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hey guy sit's Marcus here from blog , prophet go to blog profit , network com check it out opt-in get lots , of tools and tips and everything to help , you make money online with your blog but , what I'd like to do today is I'dike to , talk to you about blog theme profits and , show you exactly which themes get the , most profit because a lot of people come , to me and they ask me hey Marcus what is , the best theme for my blog how do i , structure it how do i set it up so that , i make money now the sad part is that , most people just stick with the regular , stuff right they'll stick with a a blog , theme which is like a a two column or , three column theme and a three column , theme will put a above it right is , where you have like ads and newsletters , and things like this on one side you , have your content in the middle right , and then you have ads and other stuff on , the other side so it'Avery difficult to , read it's really hard to look at now one , of the things that want to talk to you , about when you're creating any blog , theme or downloading a blog theme or , whatever is that you must control the , eyes of your visitor right that means , that you need to direct them where you , want to go so if they see ads here ads , here in content in the middle that means , their eyes are probably confused and , they might be reading the content in the , middle now another three-column layout , is where they have the layout and , there's like two columns on this side , where they have ads links and other , stuff here and then they have their , content on this side that's a little bit , better because it's easy to consume the , content right the goal of our blogs is , to get people to consume the content and , go to things that make us money so we , don't want to just be like another ad , server because those arena't that great , and as I'm sure you found out putting , Ad sense on your blog USN't the greatest , way to make money so here's another , three-column layout another one is the , two column layout which I'Avery fond of , even though they're not as wide as I , depicted this right where we have our , content here and we have our sidebar , here and of course our side bars where , we have our opt-in list or , ads and different things like that now I , am very fond of the two column at I like , two or the two column theme I like it , because when you have this hereon the , right-hand side it lets people read your , content but then it draws their eyes , over here now most of the time people , have a header on their blog right so I , have a header here where's like a , picture of like a tree or whatever it is , picture themselves that depicts what , their blog is about right very very very , important so what we want to do is we , want to realize that everything on our , blog should lead people into the stuff , that makes us money so if'm going to , create a blog using the two column , layout or theme right we want to have , our layout and theme here and whenever , header on top and we want our header to , lead people to what we're talking about , so for example if I have recipe blog , and I have like little pictures of fruit , and meat will draw a banana here and , some grapes or whatever right so we have , like little bananas and grapes and meet , and you know bread and whatever we have , there right now if my main goal of my , blog is to get people to download , recipe toolbar what I want to do is I , want to put a big arrow over here right , pointing down that way it draws , attention to them so the header now , leads from some distracting lame thing , to something that's like free recipes , right and then it points to this arrow , which is pointing to your sidebar which , is exactly where you'd have like a , drop-down box right that says you know , choose your recipes or like a banner ad , that talks about the recipes or even , Ad sense or something like that now you , want to be careful widens because , when you put an arrow they don't , necessarily like that and by the way , it's not going to make you that much , money anyway now on top of this right , we're drawing everyone to the stuff , that's here so when you come to the blog , you look at it and you say wow cool , there's content here but I want to check , this stuff out first right because the , more clicks you get to the offer the , more money you're going to make and the , only way that you're going to get more , clicks is by drawing their attention to , the stuff that makes you money that , goes to affiliate stuff right the stuff , that makes you money very very very very , important now when you get to the , content right you're going to have like , your headline which will be like you , know chicken soup recipe or whatever , okay then you're going to have your , content here okay content here now , embedded in the content you also want to , put blocks of ads right it could beads , it could bedizens or whatever right it , could be filling it out for Ad sense your , own product whatever it is but you want , to embed that in the content so all the , well that they're reading your blog all , the while that they're consuming your , content they're clicking on links that , make you money just like in this video , where I'milker hey check it out here are , some cool ways to structure your blog by , the way go to blog profit network com , for more info that's the same kind of , thing right there's content and then , there's ads very very very very , important sou hope you like this I hope , you use the two column layout I hope , that you start to use the header as part , of your marketing message because , everything we do online must lead the , visitor to what makes us money and must , reiterate the reason they came to our , site in the first place so if they came , to your site for free recipes right , headline that right up front let him see , it within three seconds that you are , going to give them what they want the , reason they came there right and then , also highlight the stuff that is making , you profit very very very important we , don'twat to just have those blogs that , are out there like hey check out our , stuff and perhaps maybe click an ad no , we want to be like BAM welcome here , click an ad let's make us some money or , opt in and let's do this or whatever so , if you like this which hope you did go , to blog profit network com opt in put , your name and email'll give you some , videos on how i create themes i'll show , you some of the themes that have worked , for me and i'll show you how to make , money online with your blog again Marcus , Campbell here with blog profit network , build your theme to make profit and i'll , see you on the inside , you