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hey everyone this Israel Bronson i , want to welcome you to affiliate , boot camp comm and during this free , presentation'm going to show you how , you can retire in just hundred days as , a click funnel super affiliate now I'm , sure some of you guys after here now to , thin kin Russell this sounds way too , good to be true but promise you guys , you pay close attention but in this , video not only we believe it's true , you'll know the exact path in the , process that it takes to get you there , and I promise you it's a lot easier than , you think , now the question for you guys I'm , guessing if you're here you probably are , click funnels member you love click , funnels and I'm curious how many you , guys all you want to do all day is just , build funnels okay if you if that's you , don't worry you are in good company , that's the same thing that Want to do , all day long as Welland so on about , funnels for myself Ina bill phones for , clients want to talk about funnel sand , if I could make click funnels my , full-time income that's all I want to do , and so I'm gonna show you guys a very , simple path in a simple way you can do , that and through a concept that we just , created called the hundred day plank , now the way it work sis I'm going to , show you guys how if you fall a very , simple process for less than an hour a , day fora hundred days by the end of , that process , you will have enough residual income , coming in you can be completely retired , your car payments will be taken care of , and you'll be able to spend all of your , time doing nothing but what you want to , do which is probably like me click , funnels and so that's kind of were going , to talk about now I want you to imagine , this let'just say that this became , your full-time job for the next W days , okay that means you went in you clocked , it every single morning at nine o'clock , and from nine till five you were , focusing on nothing but promoting click , funnels as an affiliate let's say during , that entire eight hour period time all , you were able to do is only give away , just one free trial a day okay now I'm , pretty sure most you guys think in , Russell that would be pretty easy it'd , be a lot of fun all I do is just focus , on give me one trial a day okay now I , know about you but if I had eight hours , a day Would hope I could give away , more than one in fact my guess is that , most of you guy sit's not gonna take you , eight hours most you guys it's not going , to take you five hours most of you guys , is going to take you less than one hour , okay and so I want to kind of stress , that this is something's can take you , all day long but if you were to spend , all daylong the same time you spend at , your current job or whatever is here , doing and you spent the entire day all , you Giotto do your only goal to get to , retirement in W day sis just to give , away , one free trial okay again I'm not gonna , make you guys spend eight hours day I , think you can do it in less than an hour , and i'ma show you guys how right now now , the reason why this is import antis I , want either stand that every single time , you refer someone to click funnels for , free and they get a free trial after the , W days then they upgrade and the cool , thing is that you get paid not about you , guys but that's the best part is when , you get paid right so you're gonna be , able to get paid there's some green , there to show you guys some money now , what I'showing is how you get paid , because that's something people ask a , lot so as an affiliate you get paid , percent commission on every single , person you refer now in click funnels is , basically there's two levels there is a , $W month level and there's also A's , dollar month level so what that means is , that all people you sign up fora free , trial when they when after the trial is , over if they're the $W month level , means you're going to get about a little , bit less than this but about $W per , month as long as they remain am ember , for every signs of the $W level means , you're making like W s little less , than up at about$W a month as an , affiliate hey guys getting this so what , let me walk you through how this works , basically all you do is you wake up , every morning say hey how Cain give , away just one trial per day if I give , away one trial per day what am i doing , I'literally giving myself a raise , every day this should be your mantra , should hanging up on your wall you , should have it as bi gas you can see , saying want to give myself a raise , today how do I get myself erasing , because all you do is get one person and , you give yourself raise every single , day okay let me sketch it out so you do , not miss this point because it's huge , okay so here's you you make up every , morning you say I'm going to give away , click funnels to somebody who needs it , not about you but every business on , planet earth needsclickfunnels , to give that away to somebody what , happens they get click phones account , they have an amazing experience their , business their life everything is , transformed forever they're so happy , they're holding balloons in the picture , okay and then when they do that what , happens to you for each person you give , it away , you make it on the low end$W per month , okay now that is where it all begins , okay through that every single day we , focus on give away just one trial per , day now on just the math on that what , happens to you that every single day for , a hundred days okay so here you go , here'sour $W you get the first person , signed up they're excited you change , their life forever and you get paid W , bucks off , the next day you wake up you know , excited you say I'm gonna start doing , this instead of spending eight hours you , spend maybe you know hour and a half you , get that person to sign up boom and that , $W use gave yourself raise now you , are at $W a month boom okay , the next day you wake up say I'm going , to do this fast like can you spend W , minutes you get the third person to sign , up boom you gave yourself a race of the , day you are done you can go goof off , with your kids boom here except for $W , a month the next morning wake up you