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so you think you're gonna make $W,W a , day on the internet with affiliate , marketing well today in slipstream , we're going to talk to you about just , that we're gonna show you what the big , affiliates are doing how they'remaking , money an dhow you can get started making , money online of course there is no , guarantee that you're gonna make , anything this is just a webinar teaching , you skills the majority of internet , marketers never do anything so they , never make anything and even those who , try something have the risk of losing , money or not making anything but what , we're gonna do today in this Alive show , is show you exactly what you need to do , to start making money online as an , affiliate marketer and we're starting , right now , [Music] , all right so hello and welcome hope you , enjoyed my little intro there today , we're gonna go ahead and get started and , dive right into the$W,W a day , affiliate marketing training now of , course AIs mentioned earlier there are , no guarantees you probably won't make , anything watching this webinars't , going to put any money in your bank , account but it just might show you the , skills that I'vie used to have several , $W,W days and what other people are , using to have lots of big-money day snow , when you look at this you might be , thinking to yourself Marcus $W,W a , day I mean think about that I want you , to think about that for minute and I , want you to ask yourself how many of you , guys have ever made$W,W in month , let alone day type W,W if that's , you and you might be saying wow that's , crazy you know that's like even,W , dollars month I's Granada year , which is pretty darn cool but we're , gonna talk to you about the big numbers , like Troy says he says you know what I'd , be happy with ten thousand dollars a , month , now again results not typical results , not implied results not guaranteed the , average affiliate marketer makes less , than one dollar in their ventures but , there are lots of people out there that , look at this $W,W a day number and , laugh at it because they make a lot more , so what we're gonna do today is we are , going to let you in on secret world a , secret society if you will of people , making lots of money online now I have , had several$W,W days with affiliate , marketing'vie had Think our biggest , day don't quote me on it but Think it , was,W all right now that's the , amount that was brought in the amount , that got to keep after everything was , said and done was somewhere in the , neighborhood of like thirty thousand or , something like that , in one day so we look at that and that , was an affiliate marketing offer and , I'vie made more with my own stuff and , things like that but we want to look at , this now I'vie had several$W,W days , with other things toolbar's and CPA , offers and stuff like that so what we're , going to do , is we're gonna get you in here and we're , gonna show you what'seagoing on we're , gonna show you behind the curtain and , we're gonna talk to you about what does , it take now my thinking here is that a , lot of you guys might be looking at this , and you might say $W,W a day that's , crazy how many of you guys have the , voice in the back of your head that says , Ian't gonna happen , Ian't no way not gonna happen at all , right it's not possible it sounds crazy , how many of you guys have that little , voice in the back of your head type , voice shut up in the box because we're , gonna shut that voice up because what , you're doing is you are thinking based , on limited knowledge you're thinking , based on limited limited knowledge , because there is a world out there where , people make lots of money there is a , world out there where people are making , hundreds of thousands day some people , make millions a day now I don't know if , they do that with affiliate marketing , I'm sure there's some of them but we're , gonna show you that world because if you , expand your mind if you expand your mind , with me for the next hour and a half or , two hours or however long it takes for , me to go through this little spiel here , and show you how it works you're gonna , see how this stuff works all right and I , want you to think about this because , first of all we need to understand , what'seagoing on and like randy says , randy says you know what think this is , possible , but I need the info because here's the , deal right the deal is is you are one , bit of knowledge away from making money , now I'gonna step on my own toes for a , minute right now and I'm gonna talk to , you about a friend of mine back in , W-W back in W-W a friend of , mine came to me and he had been dabbling , online he'd been trying to do this stuff , he had a little business where he went , around and did things for weddings and , parties and stuff I wan't a magician it , was something similar and he came to me , and he'slake Marcus I want you to teach , me how to do affiliate marketing and so , he came up to my house he'd been a , longtime Friend taught him how to do , this okay , I showed him what was going on , everything like that I'm like here's , what you do all right he went home and , several months later I go on the , computer and I look at my biggest , competitor in market that I'm making , forty five hundred dollars Ada in , passively one website three pages on it , 4,W dollars a day passively it was an , all profit probably spent W to W , dollars a day in traffic but I only , spent it because I knew I was making , money it wan'talkie I woke up one day , and said I'm gonna throw bucks at , this and see if it works no I was like , I'm gonna throw bucks at it and if I , make ya great and then the next Day , was like I'm gonna throw W at it if I , make W great and I built it up from , there and I actually Giotto the point on , that site where I was making money so , much money and did't have a credit , card at that time and I was like okay I , go tall this money got a big fat check , coming from the CPA affiliate Network , for this site and I need some money to , buy more traffic so I called my dad up , and I'm like dude I need to borrow some , money here's the deal Igor this check , coming but right now Indeed to float it , because we're making money he's like , okay here you go , here's like think I borrowed like W , grand or something like that and I paid , him back before the day was over because , I was able to get paid I might get here , you go he's like dude it did't even , clear my account yet I'm like yeah , you're good but at any rate I made it , work did what I had to do moral of the , story are back to our beginning story , friend comes UPI teach him how to do , marketing he's never done this stuff , before never built a landing page before , months later'm just doing my thing , and I noticed my biggest competitor on , my site that's making forty five hundred , dollars a day has been ripped off and , I'm like what the hell and I'm pissed , of fright I'm like I this thing's ripped , off go do a little domain search and I , find out it's the friend all right now , why do It ell you this okay well it was , a guy ADC Id on't know whatever right , he ripped me off Figured out a way to , make% on what he made so I still made , W% but he copied my site verbatim and , so look at this right this guy never , done anything before he gets a little , bit of information about a site that's , working he just copies it and he's now , making money think about that so the , moral of this story is you are one , little bit of information away from , making big break online again not , guaranteed not typical you can copy my , sites all you want but you know chances , are we don'TKO how it'seagoing to work , but you know hey it worked for that guy , so we Giotto look at this and we have to , say the difference is knowledge the , difference is understand , what works why it works an dhow to get , the traffic to make it work very very , important so we're gonna go through this , alright we'begot some questions here we , just don't nth so if you're her ego , ahead and let me know you're here we got , Raul , we got cooed were she we got Ellen we , got life relief good domain name or a , good name there and we got Troy we got , Andy we got Randy we gotta a lot of , people come in and tell me where you're , listening from and we're gonna go for , this and we're gonna go for it now Raul , says hey Marcus you got like videos , and you only got and or W thousand , subscribers well yes I DI actually , only got into YouTube really big about a , year ago did't know you were supposed , to like build up subscribers and stuff , like that so I wan't really focused on , it and it'snot about the subscribers , it's about what influence you're having , in the market and what you're about what , you're able to make off of that because , there's plenty of people there's lots of , people with millions of subscribers and , they're not making anything again what's , the difference the difference is , information that's what we're giving you , today on this call all right we got , Blake from California , Felipe we got mo we got Randy from , Minnesota I thin kit is we Giotto Walter , from South Africa Joseph from Sacramento , I used to live up in that area mo from , st. Pete Florida hey you're my neighbor , by about two hours we got okay see Park , umber from Oklahoma we gotta from , Toronto we got Alan from Slovenia , Dominic from way down under in Sydney we , got from Darwin RP from Michigan lots , of people rolling in here my guess is is , you don'twat to really hear me talk , about all this stuff you want to hear me , talk about this$W,W a day is it , possible well now I want to tell you the , short answer is yes it is possible the , long answer is nothing in life is , guaranteed this is why people don't do , things because there's no guarantee , obviously if I said there's a guaranteed , way to make W grand a day everyone's , going to buy it but outdoes't exist , it's not out there you Giotto do the , work you got to put in the effort you , got to find the market but I got to tell , you the markets that have made me the , most money have been the actually the , easiest , wants to get into it's kind of like , cracking is safe right you have a safe , and you have those numbers on a safe , right here's those numbers on your safe , and you're like okay here's the numbers , we're gonna imagine these are like those , little twisty numbers right and you go , through the safe and you're like well I , know that the safe combo is six nine two , that'SWAT I know okay now to the , average person trying to crack this , combo you'vie got a lot of combinations , here there's like don'TKO a , thousand or whatever it is W , combinations here you add another digit , boom now you just like skyrocketed the , combinations up and you got to look at , this stuff and you got to say wow this , is how it works okay and we say okay , well what do we do here because there's , combination to be cracked online with , every affiliate offer the first , combination is traffic okay where are , you gonna get your traffic where is it , going to come from right now there are , people on Click bank making$W,W or , More day with traffic to their offer , okay now most of them are product owners , some of them are affiliate sand you know , you goat look at that right now there's , people making lots of money with CPA , affiliate offers what's the difference , betweenClickbank and CPA Click bank you , gotta sell something CPA I could get , people to fill out leads download forms , download toolbar's their name Ina , form you know try a product all kinds of , things that I can get paid with CPA , affiliate marketing so CPA affiliate , marketing in my opinion is going to be a , faster way to ten thousand dollars , unless you have your own product okay , so that's what we're gonna look at now , the firm an says the problem is with new , sites and low traffic no decent CPA will , grant access to their program that's , incorrect , we actually have a video in the simple , sites course which you can get at simple , sites bonus com that shows you how to , get accepted and we'vie got people , without even having websites that get , accepted with this okay the key is is , get accepted with the ones that work , with me that'll accept you because , you're going through the program and , then get some money with them they got , good offers actually my second favorite , affiliate network is the one that you , can get in really easy get some traffic , get some offers run , some stuff then go to the big Network , and say Loki'm making some money with , this will you accept me boom of course , they are the best way to get accepted to , a CPA Network is tell them the offer you , want right the difference is like hate , to Haiti want to join your network , because I heard we could make money or , hey Mani want to run that Bible toolbar , you know that Bible two of our markers , makes like bucksaw day on or , whatever the one that he did the live , site Ono want to run that and I have , this traffic here's I'm going to do it , right that's the best way to get , accepted so there we go that's what , we're gonna look at now first you got , your traffic okay you got to look at , your traffic you got to say is the , traffic there is the traffic viable I'm , gonna make the mistake and drink my old , coffee so I'm gonna get my new coffee , over here is the traffic viable can I , make some money with this traffic right , if you'rein the weight loss niche how , many of you guys think beyond a shadow , of a doubt without even googling it , without even looking At keyword tool , you know there's$W,W somewhere in , the weight loss niche right type weight , loss in the box and we'll go there so , the firm an says well you know the CPA , Network asked me how much budget to , spend on ads before accepting well try , the ones I'm telling you to get accepted , - right so many people come tome and , they they show me their sites they do , their stuff they're like markets check , this out'm ready to go followed all , your videos and I look at their site and , I'm like you clearly did not follow my , videos you clearly did not look at this , stuff you Giotto follow the directions , guys have been doing this for W years I , know the combination to several of these , things I know what makes them work now , the combination usually works on all , niches sometimes you ha veto tweak it a , little bit and find out what your market , wants okay so everyone you Nan's me and , unanimously says there's$W,W Ada , in the weight loss market mean come on , like really mortgage market there's , $W,W Ada on that , what about downloads alright how many , you guys think that when you look at , likened-dot-com-slash-loaded is or , whatever it's one of those sites and it , shows you all the downloads things get , how many of you guys think that there's , companies paying at least $W,W a day , out there in downloads now for me , personally my biggest day with downloads , I think was like W or some , thing like that and that was just with , little downloads all I was doing is , giving away toolbar that the CFE Ian't , no word paid me Fri got like three , dollars or something very easy right , William says Marcus got accepted to , max bounty following your instructions , going through your course no problem , right you probably just answered the , phone when they called very simple all , right so it's not that hard you got a , look at this and you got to say excuses , get the hell out of here all right so if , you're if you're gonna commit and say , excuses are gone right it'slake those , people who say well you know that did't , work or this offer went away or or maybe , the traffic's too expensive or whatever , right you're gonna make excuses