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in this video I'm going to share with , you three must-haves for affiliate , marketing if you are an affiliate , marketer you need these three things you , do not want to not have these three , things or your affiliate marketing , business will not work my name is Rachel , s Lee and this channel is all about , affiliate marketing online marketing , passive income automated online business , all this fun stuff so if you're into , that kind of stuff like I am be sure to , subscribe Tommy channel and turn on the , notification sand I'm super excited to , share with you guys this content okay so , number one thing that you for sure have , to have are offers Oran offer they , offer is something you have to be , selling something and I know that sounds , so obvious like okay well do Rachel like , I need an affiliate offer but you want , to make sure that you pick Good one , because if you waste time getting to , know what the product is or program is , that you're going to be selling and , marketing and you even invest in it and , then you send out emails and you get the , word to it and then you find out it , dozen'tavern convert or did't make you , that much money or it'just a crappy , offer and crappy product and then you'vie , tied that to your name you don't want to , do that you want to make sure that you , are promoting offers that align with , what you stand for and your values so , for me I'm in the online marketing niche , mixed with make money online and online , software's so I will promote things I'll , show you I'm going to show you on one of , my pages like a resources page this is , just some stuff that I promote so like , landing page software email marketing , software link tracking software traffic , place little plugins there's some , different plugins that work for some of , the other software's that promote so , it's kind of like little up sells , I have a bunch of like training programs , that got from inside ofclickfunnels , or my own or I promote a lot of my , friends courses also like my colleagues , stuff or I'll even promote their free , webinars or their freebies their lead , magnet sand then after it's still , attached to my affiliate link so I just , got to promote free training hey , everyone go check out this free training , or this free training and then later and , the funnel the funnel will close them , for me so I don'thieve to be doing that , much selling so I like offers like that , that'just kind of a taste of the , offers that promote but there's a lot , of courses on here too that promote , and software's click funnels is a , big one though I really like promoting , click funnels because it pays good , commissions W% recurring every single , month so when you're looking for an , offer if if you can pay every single , month instead of Justine time that's , cool you get to stack that up click , funnels does have some offers that do , pay you one time but like higher ticket , also so and I use it like this website , this page is built on click funnels , give I get it give share funnels away so , I give you guys my templates and my , funnels that I'm using'll show you , here this is like my click funnels page , a funnel I put together to promote click , funnel sand I include bonuses if people , buy from my link if they buy like the , big package the W , or there's even have to like a$3,W , package or even if it's just there on , the $W a month still give them , bonuses it helps make my offer sweeter I , already have great offer just like to , give extra incentive for them to use my , link so that's are ally great strategy , is crafting your own offer or like , presenting the offer in your own way so , instead of like hey everyone just go , watch this video about what this email , marketing software does you make avid , showing what it does , another offer that I promote is builder , all I really like this offer it is also , a landing page sales funnel software and , it has a different affiliate Commission , structure it's a lower ticket item it , dozen't cost as much money per month as , click funnels , and it pays just W% Commission's on , your tier one , where'click funnels is paying , percent commissions on tier one but , builder is paying percent , commissions also on your tier two , whereas click funnels it'five percent , commissions on your tier two so that , makes this a really leveraged system , make money every month from builder all , on my tier one people who are signed up , directly under me I'm making recurring , commission sand a hundred percent , Commission's on the first month they , sign up which is great but also every , month'm getting paid thirty percent , commissions off thirstiness that they , got a lot of people in my audience that , would be using these types software's , are also affiliate marketers so yes my , Tier insignia's are growing but my tier , two signpost growing even more rapid , because my Tier one people are also , promoting builder all as an affiliate , offer'll put my affiliate link to , builder all in the description below and , then again to sweeten up the offer add , bonuses bunch of bonuses give you , guys like full free course if you'Reno , my team emails to promote my entire , strategy of how I promote private , Facebook group group coaching want to , see you win because I want to see you in , but also I have that percent , incentive to see you in there are so , many offers to promote online so I also , don't want you to get overwhelmed , something I'vie done