How To Set Up Your Marketing Funnel


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okay guys it is Marcus here and I'm here , with Larry and what we're gonna do in , this particular call is we're gonna go , through and Larry is going to show us a , product that he is starting with so I , know that lot of people start wit ha , niche using trigger words and different , things like that but in this particular , instance what we're going to do is we're , going to start with a product and the , product he has is somewhat of a health , product think it's like a nutrition , thing and so what we're going to do is , I'm just going to give Larry a couple of , minutes to describe the product describe , what kind of payouts he gets describe , what kind of people it help sin , different things like that and then , we'll go ahead and dive into showing him , exactly how to setup a marketing funnel , so Larry if you're there go ahead take , it away and share with us your website , okay an average order is probably one , okay and your biggest competitor on , guessing is like Botox right yeah okay , okay okay good and now up until now , you're basically just starting with this , product and okay perfect let me go ahead , and take control of the screen and I'm , going to show you exactly what I'll do , and I'm gonna mute you for now just so , we don't get any feedback while I go , through this and this is recorded so if , you if you need to refer back to , something either ask me in the box to , explain it better or just wait for the , replay to come out depending on how fast , you pick this stuff up so let's see here , Aim going to go over Tommy Toadstool , hopefully we can get there without this , thing freezing up okay good so in our , Toadstool what I'm doing is I'm , looking up wrinkles stuff because the , main problem that I see here is you're , working on thirty dollar Commission in , a relatively high competitive market , okay so we got like two dollars and , sixty cent snow what this means is that , if you were to pay let's say we low ball , it right and you're probably not going , to get try , for two bucks in this market but in this , particular like direct targeted keywords , these ones we see here I mean but what , that would mean is that you would need , to sell one out of every W people on , your site just to break even which is , pretty pretty impossible unless it's , something like Botox and you're bidding , on the word Botox right so what we want , to do is want to tackle it a different , way because as we can see like all this , wrinkle creams and wrinkles stuff are , pretty expensive to get into so what we , want to do in this instance is we want , to say okay we got a product does a , product sell hopefully it does we would , look at the landing page do you have an , example of landing page and I'll see , if can find one as well okay let's see , elite serum he's got YouTube stuff , here okay elite serum new okay so this , looks like this this looks like his , landing page here which is pretty it's , really really out there mean I'm sure , it's gonna convert at least% now one , thing that does freak me out here is the , call number if they call an order you're , not going to get paid and lots of people , will especially since you're going to be , dealing with an elderly market so what , we want to do is want to take a look at , this fro ma different perspective we , want to take a look at it from people , who lump this but don't know they want , it okay very important there's several , things we can do here number one what we , would do is we would say okay well what , other kinds of things do people look at , when it comes to wrinkles like wrinkle , around eyes okay we want to see is it in , fact competitive we would go to google , type it in and say okay wrinkle around , eyes all right good so images come up , very very very important that is , something that if I was to have a , notepad would say okay images right , and I'll just go ahead and do this on a , notepad so we could recap later so I , would say images are coming up that's a , very important thing so what Would do , is I would start gathering a lot of , pictures of wrinkly eyes , next what I would do is I would see who , is coming up so elite serum calm we have , best price on elite serum this is , probably yeah this is the official site , you could tell because of the phone , number and affiliate would not put the , phone number unless it's their own phone , number okay so we have elite serum there , which means this dude is competing with , you pretty big-time not a good sign for , going for this stuff but I'll show you a , workaround for that okay we got hydro's , tone rock care Nitrogen'Oral remove , wrinkles okay we got YouTube that's good , to know and this one's been up almost , year definitely good to know so we have , thirty thousand on here so I would i , would put under the images I would put , YouTube okay alright so Input YouTube , there and I'probably put the keywords , as Welland say okay these are all , things and what I'm doing is I'm , basically building a file and this file , is going to take it later and say okay , all these things that just found out , are things that want to use to to get , this stuff right to get these people , into my site okay and these so far we're , looking at free stuff other than this , paid over her ewe got images we got get , rid of anklebone group under eyes we , have wiki How now on wiki How what you're , gonna notice is google ad sense OK skins , say skin care search calm okay good to , know this is a Google Ad sense ad okay , and I want you to take a look at what's , showing up here right like how to , prevent wrinkle show to prevent wrinkles , naturally and what's happening