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hey guys Marcus here you know couple , week sago we went to Alabama for a , family visit and I noticed some , interesting things there was this guy , out there and he was chopping these , trees and my wife was filming him these , trees that were like hundred feet tall , and he was up there and he'd chop the , tree down and the tree would fall and , they'd have ropes and do all this thing , and it was a really amazing process to , see and the funny thing was when she , actually talked to him he said he'll , what do you feel me and you know is that , is can Get a copy of it and she gave , him the copy and got to talk into the , guy and he's like okay well just send , the copy to me somehow and she goes okay , well what's your email I think Is aid , well I don't have an email i don't know , if have an email and she goes what's , your Facebook and he says II don't know , if have a Facebook anything either , and basically this guy Holden't even , read or write bu there he is doing all , this work making money making a living , doing what he has to do and it got me , thinking about human potential and what , we do as people you know CZ sometimes , we know what we need to do we know , what'seagoing to work we know what's , going to change our situation but we , just don't do it right like sometimes I , know that if I want to lose this I can , go walk or I could eat right or whatever , it is but for some reason we don't do it , and what I want to talk to you guys , about today is how we can start to do , what we need to do and it's interesting , in life because some of the most , rewarding things we could do some of the , most simple things we can do right and , that's why we came out here because this , springtime it's a time of new beginnings , and learning new stuff and and growing , as a person and it's interesting because , the work that you ha veto do to make , money online or lose weight or do , whatever it is that you want to do has , nothing to do with the difficult stuff , and the challenge that you think it does , right there's really simple task you can , do and as I get tired of walking up this , hill because don't walk much all right , you can look at that you could say okay , well what is it that I have to do and , what I want to do is I want to go up by , our buddy the tree up here , who lives in this potential and I want , to show you some of the simple things , that you can do and how'm going to , show you how to do them so that you can , profit online and live the life you want , alright so here's our tree friend trees , are interesting things because you see , their roots just go down and for their , entire life all they're doing is trying , to grow try to be more than they were , the day before and now you get a , beautiful tree that shades you and keeps , growing and keeps producing and humans , are different right because sometimes we , have times in life where we stop growing , and we stop trying new thing sand we , stopped taking risks and we stop trying , to be more and what I want to do is I , want to talk to you about how you can be , more both in your business your life and , in your relationships so let's go ahead , and go back to the office now and Want , to talk to you about the special launch , we have coming up on the twenty-third , that's a Tuesday of April just five days , away and i want to talk to you about how , that's going to show you the little , steps that you can take every single day , to get a better life and make more money , two , okay so i hope you enjoyed our walk out , in nature and our explanation of how you , could be like a tree and actually grow , and live to your potential and , understanding the human potential and , how we can get to where we want to be , and know that lot of people watching , this video want to be somewhere where , they don'thieve to worry about money and , they don'thieve to have this financial , responsibility or go to work or maybe , they just want to make a little bit of , extra money but there's certain things , that stop them from getting where they , want to be and to kind of bring it home , in a personal note I have the same issue , right sometimes I deal with , procrastination and not really doing , what I know will work like there's , something I know will work right I know , that if I jog every day and eat right , and drink water all the time I'm going , to lose weight and I know that if I do , certain things online i'm going to make , money eventually it's going to happen , right might not happen overnight , sometimes it does but it might happen , over time and what my goal is is to , learn and to build and to grow and to , get where I want to be but you see , there's certain things that stop us , there's certain enemies that are , stopping us from growing and you look at , the tree and the tree is strong and he , bypasses everything right he's like okay , if Id on't get the nutrients here'm , going to dig my roots down deeper to , find water and nutrients and find all , the stuff that I need he's not like us , where we say well you know I'just not , going to do this or I'm going to let , myself go or I'm going to let myself , wither up or get bigger whatever it is , that you don't want because in our lives , we can get where we want to be if we're , willing to do what it takes to get there , but sadly in our culture and our world , it's become easy to not do something , right it's become easy to just watch TV , or do something else right it's not easy , to , go out there and to learn right it might , be simple it might not be this huge , crazy thing but to me it's a lot easier , than actually going and working W-hour , W hours a