for , these things or you're gonna work on , cracking this combination you're gonna , work on making it work because this , combination is the key to success , the first thing- the key Walter says , excuses get the hell out yeah this is a , no excuses own think I stole that from , Grant Cardenas name rhymes with it so , we're gonna give him that quote bu the , happened to have no excuses to make this , work right you can make excuses all day , but excuses arena'twat puts the money , in your pocket excuses arena't what makes , things work months ago I was talking to , one of my student sand he came to me , he's like Marcus while I'm waiting for , my high ticket niche from you he goat , high ticket niche which my most , successful students actually start with , high ticket niches you could see the , little box there I worked really hard to , make it look like a little cutout coupon , thingy hope you liked it he got that and , he'slake while I'waiting for this is , their way to make money , I said yeah dude do this go on this this , this and it'll work okay and he's like , okay well I'm gonna try it out and he , came back to me like within a day and , he'slake dude did that yesterday and , was in like minutes I made $W and I , did'tavern have a website it even had , my high ticket niche yet right and it's , like okay well $W is a far cry from six , from,W Marcus I mean come on are , you serious well it's a start just like , I said with my little site that I had I , had borrow money from my dad because I , was getting so much traffic and then I'm , like okay that'show it works we start , with couple bucks we ramp it up we , build we grow all right it's about , momentum so the first key here is , traffic first key is traffic okay , Motor City says I'mare , $7,W a month using CPA and organic , free traffic so there you go , righto haven't verified that I don't , know that guy from the hole in the wall , he could have just typed it on there he , could belying Id on't know but hey he , says that so pretty cool actually got a , quote yesterday on Facebook which is , really cool I think'll see if I could , pull it up an dread it for you but this , guy he said you know Marcus bought , your course back in W when it was a , little PDFI still have the PDF the , printout that you sent out it's all , crumpled up but I bought that and it lit , afire under my butt and now I haven't , had a month under to$W,W in the , last I thin kit was like six years or , something so he went out there maybe , even eight years so he wen tout there he , did it he made it work right that's what , you Giotto do like Motor City he says , hey it's no lie that's what I'm doing , believe it because it's out there right , these things are not hard to believe if , you open your world okay you Giotto open , your world Little bit because right , now you're Ina world where you're , sitting there at your desk at your , computer you might be at your job here's , your computer I will draw those , old-school monitors you haven't upgraded , your monitor yet you're sitting there at , your computer you're sitting there at , your desk and you're like I can'make , money right how many of you guys are , sitting at your desk and you're like , this stuff seems difficult I can't make , money it's not working it's not working , I'm sitting here Here I am alright , you're all tired and hunched over and , you're typing these key sand you're , watching these webinars you know like , what the hell nothing's working for me , nothing is working that's because you , haven't cracked the combo you got to get , that combo you got to understand how it , works you got out really really really , get into it okay Troy says my ab it my , issue is I doubt my abilities good you , should doubt your abilities because you , probably don't have them yet abilities , right abilities our skills okay their , skills if you doubt your abilities get , new abilities get new skills very simple , you doubt your website building we got , tools that help you build websites based , on what I'vie done to make lots of money , right they're all base don it it's , really easy you point and click and you , make it work you don'doubt your skills , you test them okay as a marketer I'vie , been doing this for years almost now , actually W I think if you do the actual , math but I started in and back , and I did't have the skills used to , build websites on the AOL homestead , platform which was pain in the ass we , had to make these sites and then I , graduated to a program that made a , website which was like a glorified JPEG , image and back then on the K modem it , took forever to load so we looked at it , we're like okay got the skills that I , needed I said I'm gonna learn how to use , front-page is a free program that came , with every copy of Windows and Used , front-page Express to build sites up , until and then I found out about , front page W and I use that so I use , it right ability skills get the skills , how many of you guys are willing to do , the skills it takes but the problem is , here people look at it they'll go to , college and they'll work their ass off , and they'll get a degree and it's good , like I'm glad know a lot of people dog , College but I am really glad that my , doctor went to college I'm really glad , that lawyers go to college I'm really , glad that while most politicians , actually went to school and did the , stuff but I'morally glad for that okay , that'Good don't knock that but a lot , of people will go to college and they'll , they'll learn this degree and they'll , spend all this money and all this time , getting skills to earn W,W a month , okay that's good but when it comes to , the online world like right now how many , of you guys how many of you guys went to , college and if you did type the amount , of years you went to college four years , ten years whatever type it in the box , okay and maybe if you know how much you , spent on it put that in the box okay the , fur man says he's he's trying withes , intergalactic okay good we're gonna talk , about that as well , okay sideman went to college for four , years , creator fundamentals hey good to see you , man I love your videos you're a good guy , he went for six years ta went for four , Leslie went for seven someone went for , two six five too many years four years , four years $W,W Leslie spent on , college right now we look at it we're , like okay well I'going to the online , world and I don't want to spend anything , I don't want to spend anytime I just , want to like know the safe code so , Marcus I'll give you four bucks and you , tell me the four numbers okay it dozen't , work that way all right you Giotto put , in the work you got to do this stuff you , Giotto look at it objectively all right , you just spent fifty thousand bucks or , seven years or four years or whatever in , college and he spent grand and you're , like I'making Little bit okay so , let's look at it objectively all right , now am Saying this takes four years or , six years to learn no you can learn it , actually very fast because the , difference is is you're learning what , you need to learn because my guess is , the people who went tithe college , actually use a small handful of the , skills that they learned okay think , about that for a minute they use a small , handful so if I go to college for four , year sand I'm like okay I'm gonna learn , to be a plumber okay or whatever don't , know if you go to college for plumbing , but let's say you do that you learn math , you learn history you learn English you , learn all this stuff , okay and then at the end of the day , you're like wellie also learned how to , plumb the toilet and that'SWAT makes , me all the money is plumbing the toilet , that that's what works right that's what , works I learned how to make in the , Yellow Pages ad and I learned to plumb , the toilet end of story , I'm making W grand a year as a plumber , okay so there's a small set of skills , same thing with internet marketing you , get all this stuff out there Spiffy CPA , building sites Instagram all this stuff , works okay all this stuff is in your , traffic this is your traffic thing ins ta , Pinter est Goldwater's banner ads , banner ads okay all this is in your , traffic thing right so you're dialing , this in and you're making it work okay , Rev rule says no disrespect brother but , your content has so much value and , underrated well go share the word about , it and you know maybe some more people , come on he rebut we like it right it's , good makes me Good living and I have , fun teaching you guys so hey it's worth , it I don'CARE how many people are , watching actually I do but you know to , some degree because that's my traffic , icon right that's the one I'vie dialed in , all right so we goat look at that and , we got to make it work , okay so we go through we're like traffic , this is our first thing okay when I , looked at traffic when I looked at some , things had a dieting site I have sites , for downloads I have sites for making , money online have sites for different , things okay when you look at your , traffic you got look at this you have , to dial in the right things number one , keyword what's your keyword , - what'sour traffic source if I'm , going Facebook are there people making , $W,W a day on Facebook well I had a , friend the same friend that took my site , and copied it he actually graduated , later and started doing Facebook ads , before it was popular and Think he was , doing like W to W thousand dollars a , day don't quote me again results not , typical just watching this webinar , you're gonna make nothing even going , through my course you probably won't , make anything you Giotto do the stuff , you got to listen we all know the drill , but again you're over there spending you , know fifty thousand doll arson college , for eight year sand there are four years , or whatever it is and there's no , guarantees there either there are no , guarantee sin life all right so again we , got to shut that little voice off we got , to say hey that voice that says this , USN't possible needs to shut up because , the people who believe it'possible and , the people who do it , are the ones that make it work all right , very very simple that's how we look at , it so let's take a look at this traffic , is our first dialing right we dial it in , we say we're gonna use Facebook are we , gonna use Twitter and we're gonna use , this we're gonna use that we're gonna , use Goldwater's I'm gonna use the , Goldwater's content Network which , we're going to talk about little later , which is the key to making this work got , my little notes here so that Stay on , track so we got a look at that okay boom , traffic that's our first one the next , one is our offer okay traffic and our , offer so what's our offer how are we , going to make money okay we're gonna , dive into the CPA networks we're gonna , show you some of these we're gonna give , you some live examples we're gonna go , through them and we're gonna walk you , through them and say this is ho wit , works okay there we go , traffic offer you got to get your first , slider again imagine this is like our , little thing remember when I was a kid , my dad had a briefcase and it had the , little three codes on it and my goal is , like five-year-old was like I Giotto , figure out the code and he'd get pissed , off because I always changed his code , but these are like those little Roll , things okay don't get pissed off when , you change the code roll with it the key , to internet marketing success right here , right now is don't be rigid roll with it , if I get traffic and my offer dozen't , work am I gonna go home and cry that , internet marketing's't work or am I , going to find another offer , pretty simple right I remember years ago , I started promoting web hosting and I , still do today it still makes alto of , money and I promoted web hosting and I , had this company and they paid me $W , per sale and W sometimes per sale and , Iowas making like 1,W bucksaw month on , a good month but then they take all the , refunds out and I ended up with like W , bucksaw month and was like whatever , W bucks that's coo land making money , on other stuff then I wised up and'm , like what if I tried a different company , so here I am for three years making , bucks month you a whatever you know I , pay my car or whatever okay and then I'm , like how about we change it okay and we , change it and we're like I'm gonna put a , different hosting offer put the , different hosting offer boom four or , five thousand dollars a month same thing , same traffic same everything different , offer right so I had this dialed in this , one was like sorta dialed uni dialed in , better boom there we go right done deal , okay like creator fundamentals says what , did he say I gotta read again adapt and , conquer you can't be rigid the problem , is is you want to force your offer and , your website on people who don't wan tit , plain and simple that'sour traffic , gotta find the people who want it who , wants it who has the ability to pay for , it if it's a pay thing who has the , ability to download it download right , like if I'modding downloads , I don't want mobile traffic people on a , cellphone are not going to download the , toolbar because it's for Windows or Mac , or whatever okay so we got to dial this , in we goat roll with it , second is our offer third my pens are , just not working today hopefully this , one will third is our media media okay , how are we going to convey our message , to our market how do we convey it to our , market how do we go through how do we , make it work and then the third or , fourth is refine okay we got to refine , our market okay Brie fine there we go , there's a good pen okay so there we go , there they are , notes write him down traffic offer media , or website right you get to videos your , website do Pinter est images whatever , refine build grow everything alright so , let's see what off what kind of , questions we have here does your , location make a difference no I mean I , moved across the country did't make any , difference it get people and Thailand , making money you got people and , Philippines making but yeah people , everywhere making money okay , sound alien says Motor City beats I'm , running pay-per-view traffic to submit , from CPA offers on peer fly but not , making any sale swell you Giotto go back , to square one your traffic alright your , traffic is not working your PPV is not , working if you're dead set and you think , the PPV is good traffic try it if an , offer if the dot offer dozen't work your , traffic sucks get new traffic if your , offer does work your traffic is good or , whatever get get a new offer or get a , better offer refine it okay does that , make sense , alright Power Cell House says when will , the simple sites videos be working we , are actually working on them now which , is why I look extra plump and tired , because am plump and tired because , I'vie been working on the new videos we , have a new HTML server that's been , rolled out that does videos awesome , full-screen HD downloadable everything , right so really cool Motor City says in , my opinion nothing beats search traffic , I agree with you on that a hundred , percent search traffic is great because , we know what they're doing right we know , what they want like I can go get people , who are searching for sweepstakes offers , or coupons or whatever and I can make it , work , okay is it simple sites 2.0 no this is , simple sites which we're working on , now right now if you order at simple , sites bonus com you get simple sites , W and if you order now you get the , W upgrade free W upgrade free , which is gonna be like W bucks so I , mean do the math sign up make it work , okay cool , data is the key yes reinvent