is when , people search for this kind of things , like if I was to type in wrinkles or get , rid of wrinkles right they are kind of , just browsing looking for information , okay they're not necessarily looking to , buy anything they're looking for , information now what our goal is is to , get them in give them information that , points to the product right so like , everything we dudes got to like point , them to the product okay so we look at , it we say okay we got ads here okay so , we'd write down Absences we got images , YouTube Absences and okay good good , good he's got some more here some more , here it'SA more YouTube here and you , can just check him out and you can watch , this on YouTube it'll show you what , kind of views he has and yes it has a , ton of views very good so it's got a lot , of views there and let's see home , remedies site okay good good good okay , so got a lot of stuff YouTube we would , look at as well because that video , obviously is getting lot of traffic , probably a lot of it from this type of , stuff here okay so those are what we , would do first and foremost is look at , what is showing up on the main the main , kind of keywords okay so what we would , want to do is we want to take a look at , our main keywords and be like okay , wrinkles around eyes okay let's see what , our searches are treating cream let's , see if this has anything to do with it , okay okay and we'll see Tara toning , cream okay , topical side effects okay Tara ton in , okay what does it do treat acne okay so , that's probably not okay once the , treatment one of the treatments is used , to treat fine wrinkles okay so Otis , used for wrinkles which is which Osgood , so I would write down you know Tara , toning cream also because you could see , that this one is fairly , non-competitive I mean you're not , dealing with much competitive , competition at all right so what I would , want to do is I'd want to write that , down and I probably write it at the , bottom of the page tear it ton in , any kind of cream or whatever okay and , we can see that Tara toning cream , basically has very low competition even , though it says medium it's got a lot of , searches so you're dealing with a , thousand searches a day there which is , really cool okay so what I would do in , this instance is I would probably bag , this word right and I'd say okay Tara , tone and cream good let's see what the , competition is on free search.4 , million on , the other search so we got okay a , lot of creams here so it looks like , they're kind of going this way okay , YouTube okay and one thing that I want , you to notice is there is a myth about , the my customer thing right there'slake , this whole myth going on that it's like , okay this person only buys the territory , and cream and that'sit that's all , they're gonna buy the rest of their life , which is not exactly true what these , people are looking for first and , foremost is how to get rid of these , wrinkles , okay our goal is to sell them whatever , if they find out that buying a new , flat-screen TV gets their wrinkles gone , and they want to buy it then that's what , we're gonna sell okay so we don't want , to like force anything we want to kind , of look at it and say okay well Cain , break eve nor or make a little bit or , build a list on all these people by , selling the territory and then later , flip them to another product right does , that make sense hope it does if it , does just type something in the box and , let me know so basically you're having , all these things coming in right so it's , it'skint of like if my goal was to sell , expensive cars right and my goal is to , sell these expensive cars and'm like , okay well let's first sell parts to , people who have crappy cars we're like , oh hey buy this engine buy this tire buy , this whatever buy this whatever but all , the while we're setting up to sell the , expensive stuff okay hopefully that , makes sense so we have trick , threaten in own however you say that , cream we have all kinds of other stuff , best eye cream okay that's kind of good , here so best eye cream now Google or , let's finish this one here got a little , ATD going'm running on like four hours , sleep here okay so let's see we're just , gonna go tithe timeout and check this , one okay so W so that's a good one , what I would do if I was totally serious , about bagging a lot of money in this , market is I would write that down and , I'd be like okay what domain name can I , get closest to this right and obviously , check your trademarks and everything on , that but you know most of the time , you're okay so let's see here if we can , get , Name cheap there we go okay so would do , Tara tone and cream or whatever all , right so we got dot biz um let'SSE we , could do like by threaten in cream or , whatever okay so by Triton y'know and , cream com , I would write this down and Would , probably purchase it so as I do this I , usually keypunches open and I just , start adding these things to the cart , because can later go back and get them , okay so that's one I do that be like , okay that's one of the funnels that , can use is by Trenton and cream or , whatever and I could set IPA page about , does threaten in cream or danger about , threaten in cream what are the side , effects of threaten in cream or whatever , and I set this up and say put your name , and email I'll show you the side effects , I'll show you things that are good we'll , show you some live examples of ho wit , work sand we're going to show you the , best places to get the prices okay they , come into your list now you got a list , about these people looking for this , other cream that you can back into the , other stuff as well okay is this , starting