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hey guys it's Marcus here and today I'm , excited to talk to you about our brand , new affiliate marketing dude tool bar , for all of you out there that want to , learn exactly how to make money online , with affiliate marketing we have created , these tools to make it super easy for , you , so if you like my You Tube videos if you , like the webinar sand everything like , that you are going to love this and it , installs right to your Chrome browser , wit hone click so what you're going to , want to do is go to affiliate marketing , after this little video download , the toolbar to your Chrome browser and , let me show you what it's going to do , once you go to your Chrome browse rand , you have this installed you simply click , the little button up there on your , browser right like this that's going to , drop down the little toolbar for you and , what's going to happen is you're going , to get some special little icons that , are going to lead you to videos tools , and tutorials that is going to help you , make money online with affiliate , marketing first off you're going to see , the power search the power search is one , of our most important tools because it , does all the work for you that's right , all you got to do is put your search , term in the box and it is going to go , through it's going to look up all the , competition on Google it's going to tell , you the pay-per-click competition the , SEO competition how many videos there , are gives you little diagrams of how , many advertisers are spending what how , much traffic per day and everything like , that it's also going to take that same , term in the same search find all the , affiliate offers find the best ways to , get traffic do ago ogle analytic search , and everything this tool alone is , something can probably charge a lot of , money for but we want to give it to you , free in the hopes that you'll buy my , other stuff right does that sound fair , enough alright now in addition to the , power search which you're going to be , using over and over everyday we also , have the members area log in the members , area log in is where you're going to go , to log in to get the latest tools and , things that you'vie purchased from either , affiliate marketing news blog profit , Network or simple sites big profits this , is going to give you all the stuff in , one tiny little area so you can access , the best content right at the click of a , button next you're going to see the new , from Marcus button , the new from Marcus button is going to , take you to our live videos every week , we have live video feeds via webinar , YouTube live Facebook live everything , like that it will show you how to attend , those it will also show you the latest , new videos that we come out with the , moment they come out so you are up to , date on the latest affiliate marketing , news next you're going to see the start , here first icon this is for those of you , out there that have enjoyed my videos , you'vie enjoyed the content but you need , Little bit of help getting started , this is going to give you that heads up , that you need that quick start to get , you started on the right path I'vie seen , thousands of people struggle through , internet marketing trying to find their , niche trying to set up their site and , all these things and what the start here , first icon is going to do is leave you , by the hand find your first niche and , help you start your first site it's a , great tool we have people think I got , one report last week of an W year old , who did't even know how to use the , computer building their first site and , actually getting results excellent stuff , it's going to walk you by the hand this , is something you can do next up you're , going to see the money getting tool snow , we have some money getting tools for you , for free some plugin sand things like , that and also for our members you use , the same button it'll log you in and , take you to all the other tools that we , have for you lots of good stuff plug-ins , for WordPresscalculators to tell how , much you're spending and making on pay , per click little things let me should we , start this in addition to opt-in box , generator squeeze page makers and all , kinds of stuff there's over different , tools they're not including the plugins , tons of good stuff for you to use to , start profiting with your sites and , blogs , starting now next you're going to see , the icon for the simple sites desktop at , any time if you decide to upgrade to the , simple sites desktop you get one-click , access to the brand new simple fights , W desktop you can use this right away , and get instant access to everything you , need to start making money online as an , affiliate market , then you're going to see the Marcus's , niche sites this is where you go to , check out some of the sites that'vie , built see some of the results were , getting and find out how this whole , thing works so that you can duplicate it , and do the same thing for yourself , we even have special offer son having us , build little niche sites for you based , on the niches that I choose and , affiliate offers that I know will , convert for you in that niche next , you're going to see the info overload , button if at anytime you're going , through this stuff and you feel a little , overwhelmed maybe like you do now maybe , you just don'TKO whereto go or don't , know what to do click this button we , have some tools and some videos that , it's going to take you out of info , overload and into the land of , understanding how this work in a really , easy way so that we can help you get on , the right track and then lastly we have , the help and support button this has our , frequently asked questions has a little , guide of what's going on this wee kin , affiliate marketing dude from our , webinars to our tools to the stuff , that's coming out and the new things , that we have for you in addition if , you're one of our customers if you're an , owner of the simple sites big profits or , one of our products you can click here , and get support from us directly that's , right we actually checkout your sites , see what you're doing and help each , other out it's like big community , where we're here to help you make money , online with affiliate marketing so gone , are the struggles this is a completely , free tool it is a bribe as my way to say , check this stuff out use it and if you , like it get one of my software products , because I know you're going to love it , and Icon it will help you get where , you want to go which is making money , online with affiliate marketing'd like , to thank you for watching this video and , now is the time to go to affiliate , marketing click the little button , make sure you're in chrome click the , button get your toolbar now if you're , using Firefox or Internet Explorer edge , or anything like that we have some tools , for you there as well just go to , affiliate marketing dude calm put your , name and email in the box and we're , going to send them over to you right now , you could use one for every browser if , you want dozen'matter tome how many , you use just get what you need so that , you can get the results that you want , and we can work together and make money , online with affiliate marketing thanks , again for watching and I'll see you at , affiliate marketing dude calm , you