revel ant , traffic makes money exactly that's the , deal right so we have to look at it , Amur mar Brooke I think I said it right , sorry if I did't I'm in Saudi Arabia , will this work for me well I don'TKO , Saudi Arabia laws about affiliate , marketing but if the laws are in your , favor you're , good right which most countries they are , I think we'vie only that found like five , that arena't or like two or whatever um , so you know you just have to look at it , that way but most places it will look up , the laws look up the legality all right , so let's go back to this how are we , gonna get this pinnacle how do we make , it work what did I do to make it work , right how are the things that we use to , scale because we'vie got to start small , and we got a scale the ability to get to , big number sis the ability to scale can , you scale it if you're getting PP , traffic and it works but you can only , buy like five thousand dollars worth you , noway month that's probably not gonna , get you to K a day okay just saying , now again let's bring up the weight loss , example , all right weight loss there's lots of , traffic for weight loss it's out there , it'son Google it's out there it's on , MSN by the way MSN has a lot of traffic , for people to make money but for some , reason people don't look at it it'SOS , easy go use it it's good a little bit , different traffic I find that the crowd , ISS little bit older and the crowd is , more windows-based because that's the , default on Windows so you just look at , that right great for tool bars excellent , for tool bars I actually got when I , started switching over or adding to I , should say adding Tommy Google traffic , with MSN traffic found out that the , toolbar offers was able to convert , like W cents per per click where on , other things was getting like okay , next content network the content network , is something people you just don't get , OK the content network is where you're , actually bidding for ads on other , people's site sit's like banner ads but , it's ran through Google Oman or Yahoo , and it works extremely well so we're , gonna talk about that as well all right , right now let's check in scale of to , W how we doing on this webinar have I , completely confused you if so type of , one or hey dude I love this is awesome , put at en in the box let me know where , you're at , we'll check in and we'll continue from , there I just want to make sure that you , guys get it okay how do I sign up with , you you can go actually you can get , high ticket niche there's high ticket , niches coma little banner there on the , site or you can go , two simple sites bonus com if you want , to do it yourself version course okay it , looks like everyone's out of ten got one , eight in there so we're looking pretty , good alright so again it'sabot , cracking the code it's about , understanding what's going on now Alike , to crack codes that know ab outright I , like to know about the code like I'd , like to know that something's going to , work now when I do search traffic , pretty much know something'gonna work , when I do banner traffic pretty much , know something'gonna work because I do , the research look at it I say okay is , this the traffic I want is it the , traffic that's feasible and is it , salable can actually use the Google , Ad words Keyword tool and type websites , in there and see what traffic is , available on certain websites that you , can put ads on which is really cool , okay so you goat look at that and you , Giotto focus okay let's see is asking , donations okay especially when I put a , lot of quality content how do I ask I , don't like the donation thing simply , because it's it's a it's a soft sale , right it's Nita good sale it's like , just give me money I mean who the hell , wants to give me money you don't want to , do that you want to give me money and I , give you high ticket niche you want to , give me money and I give you software , Ora toolbar or whatever right that's , that'SWAT you want to do so you want , to monetize in other ways know a lot , of people out the reuse things like , patron and stuff like that personally , I'm not a fan because it's a soft sale , all right we don't want to sell from our , heels if you want to get to big numbers , you can't waffle the sales pitch you , can't sell from your heels you got to , make it work when you got your website , even if you're doing something simple , let's say gas prices right I built a , site for gas prices made a lot of money , sold Otto someone as a high ticket , niche years late rand he did well with , it I think he's got videos where he's , doing like seven thousand dollars a , month with it or four thousand or , something I don't go look at the videos , again results not typical buying stuff , from me doe snot guarantee you money in , any way but it'seagoing to show you the , skills okay that's all we'redoing is , giving you the skills you go and use , them very simple if you if you're cool , with that then do it right if you want , to go buy something that's like hey , guaranteed you're gonna push a button , and get rid it dozen't exist but you can , buy it all you want but you're not gonna , be happy right you're gonna come back to , me and be like well that Marcus guy , actually shows me stuff that works'm , done buying little third , $'s that don't work right so , we look at it and this guy had this , Bible this gas prices site now on the , gas prices site the goal was first , wanted to do a gas toolbar okay , gas toolbar so we had the gas toolbar I , was like okay how do I get people to do , the gas toolbar and I thought to myself , okay I got this traffic they're looking , for gas prices I'm getting them for one , to seven cents each one to seven cents a , click done delay wonderful okay I get , them here what do I do , all right so tell me what do you guys do , for those of you who know what to do , you'vie seen this on other webinars don't , don'answer but the other people can , all right let's see here niches be crazy , swayback's just kidding I don'TKO , what you're kidding about maybe my name , is funny kind of is I don'TKO okay so , there we go , oh there he says he's ready to make K , with no work excellent well you know you , got to do some work but Igor to tell , you you know that site that had that , made lots of money sites that I have , today it's not that much work like when , you compare it with eight hora day , and this is what I tell people all right , if you want to do this as a job you have , eight hours a day that's alto of time , unless you're docking around right , that's a lot of time now Have , employees and I understand how people , work they actually work like two hours a , day but they put in eight and they don't , do it now if you actually focus the , eight hours a day and you're like'm , going to make this work'm gonna set , thing sup that work I'm gonna focus on , these four things if I'm not focusing on , these four things'm wasting my time , right how many of you guys if you're , honest with you the last day you worked , for internet marketing touting't focus , on these you're like I was actually , trying to learn carpentered okay and , you did't even know why you we retrying , to learn it okay you have to focus , you'vie got to do this deliberately , okay how good is your eyesight to see , comments across the room actually I have , a screen right here my eyesight sucks if , Took my contacts out probably , could't make it out of my office , but at any rate okay what is good , traffic for rent to own homes well it , depends on what your offer is your offer , needs to match your traffic which needs , to match your price okay now if I had a , toolbar let's say I had a toolbar and , I'm like okay gas prices toolbar pays me , W cents , if it only paid me W cents it would't , work because the traffic'S's to 7 cents , I know my conversion right that's not , going to work not gonna happen there we , go they're done you don'tavern try it I , don't even built a site but I knew that , this one was I thin kit was like W per , download so hey that'll work right , if I could get traffic for 7 cents that , mean's over that's like clicks , if I can get a download every W clicks , I break even can I do it yeah can do , it boom I set this up ready Togo very , simple right don't even need opt-in , nothing it's just page so I had this , page now for those of you if you had a , site about gas prices what would it look , like in perfect world how would you , get the most people possible to collect , to that tool bar because that tool bar , is what makes you money okay think about , that and type it in the box if you have , that okay niches says I'm making some , Being ads right now man I'pretty new to , CPA seems pretty fun yes CPA marketing , is awesome , okay gasps directory site probably not , going to work okay no one wants a gas , director I don't want a gas directory , why would I want to get a good Yellow , Pages forget that okay um what else all , right so we're focusing on the gas site , what would you want it to say some guy , set a gas directory no I don'think , that would convert okay next okay and , again we're looking at paid traffic paid , traffic to me is the holy grail because , if you can convert unpaid traffic you , could pretty much get traffic anywhere , okay someone says keep it interactive , okay yeah okay gas price is probably , something to do with email entering , their zip code there you Odom you'vie , probably seen my webinars before have , a big zip code cheap gas in your area , boom put your zip code in here click the , button there you go right how many you , guys are like that is the stupidest , thing'vie ever heard but it's also very , brilliant all right there you go lowest , gas prices in your area put your zip , code in how many people do you think , came to my site and put the zip code in , like% of them boom we send them there , they go to the toolbar I get W every , download , usually about one out of every seven to , ten downloaded you do the math that's , about W cents per click pretty cool all , right so we look at that there we go , cheap now I also had gas reward sand I , say had because this was in the past I , actually sold this site to a student of , mine as high ticket an edge okay so we , had gas rewards credit cards , I actually got so many people signing up , for these gas credit cards that the , company I thin kit was called , me up and they're like dude can we help , you you know we want you to get bigger , checks how do we do that and it worked , really well so that's how we use it okay , what do you think what do you Putin the , site you put a big zip code box on the , site right this is why in the simple , sites big profit software we have tools , that make the zip code box and it also , tracks it which is awesome we have tools , that make email boxes we have tools that , make drop-down boxes we have tools that , make interactive things because you'vie , goat focus just today last night I was , playing around with something lot of , people get a lot of traffic on Instagram , and they use like different link things , right how many you guys have see nit , it's like click here and it's got this , link and it's like follow just a car , Jessica's blog whatever right it says , all that stuff what I did is I came out , with something because I do everything , base don how work stuff and I came out , with this to make it easy so like how , many of you guys have seen those links , on Instagram type Instagram in the box , okay okay do they opt-in with name and , email and cheap gas no they put their , zip in I pass the zip tithe second form , I ca neither do an email zip zip submit , offer which they make lots of money as , Welland we do that NOW want you to , think about those Instagram things and I , want you to imagine this is the , alternative so instead of those here's , what I have right keep in touch with , Marcus follow us on Facebook Instagram , and some little ads which I'clearing , up like how many of you guys are like , dude that's way better than those stupid , little link thing sand it is better why , because it gets clicks the whole thing , is about getting people to do what you , want them , DI want people Togo to this tool bar , if I have my site and say cool gas , toolbar neat tool bar download Du bar , they're gonna be like I want cheap gas , don't want a tool bar well maybe I could , say tool bar helps you find cheap gas , all right , probably still gonna get I don'TKO W , percent of the people to click on it if , I'm lucky'm getting to click on it , because I'm using this example did the , same thing with movie tickets offers , right a lot of people think that this , stuff is junk traffic but boom there we , go , Andrew says yeah that's easier than the , ones Instagram and that's how it , works , OK and the firmament says I'vie never , seen a site with a zip code box it must , be Au.s. thing any sample sites without , opting outing anyone's site on here yeah , we're gonna go through some sites , towards the end here depending on time , and we're gonna show you how this works , but again I want you to understand that , the way you get to big numbers again if , you're just tuning in subscribe and if , you're just tuning in there are no , guarantees don't know what you'll make , you might make nothing , you might make Lot have no idea my , average student makes nothing mostly , because I put little things in my course , the average student dozen'tavern make it , through like chapter which is cool , right it was a tough thing for me to get , through because I like to help people , and I was like people arena't using my , stuff and then someone came to me and , they're like well take a look at your , gym over there'm guilty of this he's , like the gym over there and Went to , the gym and I'm like how many members do , you have he's like we have,W members , every month and I said how many come in , to the gym and actually lift weight , probably like alright so there you , go you got to use it you got to do it , there is no guarantee that if you get a , gym membership you're gonna get buff , right I have a gym membership and right , now I feel really not buff right I got , Chin's everywhere but we goat look at , that we got focus there are no , guarantee sin life but if you do this , how many of you guys can see this right , how many guys see this you're like okay , traffic great people looking up gas , prices alright I went for the content , network too because the content network , here's the deal this is what people , don't realize Google is Avery smart , company and back in two , and three when they opened upwards , Andersen's they found out first of all , they had Google and people search Google , and they clicked on ad sand found , clicked on link sand found websites , Google was like ya great not making any , money so let's headwords people could , put ads on the site , ya they started making a bunch of money , next they said well we got four ads on , top three ads on the bottom or I think , back then they were all on the side and , we gotten links that don't pay us , anything what if we offered those ten , links a way to get paid by putting , Asuncion their site and it was like , wow boom brilliant right brilliant now , here's what that has to do with you , that'SWAT's called the content network , now in lots of sites you can get traffic , dirt cheap using the content network , okay you just make Little ad just like , you do landwards it runs on the content , network which means you're now on all , the sites that have Ad sense that have to , do with your particular keyword or topic , boom instantly your traffic skyrockets , when I do sites like the cursors and the , layouts and the download sit's all , content get like,W clicks Ada , from paid search and then