Amazon Affiliate Marketing For Beginners 2018


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 ,  okay Amazon affiliate marketing for , beginners hey what's up guys Jeff here , Fromm's affiliate tools calm and in , this short video'm going to be talking , about why the Amazon affiliate program , is so great for beginners what I need , you to do before we get started is go , ahead below this video and click on , these subscribe button and turn your , notification son because Will be , posting daily Amazon affiliate tips and , tricks that are beginner friendly that , are step-by-step I'm not only going to , be talking about why but I'm going to be , showing you the how okay so I'gonna be , showing you how to build an Amazon , affiliate website how to build Amazon , affiliate links all that good stuff , alright so you don't want to miss out on , that exclusive content that you're only , going to find right here , so make sure that you click on the , subscribe button and turn your , notifications on right now so that you , don't forget by the time this video is , over alright so let's go ahead and jump , into the Amazon affiliate program for , beginners and let's talk about three , reasons why you should get started with , it today alright so Justin case you're , unfamiliar with how the Amazon affiliate , program works let me give you Little , quick run-through of how everything , works with an affiliate program okay , um so what you'll ha veto do is you'll , ha veto build an Amazon affiliate , website first in order to get approved , for the Amazon affiliate program okay , so this can be done very very quickly , and I'll show you how in my free course , in the description of this video I'vie , left a link to the course also have a , link to Amazon affiliate marketing tools , and resources and also notes from this , video okay so each video that I Dion on , my channel I go and put a page , together that has notes for you that has , extra stuff that you won'find in , this video okay so make sure to go over , and check that out all right so what , happens is once you have your Amazon , affiliate website in place you can sign , up for the Amazon affiliate program and , that will allow you to promote any of , the products on the Amazon website okay , so no matter what you're into there's , plenty to choose from and that's reason , number one that I want to talk about , with the Amazon affiliate program why , you should join it okay because there's , plenty of products available for you to , promote so no matter what you're , interested in whether it's headphones or , electronics or video games or fashion or , anything else you'll be able to choose a , niche very easily and find tons of , visitors who are interested in the , products that you're promoting in your , Amazon affiliate store okay so there's , ton a ton of product that allows you to , promote anything that you're interested , in which is really really cool , okay so reason number two that Think , you should go with the Amazon affiliate , program is because of the commission , structure that they have set up okay so , the way the commission structure works , out is there's a set commission , percentage for each category of products , that you promote alright , so let's say somebody clicks on one of , your Amazon affiliate links and then go , over to the Amazon website and they not , only buy the product that you're , promoting but they buy a lot more , products let's say in the instance of , Black Fridays huge shopping holiday , here in the US every November okay so , Black Friday deals week on Amazon let's , say you're promoting a certain set of , products and somebody clicks your link , and they go over and they do all of , their Black Friday shopping well guess , what you're going to get a percentage of , everything that they buy now I'm just , that one product but everything alright , so that's really really cool and they , have what are called cookies that are , stored into a person's browser so if the , person dozen't buy right then then they , comeback tomorrow and buy you still get , credit for that sale because , you where the person who referred that , person over to Amazon to buy that , product and any other products that they , end up buying okay so that's reason , number two is that you have the , potential to make a lot of money now , reason number three is because there's a , lower competition okay since there are , millions of products that you can , promote on the Amazon website you'll , find way less competition then with , other affiliate programs okay so a lot , of the other big affiliate marketers , they go with you know Clickbankand , these other affiliate programs out there , but that causes a lot of competition , because there are limited products on , those platforms but with Amazon you have , literally millions of products that you , can promote so there's not as much , competition at all and it's easier for , you to make sales and commissions , alright so that's my top reasons that , Think that the Amazon affiliate , program is good for beginners so if , you're getting started with affiliate , marketing and you say you know what , where's the best place that I can , possibly start my affiliate marketing , business okay that would be Amazon and , so like I said it'because there's a , ton of products to choose from you can , pay good Commission's on everything that , somebody buys and there is far less , competition all right now like Is aid , make sure that you'resubscribed to my , channel because in my next video I'm , going to get started showing you how you , can sign up for the Amazon affiliate , program but first we have to build your , website okay so I'm going to show you , how to build an Amazon affiliate website , and you don't want to miss out on that , because this is the key ingredient that , you need to be able to sign up for the , Amazon affiliate program alright so make , sure you subscribe to the channel like I , said you can get access to my free , Amazon affiliate marketing course in the , description of this video you can get , access to all of the Amazon affiliate , tools that I recommend and you can get , access , two notes from today's show at the , show's page on the AMC affiliate tools , website alright so I'going to be back , tomorrow with another video and I'm , going to show you how to build your , Amazon affiliate website so that you can , get approved for the Amazon affiliate , program so make sure you subscribe and , I'm gonna see you then , alright thanks so much for tuning in and , I truly hope that this video was helpful , in starting your journey with Amazon , affiliate marketing for beginners thank , you so much , seal it .

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