to get anyway if , you're serious about making money online , and you're serious about getting started , you want to do that now and what we're , going to do is we're going to get you in , there now we're going to San told you I , can't talk and try to do these videos , while driving while making sure that the , camera the wood dozen't fly all over me , but we're going to give you updated on , the process and by the way you should , never film while driving unless you are , an absolute insane person like myself , I'm certifiably insane so never follow , anything I say but at any rate we're , going to keep you update don the process , we're going to show you some videos of , the office being built we're going to , show you some live videos of my not so , handyman work and the outcomes and , everything like that so it's going to be , fun you're going to see me try something , new and , you're going to get the courage to try , something new yourself because it's not , like you have to build the entire planet , it's not like have to build everything , from right now I just have to get , started upon something and that's the , same thing with you if I could get you , started on something maybe a blog post , or video buying that first domain name , or setting up the web hosting or , something simple a simple W-minute task , you're going to get the confidence that , you need to make this happen and that's , what this is about is about as much , confidence as it is actually having the , skill half the battle is done by , believing you can actually do it so I , hope my little story about how i went to , the store and got wood and kids Saudi , was having a midlife crisis or something , like that inspires you to do something , that you'vie never done before and I hope , it start your internet business with , simple science W now I'going to , shut this camera off so that can get , some air in here and find my way home , without getting lost and we're going to , update you when I get back to the office , sou can pita link below this video so , you can upgrade to simple sites W I , want you to watch out for Wednesday , night's webinar and want you to watch , out for the new , coming out for me about the new office , and the new thing to happen in here and , simple site big profit so thanks again , for watching get started below watch the , process and let's make some money online , together , you  

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