from the , content network which is also paid , search it's cheaper though I get like , thirty thousand a day okay so that's , what it looks like because there's a lot , of inventory okay we goat look at that , traffic is inventory that's what it is , the traffic's inventory if you know how , to make it convert if you know what they , want there you go your offer you got to , look at it you got to say what is the , best thing that will convert for this , offer for this traffic alright what's , the best thing you want the best thing , possible then you build your media you , get and refine and do everything like , that but again the solubility has to do , with you traffic like if you can make , $W a day and the traffic is there to , grow then you can scale it to whatever , you want all right ten thousand dollars , a day is only four hundred and sixteen , dollars an hour I thin kit was all right , so four hundred and sixteen dollars an , hour and since our websites don'sleep , and they don't take breaks I think it's , W , they're working W hours day so like , you look at that you're like okay in an , hour if I was doing this toolbar and I , got , two dollars per download in an hour can , I get people on average to download , that well if I'm converting one out of , every ten that means need two thousand , visitors an hour or two that,W , visitors a day there Otis , is there thousand people Ada that , are interested in cheap gas you bet your , ass there are are there thousand , visitors a day that are interested in , weight loss you bet your ass there are , the traffic is out there so type it in , the box right now if you got that voice , in the back of your head that says oh , this is too complicated I can do it this , dozen'twerk there's not really money , out there Marcus is actually a hologram , and the internet is set up weirdly or , whatever you're right how many of you , guys are ready to shut that voice off , and say hey loo kit's out there the , traffic is out there and anyone can get , Ito mean you get Edwards account you , demesne now you got to look at it , objectively and you got to really focus , on getting the value out there now the , toolbar type stuff works good with , banner ad stuff okay I would'Tod this , on you can do it on the paid search , engines I find that MSN is good and , stuff like that but you really got to , focus and you really got to make it work , now let's talk about some other ways , that you could scale and you can make , this absolutely huge okay first of all , content network big one okay that's , where you're gonna get a lot of traffic , like PPV networks they can be good but , they Giotto be targeted now the problem , with PPV is oftentimes it takes big , budget up front to make it work okay so , you gotta focus you got to make it work , okay next solubility okay is there , solubility is there enough traffic to , to warrant these numbers and does the , traffic fit okay there's some other , things that you can do as well to make , this stuff grow really really fast , because we'vie Giotto look at that and , just like Harpoon says people are , searching every minute every second , that's right every set every W seconds , 4 million people search google alone , that dozen't count , they're like W,W bazillion people , that put video son YouTube outdoes't , count all the people that are doing , Instagram dozen't count all the people , on Facebook which by the way Facebook is , a great traffic method because it's , instant , you look at this and you're like I'm , struggling to make my first dollar , online set something up good go provide , value in Facebook group and make some , money and then when you're done wit hit , scale okay but do it good right now , there's all this hype abductors , right people like Facebook's cracking , down on chat BOTS all right now In ever , got into chat BOTS I probably could have , I probably could have made a lot of , money but I did't get into them because , the value proposition USN'tollways as , good and a lot of people are setting , these thing sup to spam when everything , leads to spam no one makes money at the , end okay when everything leads to spam , now there are still spammers out there , that make lots of money , it's unethical and you know can get you , in a lot of trouble would't do it so , don'Tod that but when everything leads , to spam and junk then you don't want to , get into that right you want to do , things that actually work and you want , to do things that focus on stuff so we , get rid of the spam spat bias chat BOTS , and all these thing sand we focus on , what really works how Cain provide , really really good value how can we do , it , Fireman says Amazon is easy entry but , low rates yeah Amazon affiliate program , is really low you need a lot of traffic , for that like a lot like here if I'm , doing tool bars or something and to get , to ten thousand dollars a Day need way , less traffic than Amazon because , Amazon's per click amounts gonna be , really low unless you're really really , really focused okay so for that right if , I was like okay if you can make a little , bit of money on Amazon and you want to , grow go import the product yourself or , drop ship it and just go that way right , what we Giotto do is we got to be , flexible and figure out what'seagoing to , work if I find something like when I , have goldfish site or aside about , Berta fish and I'making hundred and , fifty bucks a day or whatever and that's , cool , and we're like okay'll make hundred , fifty bucks Help people with Berta , fish great could actually go and say , well what if I hired a couple of Berta , fish experts to write my own book boom , now I just doubled my income and I have , a customer list right so we look at this , stuff and we look at it very very very , important and we look at it we say how , can we get in here and how could you do , it okay net said ornery knife says I , did not try the affiliate marketing , before but Marcus encourages , to start doing it yeah start doing it it , just go out there and and figure outta , traffic method and build everything , around that traffic method say what do , they want okay how do we get them in , there we Giotto focus so let's go ahead , and dive in the computer we're gonna , take a bunch of questions'll bring my , coffee with me we're gonna take a bunch , of question sand we're gonna try to help , you guys out and help you understand how , this works because a lot of you guys , don't realize that there's like a whole , world out there of people making a , killing online okay they just don't , teach it like me some of them just do it , like for years mean I did this for , years , I did't start teaching this till W , so you know a lot of people just kind of , do their thing and we Giotto really , really focus on it and really look at it , so her ewe are , hello welcome yes I feel as tired as I , look okay so let's take a look here and , see what's coming on okay so what we're , gonna do is we're gonna take some , questions okay , naive says I'm confused what should I , start withdropshipping Spiffy or , affiliate marketing well neither you , should start with a market start with , traffic right that's why on the board , there'll show it again so you can take , notes and think I have to move all , right number one is traffic okay number , two is offer so traffic is first like , I'm gonna look at it and'm gonna be , like okay wellie got these keywords and , they're looking up gasps okay boom'm , gonna go find an offer for gas do Indeed , to drop ship no I can'drop ship gas , you know whatever or maybe gas powered , scooters that was one that I did and I , was like okay well I could do an , affiliate or I could do it actually , makes more money to drop ship boom I'm , troopship these all right so you , ha veto really really look at it Joseph , says I'm always confuse dwell if you're , always confused this might not be the , right business for you okay you can , reverse-engineer a product to get , traffic yes you can okay Motor City says , I'm only At's,W per month but want to , be at least,W month by the end of , the year just double what you're doing , find another niche usually there's , enough to like if you want to if you , want to grow usually there's enough to , either do better , with what you'redoing already or like I , did with the hosting righto X by , income just by switching hosting , companies better offer there we go done , deal so that's what you want to look at , let's see here where do I start give me , one link go to high ticket niches com , that's where you could start we actually , give you a profitable niche I do the , research I find your niche tell you , what you could do is setup your site , find your offer sand help you make it , work that's the best thing to do because , we're giving you the starting point so , if you're confused and you're struggling , start there trust me on it just go start , the remake it work now let's see here , offer vault is where we go to find our , affiliate offers and stuff like that , that's why I have it up here so let's , see here do you make this currently or , you're just telling us numbers because , you thin kit's possible lot of them I , make currently the gas prices one I , don'personally make right now I sold , that to a student lot of the other , ones are there as well okay what do you , do if you're getting a lot of traffic , but little conversions either change the , offer or change the traffic alright we , would have to take look at it we have , to say okay what is the the point of the , lock that's not working okay we'vie got , our traffic okay if our traffic's , working like things let's do an example , so Maurice where are you getting traffic , from and what keyword okay B , specifically I'm getting traffic unman , for the word gas price sand I get , visitors a day okay put that in and , let's do that okay all right let's see , what's going on , all right so hopefully we'll get an , answer on that because I thin kit'll be , helpful to actually look at it and if , any of you guys have sites or traffic , you want me to look at or traffic okay , so Maurice says have YouTube video , for Eddie okay Edith popular everyone , knows Eddie the dysfunction one and it's , going to algebraic product okay good , it'probably Click bank product that is , probably what's not working how much , traffic are you getting a day Maurice to , your actual offer to the Click bank how , much are you sending tithe Click bank , offer okay and we're gonna talk about , this like how many of you guys think , that this is helpful what we're doing , with Maurice right now okay all right so , he's in the the market for erectile , dysfunction okay and he'sending Otto , Click bank so how much traffic is going , from your video tithe offer every day , okay or or this month if that's easier , okay type that in the video has more , than hundred thousand feats of great , want you to login Click bank right now , and I want you to tell me how much , traffic you got this month okay really , easy you gotta look at it objectively a , lot of people come to me all markets , this dozen't work well how much traffic , you getting like yesterday Iowas talking , to someone and I'm like okay where you , getting traffic he's landwards I'm , like what Woodward's no no no what , keyword CZ I know you're not bidding on , Ad Words for the word Ad words , and he's like well campaign and my dude , seriously pay attention it's not that , hard right it's not that hard tell me , the damn key word but that's kind of you , know you have to look kinda objectively , you got to get your head other clouds , stop focusing on how much money you want , to make and focus on the points of the , lock traffic conversion offer , we got traffic offer we got media and we , got refine right so we got to focus on , those things if you can line them up , that's how it works so we're gonna wait , we're gonna get that from forgot his , name , and I don'twat to call him by his net , Maurice okay Maurice okay Alvin says so , you're sending YouTube traffic directly , to algebraic no don't do that for me , personally never , send traffic from a source directly to , an offer okay some people do it they , make a lot but they also lo sea lot and , it's also see what I want is Want , control when I send people from a site I , don't own to an affiliate offer I have , no control over I'm out have no , control nothing if it dozen't work it , dozen'twerk if it works a little bit , and then dies I'm out that's Nita , business that's at hat's a you know a , lottery ticket or whatever so we'vie got , to really look at it and I gotta say , okay well what can I control Icahn , control my pages right like I can , control what do so maybe I'll make a , page and I'll control what I do that way , I can learn about the market and scale , okay you got a really really really , scale Motor City said the fur man I , dropped out of high school graduated , from a continuation school which I mean , basically they were like color in the , lines and you get a degree so okay so , he's got this view like how many views , on your YouTube video were last month , Maurice so he said clicks to the , offer last month he did't make anything , okay so he'Sgt avid hundred , thousand views he's got his offer he , sent him right to the offer , he's got three hundred and ten people so , first disconnect unless you got all the , views way long ago but the first , disconnect is people are not going to , your offer , okay peppering't going to it so you're , not getting them to your site in a good , way so you got to really focus on that , okay SO how many views did you have , on that video last month okay this is , very important I think if you guys , understand what's going on with Maurice , this is gonna be like boom whoa okay it , makes sense okay , and just so you know like from what I'vie , seen the average video makes like one , cent per view or less and get tenth oaf , cent per view okay and I'm gonna get to , the other questions after we're done , with Maurice so if Amiss it , maybe copy your question and post it , when we're done with Maurice's here okay , because I think there's Good learning , learning thing here okay okay , good question Vincent keep that question , towards the end I like that one and , we'll get into that reality keep that , question now you keep that one we're , gonna try to get into them as well so , Motor City I think he's our guy that's , actually , making money and he said he started with , Amazon and it did'twerk well right the , price model with Amazon does not fit , what want to do unless I go for , something specific in which case you , know maybe it'll work but again the , amount solo you'd do better just to like , maybe be an affiliate oaf different , site that has the same product or like , get the product yourself , okay so we're waiting to see , we're waiting on how many views that , video had in the month last month that , got three hundred and ten clicks okay , what could make one get nothing online , don't know Id on't understand that but , yeah you know maybe clear that question , up and I'll try to answer it for you I'm , gonna get water real quick's it's , getting hot in here okay so we are , waiting on Maurice we want to know how , many views that video got last month and , I got to tell you right now , W clicks tithe offer would expect , at least two to three sales if I did't , get two to three sales then we got a , problem , okay so let's do this her ewe're gonna , take this and let'SSE I got my notepad , okay so here's our notepad and I got my , notes here you can write them down if , you want so he's got clicks to offer , he's got his video got seven hundred and , three five eight so seventy-five hundred , seventy three hundred views clicks to , offer so he's running