Youtube Affiliate Marketing For Beginners


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hey how's it going this rock team , Madison here and on today'Soviet we're , going to be talking about YouTube , affiliate marketing for beginners now if , this is the first time hereon my , channel be sure to smash that subscribe , button if you want to learn how to build , an online income as well as go ahead and , take the bell icon to be notified , anytime that I release any new videos , now with that being said we're going to , jump right over here on the compute rand , I'going to show you exactly what Otis , that you need to do to crush it in , affiliate marketing , now with that we're going to jump over , tithe computer alright so we'vie made it , tithe computer so what'm going to do , is I'm going to first explain what , affiliate marketing is then after that , I'm going to go over to specific proven , methods that I'vie actually used and not , just just talking giving you method , that I did't actually get results from , I like to show you know things that I'vie , actually gotten results from right so , that Dan said I'm going to go ahead and , tell you what affiliate marketing is and , then I'm going to go over the two , methods all right so affiliate marketing , is when you promote other people's , products for a percentage of the , earnings right that's simply what , affiliate marketing is you don't ha veto , have a website everything is pretty much , laid out for you rightmost times the , email follow-up the sales page pretty , much everything is done for you right , that's affiliate marketing now I want to , go over the two methods right so the , first method is called lunch , jacking now what is lunch decking launch , jacking is where you put up product , reviews couple days before a lunch , actually happens so I'giving an , example right so let'just say I had a , product coming out and I had a bunch of , affiliates doubt that we're probably , going to be promoting it right what they , would do what one of the affiliates , would do is rank avid go ahead and do , a product review before my product even , comes out now when my product comes out , what's going to happen , rightmost of the big leaders they're , going to send an email out to their list , once they send that email up to their , list your list is going to see you know , checkout that product so you can see , what's up with it now everyone is not , going to buy from the email most people , actually want Togo out and do some , research right now think about for a , second the people who the people who , rank their video or duel are jacking the , people that do that whether they're , doing it on Google or they're doing it , on YouTube what's going to happen is , those people who want some more research , they're going to find the people who , rank their videos earlier because when , you rank your videos Ada or two before , the product comes out you're going to , get a lot of traffic because what , happens on last day most people they're , going to see hey this new product is , coming out or the particular platform , that you'reusing to host a product , depending on if you decide to have your , have like a mini banner ad where people , can find your product or whatever those , people are going to see it right so when , they start searching they're going to , see you first because you rank their , video when there wan'tavern any results , about that video so let's just say that , video was called evergreen Video , Marketing System or something like that , right now let's say you rank for that , term boom they go searching because that , email was sent out to them now they're , finding your your problem you promoting , the product right so that'launch , stacking alright so the next method is , existing products right so this could be , Amazon products this could be Click bank , products , this can be network marketing products , so say you're promoting your visit or , affiliate marketing products right it , can be anyone of those products that , have already been out so let's just say , the product has been out for six months , or some or a year or something like that , right because you have you have where , you can rank evergreen videos as well so , most times that , more effectively you're doing it with a , network marketing company because most , times people new people come on the , internet every single day right so when , they'researching hey let's see if Icahn , find you know a pretty good opportunity , and they go out and they search for that , opportunity they find your video right , they Warren't intentionally looking , looking for you but they were looking , for are view Ina particular network , marketing company right so the second , method'vie actually used it myself , right in our go into one of my back , offices and'll show you the results , that I was actually able to make using , the existing method all right so give me , just second here all right so I'm , going to log in to one of my back , offices all right let's go to the , dashboard right let's get this thing , rolling all right so let me love alright , alright so I'm logging here in the back , office so what want to be showing you , is you know the results that was able , to make now keep in mind what I'm going , to be showing you is all profit all of , this has been made just you just ranking , a video right and this was an existing , video so it was a lot more competitive , and that's something that you want to , keep in mind is if you'redoing launch , jacking most likely there's not going to , be any results for a particular video , most times right now depending on if a , product Haas 1.0 OR.0 version , sometimes you'll run into little bit , more little bit more of an issue where , it's Little bit more competitive now , if it's if it's a existing product it , may be a little bit competitive , factually rate for CZ it's been around , a while and there's probably tons of , affiliates that have already promoted it , you just have to be able to turn it , around you know do some reverse , engineering that the algorithm , and you'll be able