in the past is say , I'gonna promote this about that and , I'promoting everything and like then I , don't promote it that good so just stick , to like couple things at first think , this is a good combo actually if you go , to affiliate business in a box comm I , a done-for-you system but you still have , to do it it's a duplicate system that , teaches you how to set up your affiliate , marketing business funnels emails start , driving traffic start growing your , online business so you guys can get that , at affiliate business in a box column , I'll put that in the description below , and it uses software's kind of like , these ones that have right in the , screen you can't see this one okay so , the second thing must have for affiliate , marketing is traffic you need traffic , you have an offer great you have your , affiliate link ready you even have a , funnel up you even have the automation , set up and the emails set up in the , whole system ready to go you need , traffic there's a lot of places you can , get traffic lot of ways to get traffic , some take more time some take more money , some take both and blend I'm getting , overwhelmed talking about it right now , but there's a lot of fun traffic sources , and that'shy I want you to do is find , what's fun for you and what works for , you what is fun for you is gonna be the , one that works for you because you'll , stick with it long enough to make it , work so here's some that worked pretty , well for me and try every day to make , it work even better and try to get more , traffic whether it's organic or paid so , this right here is a screenshot of my , Facebook groupie have Facebook group , call it influence affiliate marketing , make money online with Rachelle's it's , a long name you know for keywords in , there and as you can see below it says , four hundred sixty three people want to , join the group every single day people , are requesting access to join this group , like all the time like I'm getting , notifications per this person wants to , join the group they want to join the , group but I don't approve everyone , that's why there's so much pending , really only get like W new people I , think in the group every day so that's , good traffic because they'll see offers , in my group they'rein my group see my , post hopefully Icahn tag them in the , once they're in the group , maybe they'll see my live streams but , also when people are requesting access , to join the group Ask three questions , one is what are you hoping to get out of , the group it's like I want to know , number two do you promise not to spam in , the freaking group and number three it , says optional enter your email and I'll , send you like a training so if they , don't fill out the first two questions I , don't let them in the group because , those are required questions but about , half the people that fill out any , questions they also enter their email so , I get maybe like ten or fifteen maybe , even more some days more sometimes like , twenty twenty-five eat new email , addresses every single day that goes in , Tommy email autoresponderanother in my , group they're getting my emails try to , get them on my chat but where you target , them everything but having your own , Facebook group is a great way to get , traffic using this strategy you also , want to engage the group the reason that , people are fine in the group is because , Facebook is showing it in the suggestive , group tab for the most part some of you , guys find out about it through YouTube , which by the way there is a link in the , description below and I would love for , you to join in Facebook I feel like just , so much different stuff is going on on , Facebook versus YouTube so for those , that are with mien both places I , appreciate you so much and appreciate , all of you so Otis important to post , engaging content in your group or you're , just gonna have a dead group with like , dead people like peppering't going to , be interested they're not going to want , they're gonna turn off the notifications , in a group and not want to be a part of , it and not see things so that'shy I , live stream often in my group or I post , things post questions post my YouTube , videos I could do a lot better at being , engaging in the groupie would maybe have , ten times the more people in the group , and I would probably be making five , times more money the number of people in , my group is correlated Tommy income it , dozen'mean it has to be correlated but , I there's a nice correlation between it , I could grow the group using paid , methods , running ads to the group or talking , about the group more even just putting , the talking about it like in the YouTube , sending traffic from YouTube to the , group but what I also do is I go into , other groups I engage in other groups I , meet so many great people I put together , really cool business deals things that , like you don't see online other people , doing because it'behind the scenes , stuff with really great amazing , affiliate marketers also groups are tied , to my personal page actually let me show , you that so here's a screenshot of my , friend page so I don't have like the , full five thousand friends yet that's , okay you max out at that but you can get , followers you turn on your followers so , my total audience for just this like , Facebook friend page is I can't do math , W so take W something so that's , really cool in addition to having people , in the group so when I do a live stream , on my page or a posit get more eyeballs , on it and it's free I'm not like paying , for that my Facebook friend page also is , you know setup in a way where it is , pretty businesses like my business , endeavors and put links and Ital , about business and it's also connected , to my business page my like page and , from my like page I post stuff it , dozen'Tet like great organic , visibility bu tit still gets stuff that , I post there organically it still gets , views but I also do paid ads I'll show , you this is just screenshot of an ad , that have running it's like a video ad , and it's targeting some different , audiences it's doing some re targeting , and I also have a link in the , description of the video and that link , is a lead magnet it's a freebie it's , like it's a free mini-course and it goes , to my chat bot my Facebook chat but and , then from the chat bot I send them to , the mini course where then I get their , email we want to get people on all , fronts to be omnipresent , I know right NOW am talking about , personal branding things like I have a , personal brand but this is the same even , if you don't have a personal brand or , you're using some other type of Brandi , actually do have other brands you guys , just maybe don'TKO about them I don't , I'm still like developing them they're , not as strong as my personal brand , because I'vie been working on that one , for a while but I'm starting to build , other brands that are are not , necessarily like me as a face but maybe , like a little cartoon either way , whatever your brand you can be using , strategies similar to this something , they don't have to even be these , strategies I am also just going over , traffic methods right now for affiliate , marketing and Facebook Ads can work even , just two products online courses getting , people on sales calls getting people to , go into store even if you're an , affiliate though for something else even , like a physical product you can use , Facebook Ads in different ways so , Instagram as a personal brand I just , like just be myself just have my life , don't make it super business he Id on't , really put like tutorials on my ins ta , story I'll let people know when I have a , YouTube video up I'm not using , Instagram like the best that I could be , bad maybe there's something you could , learn fr omit I just put like regular , life style my life on it and then I'm , just pointing traffic right now to , YouTube but I could also send people to , an email opt-in page Ora chat bot it's , just not how I'm using Instagram at the , moment do I still make more money online , because have an Instagram yes I think , I do , I have people damning me asking me , things people replying to mainstay , stories business people following me , people actually clicking the link in my , bio and people just feeling more like , connected to me as a person so more , likely if they're seeing my post and , Instagram and then they get the email , from me they'll be more likely to be , like oh I know that girl I'm gonna open , the email also have a string of , different quote accounts that I use I'm , probably not using those the best that I , could be when you're going to try , different track , Met hos you can't like do them all at , once would start getting really good , atone so for me it was like organic , Facebook in the groups and now my focus , really is YouTube and paid ads'll just , go over that soon and I'm like and , Instagram and everything I know we want , to do everything want to do everything , but it's a journey so I do have mean I , don'TKO why I'm complaining there's , 4,W followers on here in the post get , likes but it has four resulting in like , quality leads to buy things'm still , trying to crack that code , so for me I'ms till trying to send more , traffic to the YouTube through Instagram , because Think I connect well with , people when they get to the YouTube , channel so paid ads I'm not going to , like go in and show you guys exactly how , I'm running my ads I don't even know , exactly how I'running my ads like I'm , working with the team I have a team and , I hire people and that'just how I , chose to run my business but whether you , want to do this all on your own and , really study it or you want to invest in , getting help or coaching or whatever , it's still so important to still know , what's going on even if you're having , other people help you with ads you , really it's still your business as an , affiliate marketer so you need to know , your numbers so search ads that's like , Google Ads , being as when people are searching for , something maybe they're searching for an , offer or like at hey're searching for , conductible you can't really do that , actually direct see it's hard doing , direct linking for certain products , which is why paid ads strategy you got , to match up the right type of ad with , the right type of offer and something , that people would even be searching for , anyway display ads is a little different , display are just like images that can be , re targeting people interested in , different things , and then video ads you like YouTube ads , video ads that are even showing upon , Facebook Orin displays and app ads are , really big now too especially with the , targeting your re targeting people , and they're on a , different app and then they see your ad , I am not there yet when I do get there , will update you guys on how that's going , OK another type of traffic is solo ads , that is very popular in the make money , online niche affiliate marketing work , from home