about five , percent CTR rate okay'd like to see , that at ten percent okay just like to , see that go up the way you can increase , it is by giving him a reason to go to , the site right now go here to buy , something but give hi ma reason okay so , he go tone sale so you got one sale and , how much did you make on that one sale , okay the revision technician what niche , do you suggest to go into as a beginner , I suggest as a beginner if you don't , have a niche go to high ticket niches , calm I'll get a niche for you , okay really cool you want to do that if , you can't do that if you're looking for , a freeway to do it look for my stuff on , trigger words if you can't afford a high , ticket niche do it right really awesome , that'sphere my most successful people , start and it works that way okay so now , let'look at his numbers so here we got , Maurice he's got this video he's got a , hundred thousand views just to show you , perspective do YouTube love YouTube , I have two videos that went overs , hundred thousand views okay not that , impressive , he's got one that went over a hundred , thousand views so that's kind of a big , deal okay so we got look at that , excellent job on getting your view she , got OR 7,W views last month , clicks tithe offer he made $W which is , an amount we're gonna look at this , objectively follow along okay we got an , amount of W W Buck's over W so he , is running seven almost eight cent per , click on that so he's At cents per hop , per click to offer , okay everyonefallin put A's if you , follow okay so he's got 8 cents per , click to offer now let's go ahead and do , the same amount the$W over this big , number , alright so he's now at a third of a , penny per click okay so he's at 0.W , per view okay so he's averaging that , much per view so if he had that the , whole time and he got a hundred thousand , views okay he's at zero point zero zero , three time's thousand views is this , salable SO buck sis the amount he , would have made on the traffic had he , been doing this the whole time and the , conversion was the same and everything , like that my opinion is that that's a , lot of work for bucks right and to , scale this like let's say you wanted to , make I don't know a thousand dollars a , month with this , you got to start getting like a million , views a month or more right so we got a , look at this right does that make sense , to everyone , okay okay huff and puff says I went , broke on this BS don't invest it don't , work okay have a puff what did you , invest in my guess is it's probably not , my stuff and if it was my stuff you , probably did't use it right but huff , and puff does huff and puff that's funny , no kind of reminds me of how your , comment is but we got to look at it we , got to say okay this is how the average , person looks at it I tried something it , did't work like we could look at this , and Maurice could say wow I got a , hundred thousand views I made thirty , twenty four dollars this dozen't work , this is a bunch of BS all right or we , could look at it and say well well let's , take a look let's go back to the board , okay so let's look at this all right , traffic,W views there'sh is , traffic okay we know his traffic works , we know it's there , we know it's interested in stuff good , okay now he's got his offer which is , Click bank which in my opinion is not the , best one you can go to offer vault right , now and in your niche you can find way , better offers okay so that's a , disconnect because hey look we're making , you know cents ac lick or whatever it , was I think so not that good , okay media your media is non-existent , right you don't have website so you , have no media so that combination is out , refine you can't refine these are the , only two constants you're working with , right you got your traffic which is your , views and you got your offer which is , your Click bank okay so what you need to , do is you need to one give people a , reason hey I hope you enjoyed this video , by the way I have are ally good PDF that , deals with whatever just talked about , in the video if you go over Tommy site , at whatever com make an easy site right , the reason I invested and bought the , domain affiliate dude even though I , owned affiliate marketing dude is , because it's easy it's easy want like , the best thing to like just skyrocketing , people to my site , as possible okay so get a site with some , keywords Inuit make a good page give , them the download so imagine instead of , W visitors last month going to the , site and you make W bucks imagine if , you blocked it and you said hey to get , the report that talked ab output your , name and email in the box let's say okay , well you know you just alienated , probably W% of your audience% said I , don't want to opt-in I'm out of here , okay now you got W%let's say , percent W let's say you got a W% , opt-in rate that means you have a , hundred and fifty or actually one , hundred and fifty five leads per month , okay now I got those leads you're still , gonna get the one sale you'vie probably , actually up your sales because it's , gonna work better this way so now we , look at it we're like now I got , people per month now you look at this , you're like okay every month times , W month snow I'm getting what eighteen , hundred leads a year something like that , my math is correct eighteen hundred , leads that means you send an email to , this list if W% click on one email , right if W% click on an email that's , W clicks you did all that work to get , W and you're just flushing them down , the toilet this is what people do that's , why I make little things like the , Instagram thing because people are , flushing their traffic down the toilet , guys traffic is so inexpensive because , people don't know how to convert it this , is how you scale this is how you make it , work , they're flushing Drive hundred thousand , views right flushed down the toilet , probably less than hundred dollars to , show for it we got to start doing this , the right way we got to start doing it , the deliberate way the way we can scale , how many of you guys are in Otto win it , you say Marcus want to make money , don'twat to dick around like I'm done , looking up how does do affiliate , marketing without website okay if , you're looking that up still please quit , I'm pink come on spend the six dollars , get website setup a blog make it work , make the effort to make it work because , otherwise you're messing up and to this , guy if I had these hundred thousand , views'd probably be able to make like , five thousand bucks maybe more right and , we look at it we're like how can we do , it how can we do it how do we focus how , do we get an offer that's going to work , how do we make it really really work how , many of you guys are in it to win it , type Marcus I'm I'm in it to win Ito'm , done messing around I know to get to , W,W a month takes work let alone ten , thousand dollars a day I know it's not , guaranteed I know nothing in life is , guaranteed know like that guy over , there I need to learn how to convert my , traffic every traffic like I remember I , Hadar collaboration video with my buddy , Nick and he's like hey man how'd it do , and I'm like I'll tell you exactly how , it did W% of the people who watch the , video came to my page out of that we had , W% of them opted in you got nine , hundred leads out of the nine hundred , leads here's how much you made by the , way there's also aback end you're gonna , make More know these things because I , have to know these things you have to , know these things you have to know what , they'redoing now here's the cool part , anyone can do this trained monkey can , look at stat swell maybe Nita trained , monkey maybe a trained Marcus right can , go in there and can look at stats right , how many of you guys know how to look at , like the Maurice guy he knows how to go , intergalactic and say well it said , clicks it said it even tells you how , much you made per click right the , affiliate offer seven do it better so we , goat look at it we got to focus if you , can read the stats you can make it work , right that's it like Motor City I'll bet , you if we went into your stats can , find some hidden money there's a lot of , money out there like this guy some , people are happy getting thirty dollar , sales with hundred thousand views most , people are happy with those numbers me , I'Mont happy with that I do this as a , living this is my business treat it , seriously , we got to go in there we got to make it , work now how long would it take this guy , to set up Good opt-in page that got , W% conversion rate probably twelve , minutes probably twelve minutes if you , go into simple sites simple sites bonus , com you download the software , you go into Theodore's area okay all , the tools are in there like literally , all you have to know is your , transponder name you don't even need , to know coding you put in Marcus if your , name is Marcus and boom it does the rest , of it for you right and then you go in , and you make your page really cool we , actually have some new developments , coming out and everything like that that , worked really well you just have to go , in and you ha veto do it and you have to , focus and it's not that hard right what , the problem is is people are making this , way harder than the that it is because , they focus they don'focus on this they , focus on things like website design , Wardresses focus on things like , technical stuff making their site pretty , guess what , pretty sites don't sell you know how I , know'vie tested a site with my nice , lo goat the top and without the logo at , the top and without the logo pulls , better everyday of the week like people , don'tavern want to see my logo they just , want like click here buy that's , what they wan tall right , that's it so we Giotto really really , focus okay motors okay that's a , different one now Yves says he hates , coding so DI I have a joke with my , programmer that half of his job is to , fix what I break last last nightie set , up a page and we got opt-ins from it for , this webinar and I was like dude I don't , know how to sent it to him he made it in , like five second sand done right easy so , these things works and he's the same guy , that makes the tools for you in simple , sites , okay Fireman says I struggled to get , some static banner images on my site as , blocks them all well use the smart , affiliate ads plug-in that'swath your , simple sites course now if you get , high ticket niche you also get the , simple sites course so that is my , recommended one because we're gonna find , your niche we're gonna show you the , traffic we'll walk you through this and , show you how it works right , Moe says I'm guilty of pretty sites , pretty sites don't sell like pretty , sites are for like find out tickets to , like Bruno Mars show like Alike his , site it's pretty but if I had to sell , concert tickets I would't use a pretty , site I'd be like boom here's your ticket , here's a cheap here's what you can do , click order oecus in four minutes it's , gonna be sold out which his concerts do , sell out in like four minutes I know , because we wanted to go to one and we , will , okay um cool affirming says add blocks , blocks them all well here's a simple , answer , get rid of add blocks right you're the , one that's is blocked for I don'Tet , them block because I don't know about , blocks very simple okay um questions , let's take some questions and let's dive , into this for those of you Have seven , really really good niches right now , under the high ticket niche program you , can see it on the little coupon thingy , right there , get that high ticket niches com sign up , for a niche get in there make it work , all of our employees are back right now , so we do have streamlined for everything , like that okay , I tried vigil inks for contextual yet , don't try that so use the stuff that I , use like the things that use the , plugins that spent like hundred , grand making for you in the simple sites , course and that we put on your high , ticket niche these are developed like , you have a zip code one why Dido make a , zip code one because it works they have , airdrop down one why do I'vie dropped down , one because it works they have adds , one like the adds one on the page I , showed you right the ads hereon the , Instagram thing right that's the smart , affiliate ads plug-in it's totally cool , and it works and our conversion rate on , clicks to those ads are better than , anything else I'vie ever tried and you , can see what they look like here they're , kind of small but you can see them at , the bottom there right there right so , really cool really easy they look like , this on full-size and people click them , right that's what works so you have to , really focus on it and you really have , to get in there and make it work okay um , use pay per click and trigger words yes , pay per click and trigger words is good , how can you do affiliate marketing with , influencersinfluencers or influences , let me know because those are two , different things like an influence , would be me going to an influence and , buying an ad or or shaving or something , like that influence would be me doing , influence so it'd be two different , things so you specialize that or , specifies that okay how Cain do it in , SEO SEO is all about your keyword , nothing to do with fancy SEO stuff it , has everything to do with your keyword , and providing value to that keyword all , about the keyword right you could read , SEO books all you want and it's it's , just gonna be difficult because you're , in competition but if you'd learn to get , the keywords that have no competition , boom it works , Icon years ago read about a guy who , built a site which basically ranked for , every phone number and I don'TKO how , good this is or what everybody made like , a phone number directory site and you , know obviously you're gonna rank for , some of them but again you know go for , Val valuable stuff don't do that because , I don't know what the legalities are but , nevertheless he got traffic I did one , where we were doing the Bible toolbar , and went for like different pasture , name sand I had someone write a little , review on the pastures and we got a lot , of traffic which is cool our quotes on , it like think about that right could you , write quotes from the top pastures that , get the top searches yeah it's not that , hard there's quote sites out there all , day that do this and they make a killing , on it now if you use this stuff you're , gonna make more than a killing CZ it's , go work okay hour seven says if I , already have simple sites course what I , get credit if upgrade to the high , ticket niche course yes you will get , credit go ahead and order and then ask , for credit after or you can wait till , the end and we'll be on live chat and , you can ask for especial order link but , the fir stones better if you want one of , the seven spots go sign up now okay , let's see here , good question I repeat okay we answered , that one agree I would like to get , connected with you yes if you want to , get connected and he says I'll give it a , shot dedicating five months guys if you , get high ticket niche or the simple , sites course or just follow my free , videos if if that'sin your budget but , again look at this like a business right , you want to make the money do the stuff , stop messing around if you got the views , build a site control it right spend the , money build the site just trust me on , that take the W bucks you made , Commission and build your site we have , instructions on go hub site calm there's , instructions on that on how to do it , when you do the high ticket niche get it , right we're gonna help you with it , you're