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hey guy sit's Marcus here from affiliate , marketing dude calm and in this video , what we're going to do is Little site , makeover you guys might have seen one of , my sites which is instant web hosting , org on instant web hosting or you'll , notice that it's all about how to setup , a website instantly with web hosting now , the reason I created this site is , because I want all those juicy expensive , ads like you see here fraudsters and , affiliate programs for web hosting now , the problem is is even though'vie been , making money on this site i'm not making , as much as i can obviously because the , site's not up to par right it'snot , looking that nice the way that it's , designed USN't that great the images , arena't working so what we want to do is , want to kind of spray we want to kind of , spruce this thing up all right so you , can notice on google we are ranking , number one for instant web hosting which , does get some traffic but now what we , gotta do is go to utilize that traffic , and milk it for all that it's worth now , in this video video number one what'm , going to do ISO'm going to show you how , to make a logo for your site using a , program that costs less than fifty , dollars and you can go through and , create a logo that says hey you know , what I'm a reputable company got some , good info but it also dozen't scream hey , don't look at this site look at the logo , okay we want it to be subtle but also , just kind of like giving them comfort , alright and what happens is you'll , notice that in your market whatever , market you're in the three seconds that , the person visits your site the first , three seconds are the most critical and , they're going to be judging your site so , when you look at this site they're going , to judge it on getting the cloud , together and easy ways to create a site , okay so it's not going to be that great , we want to kind of control this content , and that's what this video is about so , first and foremost before we get into , creating the theme and redoing the theme , let's go ahead and dive into the logo , creator which is a little software that , you can get i'll put a link on affiliate , marketing dude calm / logo that's , affiliate marketing dude calm / logo and , what I'going to do is I'going to , have a special link for you my affiliate , link for this software that you can get , you can create logos for yourself logos , for your client sand basically whatever , you want I mean once you have this thing , you can go for it I'vie had this for many , years over years now I'vie been using , variations of this software so you , definitely want to get it and the , benefit for going through my link , obviously is you keep these videos free , by paying the rent here and you also get , some cool videos on how to use this as , well as my bonus so what we're going to , do first and foremost we're going to go , through and we're going to select a logo , set okay the logo sets some of them come , with the product some of them are , add-INS we're going to go through and , find something that says hey you know , what here's some cool web hosting , something that kind of says you know , we're trustworthy we got some , information for you so we're going to go , through the templates like this and find , something that that kind of fits what , we're going after okay we'vie got like , this little guy here the tea company the , Gulf guy all right and we're just going , to kind of go through till we find , something that that looks good something , that kind of sparked our interest but , not to to standing out because we don't , want it to distract from what we're , trying to do okay so we can do like , these little cartoon guys here do pretty , much whatever we want something that , looks decent something that works okay , let's see what we have getting a little , frog here okay you can go through each , of these and figure out something that's , going to work for you OK let's try , corporate okay there's something that , looks kind of cool that's kind of cool , i'm looking for something very simple , since this is hosting and it dozen't , really require a whole lot in the logo , okay that's what this looks like and , it's Little too basic all right so , maybe something like that little hard to , read okay just kind of keep cruising , through all these and find something I , kind of like the way this looks we could , start with this now what I'm going to do , you'll notice at the top it's W by , is the default signs what I'going to , do is I'm going to stretch this out to a , thousand , because that is what we're usually using , on our blog header is a thousand or W , or something like that okay so I just , stretch it out till it gets to a , thousand right like this okay and then , of course because it's W we're going , to shrink it up we want Otto be like a , hundred so that it fits up here in our , host obviously you know creating this , big IL hon kin thing they can fit up here , then you don't want your header to be , that big anyway okay so what we're going , to DI'm not going to use these are , things okay I might use the swoosh so , we'll keep him here we'll just put him , over here I do like this text okay so , we're going to go ahead and move him up , here okay and we could do something here , we'll just go ahead and edit the text , will put instant web hosting dot org , okay right like this and you can see , oops let's sit here get rid of this , let's try that again instant web hosting , org okay now go ahead and edit the , current text like this you can see it , changes it to instant web hosting org , and am going to remove this little , swoosh here and in the right and this , tagline okay so we're going to take this , here we're going to shrink it down by , clicking format and then just change , your scale I like this you can see how , easy it is and then we're going Togo , ahead and let's see how we want to make , this look we could go through and click , on images and then just kind of choose , an image these are all the images that , were included in the other stuff as well , so we could put like little people there , we could put like a sign looking thing , anything we want that you know has , something to do with hosting and also , looks nice okay again we want this to , look good but we don't want it to , overtake what we're doing and you see , once you find something you can just , like drag and drop it in there super , easy would go to shapes you can go to , little swoosh things like this that's , kind of cool again right and then of , course you can just kind of go here and , edit it you could go , you can you know go to modify and then , send it to the back or whatever you want , so that's like that so it's really , really easy to use again that's why I , use this because I don't want to spend , too much time on my themes because those , are not what makes me the money okay , very very very important so we're going , to go through we got textures here we , can do something like grass if we wanted , to do the grass you know something that , looks looks pretty cool right like this , or you can do the grass or you know , whatever you want and again the key is , just kind of play with it until you get , something that looks good again do not , spend too much time on it because this , is not what makes your money so you know , just pay close attention to how much , time you're spending on your theme