week or whatever it is right , and the payoff is worth where you go to , get it right the payoff is worth the , risk the payoff is worth whatever it is , and if I could go back W year sago and , you say hey do you want to do this , internet marketing thing this is what , it'seagoing to take I do it again twice , over and over right because I know that , the payoff is better than the reward for , me being able to stay home with my , family being able to take vacations when , I want being able to not be chained to a , job and being able to make as much money , as I want is a very very very important , and very rewarding payoff and i want to , show you how to get that but the problem , is is there's these things that creep in , there's these enemies just like the tree , might have a rock here right and that's , his enemy and the tree could say oh well , that rocks that rocks there so I'm just , just going to stop growing he says no , I'm not going to do that right what he , does is it says I'just going to take , my route and I'm going Togo around it , and I'm going to find the stuff that I , need and what Want to teach you to do , is Togo around those things that are , stopping you but first we need to , realize what those things are what are , those things in our life that are , stopping us what are the rocks that are , in the way of us meeting our goals well , number one you have doubt doubt is a big , big big big rock that wants to stop you , right because here's this doubt it's , this voice in the back of your head that , says it's not going to work someone's , going to see that video you posted and , think you're funny looking well for me , I'funny looking so that's an easy one , to get over anyway but you look at it , and you say well maybe that article is , not going to work you know I did an , article in the past and did't do , anything or I built a website in the , past and I did't make any money or , did't get ranked on the search engines , and say the reason those things happen , is because of lack of knowledge a lack , of knowledge in what actually works , because if you knew something would work , you'd be more apt to do it right so what , we want to do is want to get rid of the , doubt by learning what works right , success is an interesting thing and , looking at people who have been , successful is an interesting , study because you can actually go in and , you can see exactly what they did to get , where they want to be right it's all out , there in the open you see sights on , webinars you see things that people did , they say this is what we did you could , dissect everything in the in their , internet has made it possible to reverse , engineer everything right you go on , YouTube you look at a video you say why , did that rank well you could look at the , tags you look at the title it'exactly , what they're doing you see exactly why , some sites sell and some sites don't and , the cool thing is is that there'SA lot , of people like myself who are free to , share this information with right I go , out there we have simple sites boot camp , coming up where I just share all the , information with you I say look this is , what's working this is what did't work , this is how you can build and it takes , that doubt away right and once you take , that doubt away you're free to do the , things that you need to do another big , one that stops us is fear fear is a big , one right we have those voices in the , back of our head that say what if this , dozen't work what if people see me try , something and it dozen't work well let , me tell you something kind of personal I , would much rather have people see me try , something and have it not work out the , way that I want than to see me do , nothing at all because that's where , failure is is giving up and not doing , the things you know will work right and , to get rid of that fear what you have to , do is you ha veto say what has worked , what can I duplicate what can I learn , right and you're going to see a form on , this page Want you to put your name , and email because I'm going to give you , some test results of some of the sites , that I'vie had and you can see exactly , what works and duplicate what works , don'duplicate what dozen't work very , very very very important right because , there'people in this industry who have , paved the path for you I'm one of them , that's willing to share the information , with you very very very important put , your name and email you'll get that and , what we're going to do is we're going to , do away with this fear because I heard , somewhere years ago that fear USN't , necessary i'm sorry that courage USN't , necessarily the conquering of fear right , it'snot that we beat fear up and we put , them in a box and he's no longer there , it's the conquering of it it'seagoing , through and saying you know what I'm a , little afraid this USN't going to work , but I'going to do it anyway why , because I'm going to be like the tree , and I'm going to learn and I'm going to , grow and I'm going to go to my full , potential , and I'm going to live the life that I , want to live i'm going to make the money , I want to make and I'm going to do the , things that I want another big one is , skepticism right a lot of people have , that skeptic voice they have that , skeptic voice that says well you know if , Marcus has made all that money online , why is he teaching why dozen't he just , go do that well I don't for two reasons , I like a nice extra income stream and , two Believe in giving back right I , belie vein giving and I believe that , lot of thing sin our culture have , created this all for me me for myself , type of mentality and I think that we're , more than that