gonna glitters ahead of , where you are right now you're gonna , have the tools that make it work you're , gonna have the ability to say Marcus , like people come to me they have web , it's like the guy who's got YouTube's , right go sign up for simple site simple , sites bonus com , come inlet's tickets or the live chat , I'm on live chat usually an hour a day , sometimes more and say markets this is , what I'modding make it better and I'll , be like do this alright I have a bad , thing in my brain where I have to figure , everything out so we have to figure it , out okay themes undress we have , custom themes in the simple sites , program what I showed you that Instagram , thing is wardress theme so really , cool and we have them use those is there , a margin amount for no competition in , search results don't know what you , mean by margin amount can you specify , what is the best host for my website , landing page go to go hub site calm Geo , h bu SI Te comm follow those directions , when you're done with that you'll be , able to watch my videos and follow it , because that host is the host that use , so it'll be like click the green button , and if you have a different host you'll , be like where's the green button Marcus , is so confusing trust me go through Ito , spent a lot of time making this work for , you okay , Ar if ole says nice to feel like a , student again today awesome glad to have , you on board think he signed up last , night which is good I actually talked to , him on live chat do I have any say in , the niche of course you do if you get , high ticket niche today what's gonna , happen is you're gonna sign up then , you're gonna go over to PC money-making , dot-com you're gonna put in a high , ticket niche request it's gonna ask you , for some thing sin the box it's gonna , say tell me some niches that you'd like , to be in or don'twat to be in okay so , you'll be like hey Marcus you know what , I'morally good at playing the fiddle , you know be like okay'all go through , my stuff see if there'sine for fiddle , if these don't lineup for fiddle I'm , not gonna give you the niche because I , don'think it'll make money alright and , then I'll go to your next one you'll say , wellie also like mortgages'll be like , yep this works for mortgage you're , getting a mortgage site here's the , domain here's the site here's the theme , here's the content we put all the , plugins on it for you here'st he , keywords here's how you get traffic and , here's how you make money right that's , like the whole thing which is cool , alright so we're helping you out with , everything we're making it work that is , the fastest way to get started I ticket , niches com is the best way to go okay , which package would you recommend Marcus , I would love to start with an average of , investment initially what I tell people , do if you're on a budget you can get the , simple sites course simple sites bonus , dot-com awesome software walks you , through everything takes you through the , whole deal gives you all the tools great , that's like our do-it-yourself version , the high ticket niches is for people who , want more hands-on hey we're giving you , the niche we're giving you the starting , point , I find that people's struggle is the , starting point why did that guy make , money when he got my gas site because I , told him to do a gas site right there , you guys was like do a gas site here's , your gas site why do people make money , with the site why did that guy who , ripped off my site make a lot because he , ripped off he used my site that was the , niche right the value that I bring to , the table is in finding the niche so , like we build the sit ewe do all this , stuff and that's all great but the niche , and the domain we give you alone are , worth ten times what you'repaying right , it's worth it if you use it okay motor , says I started with and the site is , now earning him twenty five hundred , good to have that can two similar , products from different companies be , promoted to the same keyword and niche , site if it works right if it works so , does it work odors't confuse your , visitors oftentimes you want one thing , to do you can have several different , things but like if I'm like hey , weight loss here's a way to would lose , weight maybe'll have two or three or , maybe'll have one just depends on what , converts better okay all right so let's , do a Q&A section we got like W minutes , left if we go for the two hours so let's , go to the QA what I'll do while we take , some questions is I will show you the , simple site software- again if you , order today high ticket niches you're , gonna get that as well if I can find it , there Otis okay so the simple site , software is like this it downloads to , your computer which is really cool we're , actually we actually show you how to , make these software's as well which by , the way is a great way to scale your , niche awesome way to scale your niche so , we're gonna go here , okay and we're gonna go to members areas , so when you get this you're gonna go to , members area if you have bought my stuff , go straight to members area if you just , got the free download version just use , all this okay so you're gonna go to , members area , you're gonna log in it's gonna give you , these things so this is all the stuff , that like if you have simple sites right , now you're gonna get W when a teens , out you guys get it free so it'll just , pop up there immediately or , automatically okay so you're gonna go , here this is the simple sites W , desktop okay it's all video driven you , watch this it's gonna tell you how to , get started everything even if you're , new if you'vie never done this and you , want to start go for it right done deal , mo says it's simple sites big profits , and simple sites bonus the same simple , sites bonus com is where you buy simple , sites so that's like the order page but , yeah they are the same okay so there you , go okay you watch the video the nit goes , to getting started getting started , you're gonna go through this you're , gonna have a site setup in like W , minute snow you just go through it boom , set up your site start withdraws , look at all these plugins we give you , right setting up your site teaches you , everything you go here and download your , plugins boom here's all your plugins , right really really cool really easy and , you can see how cool these are this is , our new video player which actually goes , full screen allows you to download them , it allows you to skip ahead continues , where you watched last time really cool , okay then all your plugins here okay , then you're going to go through this is , setting up your site go through , everything okay after you go through , getting started you're gonna go to niche , finding this you can click niche finding , and then you're gonna go through the , niche finding you have your trigger word , training starting with the product or , service everything walks you did it's , like it's like me being in your house , going okay click this click that here's , how you Fonda niche go here alright , it's like me literally giving you a , paint-by-numbers system where I walk you , through everything by the hand alright , it's like hey take little walk with me , let's do it Motor City say she's gonna , buy the course tonight good to have you , in there then after you find your niche , okay and notice this is laid out like , the stuff Wrote on the board right I , actually thought this at it's not just , like a module one module this is like go , through it in order all right then you , go find your , at centers then you find your traffic , then you set up shop those are the four , things I wrote up there you just do it , right , Paul says how long doe sit normally take , for a high ticket niche to get set up , usually it takes like a week or two , sometimes like last month we we had a , hiccup where I wan'feeling good and , stuff like that and one of our employees , was out on something I think there's , that family emergency or something so , sometimes it takes little longer but , we usually like to get them done in one , to two week sat the most sometimes , longer if there's you know issues with , logins or something but we try to get , them pretty quick and you're getting , simple sites or what I tell people to do , is while you wait for your niche go , through simple sites so you're learning , okay and we don't start your W days , support until you actually have your , site in hand okay so it's not like , you're wasting time or anything okay so , next okay ta says setting upwards , is confusing does anyone find it that , way it's confusing if you don't follow , my instructions if you follow the , instruction sit's literally one button , like literally it's not that hard okay , but if you don't follow my instructions , I can't help you okay traffic plan we , show you how to get traffic social media , traffic video traffic banner ad , pay-per-click everything all right it's , all there , content creation we show you how to , create your content outsourced , multimedia content re purposing , formatting everything like that then we , go through the W click test this is , where the rubber meets the road okay so , this is where you go in and you're just , like boom boom boom boom boom okay it's , going to show you how to test your site , how to go through what to expect and I , actually made a really cool video intro , on these ones right fancy so we got our , video intro on those one show to do all , the testing everything like that how to , make money if you guys want to do this , this is the way to go and then you , refine right it's the same thing I laid , out is there money back guarantee nope , we do not have a money back guarantee , because we're giving you trade secrets , and obviously when we give you the , high-ticket niche we're giving you the , niche so you own it , so we do not have money back what I tell , people to do is if you're worried about , a guarantee watch my videos YouTube , watch my videos everywhere if you like , them buy my stuff if you don't like them , don't buy my stuff okay because that's , gonna be where the rubber meets the road , you're either gonna like them and you're , gonna get it , or you're not so we do not have money , back guarantee because of the fact that , you're getting something of value like , when we give you the niche you own the , domain you own the content and you know , I'm out money I have to pay to build , that for you so you know you go that way , alright so awesome stuff any questions , on the simple site software before we go , into the other stuff and we'll just do a , QA we'll do like rapid-fire QA on what , it would take to get to the big numbers , like how you do it like how's it gonna , work right and we'll go through all four , vault and stuff like that so let's go , ahead and take QA right now while you , guys are getting signed up if you goat , high-ticket niche go ahead and sign up , now let me know by saying something in , the box and we'll help you with that , help you get started if you want to , upgrade just hit me on live chat'll , turn that on now so that we can get you , guys your upgrades links if you want , that as well alright so where did my , question box go okay NOW think I can , put questions on let's see okay how how , do you feel about CPA offer and mobile , apps , those are good yeah there's a lot of , people those are actually really good to , scale you can actually go in an offer , vault and do mobile apps and you can , find all the mobile apps there so those , work well again make sure your traffic , wants them that's the key okay does it , have a landing page builder yes in the , simple sites course we have a landing , page builder it's the same one that I , used to build on my landing pages , squeeze pages everything and it's , extremely easy like our landing page , builder if I can find let's I think I , have to go inhere because I actually , have this password saved bear with me , one second , so on our landing page builder you're , using Word Press which is super easy okay , and when you go into Word Press here's , here's how you build a landing page , right and let me make sure this is and , where'd we go there Otis okay cool so , when you go into your Word Press like , let's say I wanted to make landing , page so if I want to make a page I , add new just make a page and mic , landing page right like this and then I , would go through and hit publish , there's my landing page then I just go , to squeeze blogs Pro okay and I go in , here and I'm like okay I want to make an , opt-in landing Page go to opt-in one , and I'm like okay I want this on my home , page or my pages or posts or whatever , okay I type in what I want'm like , download whatever affiliate guide here , do you ID okay all right like this make , it bold make it like this we can make it , read put some arrows if we want to put , some arrows okay and then we're like , okay we want this are we using Weber , yes put you're Weber list name put , your Thank You page put your bullets , boom hit update and then done and I , think this is a new blog so I just have , to take our widget sand put this over , here , widgets widgets right here you just drag , this up here this oh this is what makes , it work you do this one time and you're , good Togo and then that should put an , opt-in right there there we go download , Affiliate guide now you can change Otto , like if you want different colors or , whatever but it makes your opt-in page , there now I have landing page and my , other page was the new one so if you , want to see that all pages planning page , view boom there you go right I put a , video here I tell them to opt-in it goes , to my list done but literally how long , did it take me to use that like five , seconds someone says what if you're not , using Bowell if you're not using , Embryo go in here and you choose I'm , not using Beerbohm put your code in , he remake sure you put it in text like , your your transponder will give you a , code you just put that code in here boom , works alright super easy if you'reusing , Ebert's way easier but it makes it , cool right and for Jo W says that , landing page looks great these landing , pages convert this is what I'm using on , affiliate marketing dude calm look at , that same thing and allows you to do , stuff so like notice on my hub site , where I tell them how to do hosting , I don'thieve that there all right , there's no opt-in because I don't want , them to opt-in I want to be hosting so , it really really channel's everything , and then of course on my sites let's see , if we could fin done here and this is we , install this on your high ticket niche , as well and you get all these tools with , simple sites so really cool okay let me , see if I can find this here yeah soon , my page or on my posts so like on my , content have these ads here right , arena't those lovely really really cool , awesome stuff and you can you can , control everything so it's like , controlling everything really cool okay , so other questions here the simpler you , make them the better they convert , exactly that's why all my tools are made , this way how much would you ideally want , a high ticket niche to be earning on , average per month that would depend on , the niche so like if I was Ina , mortgaged niche I'd be like okay that , needs to make more if I wan't hosting , I'd be like that needs to make more if , it was recipe sit might be a little bit , less what does a Weber a Weber is an , autoresponderbut wait till you get the , course to go through that because we'll , show you how to get that how can i pro , tip Philip products if my blog is about , men's grooming which are the affiliate , product well you would promote affiliate , products for men's