online marketing training's , tools software's , business opportunities Bitcoin like a , bunch of different types of vendors on , edemas I'll put my affiliate link in , the description below and if you want to , see if there's people that you could , test buying traffic from I really do , highly recommend yummy as a safe , place to do that but you still have to , test so what you'redoing with this is , paying for clicks they have a list and , you buy a hundred clicks they will send , out your email or help you write up an , email that gets clicks to your landing , page or sales page or offer or whatever , Otis with solo ads you are getting fast , traffic like you're getting fast traffic , but it's not the warmest traffic it's , very cold traffic these people don't , know who you are what your offer is but , you do now have their email also like , not for everybody bu ta good offer , would get if you're sending them to a , landing page you would want to get like , at least W%or W% of the people , actually giving their email but to open , rates on these emails they do decline , overtime especially if you don'thieve , strong email marketing game but I'vie , seen lot now with solo ads to people , using them to get people on their BOTS , or get them also pixel ed with the , Facebook pixel and then re targeting , Google pixel and then display ads , redacting are a lot of ways to , make the most of your traffic okay this , one Id on't got screenshot but blog , SEO in YouTube SEO SEO website SEO it's , great you can have niche sites blogs , articles things posted on different , types of blogging things clinking , or meeting , calm and then YouTube SEO having your , video show up in Google and on YouTube , because the keywords were so good , I am definitely all abuts it takes , longer it dozen't have to take that long , but for certain keywords like it does , take longer and it's still an investment , bu tit's like a lot and it's along-term , investment but it's something that can , be very profitable if you're proud of , your revenue does exceed the expenses , and you can wait to get the results , SEO brings in alto of warm people , because people were already searching , for something they were already , interested in it , and they see your organic content that , wan'tavern sponsored wan't paid to be , an ad in front of them they felt like , there with their research they stumbled , upon your content themselves and if your , content is good and helps them guide , them through their buying decision , that's how you make sales as an , affiliate marketer using Spooky the , third must-have for affiliate marketers , and I say it's amused-have but it's kind , of not but it kind of is like if you are , paying money and time to get all this , traffic and lead sand people interested , in your offers but then you're not , following up it'just dumb people do , not buy always on the first time then , you need to see something multiple times , and they need follow-up and we like to , automate that in affiliate marketing so , here's just screenshot of an email , sequence that I have when people opt , into the business Ina box affiliate , business in a box they get these emails , and like every day or every couple days , they get an email and then I keep track , of my open rate sand my click rates I , see how many people are unsubscribing , also try to get them on a Facebook , Messenger chat bot sequence and then I , do follow-up through there too and then , as I talked about before re targeting ads , to me it'still a form of follow-up , people viewed a page they viewed your , offer and we are following up with them , by chasing them around on the internet , with our ads in the most helpful way of , course so I hope this video , gave you guys a lot to think about and , things to get started on perhaps you , need to start getting some different , offers or you just need to offer period , maybe you don'tavern have any offers so , check out the ones I talked about before , below I'll link everything below maybe , you're struggling to get traffic or , nailed down a method that's really , working for you I hope you got some , ideas from the traffic methods that , showed you and take action on start , trying thing sand seeing what works for , you and then if your follow-up game , needs to be better hope this video , motivated you to work Moreno your email , sequences I give you guys lot of email , sequences for well for certain things , like for for the affiliate business in a , box I give you email sequences for my , builder all team I give you the email , sequence sand then I also have something , called an email survival kit which has , some other cool offers I did't show you , on here that I promote and it also comes , with the email sequences for you to plug , in to your transponder so you can , start selling these offers and then , everyone that's in my private course and , group coaching program daily commissions , Club gets the email survival kit , included plus everything else that I , shared my business , tons of funnels strategies weekly , group coaching so I'll put info on that , also daily Commission's , in the description blowout guys I'm , putting out a bunch of videos I am on a , Content Marathon so I would love for you , to subscribe to the channel turn on the , notification sand let me know in the , comments what are some things that you , learned in this video that you are gonna , get started on I would love to know and , I'll see you guys on the next video I , appreciate you so much see you next time