to get your video , ring all right so this is my mid side of , my back office and want to go over , here to Affiliate tab right all right so , I just loaded up I'm going to show you , what I was able to make with this , particular company all right so let me , go ahead and scroll down here go to the , Commission'stab just a second here , alright so as you can see as I scroll , down here it's going a little bit slow , as I scroll down alright it's Little , bit slow with just a second alright so , right here you can see that I'remade , thirteen hundred and forty dollars right , now keep in mind all of that was , prompted all that was from ranking this , video Elway even actually showed you , the video that Ranked to get these , results alright so if I go back to , YouTube and I'm going to go ahead and go , to an incognito window now the reason , I'm doing this is because this will show , me accurate rankings right alright so , let's go to new incognito window alright , so I want to go to YouTube now when I go , to YouTube you're going to notice that , I'm no longer logged in and that was the , whole point of me going to an incognito , browser so it'll show me those accurate , results alright sou'm going to type in , this keyword right here and this is , actually pretty competitive at this , point and especially at the point that I , was actually trying to rank so it was , actually good to be able to have rank , this video online sales Pro review , alright so as you can see right here I'm , ranking number two for this particular , keyword right so out of nine hundred and , sixty-five nine hundred sixty-five , hundred thousand results'm ranked , number two so just imagine the amount of , traffic that I was getting and I'm still , getting today which is allowing me to , generate leads and generate sales which , as you can see I just showed you in two , my back offices and one of the , particular affiliate programs that I , promote and there'fourteen hundred and , forty dollars right so that was , definitely a blessing and I was actually , able to do that within a considerable , amount of time'm not going to say that , it was in a week right it took little , bit of time because this is based on , people searching fora particular you , know issues that they're having right , they're trying to find solutions so , you're not going to always be generating , traffic but most of the time like if , you're ranked within between number one , to three you're going to begetting a , lot of traffic even if you're just on , the first page in general all right so , that was into my back office I'll go , ahead and log out of that right all , right so all right so we're back to the , sketchpad now what was going to do on , this I was just going to basically break , down the process of what Just , basically took you through so the , process is boom you have a product right , so I'm just going to draw a Little , right here this will stand for the , product you go out you find the product , you find you know what the product has , to offer now you create YouTube video , right now this is going to be based off , of a review right there's going to be a , product review talking about the , product stalking about certain things , that are going to benefit certain people , and you know with this product right , boom , that's your YouTube video sou'll just , put YT right boom now this is where you , reverse engineer the algorithm depending , on if it's an existing product if it's , an existing product that'actually been , around awhile and it's not new like I , said it's going to be a lot more , competitive to rank then if it's just a , lunch jacking video right so if it's , launched jacking you're just going to do , this video and there'snot going to be , too much results because like I said , it's ab rand new product that Hans't , even came out yet you're just preparing , to collect all the traffic alright so , but if it's an abyss , existing video W product YouTube review , reverse engineering the YouTube , algorithm now I'vie actually done a , training where show you exactly how to , get your videos tithe top of the , YouTube to the first page of YouTube , depending on the particular search term , and I'll actually leave that training , down in the description box all you have , to do is just scroll down and just click , the link and you'll get access to that , training alright so basically I'm , showing you here like I say a product , YouTube video and then if its launch , jacking just YouTube video and just rank , it and then if its existing of course , you're going to have to put a little bit , more work in than if it's almost jacket , right so that's pretty much the end of , that process right so boom boom and last , process is it's ranked and it's on the , first page so I'll just pita one here , right once it's here if it's on the , first Page'm going to explain that I , want to tell you that it should if , you're in the first two the depends the , first two the fourth spot you're going , to be getting lot of traffic I'm just , saying if it's a real competitive , keyword and you rank it and you keep , that ranking you're going to be getting , a lot of traffic alright so that's , pretty much the method you know I just , want to kind of breakdown YouTube , affiliate marketing for beginners right , so maybe now you feel Little bit more , secure you feel a little bit more , confident on some strategies that you , could be you know using inside of your , business to really start crushing it so , with that being said if you got value , from this video go ahead and like go , ahead and smash that like button for me , and then also be sure to subscribe if , you want to learn how to build an online , income and also one more thing don't , forget in the description Have a free , training down where I show you exactly , how I'm getting to the first page of , YouTube using ranking videos so with , that being said like I said if you got , value go ahead and smash that subscribe , button and I look forward to seeing you , in the next video my friends , peace .

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