i , would say on your logo spend a maximum , of you know minutes or so if you get , over minutes then you're giving in to , you know precious time that you could be , using on making money okay so we could , take something like this and make it , scale it's smaller right like this okay , and then you can also put another one in , if you want to do that scale him the , same size like this a little bit smaller , okay and then what you can do is you can , actually flip it over on the other side , right like this and that's kind of cool , looking right it's like instant web , hosting cool right so really really , simple again don't take too much time on , this it's not that important okay right , like this and then once you'vie done and , you have it the way you want you can , actually go through and either use , Snag it or you can save it yourself just , kind of shrink this up like this you , could shrink it down to the size that , you want like this okay and we'll just , make it like this and then you just go , ahead and hit file save as and then you , can save it as as whatever you want you , could actually I think , for export I will do it as a PNG , transparent okay and we can just go , ahead and save this as instant web host , okay right like that then what you'll , notice is that once it's created it will , actually be in your pictures file right , like this and you'll see it as instant , web host which is where'd we go you can , see some other ones that may vary is , right there okay there's what your logo , looks like so really simple really easy , and what we're going to do next is just , go ahead and use this with our artist , ear okay so to use it with your artist , here all you have to do is open up your , theme or create a new theme okay then , you're going Togo to header and all you , gotta do is go into from file browse go , into your pictures and you're going to , notice again our I web hosts file that , we created and Baum there you go now all , we got to do is import this and mess , around with the sizing a little bit , obviously we can go inhere and do you , know a hundred as the size we could , change where our headline is you know we , can change the size of our headline , pretty much anything that we want to do , and it's super easy so we just go here , we'll do our texts and we can do size W , or whatever and put that right here okay , and the reason I'm keeping the headline , and slogan text is because of the fact , that i want the search engines to pick , up my headline instilled in text okay so , as small as they are they will be picked , up which is which is what we're after , here okay and you can even do like , Metallica like this and you could take , away the bold so that it's not you know , overpowering everything else and again , this is to be extremely simple and we , don't want to do too much work on it , okay so we'll go in and we'll take the , bold off this one and let's see here , style bold I'll just go regular okay and , now it'll say you know whatever our , instant web hosting is here and it's got , header so like all already you can see , the difference between this junk , looking site and this with the instant , web hosting right it's starting to look , a lot better and it'starting to look a , lot easier on the eyes next thing you , want to do is go ahead and take look , at your sheet your layout and you can go , to your sheet with we're going to go , ahead and increase this a little bit , we're going to increase this to I , like that okay that way it's a little , bit bigger and then we can go over to , our side bar which is our site bar I , believe it is our see men you know the , money's here it would be in our layout , there we go columns right and then when , we go to columns obviously onto column , we can just go to margin and custom with , okay we're going to take a look at this , it should be about W W to W that , way you can fit all your opt-in stuff , all your ads and everything like that , and now we are done now you can see we , just edited that theme really really , easily we can go ahead and export that , and we'll export it as a word press theme , will do instant web host right like this , export and now all we have to do is go , over to our blog here and just log in , WP-admin oops let's go ahead and do this , in lower case WP admin and cayenne we're , going to go ahead , and once we log in to overdress , dashboard we just go to appearance , themes and then we'll go ahead and add , the new theme and we're going to choose , the theme that we just made by clicking , upload browse and I believe we saved it , Dropbox with all the rest of them and , you basically just go to where do we go , there we go okay go down to instant web , host i WHO and go ahead and install it , okay and you'll notice that instantly , it's going to start to look a lot better , so instantly what we have is once we , reload it okay let's go back to our main , page and reload it and you can see that , it's already starting to look a lot , better we have shared and dedicated web , hosting if you want to be really picky , about it you can actually go ahead and , change where this looks but you can see , that it's already starting to look a lot , better and easier okay so because'm , picky i'm going to go ahead and move , this over here as well maybe like right , here that way it shows up or you could , even do it like under here if you want , and just make it really really really , small I will do like a W font and we , could do it you know its center it like , that okay and then once you're done you , just export Ito usually do like instant , web hosting to that way I know when I go , to my blog I could do themes and then I , can go to add new upload and we'll just , get number two here remember to write , their install and it will go ahead and , activate it and then you can visit your , site and see what it looks like so , really easy you can see that already , this is starting to look better we're , going to clean up some of these pages , here we're going to clean up some of the , links that we have that are dead and , we're going to make this thing to where , it can actually start making some money , so really cool stuff definitely want to , focus on this one , it rid of these image ads here and only , show text ads because those are what , converts all right so cool you can see , instant web hosting shared and dedicated , web hosting really easy it's got hey , check it out were legit kind of look to , it but it also brings you into the , content so hope you enjoyed this video , to get the logo software go to affiliate , marketing dude calm / LOGO'm going to , have some cool stuff for you there some , cool tools for you to use and some , videos on creating logos and you can , even build them and sell them if you , want or create local sites or whatever , this little fifty dollar program OR , bucks or whatever it is is worth its , weight in gold so get it use it and , again don't spend too much time on your , logo and your theme design focus more on , the stuff that makes money so I hope you , enjoyed this watch for video number two , again go to affiliate marketing dude , calm / logo that's where'm going to , host all the videos from this sequence , so they even go through and learn how to , use them and make money sou hope you , enjoyed this about editing the logo on , your Word Press and your theme editing , and'll see you in the next video , thanks again affiliate marketing dude , calm / logo