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hey guys what's going on this is Josh , elder from Joshua comm an din this video , we're gonna talk little bit about the , difference between network marketing and , affiliate marketing network marketing , has been given a bad name over the , course of the past few years because of , the way that people promote it you know , you can get started in a company for as , low as$W which is not a high buy-in , and people tend to not take businesses , seriously when they're paying such a , small amount so it leads to a lot of , spamming it leads Tao lot of bad , promotion it leads to just a , misunderstanding in the marketplace as , to what network marketing really is and , what affiliate marketing really is so in , this video obviously when I clear the , air want to help you make an informed , decision on which specific business , model is best for you so if you haven't , already make sure that you slam that , subscribe button'm uploading videos on , a daily basis teaching you how to build , a business and life full of freedom , passion and fulfillment so if you're , here for the first time please consider , subscribing okay so let's go ahead and , let's dive inhere let's first talk a , little bit about network marketing okay , I got started network marketing back in , you know just like most people that , get hyped up about network marketing , they see a triangle on whiteboard and , they just think that hey all I have to , do is get three people and those three , people will get three people and those , three people will get three people and , I'll be on a beach sipping out of , coconut sand I'll be rich and I won't , ha veto do anything for the rest of my , life and unfortunately we all know that , outdoes't work out like that to succeed , in network marketing it takes branding , it takes consistent action it takes , leadership it take steam building skills , right it takes influence which is what a , lot of people struggle wit hand so they , tend to number one get in and they get , their friends and family and they do , whatever it takes to get them in even if , it's sacrificing relationships because , they go to these hotel meetings and , they're all hyped up right they're all , built around how much , money you can make and not what the , product can do for you now good network , marketing companies are still around , today they focus on the product more so , than the opportunity because it's a lot , easier to maintain customer that loves , a product and somebody that'just in it , for the opportunity they can't make any , money and they just end up falling out , and they end up quitting because they , have the wrong expectations so let's , talk a little bit about the network , marketing business mod eland then we'll , talk about the affiliate marketing , business model think you guys will get , abettor understanding X as to what , this actually is because the thing , that's lacking in most people is , education right and this is just , marketed in the wrong way you know , network marketing has been tarnished , it's been around for a very very long , time where affiliate marketing is still , newer because the internet is still , newer so anyway it's not to get off , track let's get into network marketing , okay so the idea with network marketing , is that you get paid on multiple tiers , instead of just one tier okay so network , marketing for example I don'TKO , obviously have a whiteboard behind me , but hopefully you guy scan understand , this and get this if I was to recruit , Joe right Get a commission right now , if Joe was to go and recruit Susan Joe , gets a commission and I get a commission , that's two tiers okay now if Susan was , to get a new two member and she was to , get Kimberly right so Joe recruited , Susan Susan recruited Kimberly and I , will get I would get paid on all three , of those people three levels down at , different percentages so I would end up , making a commission off of everybody's , efforts and said just my own primary , efforts and the further that the tiers , go down the less money make but I , still make a portion of other people's , efforts and okay and there's different , there'obviously different compensation , plans , you know there's binary compensation , plans and and compensation plans that , get very very complex'm not one that , studies comments , in plans'm the type of guy that was , that's like if I believe in the company , if I believe in the leadership if I , believe in the products and the , opportunity as a whole will go out , there and take massive action I'm gonna , do whatever it takes that's just that's , just how I'm wired okay so that's what , network marketing is and alto of people , get worried because dang you know this , guy at the top is making all this money , off of my efforts well if you really , think about it most any business model , successful business model is set up that , way I don'CARE if you're you know , selling Apple products right I got my , laptop right here my Apple laptop I got , my Mac right here got my iPad right , here which everything on this side of , the room is Apple so the thing is is if , you work for Apple there's different , levels obviously there's there's , president there was vice president , there's regional managers there's , general manager sand there's employees , the ground level of the Apple stores , right and the CEO is making money on all , those levels right it's just that people , have a tangible product that Hans't been , tarnished that's marketed the right way , which is what most people don't do with , network marketing they don't know how to , market you don't know like I said brandy , where where Apple is very methodical , about their branding and about their , commercials and the way that they , portray themselves and at the end of the , day people will follow people they they , believe in right and they believe in , their vision whatever their vision is , people buy vision they don't buy , products because of a product more often , than not they buy products because of , the person that's associated with the , product okay that's going too far down , the rabbi thole but to really help you , understand the network marketing USN't , any different then for example having , your own Mac franchise or having your , own McDonald'franchise they're still , selling products and services and people , are getting paid in all different levels , it's just the way that the , this is marketed and most people are , promoting thin air or says promoting , what the product scan actually you know , do for people right and so the thing is , though you gotta understand those people , a lot of people will buy into the hype , and sometimes you attract good people , but for the most part you attract the , wrong people , so you'll notice even in some of my , Ben net videos in YouTube channel you , know some videos I'm promoting , screenshots I'promoting income results , but at the end of the Day understand , who my target market is and I don't do , that you know on and on and on and on , Right lot of times I'll reset every , once in awhile I'll show some you know , income update or some proof but I make , sure that people understand hey this is , to inspire you and not to show you that , you can just make money overnight so , anyways that'st he network marketing , business model now the affiliate , marketing business model it's basically , the same thing except you get paid on , one tear you don't get paid on multiple , tiers so when you really think about it , would you rather be able to make money , off of other people's efforts because , you're the one that's the leader you're , the one that's putting all your time and , energy and resources into coaching them , and helping them right so once you think , that you deserve to make some money off , of somebody else's efforts if you reach , down and help them shortcut years and , years and years off of the learning , curve so really the only difference , between affiliate marketing and network , marketing is that there'sine tear on , affiliate marketing there's multiple , tears on network marketing and different , compensation plans that's really what it , comes down to and then it'serially up to , you to brand yourself to be consistent , how the right mindset to have influence , and have leadership and that's really , what it comes down to so I wanted to , shoot this video not just for my , following because I know there's alto , of people on my different teams that are , skeptical and I hope this really clears , the air for you guys because you hear , these buzzwords like scam pyramid scheme , you know and a lot of times it's like , the blind leading the blind people are , just listening to other people without , actually thinking thoroughly about what , that actually , right what a pyramid actually is so I'm , not saying this to convince you those , people that arena't convincing if that's , a word can't be convinced right anyways , this for those people that may be kind , of on the fence that need to be pushed , over the edge towards belief that hey , this can work for me and that I can do , this so that's really who this is Fri , hope you guys got some some value from , this video and if you did please hit the , like button also subscribe you know I'm , always uploading videos Ina daily basis , and I'm always maintaining an authentic , point of view when Is hare these videos , right these are not scripted I'll just , turn on the camera and I go from the , head in the heart and I kind of just see , what I come up with so I hope you guys , truly get some value from my videos and , if you did please let me know in the , comments I really really appreciate it , and I'gonna continue to give you guys , value because that's my purpose that's , my passion I hope you guys get to the , next level and level up because you , deserve it so Josh oh they're signing up , also check out the resources section if , you want to see my top recommended , system that I'm leveraging to build an , income online part-time that's going to , be in the description below so check , that out and we will see you in the next , video take care .