to make sense to you if it is , type it in the box because I have you , muted right now I just make sure I'm not , going too fast here okay you still with , me , alright good there we go okay cool , alright so that would be our first our , first funnel is the threaten in cream , okay and this is how you like completely , dominate a market when you do it right , you look at your images your YouTube , iridescence now terseness and , everything like that I want you to , notice also on the flip side we're going , to get paid portion of how much this , stuff costs okay we're gonna get page , or we're gonna get a portion so if I go , and I go to a low competition keyword , right and a low competition keywords is , something like age spots or maybe signs , of aging right if we were to go to the , Ad Words tool , okay and again your funnel your goal , first and foremost is to get lots of , people in and give them what they want , and you know you might find out that , there's other products you can give them , as well like we found out with the cream , and and things like that so we could go , in and we could say okay well what do , people look at for aging right we could , look at aging like this it get ideas and , again just toggle back and forth like , you'll notice I have all kinds of things , open here this is how I do my research , so we would do okay let's see aging okay , we can go her ewe could say okay aging , low competition agency healthy aging , area Department of Aging , and okay let's do a verge searches get , these guys up here retirement age , menopause and that's anti aging did it , to do senior aging okay let's see if we , have something else here let's do , something like I'vie had something like , bags under eye sand notice how I'm just , kind of like looking at all the things , that this can help because Botox and all , these kind of things do help with bags , under eyes so we got like crow's feet , Goodwin excellent one that's something , that basically is a wrinkle around the , eye , okay so crow's feet look at that very , little competition here okay how to get , rid of crow's feet get rid of crow's , feet , crow's feet crow's feet okay good so we , would go in and say good this has got , but was it crow's feet sixty six hundred , a month that's pretty darn good there , I'll take that so I would put that in , there as well as the cream I go to my my , name cheap and I put crow's feet in and , we try to get as close as possible to , this word crow's feet or dude okay I , think'm gonna buy that but yeah get , that good one'm gonna let you have , that one even though , I want to buy it right now so go get , that before I do otherwise we'll make , demand but yeah you get crow's feet , organ now you have a site about how to , get rid of crow's feet so we go through , it you make it happen everything like , that okay , yes crow's feet is addressed on the , sales page what we're doing is we're , building around your sales page we're , building around it so we're making all , these different things right we don't , want to just take the crow's feet guy , and and put them to crow's feet stuff , right we actually want to take the , crow's feet and make a mailing list , about crow's feet okay does that make , sense I hope it does , let me know if it makes sense , okay cool let's see here did you do bear , with me one second , okay so any questions so far I'll unmet , you to see where we're at in the process , are you starting to get everything , exactly so crow's feet whatever you can , get you know check it out see if they , are around and take it from there , but yeah crow's feet would be another , funnel now the way you're gonna set , these up is you are literally going to , bi don these words okay you're gonna bid , on these word sand you are going to go , through and you're going to set , something up so now for you it might be , better let's take this a step further , let's steamship yeah so like watch , if we go inhere and we say okay crow's , feet crow's fee tare people who want , what you have right they want your , product it's plain and simple that's , what they want so we're gonna go to , Ad Words tool and you might want to find , something actually that's a little , easier to rank for because crow's feet , is two word domain and obviously , you're gonna be competing with some , serious stuff but if you were to do , something like get rid of crow's feet , let's see if that's available , okay um crow's feet crow's feet cream , okay let's see that's not a whole lot of , searches on the main one all right let's , take closely-related okay so for crow's , feet here best eye cream for crow's feet , crow's feet eyes crow'feet treatment , crow's feet cream if you could get , something like crow's feet cream com , that might even be better , crow's-feet creaming right if you get , that you're now having a site and you , can set it up like Little block and , you'remaking Little blog about crow's , feet okay and I'll put this in the box , so you can go by it and your idea here , is to make a blog about crow's feet so , you take you take the face and you say , okay my idea here is to take all these , things like it helps crow's fee tit's , the same as the Tara toning cream you , know all these things and you're using , them as funnels so you would in essence , have something like like let's say-day , blog profits com okay now let'SSE I , know'm one of my things outdoes't , work let's do another one instant web , hosting org okay so your page would be , all about the cream it'd be like okay , Tara toning cream or crow's feet , treatment learn how to get rid of crow's , feet fast does treatment work best , treatments by my favorite treatment or , by here or order now information okay , and