grooming would want , to go for like CPA offer so like I , would go to offer vault , let's see offer vault like this and I do , like shaving and there's probably like a , shaving Club let's see hair removal you , could do hair removal but often times , there's like a shaving Club shaving , first box okay cornerstone UK shaving , kit let's see shaving kit here would , just find Au.s. one Gillette test panel , okay so this probably an email submit , which is cool that's Australia though so , yeah Would do the Art of Shaving what , the hell is that um but you know you , could do that stuff you could do like , rays or see what's out there so yeah you , do those okay so if I make my own niche , run it for , my site landing page is that the , definition of free traffic know the , definition of free traffic is getting , free traffic like if you go to Google , right here and I look up like web , hosting OK these are ads these are paid , OK free traffic is all these now these , are hard to rank for but you can go for , other words like Found out theatrics , affiliate marketing got searched for a , lot and I actually ranked number here , for Wiz affiliate marketing and this is , free it dozen'cost me anything I get , traffic every single day there's , probably people right now on that page , and yes it does look like a couple of , people are on that page but I get , traffic from that one all the time right , there's a guy yeah a guy from Tennessee , looking at that page right now alright , pretty cool so there we go we have it , now if you want to have a niche for free , traffic and you get a high ticket niche , tell us you want free traffic and we'll , help you do that um let'SSE what , else do we have now if you're on the , high ticket niche page what you're gonna , see is this so you're gonna go here OK , it shows you what you get you get your , bonuses over here you get a personal , niche selection from me that's the value , like me telling you the niche that's , that's why the values Herrick then we , also give you domain sometimes these , domains are worth like I think the , la stone I looked up was dollars , the domain was worth and that'slake , double what they paid now again I don't , know what you'll be able to sell it for , but you know hey that's what the biggest , domain appraiser in the in the world , says it's worth so hey you know there , you go affiliate offer we show you the , offers to get we show you the traffic , plan we give you the custom theme the , logos we give you all the plugins killer , content loaded pages and W days of , support and coaching and we give you , simple sites big profits which is a , seven ninety seven value all you got to , do is go here right now I have seven , really good ones so if you want one put , your name last name email billing , address city state zip this should all , match your card stuff country then , choose your card if it's Expat your , number in the Am ex number is the four , digits on the front of an Am ex Cardiff , it's different , card use the three digit son the back , and then you put your whole number , everything you can see it's like super , secure choose your payment plan okay if , you want to do three payments to make it , easier on yourself today it's that if , you want to save some money you just pay , in full and you're done , okay then choose hey I know it's , non-refundable because you're giving me , a website and then you click get instant , access and boom we're done okay that's , how you do that now for simple sites you , go to simple sites bonus com again same , deal here's what you're getting you are , getting when it comes out right now , you're gonna get okay so you get them , both same with high ticket niches you're , gonna get this software so you don't , need to buy both okay first name last , name email use a good email we have , problems with hot mail if you're using , hot mail tell us or get a different email , or use a different email because , sometimes you did spam filters us it , shows you the bonuses here days , support all the stuff you get the , software put your info in here click the , button choose your payment plan boom , you're done okay , let's take some questions we goat lot , coming in which makes me think I'm going , to lunch late W hours a day for a , month after the course make $2,W a , month consistently I believe if I spent , that time I could do it what will you do , I don'TKO I am not at liberty to make , any income claims don't know what , you'll make you might make nothing I , have no idea but if you spend W hours a , day fora month and you don't make 2 , grand something seriously wrong so I , mean you know you just you're doing the , wrong thing you got to do the right , thing and that's what these courses are , about the high ticket niche is about , showing you how to do the right things , that make the money okay do you have , suggestion for an offer for the mortgage , market , I suggest offers if you're in our simple , sites course so if you get the simple , sites and you're like here's my site , what offer would you do here's my , traffic what offer would you do we're , actually going to show you the offer and , everything like that is simple sites the , same as high-ticket niche just without , the niche yes , exactly high ticket niches is a high , ticket niche and the simple sites course , simple site sis just the simple sites , course okay okay , let's see do you ever use wild card when , searching yes I do , what is offer vault offer vault is a , search engine for affiliate offers so if , I say hey want an affiliate offer for , mortgage boom it's going to show me all , the affiliate offers for mortgages so , that's all of thicko in Maurice's , example earlier was his YouTube videos , free or paid I believe it was free , I don't quote me on that if he's still , here he'll answer it but I believe it , was free , I hope so CZ the only made bucks so , OK type low income housing and off , revolt okay I could do that how do I , know their man these are let's see if we , could pull these up , I think help out chat there we go let's , see if this will work alright well put , the questions up here and we'll make it , big Hey look at that your questions are , live okay how do I know there's low , competition low competition is in the , Toadstool you'll see it as a loan , okay you need a keyword tool yes there , is keyword tool in the simple sites , course when you go to the simple sites , course you're gonna go to niche finding , and you're gonna go to trigger word and , you'll see the power search tool which , is awesome power search tool searches , everything searches your niche does if , we can do it right search is your niche , so if I do like dog training like this , it'll go through it'll go here to click , to research which will do all the , research on our keyword we could do the , domain names Google Trends pay-per-click , competition Google competition so it'll , show you the competition boom it'll show , you the trends boom it'll show you how , much per click what advertisers are , bidding boom it shows you different , words I mean this powered search tool is , like totally awesome and it'll find you , affiliate offers offer vault boom there , you go right so really cool our keyword , tool is really awesome and it's included , in simple sites , I should probably charge you extra for , it but I'm nice so Id on't so let's see , where did our chat thing go there we go , okay , here we go you guys like seeing the chat , on the screen I could make it fancy but , let's make it fancy okay there we go , okay what online or offline traffic , source would you use to start with an ad , to send them to a real estate offer as a , real estate lead reality get yourself a , high ticket niche and tell me your your , market do a lot in the real estate , market so get a high tech image and tell , me you want to be in that but short , answer would use keywords like house , price sand stuff like that and , Geo-targeted Anthony hi Marcus in the , simple sights plan is there any , additional products required one product , web hosting okay so you're gonna get web , hosting we show you how to do it it'll , cost about a hundred and seven dollars , for the year if you follow my directions , and they actually give you$W in paid , traffic coupons so it's almost like , better than free so you can test your , traffic on them which is cool so yeah , that's the only other thing you need , with my products is hosting okay , all right what sites do you suggest to , get affiliate offers from beside offer , vault intergalactic it depends on your , your target market so like your traffic , I'm gonna go like if I find out that , people are searching for you know how to , survive in the wilderness then I'm gonna , go to offer vault first if there's , nothing there I'll go somewhere else and , then I'm gonna do the research and , figure out where it is so you could , actually go tithe tool that Just , showed you and it'll find the offers for , you , I heard it's difficult to enter with , Affiliate Network no it's not it's very , easy , we actually guarantee acceptance tithe , networks with our programs so there you , go how much time does it take to become , successful affiliate marketer depends , on what you define success as I tell , people to start with like an hour a day , is independent affiliate and accurate , description of you yeah I'm an , independent independent affiliate , marketer okay Marie said his traffic on , YouTube was free good to know , do I use long tail keywords no I don't I , would suggest that you watch my video , last week's webinar on Google Ad words , Keyword tool the answer is in there okay , so use that I just , do I prefer Spiffy over Amazon , actually do not use either of them , unless I ha veto so I prefer affiliate , marketing over all of those read owned , says hello highroad own Ne ff says'm , awesome thank you for that Harry says , not dependent on affiliate sites yes I'm , an independent like I create my own , audience do you need not a res ponder hmm , in some niches you do and some you don't , alright so any questions while you guys , are getting signed up let me know and I , hope you guys enjoyed this I hope , there's alto of good value that you , guys go tout of this you know , understanding how it works so go ahead , and get your high ticket niche snow if , you get them go ahead and let me know so , that we can get you squared away how , about using both CPA offers and Amazon , affiliate marketing on one web site , that's a great idea if your niche if , your niche supports that okay obviously , you don't want to confuse them but if , your net supports it yeah absolutely , Josiah says Already have a website , where write about parenting can I use , your program to make my site profitable , Orin'd want to get different website , that was specifically designed to an , affiliate site um you can use your , current website is it on the blog , platform or what do you use and also , what I would suggest dude Josiah is get , a high ticket niche and tell show me , your other site and I'll make your high , ticket niche designed for your other , site so it'll get conversion sand stuff , Anthony if Already have a hosting is , it possible for simple sites to work , without my hosts yes it is you can use , your own hosts you just have to know , where to click the things which is , pretty easy I mean if you know your way , around pretty easy so yeah , Alvin says what's the best time to chat , for support I tried chat support we , actually had a trouble last week with , our live chat software so that might be , why I kept shutting off but yeah so yeah , Alvin you can get us on live chat I'll , be on after this call so if you guys , have any questions we can go for that , yes if you want to get in touch with us , on Facebook you can go to our Facebook , group you can go to Affiliate dude , and click the Facebook thing and you'll , be good to go , how long will the affiliate how long , will simple sites remain the original , Price plan on buying in July and in , July it will be the new price so get in , before even if you have to use the , payment plan which option is better to , start with affiliate marketing or a , Spiffy store if I want to star tone of , these personally I like starting with , affiliate muttonchops you know it , can work again you have to get your , traffic and stuff so you know each is , own is visit site and make site live on , Word Press same thing no make site live , makes it live because it means go to , your site support is a bit slow , sometimes it is but you know usually you , can answer within day or so unless , we're out and live chat is instant so if , you get us on there it's good did I get , a boat yet not yeti'm still looking at , them I'm not sure which one I want but , yes I might Henry says there's plugin , that automates Amazon affiliate sales , would you recommend it no I would not , automated sales is not two words that , want to go together because that plugin , does not know your market you know your , market so all that'seagoing to do is , regurgitated on ads on your site and I'm , gonna do much better if I'm like boom , here's the one aid want you to get is , there any alternative way for organic , traffic rather than Sayers there are , some you can get traffic on like , Facebook and stuff like that and we do , teach that as well do I use Obedience , blaster no I don't blaster all those , kind of things that do automated stuff , they're just gonna give you garbage it's , like borderline spam so do the work it , dozen't take that long do the work build , an audience and then you're gonna make , way more how much extra would you charge , would you have to pay for advertising , advertising you only buy if it converts , so you're not really paying for , advertising you're making off of , advertising right so yeah Oman you're , you're goo dread own says is there any , possible way to run Amazon based website , links using Facebook Ads there is a , possible way but the question is why , would you want to do it , I want to do the thing that makes me the , most money possible right like there you , go Maurice get simple sights bonus right , now and then put a support ticket as , soon as you buy it or get me on live , chat and tell me what the video is and , I'll help you make that work okay Julian , what are your thoughts on building , Amazon affiliate websites they're good , if the niche works like like you're , asking the question but you're putting , the cart before the horse right what's , my thought I'm building Amazon affiliate , website swell what are you gonna build , them about find your niche first okay , that's why I put those things in that , order what day am i receiving your call , I don't depends on what call for signed , up for a call you would schedule that , with Jennifer , what about sync lab haven't used sync , lab don'TKO about them I have a , technical use with CPA network I don't , know what you mean yeah I don'TKO , what that is all right so get yourself , signed up the high ticket niches I think , we have like couple of them left so , get in there get those again that is the , best way to get started just fill out , that form say Marcus here's what I want , to do here's the niche again that is , high ticket niches com tell us what kind , of market you want to be in and we'll , help you make it work fill that form out , click the button boom off tithe races , you're going to get instant access to , simple sites so you'll get that right , away okay so any questions as we go , along please sundeck a related tutorial , links subscribe to YouTube channel , and you'll get a lot of tutorials on , Facebook do you have to be verified to , have business business page that , promotes your website not usually they , might Val like checkout your