Think we're here to , share to love to grow to learn and when , you look at the skepticism obviously , it's smart to have a little skeptic in , you right because there are people that , are out there to take advantage but not , everyone wants to right there are those , that genuinely want to help and they're , all are those that have students that , get results so what we want to do is we , want to get rid of that skeptic and say , you know what I'm going to follow the , things that work the things that make , sense very very very important because , so many people follow people based on a , feeling and they say oh wow that guy , says he made W million dollars in five , seconds that sounds good to me and I , bough this course bu tit ended up being , a ripoff I said well you bought his , course but what was he teaching I don't , know he made a bunch of money and what , you want to do is you want to know , exactly what'seagoing on and'm going to , show you exactly how i'vie made money and , little steps that you can do to start , making money and Want you to remember , that once you learn this stuff no one no , one can take it away from you and , there's been times when I'vie needed , extra money an dour bills got higher , than I'dike them to be and always have , to tell myself CZ you know I'just , like everyone else and I get stressed , and I get worried sometimes Id on't go , to sleep because they say okay you got , to fix this but in the back of my mind , in the back of my head I say one thing , to myself and that is Marcus get up you , know how to do this you know how the , internet works you know where the , money's at go get it and we want to take , this procrastination away , right take procrastination away because , the longer you procrastinate the further , you get from your dreams and the less , time you have to make it happen right , we're each given W hours every single , day and what we decide to do with them , is up to us and for some people they say , well you know I'going to sell my time , for some money and what I say is I'm , going to take my time and make money so , i don't have to work tomorrow or the , next day or the next day and'm going , to build something that lasts and what , we're going to do in simple sites , bitmap on April twenty third Tuesday , at AM is we're going to sell you simple , sites boot camp it's going to be an , awesome program we're going to go , through W weeks I'm going to teach you , everything it's going to be about W to , W people in this class and what we want , to do is we want to get you in there and , we want to show you everything step by , step for W weeks on top of it we're , also going to have a live meeting here , in my office we got plenty of room here , and we're going to show you everything , we got the projector we got the , whiteboard we got computers all over the , place to show you what's working to , build sites with you to work with you , that alone is worth its weight in gold , and what we're going to do is we're , going to show you the things that I know , in the back of my mind I can use any , time I want whenever I want to generate , as much as I want we're going to show , you things like how to build a site the , right way how to build a mailing list , this is an important one because you can , make money over and over how to get , offers that pay how to build recurring , income this is my favorite because you , could actually wake up to money all , right you wake up and you're like okay , well I did this thing last month and now , i'getting paid again which is really , really really cool i'll never forget the , time when i first woke up to like three , thousand dollars in recurring web , revenue from something i did a long time , ago all right we're going to show you , how to build products how to make , products we're going to show you all the , tech stuff and we're going to make it , easy because the tech stuff i believe is , some of these things they have doubt , fear skeptic procrastination over the , tech stuff you say Marcus I stood up all , night trying to learn , how to do this one thing on my blog , right and I say to you well if you have , the tech stuff made easy you're not , going to have time like that anymore , right because that's not the stuff that , makes money yet so many people spend , time on that and I want to let you in on , a little secret in this industry in , internet marketing most people that , don't make the money they want our , spending ninety to ninety nine percent , of their time on stuff that dozen't , produce income and what want to show , you how to do is how to get tithe stuff , that produces income do it over and over , and over again and start to make money , so be ready boot camp April twenty third , Tuesday that's in about five days so we , got to get ready we're going to get you , some more videos put your name and email , in the box get my special report get my , special what's working now video sand , everything like that and we're going to , make money online together so get ready , if you want to be part of the W to W , people i don't know how many we're going , except yet about W to W people we're , going to get you in there we're going to , get you making money we're going to show , you exactly what you need to do to be , like that tree get rid of doubt fear , skeptic and procrastination and start to , make money online so if you're ready to , start feeling better about this internet , marketing thing and start feeling better , about yourself and about making this , happen put your name and email in the , box be ready on Tuesday April twenty , third and let's make money online , together thanks again for watching I'll , see you in the next video , No