you're going to build this site out , with information about crow's feet you , could do video you could do text I , definitely definitely recommend both and , images okay so you go out there and you , say okay here's these things that work , for crow's feet you want to get rid of , crow's feet you know and give me a good , info be like hey guy sand welcome to , whatever crow's feet com today in this , video'm gonna show you the top W ways , to get rid of crow's feet , number one what you want to do is you , know put cucumbers on your eyes or , whatever righto'm making it up number , two drink less soda number three don't , eat pie after W o'clock whatever you , give them these tip sand then you say , hey we're on tip number four if you want , a printable printable list of all the , things you can do to get rid of crow's , feet right now put your name and email , in the box'm gonna send it to you , instantly and we're also going to show , you how where to get the best thing and , overnight it so that you can get the , crow's feet gone for your next party or , whatever right does that make sense so , you got the info you're getting them in , it crow's feet , whatever it was what waist crow's feet , cream org , is your funnel okay and you're like hey , here's all the creams here's all the , stuff now you you make it like an opt-in , okay so you're gonna make it like an , opt-in like blog profit Network comm , video information opt-in video Upton , okay they're gonna opt-in and now you're , atom everyday there's people coming in , entering their email to get your report , okay now the way you get them tithe , site is you can do free traffic you're , gonna do video traffic you're gonna do , article traffic you're going to do , pay-per-click traffic right you just , drive them from the word crow's-feet on , MSN on Google whatever right and you go , here and it's like tomb you can be up , instantly crow's feedbag and instantly , you are now in front of them best eye , creams org you're competing with one guy , I mean it'just Jim there you go you're , getting traffic for ten cents , give them good info get them to opt-in , then say hey BAM , go for the hard sell on the Thank You , page okay does that make sense I hope it , does because this stuff's like gold , okay so again there you go there's , crow's feet next you would say okay what , else do we have for low competition okay , high competition let's go low remedy for , bags under eyes okay let's get okay , cucumbers on eyes cool I like it just , looking for the same thing right , cucumbers on eyes does it help doe sit , work blah blah blah blah blah okay so , we'd go here we go cucumbers on eyes , right nothing do cucumbers really help , puffy eyes same thing that'SWAT they , want and you make a site and it would be , called cucumbers ah nice calm did you do , cucumbers on eyes dork , there you go alright so you got that , there's another one okay this one says , hey guys here's all the information , about cucumbers yes they do work but , it's a short time thing if you want , something more long-term check out this , other thing and go buy it now does that , make sense okay , and now you're getting all these people , in it like cents a click or less and , you got Ad sense on the site you got , information on the site you got , everything good where they're all coming , into your funnel right can you visualize , that where it'slake okay I got my , cucumbers on eyes that'spitting W , people a day into my opt-in list got , crows feet cream that's putting W , people Ada into my opt-in list now I , got W people coming into my opt-in list , all interested I can send them emails , whenever I want about how to make the , wrinkly face go away , I got territorial cream or whatever , it is bringing Mae couple of sales a , day and bunch of opt-in sand so it's , like a big monster that just grows and , your goal is to sell this stuff get paid , on Ascendant with these things right , with these things when you're bidding , cents I mean you're gonna make it up on , Disinherit because now what you're , gonna do is you're gonna start to take , all these cent guys and then you're , going to branch them out to other stuff , using the monetized plugin right so what , I do on my site okay I have my site here , and I look at blog stuff and I get blog , traffic fairly cheap or I could get it , from banner ads I can get it from forums , I can get it through solo ads anywhere , I'm driving people here , okay now instead of just putting Ad sense , right here what I do ISO put things I , know people will click because that , cents gonna get like W to W percent , click-through rate okay mine get a lot , more these ads get lot more , click-through rate because we're , focusing on what they want and I know , why they got here in the first place , okay ad sense has just taken a guess okay , so I say get fast search engine rankings , okay and this goes to a site let's see I , think have it okay think actually , have to click it the way that the thing , works Id on't think we can do open in a , new tab okay and this goes to an SEO , ranking tips report okay so now I just , took that dirt cheap traffic that I got , put them to a site that's about a , solution that they want right they want , SEO stuff but now I'getting you know , $9 clicks okay does that make sense , because we're taking them from you know , how do Ire move and do this cucumbers , work too you know , Botox is a scam, whatever BO-tat does , Botox were calm right and now you're , triggering Botox ads okay so that's all , part of your funnel to make the money to , you know funnel this whole thing of , getting the clicks and you'll be able to , break even fairly easily in this okay , well I'going dynamite you I want