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what is going on guys my name is Anthony , Villa welcoming you back to get another , video here on the channel where today , guys want to offer you guys the , exclusive opportunity to get mentored by , me one-on-one so what that means guys , I'm gonna be hopping in Google Hangouts , Skype calls phone calls whatever you , guys want whatever you guys nee din , order for me to help you the best that , canon top of that guys I'm also gonna , be giving you private access to a , private email address that I setup just , for you guys what that means is that , there's gonna be no other email sent to , that email unless it is from you guys so , what that means is you're always gonna , have a W/direct line of one-on-one , contacting me because I'm gonna check , that email a morning day and night every , single day so I'm always gonna be , replying within W to hours every , single day to that email address you , guys any questions comments concerns , even if you guys need the slightest bit , of help you guys can go ahead and shoot , me an email with that being said guys , I'm also gonna share with you my , personal strategies and things that work , for me things helped me make money , online and guys I'Mont gonna charge you , anything for this guys this this , mentoring is gonna be completely , completely free the only thing that you , guys are gonna need to do to be eligible , for my midships one thing guys and , that'gonna be to join my team by , signing up for the Builder all business , plan under me guys if you go ahead and , do that you will then be eligible for my , one-on-one midships if you guys , have never heard of bills rolling before , bills roll is essentially a funnel , building platform tool they allow you to , build funnels landing pages websites , blogs pretty much everything guys they , have a ton of cool feature sand they , have it at a very affordable price so , guys you guys know click funnels and , other soft wares like that easy to go for , a hundred dollars a month if not more , bills are all guys their digital , marketing plan is just$W a month for , all the digital marketing tool sand , features they have to offer but if you , guys actually want to go ahead and sign , up for the Builder all business plan , that's gonna be $W a month but that , will give you exclusive access to their , very lucrative affiliate program so , essentially you're gonna be able to , start your own business with that plan , and if you guys sign up for that builder , all business plan underneath me you guys , are gonna have my personal help my , one-on-one mentoring access to my , private email'm gonna share with you , guys my training's my courses my , strategy's I'm really giving you guys , everything that you'll need to help but , use exceed and help you make money , online and on top of the one-on-one , mentoring and private access to my , private email , I'm also gonna be giving you guys a , 7-day email swipes grants can , download copy paste directly into your , email transponder that way you guys , can get a really big boost and start , your email marketing as soon as possible , just by downloading copy and pasting the , exact emails that I use in their send in , my own affiliate marketing campaign sand , on top of all that stuff guys I also , pl anon starting up a private Facebook , group that's gonna be exclusive , to the member son my team for the people , that sign underneath me that way you , guys can all network communicate and we , can all help each other out help each , other and grow make some sales make some , commissions because guys that's , ultimately the goal here on the channel , is for me to help you guys out help me , make some money online help you guys , with your own affiliate marketing , businesses with that being said guys if , you want to sign up for the build rail , business plan and actually get mentored , by me one on one there will be a link in , the description to sign up for the build , rail business plan in the description , guys you guys are gonna see two , different links the first link is , anybody for A-day free trial of , builder all in case you guys just want , to try it out first you guys only want , commits anything yet I completely , understand there's gonna be a 7-day free , trial link at the top and then , underneath that one guys that's gonna be , the important one guys that's the build , your business link sign up so if you , guys want to be mentored by me and work , one-on-one with me on your brand new a , flight marketing business that's the , link that you're gonna need to click you , guys are gonna need to sign up for the , $W.W a month , builds are all business plan as soon as , you guys do that I will see Ito'll seen , in my back office and'm gonna send you , guys an email with all the bonuses all , the resource sand exactly how to contact , me for that one or my midships , that's the plan you guys are gonna need , to sign up for if you wanna get , mentioned by me and work with me , one-on-one you guys can go ahead and do , the seven day free trial if you just , want to test it out first but if you , guys want to start your own flame , marketing business right away and start , working with me you're gonna need to , sign up for the bull trout business plan , with that being simpler guys if you're , not really sure yet I definitely , recommend you guys go ahead and try the , seven day free trial to test out bull , draw a little bit explore the software , explore all the cool features they have , and Guarantee you guys are definitely , gonna be impressed with it because like , I said before guys they just offer so , many cool features and so much stuff so , much value if you're pretty much half , the price of click models , and guys on top of that they're a play a , program is way better than click files , or any overflies program out there , that'vie seen right now with that so i , guess'm gonna do an entire another , video just kind of breaking down the , build rule or a program but guys if you , actually worked me one-on-one , that's the affiliate program you're , actually using if you guys actually , decide to sign up underneath me , working me one-on-one that's the plan , that we're gonna be using that'st he , affiliate program we're going to be , leveraging to make all of our money , online because it's such lucrative , affiliate program so with that said guys , that pretty much wrap sup this video I , know this wan't a very value packed , informational video I apologize for that , this video was just for me to give you , guys the exclusive opportunity to work , with me one-on-one dimension by me and , like Is aid guys the way to do that is , to sign up under me for the Builder or , business plan as soon as you do that , guys I'gonna see it I'm gonna shoot , you guys an email even you guys all the , bonuses and all the resources you're , gonna need to get started working with , me one-on-one and with all that stuff , beings they got I hope you sign up I , hope to work with some of you very very , soon , with that said guys my name is Anthony , villa I will see you in the next one and , I am out peace .