email and , stuff but don't thin kit's like , anything crazy okay cool , so any questions I'll go for another W , minutes that'll put our webinar At , hours let's take some questions get some , questions okay last question can you , please take my name'm your biggest fan , yeah we'll put your name on the board , you could be our big fan for the day and , we could give away some stuff too if you , guys want to affiliate marketing dude's , shirt have some on the , Way and stuff like that so yeah let's , Karakorum victim number one fan today , there we go cool if you want your name , on the board and you're one of my fans , put it on there Id on't know if you call , me fans or students or whatever kind of , sounds weird to have fans but you know , to each his own okay so let's take those , there so yeah what's your question , Buckram to% lots were talking about , Amazon and the if anyone is on the , fence about getting either one would , highly recommend take the plunge and get , a high ticket niche he says that the , value alone and simple sites is worth it , so thanks for that Andy and he made us a , cool video got to do something with it , I'vie been way backed up and way tired , which is why Ilk tired and overweight , right now so I'vie been searching , everywhere on Word Press and still , can'make a site live what exactly do I , do you follow my directions you go over , to go hub site calm you follow the , directions very simple OK don't go , looking at other stuff follow those , directions and you'll be live how about , promoting offers through your own , mobile app it could work yeah I love , appose Moe's a fan all right mo good to , have you as a fan if you want to be a , fan type it up there everything like , that , Maurice says he's getting simple sites , bonus can't wait to see your YouTube , stuff actually love looking at what's , going on and everything like that , OK well do the shirt giveaway in a , little bit Henry is a fan all right , there is it Harry or Henry Harry all , right , Harry's a fan all right who else we got , if you're a fan and you want your name , on the board just type it in the box and , we'll go from there , Henry says oh Ni way more I'm the , biggest fang cool we'll have to get , you big shittiest is a fan okay , cool so keep and what we'll do is we're , gonna pick one of our fan sand we're , gonna give them a giveaway we'll give , them like a hundred bucks and shirt or , something or maybe we'll give someone a , hundred buck sand someone else's shirt , but your name has to be on the board , alright so colloq you use big , call-to-action buttons on your video , what CTR do you get on your YouTube , depends on the video some videos I make , just to , just to like bond with my audience some , of them I make to get to a site you want , to have a good mix all right Philippe , Philippe all right who else we go there , Ar if we got a lot coming in all right , Arafat who else is a fan here Tao , ta is a fan okay who else we got okay we , got way too many okay let's see , naive how do you how can you do your , analysis for your offers is it worthy or , enough want a simple offer that , converts very fast that matches my niche , this you will fin din the simple sites , course and you know she'll go in there , and or you'll go in there was reading , something you'll go in there and it'll , show you how to do what I call a direct , hit offer verses like around the beaten , path offer okay Laura says she's a fan , with years sober , congratulations am coming up on four , year sin May so cool stuff um let'SSE , naive is a fan hack is a fan Anthony , have a dozen website sand I paid for , traffic for one of them and it's hit , first page on Google but still no , purchases Anthony go get simple sites , bonus or a high ticket niche with that , you'll get support so go to simple site , Sabin's com fill out the form when , you're done get us on live chat say this , is my site here's how much traffic I got , here's where it came from what do I do , and I'll help you do it , okay our 7 is in a fan club I think he , said something about that we got Julian , I'm gonna need bigger whiteboard we , Katharine naive , Harpoon naive okay and we got slicer hey , cool name , slicer splat it wrong but it's a cool , name still anyway okay watch loads of , your videos over the last few months , been tempted to take the plunge many , times just little out of my price , range definitely brilliant to make it , work okay there's things in life that , will be out of you , quote-unquote price range but do what , you got to do right what if this could , be the thing that'll help you make money , like do you think if you did the work , high-ticket niche will make you a , thousand bucks like how many of you guys , disagree with that give you that's not , that hard to DOA thousand dollars a , month it'snot that hard again results , not typical guaranteed implied or , anything you probably won'make , anything nothing works but you know the , idea is hey can you do it if you get , simple sites even if you get on the , payment plan it's a hundred and twenty , seven bucks right do you think you can , make it under joint go get someone to , sign up for hosting boom there you go , you're paid back our like the GUI , showed how to do the he did like a forum , thing made bucks in like W minutes , or W or whatever it is so really cool , okay , cool we'vie got lots of people on here so , slicer get in there make it work show us , what you're doing we'll help you out , packed classics do you always include a , short form lead with a long form lead no , I choose one or the other , mo says hey I did't have the money but , I found it pawning stuff right that's , what you got to do when I first started , I at ea burrito and I had a giant coke , every day not the healthiest thing I had , some there's some issues but that's what , I did it cost Mae dollar at the local , place to get a burrito it wan't like a , fast food is actually a good place back , in Los Angeles to get good Mexican food , cheap and it's the best the bestir , missed that but here in Florid awe have , Cuban food which is pretty good not as , cheap but it'Good , Dan's a fan so that's what I Dido lived , on nothing I was like I'm gonna make it , work and I bought things that would help , me make it work and I bought hosting and , and back then Guarantee I was broker , than you are right now right I guarantee , it guarantee and I had nothing Iowas in , a mobile home there was drug addicts , living with Meir lived in the living , room was huddle din a space about this , big I had a big bunk bed because I had , to have people sleep on the bunk bed to , pay the rent in this mobile home that , was like apps I remember onetime one , of my roommates stole money from me , because was pizza delivery guy and , saved up bucks and they stole it but , you know that's how I lived and it , sucked but Fonda way if Icahn Fonda , way you can find a way , right think about it you don'Marcus I , don'thieve the money you got cable TV , you got cell phones you got internet , access you got all this stuff make away , make a way to make it work or don't , commit right you got to Fonda way to , make it work okay found a good paper , call niche that pays $W per purchase , easy it's actually not even W per , purchase it's a like a hundred bucks for , a W second phone call the guy calls , today's on the phone for W seconds you , get W bucks hey pretty cool hey I , did't have the money but I found it , pawning stuff cool thank you for , treating me like a stepchild you're , welcoming I hope I don'TKO my , step parents Warren't that great so yeah , it's his own hopefully I'm better than , that then the man a fan all right Dan is , a fan did we get do we got Dan okay , Kristi I got that one knife says what's , the best way to receive your money from , your offers wire I like doing wire , sometimes they'll do PayPal sometimes , they'll do something else but wires , fastest and pretty cool how much do you , earn approximately with affiliate , marketing it depends on the month it's , usually about W to percent of my , income slicer says getup in the bank , I doubt it find a way to get more right , find a way I don'TKO what a P is but , you know find a way to make it work when , you look at this you say what is the , upside right and you look at this and , it's like potential low side okay the , low side is a very small loss but you're , gonna be fine if that's all you'd lose , right you'll be fine but the upside like , think about the upside here we're , talking about some big numbers we're , talking about big things if you do it , and you work it and obviously by now you , guys know that I'm hereto help you , right you know it's like the dude stays , here and dozen'tavern turn the air on so , we can hear him okay in his office two , hour she makes these video she's here to , help us he's a lot of you guys have , talked to me on live chat if you have , talked tome on live chat just type live , chat in the box and that's how it works , all right you got to do that all right , red ones a fan okay who else we got here , we'll put Laura up there do I recommend , WIC sites Laura Laura okay that says , Laura no I don't , I recommend go to go hub site comm set , it up according to , instructions the reason is because all , of my tools are built on the platform , that we show you how to use so it's , really easy for those who need money , tried or - you don'TKO what that is , but okay two dollar hot dog in a drink , to save money maybe not the hot dog , maybe buy something little healthier , but you know okay most talked to me on , live chat the firm n is a fan from the , UK firm an okay cool all right so let's , do some giveaway sand then get you guys , signed up if you're signing up get the , high ticket niche if you can if no tat , least get simple sites start there and , then later you can upgrade buckram says , Cain start earning money from my first , month as an affiliate marketer yes when , you join today go to simple sites bonus , com sign up or go to high ticket niches , comm and sign up when you Joni want , you to ask me for the fast start guide , this is a W page guide that I wrote , that shows you it was designed back when , we sol dour course think there was a , course we had that was twelve hundred , bucks and the premise of this this book , was how do I make my twelve hundred , bucks back fast so the whole book is , about that like if you want to make it , back fast here's what you do , again not guaranteed blah blah blah , nothing's guaranteed but if I had to do , it this is what I do so that's really , good is simple sites an actual course , with documents videos plus tools yes , it's great when you get in there you're , gonna be like yes I see why Marcus is , going to make the price$1,W so you , want to sign up today , that way you don't ha veto pay the , higher one okay so let's pick someone , for the hundred dollar giveaway , I want everyone right now to type I want , you to take a minute and type the most , important thing that you learned on this , webinar okay most important thing type , it in her and says one thing I learned , you want your clients with you yes I , want you guys to do good I want to hang , out with you guys and be like hey we're , all making money we're all doing good , we're all helping people make the world , a better place , I have other sites which for Laura you , should check out our sober site I have , talked sober on YouTube you can find it , from talk sober , we have tons of videos about it that's , kind of like my labor of love I love , doing but I'm turning that into a , business too because it works Good , good so here's what people learned you , want to build your email list and make , it as white as possible traffic , consistency that you must have traffic , or forge tit good traffic and good offer , traffic what's a really great what a , really great teacher you are thank you , ta owning your traffic great Jeffrey , says traffic Moe says key word vanilla , says a commit yeah you got to commit , traffic alright so let's go ahead and , pick someone here let's see let's pick , okay we're gonna do the hundred dollars , first so let's pick someone how do we , how do we want to pick these we can like , Id on't know I don'thieve like a spinney , wheel or anything well we'll pick one , somehow and maybe'll just like do this , okay Melissa we'll put her up there too , okay , so what I'll do is I'll pick someone at , random'm gonna pick a number let's , pick the number nine , okay so nine for the hundred bucks one , two three four five six seven eight nine , alright so Harry is the winner of our , hundred bucks okay Harry is the winner , of our hundred dollars so for Harry what , you got to do to get that is you got to , go to our Facebook you got to join our , Facebook group okay you can go to , Affiliate dude calm and you can click on , the Facebook tab and boom you're off to , the races say you know what I won the , the hundred bucks or whatever and we'll , figure out how to get that alright so , now we're gonna go ahead yes I do need , to get some dart snow we're gonna go , ahead and pick a winner for the shirt , I'm gonna pick a number alright first , person to put an umber in the box there , you go and it could be your own number , two but it's the first person alright , three we got one two theremins is , going to get a shirt alright for Melissa , you're gonna go same thing you go to , affiliate dude calm let's pull that up , for you , so you're gonna go to yeah where'd it go , here you're gonna go to affiliate dude , calm you're gonna spell it right okay , you're gonna go here and you are going , to pick join our Facebook group click it , join the group say I won the shirt or I , won the hundred bucks and you're off to , the races , okay so that is for Harry and Melissa so , you guys are good Togo okay cool , now for those of you guys signing up , simple sites bonus com high ticket , niches calm , fill out the form click the payment plan , get in there say Marcus I want a niche , if you're signing up and you already , have a site or YouTube video or , whatever make sure you do that and then , come tell me about it I am going to go , on live chat right now so what you want , to do for live chat just scroll to the , bottom of this page click here okay so , if you want to upgrade or you just want , to say hi or whatever click this button , just say I want to talk to Marcus put , your name in the box put your question , in the box put your email and then boom , it's gonna start a chat and it will be , talking to me there you go alright so do , that but get signed up I have a couple , of the niches left and yeah so I think , that'sabot it I hope you guys enjoyed , our call today this is fun I think we , got a lot of good stuff did I deliver on , the promise of showing you guys how a , ten thousand dollar a day niche would , look and how it work okay hopefully if I , did give me at en and we'll take it from , there and also after this go ahead and , put some comments and thumbs ups and all , that stuff as Welland then we will take , it from there alright so go and where'd , we go , all right there's Dan's on the live chat , alright so you can go on live chat now I , got way too many windows open , where'd it go there we go okay cool all , right awesome , hope you guys enjoy edit looking forward , to having you guys for our new high , ticket Mitch people look forward to , seeing you in the members area if you , guys need an upgrade link just ask me , I'll take care of it and we'll go from , there thanks again for listening and I , will see you in the next webinar as soon , as I could find my off button here , alright talk to you guys soon high , ticket niches calm get signed up there's , a couple left see on the inside , subscribe if you're new