you , to kind of recap and make sure you , understand all this yes like I'm setting , up with these what they want , yes and you want to write news type so , it'd be these people are obviously have , heard of Botox they're thinking about , Botox but whatever or or whatever it , dozen'thieve to be Botox it could be , anything right and your goal is to say , does Botox work visit my site to find , the truth about Botox and Baum they click , it there instantly seeing expensive ads , that's one of them yeahs yeah CZ , cucumber is broad so you'll be able to , get people to opt in for the report and , then as they go deeper you want to make , money because you're gonna have probably , I'm gonna say% of the people on your , list and that visit your site are not , going to buy your product so what I'm , showing you to do is make a ton of money , off of them and so your product , supplementary does it make sense , exactly he'd be like a guy who you have , these people and they want to buy one of , five product sand you're like do you , want to buy this product no and they go , to the other four guys and they buy , something what I'teaching you to do is , be like okay do you want to buy this , product no okay great buy the other four , through me right CZ that's I mean , that's the way it viscus they're , gonna buy it anyway my customers , by hosting they buy Weber they buy all , this stuff anyway right so the goal is , to say how much of it can I keep by , being the cool guy who's saying hey , check it out here's a tip about you know , not making your eyes wrinkly not , necessarily on the site so so let me let , me see if I could visualize it for you , so you got your wrinkle cream or your , your cucumbers okay and you're like okay , these people want to know if cucumbers , work on their eyes they probably don't , want to buy a cucumber online they , probably don't want to buy a cream right , now they're looking for information on , do cucumbers work could be someone going , out on ad ate and they're like my eyes , look like crap but if I throw cucumbers , on the ma funny thin git actually does , work right and so yea hit does it's , weird it's like five minutes later and , you're like five years younger and it , helps headaches too but at any rate you , make a site about the benefits of , cucumbers and your goal is to just give , them killer info right they're like shoo , here's how this works here's out a , cucumber thing works blah blah blah blah , blah put your name and email to get my , cucumber report plus learn eighty-seven , other fruits that are going to help your , face right are three other fruits or , whatever okay and you go find this info , it's not hard mean you can have this , thing set up in a day or two if you have , an outsource even quicker than that and , you're like okay your goal is to just , teach these people cucumbers and fruits , and putting things on their eyes and , whatever benefits pitfalls good things , bad things short-term long-term but your , goal ultimately is to get them one to , opt-in and to teach them that the , cucumber is not as good as what you're , offering yeah and if you look at how , mine structured I got pages across the , top that are based on what they want , right and all these pages have the , opt-in , right all these pages with the exception , of like contact us right so all of them , have this opt-in okay but later'm , creating all this content with all these , posts and stuff that basically is taking , them and giving them cool stuff so now , I'm represents I'm like hey thanks , for joining now I got all this cool , stuff to send you and you can automate , it right it could be like day number 1 , here's the cucumber report day number 2 , the strawberry report day number 3 you , know drinking water all day or whatever , OK so that's that's that part I'gonna , meet you again and we'll go through this , so so that's the basic funnel is to get , them to opt-in and get them into , something else , okay so crow's feet is a great example , of that you want to write or have your , outsourced in a way that is what , they're looking for ways to get rid , of crow's feet , best creams for crow's feet right and , you can even you could even hire someone , to try out different creams or whatever , just make sure you disclaimer it and , with health stuff always disclaimer the , heck out of it and don'Tevet tell them , to use anything and tell them always , talk to their doctor before they even , wake up in the morning but yeah you , would just teach them things like that , and then again you just go through all , of it right wrinkles let's say Kojak , acid I guess that's probably something , for wrinkles search it out see what's , going on there recital looks like , something for wrinkles as well , Ire member tall beauty stuff okay does , recital work Recital scar cream right , and just start to look this stuff like , okay here's a bay for Recital like you , could literally go on here and make a , report about Recital or sell Recital and , build list and sell them other stuff , because these guys are basically just , building customers okay that's Little , farther down the line but I hope you get , the point because everything you do is , part of a funnel everything you do , Amazon you can set up an Amazon and sell , your product or the Recital or whatever , with the hopes of building this list you , can make , litterbug on the ways to get rid , of wrinkles right and you give it away , your charge W cents for it on Amazon or , whatever and this is your funnel right , there coming in and you're giving them , the book everyone'spreading the book , everyone'sou know going to Ad sense to , go into other products you're making , money you're doing good and also you're , selling your other product right and , with the residual now another thing , check this out PR web comm is showing up , you can do press releases about you know , make a press release about senior , citizens and how you know,W people , are retiring everyday and they're , wrinkly and they need your product to , help them right get them into the funnel , or something like crow's feet what was , it , cucumbers on eyes org releases free , report about removing you're using , cucumbers to get rid of wrinkles right , so your goal is just get them in there , you want everyone who ever thinks , breathes or look sat a wrinkle to come , to you right and that's what you do with , all these funnels is you're getting , min you build your opt-in page like it , like these guys where it's like gym , email right and the same thing that I'm , doing here I do with little ads now , you're gonna see how this works here , basically what I'm doing is I'm like , okay want everyone who thinks about , internet marketing stuff to come to me , okay people are thinking about video , learned Marcus's secret video marketing , tips plus see how he gets rankings , opt-in after they opt-uni either take , them to the free report or a blog page , okay they're on the blog they click this , other stuff or they order a product okay , so that's how the funnel works another , example would be squeeze pages learn , Marcus the secrets attorney it's , basically the same exact thing they're , just going different places getting , different things in the funnel here's , one for SEO ranking tips right same , exact thing just different funnel we , got , pay-per-click I think I have one , somewhere Ad words , right get my secret Outdistance right , and you just put a different picture and , be like after cucumbers you get my FREE , special cucumber report okay and you can , do this on press release you're gonna , get tons of traffic ad sense profit tips , but the key is not to fight it like the , tendency is to be like okay well I'm , doing ab id on wrinkles on eyes I'm , gonna send them to the landing page of , the offer through my affiliate link and , really hope and pray and get a little , prayer closet and pray that people order , it'snot gonna work that way so what you , got to do is you got to come at it and , each of these pages is like a little , salesman that's out there all day every , day saying hey dude you you Giotto check , out Marcus's reports and his content and , stuff you have to it's awesome right , it's like and whether you're into , Ad sense and then people start to see it , everywhere right because these people , are gonna start to follow you they're , gonna be like oh man last night I was , searching for wrinkles and I saw this , cucumber site and now today I was , searching for some serum and I saw this , wrinkle site and it's wrinkle sites , everywhere he must know what'seagoing on , he must know something so I better , opt-in or buy his stuff or whatever , right so it's like they're seeing you , everywhere and that'shy the front of , laxness MSN but what I would do is , here'SWAT I want you to do and this , will be your homework want you to set , up this funnel for crow's feet okay , want you to get that domain think it , was crow's feet something org crow's , feet cream org okay I want you to set , this UPI want you to get a video want , you to get some content and want you , to say if you want to learn about crow's , feet'm the guy here top things you're , going to learn about crow's feet creams , do cucumbers really work what happens if , this you know answer their questions , just completely answer all the questions , do some research learn what these people , are doing is there a crow's feet forum , is it women is it men what is it , right and and focus on helping them and , as you help them work on selling your , product on the thank you page okay so , hey guys thanks by the way your report , is being emailed to you , while you're waiting for your report why , don't you save sometime and check out , the number one product that I found , about removing crow's fee tit's made of , all natural stuff Bela BA BA BA bucolic , here affiliate link to check it out okay , and then on the side you could have , links like like these guys using , monetize that go to other things as well , does that make sense okay so now is this , somethings this is kind of something , that I need you to just go do like even , if you hack it up and screw it up and , you got you know stupid stuff on your , site need to see that because that's , better than having nothing and so yeah , if you can set that that whole idea of , just the crow's fee tone right just , master the crow's feet one and we'll , start to get some traffic because now if , you can convert one out of a hundred , you're paying W bucks to get thirty , dollar Commission alright because you're , the crow's feet it's a much cheaper , market and out of all those other people , right you now goat hundred people for , ten bucks now you could go and you know , get them to gladdens you can get , them to mailing list you can sell them , other products you can even sell them , again on the product hey you know I , noticed you did't buy this yesterday go , buy it because you got wrinkly eyes or , whatever you know it's gonna be I would , do like three page blog maybe five and , then and then your post swill be all , this stuff so you're gonna go and you're , gonna start to do posts about crow's , feet eyes crow's feet treatment crow's , feet cream crow's feet to write , everything , exactly , on on the five pages there will be an , opt-in form on the posts you will have , the monetized plug correct yeah the way , that do Otis is it's a different way , because focus on information Astor , where a lot of other people are focusing , on like oh you know how do we sell how , do we make a squeeze page that works how , do we make this when in actuality if you , just make a squeeze page you're not , gonna be able to run it everywhere and , you're gonna lose half your audience so , we want to get them engaged the key has , engaged them get them to read you know , and next time you search a topic like if , you're up and you're like I want to , learn how to you know get rid of foot , pain or whatever notice how you search , because you don't just look at one site , and if you do just look at one site you , go deep on his site and you're like oh I , wonder what he says about this or I , wonder what he says about this and , you're you're engaging so the key is to , get them to engage well the page is kind , of our static , you can set the homepage a static or , it'just ahem page watch this I'm , gonna send you this video here I think , this is the one yeah watch this video , here okay I'll put it in the chat box it , just'd like build one in front of you , so it'deb a lot easier just to watch , that and see how or cool yeah and just , set it up that way if you outsource the , content I would definitely recommend it , because mean you're not gonna want to , write for all of these blogs and just be , very specific with your outsources , you want a report on the top W ways , cucumbers help eyes don't just say I , want are port on cucumbers and eyes , because then you'll get one like yeah , exactly , it is because of the mailing list um , well no you're gonna make it the funnel , now your goal is to get them to opt in , for the info you're gonna give them , correct exactly yeah you're gonna get , and and would I would buy them both , now cucumbers on eyes org and crow's , feet , screams calm or whatever Otis I would , definitely get those now and then just , start you put a blog on it get some , content on it and you're gonna do the , same exact kind of thing where it's it's , just like those pages I showed you those , gray pages or it's like Chum come in , here get this come in here get this but , ultimately these people want the same , exact thing right they want their eyes , to look good and that's Ito don't I , don't care how they want it if they , think getting on their knees and eating , grass is gonna help them find come on in , I'm gonna tell you how that sucks and , you need my product right if they think , you know living at high elevations a , great great come Onion we're gonna teach , how to do it and then we're going to , give you our product okay well I'm the , opposite I'm the guy that it takes me a , week to sit down and do it and then W , minutes to actually do it yep and , remember if they if they don't buy your , product you're either selling it wrong , or you need different product like , don't be married to the product just , because that that is the number one , killer of businesses if you ever watch , shark tank right there's people that , just bankrupt their family because , they're just married to one product and , it's like people don't want it sorry , they just don't care about it and with , you you know if you find out that they , want to buy a jet airplane sell jet , airplanes I don't care I mean whatever , they want is is what we're gonna sell as , long as it's ethical and and fits our , value sand everything but yes just go do , it , do some research exactly and I'm gonna , go ahead'm gonna put this replay up , for everyone if you'reek wit hit I mean , there's no fancy trade secrets or , anything like that and then if you want , what we'll do is we'll follow along and , we'll follow up with you and kind of , just watch how it goes and things like , that just to kind of help everyone but , yeah you know that's the idea so go do , that and then what I'm gonna do is , anyone else who's listening to this on , my blog if you guys enjoyed this stuff , if you have a product or don't have a , product either way it dozen't matter , because I can help you Fonda product or , a niche what I'gonna do is I'm gonna , put a link below this video , and if you want me to completely set up , your funnel like the shell of your , funnel with your sites and the domains , and the ideas and the markets and the , money and everything just like did , with Larry click that link below we do , have some of them available and they're , reasonably priced obviously because I , want to help you guys get this going , but this is the way to build , sustainable business because what's , gonna hap penis Larry'seagoing to get , people that are interested in cucumber , eyes and people that are interested in , serums and people who are interested in , all this stuff and once he has a , database and sites that get traffic , daily it's all it's all over right once , you own that you now have an income , that's coming in all the time and it's , building and it's building Inuits , building and no matter what you do it's , just gonna keep getting bigger unless , you like to turn it off which don't , advise but at any rate click that link , below'll have webinar with you will , pick your niche we'll get you some , traffic sources we'll show you exactly , how to build marketing funnel that , will put money in your pocket for W , so thanks again Larry for being on this , I look forward to watching your progress , in this market thin kit's a slam dunk , so have fun with it and I will see you , on live chat and in the next webinar and , for those that are listening again if , you enjoyed this hit me up on live chat , if you have questions or if you're ready , to have me make your funnel of profits , click that link below and I'll see you , in the next video  

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