Getting Hosting On Your Domain... Step One


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hey guy sit's Marcus here from affiliate , marketing dude calm and today it is time , to shut up and listen because what I'm , about to do is walk you through several , steps to making your money online even , if you'vie never tried this what I want , you to do is just follow along and do , what I say not going to ask you for any , money although there might be things you , need to buy like web hosting and stuff , like that but what I'm going to do is , I'going to walk you through everything , step-by-step now if you can follow these , simple instructions I will take you to , the path of making money online first , and foremost what we need to do is get , you a starting point so in this video , I'going to do three things number one , I'going to show you how to get a , hosting account and what it's for number , 2 i'm going to show you how to get a , domain name and one that unique now if , you'vie gotten through all this before , don't worry just do it again exactly , like i say here okay again the idea is , to shut up and listen don't question it , just do what is outlined in each video , each video will be less than five , minutes so you can follow along do , something and get the results that you , want so what we're going to do today is , I'm going to have a link below this , video i want you to click this link , because it's going to take you to a , special page on the Host gator web site , where you can get the plan that i , recommend and that is a shared plan it's , going to look like this now what I want , you to do is I want you to take look , at the different ones what we're going , to do is we're going to go with the , second one which is the baby plan it's , about six bucks a month or something , like that okay and it gives you , unlimited domains now what hosting is is , it is a server that actually holds your , files and everything like that we're , going to go into that in the next video , but for right now follow along we're , going to click the order now button just , like this now what I want you to do is I , want you to pick a random domain name , with something that you'll remember so , for me what I'll do is marks or Marcus's , new , site or something like that it could be , anything with your name we could do , Marcus's web tools okay something like , that just make sure it's available and , it looks like com is available alright , we're going to get this domain name , we're going to register it instigator , makes it nice and easy we're going to , scroll down get the baby plan choose how , you want to pay obviously if you want to , pay through three years in advance it's , going to cost more so we're just going , to do monthly right that means we're , going to get started for seven dollars , plus the cost of the domain name OK so , for like less than twenty bucks you're , in business we're going to choose a , username OK I'll do Marcus W or , something like that we'll choose a , security pin all right right like that , and we're going to put in our billing , info okay you could pay with PayPal , credit card whatever so fill in all this , info so for me I damson simple , sites Marcus Campbell right like thicko , put all your info in now below you're , going to get all this junk Herrick , you're going to get this junk and if it , says current billing just use a , different address or something like that , all right now we don't want any of this , other stuff we don't need any of it OK , so we're just getting the baby plan and , our new comm name don't spend too , much time the domain dozen't matter just , something easy to remember like Frank's , web tools Marcus's web tools John's web , tools whatever something that's , available something that's easy comm net , or org don't get anything else OK unless , they have like your name Tammy maybe you , could do that cool so there we go , we're going to go ahead and fill this , out again we don't need any of the , add-INS or anything like that we're , going to read and it's about twenty , dollars and ninety one cents to get , started we're going to read the terms , and conditions click the button and hit , create account once you create this , account it's going to take couple of , hours sometimes sooner , and they are going to give you your , logins okay after you get your logins , for those of you who are ready to shut , up listen and make money after you get , your logins what I want you to do is go , below this video on my forum so you're , going to see the video like this okay , this is the video you are watching and , then down below you're going to see post , reply okay make sure you're logged into , the forum if you don't have an account , it's free I want you to post a reply and , say Marcus I am ready here is my domain , name okay and then i would put Marcus's , web tips org or whatever the domain , chose okay now put a smiley face let me , know you're ready hit submit and i will , send you the next video follow along , trust me you'll be making money in no , time now the hosting link below is an , affiliate link and am compensated that , is your way of saying thanks tome by , going through the link and buying things , that you need to buy any way and let me , help you out so click that link follow , the directions post your reply and i'll , see you in the next video  

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