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everyone showing us here welcome to this , video in this video we're going to talk , about Click bank and how fast you can , become successful in it alright so I'm , going to tell you I'going to talk , about two important factors that affect , how fast you're going to become , successful quit clicking especially if , you're starting your online business and , you and you're not really familiar with , the affiliate marketing or you're just , starting up you know kind of learning , things slowly so the first and most , important like fact when it comes to , becoming successful on Clickbank you , know and becoming successful on , Clickbank quickly is your strategy okay , now let me tell you about Clickbank , strategy then one of the biggest mistake , when it comes to Kickbacks a lot of , marketers sent traffic directly to a , Click bank offer and that's huge , mistake because that's the easiest way , and Oh many people start on Click bank , want to make money online easy right and , let me tell you something making money , online easy is not possible you need to , put some work to make things happen for , yourself so one of the biggest mistakes , is that people send traffic directly to , a sales page and that's mistake , because what you need to do is you need , to send traffic from your from your send , traffic to landing page in your , squeeze page squeeze page get names , emails and put those name sand emails , through a good sales funnel and then , start selling that's how you make a lot , of money in Click bank that's the , difference between someone who makes , fifty dollars a week and the different , and so on makes fifty thousand dollars a , month so that's what and really , important your strategy you know what , kind of strategy you have whatever is , your traffic coming from and where are , you sending out traffic to so that's , really important to consider the next , one which is something that I'll and , it's one of those things that you really , people don't get it and people who , actually get it people who will become , successful on Click bank not just click , Making but in fact any affiliate , marketing network or any kind of all , business is the amount of time year time , and money you invest on your business is , going to determine how successful you're , going to become in it alright so let me , tell you something but I started my , online business like six year sago , I was putting lot of time into it I , wan'making any money but I was , putting alto of time and effort into , this and I was spending everything every , money that I could spend on it okay I , wan't just having this thin gas an idea , you know like I was just thinking about , it and just it was like a sight , scientific side hobby or something like , that it was something serious for me , from the beginning and if you want to , become successful on Click bank and , become successful fast you need to take , it take this whole business serious okay , so make sure to take a search in this , time and money because let me tell you , something I have video Have a full , video about this it's not possible to , make money online for you okay you need , to invest some money at some point you , have to invest some money on something , and if the more money you the more money , you invest the more money you're going , to make and there's something something , that people say it's that I'm gonna I'm , gonna start like free or I'm not going , to spend that much money to from the , beginning to see to make some money and , then I'll see all invest more in future , if I get some results and that's huge , mistake and that's what people fail okay , you need to learn that you're gonna have , to invest some money some good amount of , money on Clickable any other , marketing or any other business in order , to become successful , you cannot small you cannot start from , minimal amounts alright so keep that in , mind so that's how that these two you , know your strategy that and the amount , of time and money you invest on , Concubinage going to determine how , successful how fast you're going to , become successful on Click bank alright , so let me know if you have any questions , make sure to LIKE this video share it , with your friends and subscribe for more , videos like this in future and leave , comment if you have any question so I , usually ask your comments real quick and , I'll see you in the next , do