can , be better every single day this time you , spend minutes you get Simon Simon , signed up you give yourself a raise and , it keeps going up can you do it every , single day and every day you get better , and better and it goes from taking you , an hour taking you five minutes taking , you literally no ti meat allot the , point where you have abs running its , just signing up people for you around , the clock that's we're going to get in , the next hundred days but at the end of , hundred days you have hundred people , who are signed up okay now this is where , some magic happens if you do the math on , that when you get hundred people , signed up your affiliate Commission if , they don'upgrade it they're on if , you'Reno the lowest level which is , pretty awesome is four thousand dollars , per month let me ask you question what , would you do with an extra four thousand , dollars per month okay for some of you , guys that cover your house payment that , cover your car payment they cover your , student loans your debts your credit , card debts okay that's the power beyond , it's just a hundred people W people , you have to change their life give them , a Bible giving a free click funnels , account and at the end of that you have , a recurring Commission of four thousand , dollars per month okay now if I was to , go get a college degree the next five , years of my life and at the end of it I , get a job starting wages at$4,W a , month is not very likely okay so this is , an amazing when you're focusing just , hundred day sand like it say snot even , full-time is very very very part-time , but it gets better next as soon as you , have member snot only as clicks , click calls gonna send you a check every , single month for $4,W a month , the other thing we're going to do is as , soon as you get W members we are , actually going to pay the leas eon your , dream car so I'm curious what is your , dream car okay everyone is different , might Beau Corvette might be a Ferrari , might be Lamborghini might be a station , wagon might Beau minivan might be a , Yukon might be denying everyone's , picture of a dream car is different , I'm guessing though for you your dream , cars definitely have alighting stripe , on the side of my head okay so you get , your dream car we will cover the lease , payment on your dream car up to$W a , month as soon as you have hundred , customers when you have active , customers we cover up to$1,W month , now $1,W a month will give , almost any car you want get all covered , lease payment on a Tesla on a Ferrari on , a Corvette it's pretty it's pretty , amazing and so as soon as you do that , okay soon as you guys get one trial a , day every single day for just days , at that point literally gives you the , ability where you can retire okay he's , getting this I go through the math if I , get a hundred people to sign up and , they'vie active accounts my residual , Commission check each month is $4,W a , month okay you're the math on that , that's K per year don'CARE who you , are that as a respectable income for , only working W days a year okay , plus we cover police payment on your , dream car okay so your car papers , covered K can go toward your house , payment your student whatever it is or , you have that money to goof off go on , vacation like whatever it is for you , that's is going to cover okay and , that's assuming that you work for a , hundred day sand then you stopped okay , some of you guys might be overachievers , maybe you're going to keep working after , the hundred's to keep going right or , maybe you're saying look Russell one , child a is cool but what if what if , decided put In's minutes work today , instead W okay what if I just wanted to , spend Little extra time what if I , actually did spend the full eight hours , and you said look Russell'm an , overachiever want to do more okay , let's do the math let'SSA you just get , two accounts day as opposed to the one , this is exciting you guys and again this , is assuming that that means you're , basically at the end of this hundred day , you're you're quitting in your time so , you get to a day that gives you , accounts that makes your residual income , check excuse me I'm not even four we're , At K per month do the math on that , that's K per year okay and that's , assuming you work for a hundred days to , dress the year off , if those of you guys who are , overachiever sand you decide to work for , W days days that W quickly , becomes K W cake quickly becomes , W Kt he W quickly was W K any , kinks going up from there okay not to , mention the fact that your car payment , for your dream Carnot some lame car but , your dream car is covered as well okay , that's if you're only giving away two , accounts per day you guys getting this , now on top of that is one of the I want , to mentions a lot of people don't , even know this is inside the clip phones , affiliate program but the coolest thing , we have cool concept that we call , sticky cookies so I'gonna draw a , picture of a cookie right here , there is a cookie now we call these , sticky cookies because guess what's , going to happen you are going to be all , excited about clickfunnelsyou may sign , up your person today you give , click funnels away people are going to go , they're going to join there's my quick , click funnels logo you change this , person's life they'vie got the balloon , they are happy but what'seagoing to , happen after that they're going to get , all ingrained andclickfunnels an dB , oxide they're going to say man click , phones is awesome but did't know they , had a program called called funnel , scripts stay on the right to help me , write the copy better in my funnels this , person hears them go they're going to , come over here think about funnel , scripts and guess what because there's a , sticky cookie associated with your email , address when they buy a funnel scripts , guess what happens to you boom you get , paid okay , now little while later they're going , through the saying wow look at this this , book calm secrets to Russell wrote this , book is awesome , they buy the book helps them become , better at creating funnels and guess , what happens you're right , boom you get commission okay a couple , weeks later do webinar protein