The Best Way To Earn MULTIPLE Affiliate Commissions


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hey there Rachel Isle here in this , video I'm going to share with you what I , think to be the best way to earn , affiliate Commission's off of multiple , soft wares and tools and courses that all , work together so you make more , Commission's if someone needs a landing , page software they're also going to need , an email marketing software or maybe web , hosting or maybe other little tools to , improve whatever their goal is so the , key is finding similar offers to go with , that so that's what I'gonna share with , you if you are brand new to affiliate , marketing and just curious about it or , you'vie been doing this for a while be , sure to subscribe to my channel because , I putout what Think to be pretty good , content not so much fluff like to make , it good content so I'gonna um share my , screen soon to show you Little bit , about what I'talking about and I want , to let you know with affiliate marketing , that's when you make commission off , the sale of something that you promoted , and you can promote anything you can , promote weight loss pills you can , promote snoring stuff you can promote , cameras from Amazon you can promote , books personally like to promote , different affiliate offers that have to , do with internet marketing and affiliate , marketing and make money online and I , know it sounds kind of like meta but we , need these tools anyway for our , affiliate marketing business running , whatever offer you're running so I just , kind of keep it simple I don'talkie , things to be too confusing'm like well , how about I specialize in promoting , affiliate marketing training's or online , marketing training's and software's or , automation tools anything that has to do , with like internet marketing make money , online so I'gonna show you guys let's , see I'm using um OBS so let me make my , face a little smaller put myself , and recording how about that um if you , go to affiliate business in a box comm , this is a system that I created where , you make affiliate Commission stuff like , eight different you can make affiliate , Commission's off like eight different , things so it says when we're ready to go , online business with the proven , potential to earn up to over four , thousand dollars or more that is true I , make more than that from this instant , download so you get the duplicate , website in the system it should take you , under two hours it's for beginners , step-by-step tutorials and bonus support , so you or let's say the person you share , this duplicate system with would , enter their name and email and then they , would get tithe next page that has the , steps and this is what I give you guys I , give you guys this system so you just , share this system and you can leave , everything the same except switch out , your affiliate links so as my videos are , explaining how the system work sand , teaching your person you brought to be a , better affiliate marketer and make , Commission's you want credit for all the , software's that and tools I recommend in , here so this first section is just how , it works'm kind of explaining it right , now it's gonna teach you to set IPA , landing page grow an email list set up , email automation do all the tech to get , everything live how to send traffic so , if you're thinking right now Oh what do , Even freak in do with this that's what , these videos share and they're short , videos they're like about ten minutes , little over ten minutes each one so the , first part there's basically three parts , of it three main parts part one is , setting up the website you need a , website you need some you need this but , you need to under your domain then you , want to put your affiliate links so , that's why they show you how to do in , that step you get affiliate commissions , from click funnel sin this system in the , video recommend the $W a month , version which I's% affiliate , commissions so that's for each person , that is using this under your link every , month that's $W so for the , year that's like$W they also might , decide to upgrade to the of month , version and that's $Commission's , every single month the next I give you , the website template to import show , you in the video to edit the disclaimers , I share with you how to get a domain for , Go Daddy , I don't have a Go Daddy affiliate link , CZ it's not great Commission's but I'll , share with you guys where else you make , Commission's on here so you get the site , live each step I say how many minute sit , takes next up is the email marketing , this you're gonna get its G sweet pays a , fifteen dollar affiliate Commission for , every new person you bring on um , convert kit , it's about like eight dollars a month if , someone just gets started Weber it's , about a six dollar Commission every , single month of each person but as they , grow their online business their bill , grows the more subscribers they have so , then the more money you make from that , teach you guy sin this video how to set , this UPI give you email automation , email sequences that will make you more , commissions you just copy and paste that , so I give you all the steps in the video , so there's Afro now we're at four , places you can get affiliate commissions , from this part I like this part this is , the driving traffic you can drive , traffic in different ways honestly like , by me making YouTube video'm driving , traffic now so might use your video but , in the system Is hared with you how to , drive traffic through solo ads it's a , fast way to drive traffic you buy clicks , and you get commissions from click so I , will get some commissions from the , clicks you buy but as you spread this , system switch out your links so then you , get commissions when other people buy , traffic click magic it's for link , tracking so you can see which source of , traffic is getting you the best results , this pays good commission so now we're , at five six six places you can make , Commission's from share with you , exactly what to do exactly how to do it , just watch the ten minute video , and implement and then okay this is what , Ire ally like after people run the , system I have advanced step sand that's , where you can be more customizableyou , can customize the system if you want , don't suggest you do that at first until , you really get it but down here is cool , because you can put affiliate links to , these other things too like email swipes , a mini course that Created coaching , calls you can watch this video and see , exactly how to do that and you can , decide like oh do I want to put an , affiliate link to some other course or , some other upstart you think would , be better , it's totally customize I just really , in love with the system I'vie been doing , something similar like I'Head other , variations of this throughout the past , yea rand I keep improving it and I found , this to be the most comprehensive but , easy-to-follow system that gets you the , most Commission's so to check that out , go to affiliate business in a box com , I'll also put a link in the description , of this video and Would just love if , you subscribe to my channel and push the , bell icon and so you're notified when I , put out new videos try to put out good , stuff and leave a comment in the , comments of any questions you have or , ideas also for more videos that you , would like to see okay I'll talk with , you guys soon .

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