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affiliate links we're gonna look at ten , places you could put affiliate links for , Amazon affiliate niche sites'm gonna , try to show you specific places we're , like really good web sites are using , these as much as I can so I can't show , every single example but I'll do as many , AIs can so that you can see like in , real life where people are putting links , my name is Doug Kuomintang the , founder of niche site project Talked , about Amazon affiliate marketing , productivity and project management , before we dive in I want to mention that , I do full tear downs for many of the , sites so I'll place links to those , videos so you can see the tear downs for , the various sites we're gonna take a , look At look at different products and , it kind of gives you an overview of you , know different things that are good and , or bad for different sites so without , further ado let's take look at the ten , places you could put affiliate links for , your Amazon affiliate site number one , we're gonna look at the wire cutter in , the first place you can put affiliate , link sis in your first paragraph so the , wire cutter is anew York Times Company , as you can see at the top this is one of , the sites that I'vie reviewed couple , times so thing that we see right off the , bat is Just arbitrarily chose this , review the best sheets and you see they , have not one but two affiliate links , right here and that'just in the first , paragraph so that is a great place to , catch the people that are in a hurry now , sure this is a long review many many , thousands of words but some people just , want to see the top couple picks and , they don't want to read the whole thing , so the first paragraph it's a great way , to serve those visitors number two is , captions so we're gonna take a look , again same review just further down the , page we can see that the wire cutter has , some captions they have basically a , featured product box here it's their own , custom box you could come up with your , own if you want to but basically they , have a text link we can sort of think of , this ass caption and this is an , affiliate link now quick note this is an , aside not part of the caption links but , this button is a link the image is a , link so just in this featured called out , area they have you know captions they , have different colors they have a blue , box red text buttons there's many things , calling things out here there'many , areas to call things out he rebut I , think captions are underutilized and , personally I don'Tues buttons but I , often will put an affiliate link in the , caption not unlike the wire cutter , number 3 we're gonna jump over to , another site called thank your skin and , again this is another site I'vie reviewed , so be sure to check out the link where I , go deep and as you can imagine you know , check out this beautiful shiny head I , don't use shampoo so I thought it'd be , funny to look at the best shampoo , article here and look at tables so there , are a couple things as we scroll down , that we could point out here so you can , put in your table affiliate links and , this is a great area to put affiliate , links now these specific areas that , jumps down to you know the different , posts and stuff but basically this table , is a way to put an affiliate link so you , could place a button if you want to to , check the price of course this is a , great way to entice someone to go click , this link get cookie go over to Amazon , because there's intrigue there right you , want to know there's curiosity you want , to know how much it cost additionally , another cool thing here is they don't , put an image right so thank your skin , dozen't put an image here and that means , that you may be curious on what it looks , like so they don't do this here but , number the fourth ti pis if you place , the column in here or even in the awards , section if you just had a little call to , action that says see image on Amazon , again it serves the curious visitor that , wants to know what it looks like sure , Shampoo it's probably in a bottle who , really cares what it looks like but if , it'something else like sheets or a , pair of shoes or a digital camera or , something people care what it looks like , and they want to see the image so if you , put a call to action that serves that , it's a great way to make someone click , that link and really be curing , about what it looks like number five , images so we're gonna look at football , snack helmets again Avery popular , review this is actually public case , study so if you want more information on , it be sure to check out the full tear , down and potentially some more , information about this sit ewe'll take a , look at the Cleveland Brown snack helmet , which is my wife's favorite team you , know it's just a family team that they , follow so as we scroll down this link or , that sorry this image over here USN'ta , affiliate link but they do have this , feature box down here this is an , affiliate link even though the image is , cut off that is a place you can put an , affiliate link now me personally Id on't , usually make an image the affiliate link , but it is an option some people click , them number six is to place a call to , action sort of at the end or beginning , of a section that is what this is again , on Cleveland browns snack helmet , review page this is a call to action get , Cleveland browns snack helmet on , amazon and it's in a larger font it's i , would maybe make it a different color to , make it standout a little bit more but , it's larger and you could tell that it's , a link so that's great way to place , the affiliate link number seven is to , place your affiliate links in the , sidebar so this is another really , best-in-class , type site outdoor gear lab here and you , will see a specific review for the , mountain hard wear cloud seeker jacket , there are affiliate link sin the sidebar , here so they have price listed for , different affiliate programs that , they're part of and you can see the , their affiliate links so you can compare , the prices take a look they obviously , have ANSI or some sort of programmatic , way to pull the pricing here to adhere , to the Terms of Service for the , different programs but the sidebar is a , great way to you know place it , especially you know this is a pretty , long review thousand sand thousands of , words but maybe you're just interested , in seeing the best price and you can get , to it quickly right here number eight is , an end , post call-to-action or widget so again , we'Reno outdoor gear lab or on a , different jacket but this specific , review I won't scroll through the whole , thing basically there are not many , affiliate link son these reviews for , specific products there's a link in the , sidebar like was showing you before , but they don't put too many affiliate , links and what they do instead is they , have this box at the bottom and you , could checkout again different , retailer sand this is an affiliate link , here you could also like go using this , butt onto see it right quick call to , action you could place your affiliate , links at the end of the post the , advantage is you know if someone read , this multiple thousand word piston a , specific jacket or whatever the product , is you know they're really interested in , it so if they make it all the way down , here they're probably interested in , buying the product somewhere great place , to put it I would maybe pita couple , other affiliate links like in the places , were mentioning such as you know at the , end of section just to give people if , they're sol don it they can get over to , it easier these are really long reviews , so I think outdoor gear lab knows what , they'redoing they have an early call to , action up at the top like I was showing , and then they have on eat the bottom to , number nine is back to football snack , helmet sand they are utilizing this , right here so this is pretty cool this , is an Amazon native and you can see it's , really well formatted they're using you , know the stock image from Amazon the , price is listed you can see if it's , prime or not and you also seethe number , of reviews so all this information is , pulled through an ad system that's , created by Amazon so you know it's , adhering to all the policies with Amazon , Associates that's one of the big fears , that people have that they are listing , the price and they're not supposed to or , using an image that they're not supposed , to or listing the number of reviews or , something like that this takes care of , it and you can see ads by Amazon right , here you can tell it's a native ad and , these are responsive they work really , well you always know that you , not violating any Terms of Service these , little pieces of code these little ad , segments that you could put inhere you , could place those anywhere you want and , they're responsive and look good on a , mobile device or an iPad Ora table tor , whatever so you know they're gonna look , alright no matter what the person is , viewing the web page on number ten is , something I could'find anywhere so , let's go to like big screen again number , ten is a rarely used technique but super , effective to get a high click-through , rate you put a call to action somewhere , in your review that says see real , reviews on Amazon and you can link , directly to the Amazon review page for , that product and that's one of the huge , values with Amazon is you could actually , see like reviews from actual owners , verified owners too so that's a very , powerful call-to-action so I'd like to , put this in my user impression section , and you know you can't quote or copy the , information from Amazon reviews but you , can link to it and that'SA Agana , great call to action I could'find it , anywhere specifically on websites to , show you but that's a great way to get , people over really high click-through , rate on those kind of links and it's a , great way to add an affiliate link to , your post again my name is Doug , Huntington if you're interested in , learning more about Amazon affiliate , marketing and productivity and project , management please subscribe to the , channel question of the day where do you , put your Amazon affiliate links anything , that I missed any tip sand by the way be , sure to take look at the comments , below some of the best ideas come from , the community that's you and yeah just , check it out thanks for watching , you .