some , other really cool funnel building , program or product whatever it is that , we sell to our member base to help them , to become better with click funnels and , then my team is spending money on , Facebook ads or existing customer base , we're driving traffic doing all the hard , work for you this person sees one of my , Facebook ads that I paid for they come , over here they go they see they watch , the webinar they get excited they buy , the product and guess what even though I , paid for that ad and Facebook I drove , the person to the ad I did everything , because you brought them as a customer , you get paid and that you guys is the , power sticky cookies so not only are you , getting the residual Commission check , for every single month they are saying , click funnels member not only you're , getting the your dream car covered and , paid for every time they buy one of the , products or services from us in the , future the sticky cookies and come back , and make sure you get paid commission , for that is that amazing it's okay if we , over deliver we literally want click , funnels become your retirement plan so , for the rest of your life all you have , to do is do what you want to do which is , building funnels you can build phones , for yourself for clients whatever it is , but you recurring income stream coming , from just the click funnels affiliate , program can and should be enough for you , to retire on theëthe understand this is , happening every single day in fact one , of our click funnels affiliates , he's just years old okay not in , college Nita full-time job in the last , few month she's gay , way over W affiliate count she has , been able to retire at the age of and , he gets affiliate commissions on W , people okay but not only that he covers , his dream car payment every time when , these customers are buying more things , he's getting paid he literally never , asked to work again for the rest of his , life he's a W year old kid don'TKO , about you that'SA much better future , than going to college going to school , hoping and praying for doing something , else and the best thing is that us as a , click funnels team we handle the customer , support we handle thrusting we handle , the Train we handle everything all you , ha veto do is just introduce people to , the tool that has changed my life and it , was changed your life and it's going to , change your customers lives as well you , guys getting this you see why this is so , exciting now I'm going to show you guys , a process it's so simple okay that , literally if you fail at this you should , not be an internet marketer okay if you , fail this process you should quit okay , I don'normally tell people that but , this is true if you fail at this it's , time to quit , because that's how simple is there's no , easier way to make money online the one , I'gonna be walking you guys through , right now okay we're going to do that , through a program that we call the W , day challenge the W day challenge'm , going to show you guys over the next , hundred days how to become one of our , super affiliates now this training , unlike most people's training is free , why is it free because I benefit when , you become a super affiliate benefit , when you refer more people to click , phone so I'm not going to charge you the , $2,W I would typically sell this , course for I mean let you have it for , free if you commit to me that you will , focus on this for the next days okay , I don'twat it to be that I'm more , passionate about your retirement than , you you got to commit tome for next W , days that you will focus on this hundred , day challenge if you do that I will , promise you a few things you are going , to learn more about internet marketing , than you will learn anywhere else online , you learn how to drive traffic from , Facebook app you're going to learn how , to set up funnels you're going to learn , how to build list you can learn all , these amazing things I'm gonna do it for , free for you if you promise to commit , for just a hundred days that sounds fair , okay if you're up for that and you're , willing to commit for days all you , do is scroll down below there's gonna be , linked down below and a button for you , to click on when you click on that , button it's going to ask your name and , email address and that's it that is the , cost of a mission there's no practice , though there's no about selling this'm , not trying to up sell you anything this , is a free program and literally you guys , its affiliate boot camp , walking you guys through for the next , W day scan be your map for freedom'm , literally going to show you how to , retire in just hundred days as a , click funnels super affiliate if you , commit to this for a hundred days every , single day you get email from me it's , going to tell you what steps you need to , follow you look at that video you follow , the step sand you actually do it at the , end of a hundred days your life will be , changed forever your financial life'm , guessing the one your finances goals can , help your personal life your freedom , your happiness everything will go up , when you follow this hundred a challenge , like I said in the pastie have sold the , filigree camp for over a thousand , dollars and times up to two thousand , dollars or more but because you are a , click funnels member because we want you , to promote clickfunnels we want to give , you a car we want to give you huge , Commission checks we'vie decided to do , the unthinkable and give you this entire , program for free all you ha veto do is , firs toff opt in in the email down below , and second off commit to days W , days will change your life but only if , you commit so if you commit to Meir will , you have this entire training program , for free but you got to make that , commitment to me right now okay so if , you commit say right noway lot I know , you're watching video but when you , commit say Russell commit to folks in , this for hundred days if you tell me , that I know I can change your life okay , so all you do now is click on the button , down below , i'ma show you guys how to retire in a , hundred days is a click phone super , affiliate so click on the link down , below and I'll see you on the next page